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Old 10-20-2022, 01:36 AM
Solist Solist is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 656

There is no more important stat for a cleric than CHA.

Unless you're a raiding cleric, or exclusively do content where your manapool to CH is the primary focus. Otherwise you're a complete waste of time like a petless mage, or a dps warrior using a shield in an xp group to not be max cha. Absolutely hamstrings the class into doing healing only, which for the vast amount of content is the least efficient way to play.

Cleric's a very active class. It gets worse and worse the more reactively you play it; all the way down to sitting in a wall pressing CH in order (ie, the soul destroying shittiest way to play/a nessesary evil).
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