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Old 08-05-2020, 09:44 AM
Tann Tann is offline
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Default Ubuntu tethered connection woes, proxy, pdanet, etc..

I play tethered using my tmobile cellular service, which was all fine on windows because I could use PdaNet+ to hide tether usage but this doesn't work (well) on Linux. Some other programs like EasyTether are supposed to work but I couldn't get it to, possibly the fault of my stock Xaoimi phone (it blocks some usb security stuff).

I found a reddit post on how to connect PdaNet wifi by changing some network proxy settings which makes my internets work fine BUT now p99 throws an "error timed out" when I try and login.
Go to Settings -> Network -> Network Proxy. Then pick Manual method.

Set all values (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, Socks) : with 8000 port.

Then "Apply system wide". Connect to the wifi from pdanet+.

I assume the proxy stuff above is causing the issue with p99, I tried using middlemand but that works for all about 10 seconds then the terminal outputs "Error: 1". This does get me to "connecting to servers" at least in p99 before it says it cant connect.

ideas? or should I just go back to win10 ><
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