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Old 11-17-2015, 01:49 PM
Gongshow Gongshow is offline

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Default Abolish Enchantment (Abashi's Rod of Disempowerment)

Currently, the Abashi click isn’t functioning as it did on live. It’s close, but not entirely there. The reason Abashi was so deadly in PVP was not only because it was a clicky (no recast delay, unlimited charge), but because of the perfect storm of effects that the Abashi brought forth:
  1. 250 Range Dispell Click (This is currently working in game, or at least close enough to 210+, making it the longest dispel click in game – that’s good.)
  2. Dispell Beneficial Only (This means Abashi skips detrimental debuffs like Rapture, Malo, Tash, Dots, etc. This is currently working in game – good.)
  3. Dispell said beneficial buffs, RANDOMLY. (This is currently not how it behaves in game, and Abashi is only taking the TOP 3 beneficial.)
This is how I remember it back in ’01-02 on Tallon Zek. Thanks.

Kidding. Here is a bunch of comments (with sources) – mostly complaining about Abashi. Some of these comments are from longstanding PVP players on the Zek servers – some have even played, or still play here on P99.


This rod is more overpowered than Wristband of Secrets was. Abashi's Rod casts a 3 slot dispell which hits random and ONLY beneficial buffs.
Abashi's Rod doesn't compare to any class' spells, not even enchanters'. You know how clickies are important to a pvper? Like we keep the insta-buffs on the top of our bufflist and click our clickies when we get dispelled. Get this : Abashi's Rod dispells 3 r-a-n-d-o-m buffs. It negates all efforts to keep your buffs up by going behind your clicky buffs, do you understand this concept of how clickies work?
There is a big difference between a debuff that takes all your buffs in 20 seconds and a debuff that strips nothing more than your instaclicks no matter how many times it is cast... Most spells are balanced around cast and recast times as well as the effectiveness of the actual effect. Abashi's Rod outclasses every other debuff spell there is in the game by a huge amount due to the combination of low cast time, zero recast time and brutal effect.
Dispells are countered by instaclicks, that's the norm in pvp. Abashi's make instaclicks worthless. Other dispells don't render all your buffs null and void.
Countering dispell with insta-clicks is an exploit. Some smart guy figured out that if you have enough insta-clicks you can bury your real buffs under trash buffs and be immune to one of the primary weapons that certain casting classes bring to bear. It's exploiting the way that the game is implemented, instead of playing the game. Frankly, I'm supprised that they haven't altered dispell to work like abashi's does to stop the exploit. So when someone with an abashi's dispells you, they actually dispell you.
I say, un-nerf the wristband of secrets, make it dispell "any slot" ( that includes detrimental effects as well as buffs ) and re-code pumice stones to work the same.
Here we go again comparing Abashi's dispell to other dispells. Have you not yet understood that Abashi strips 3 random buffs? And does so at an incredibly fast rate, 3 sec cast/zero recast. If you stand and cast your **SMURF**ty annul magic on him you will manage to strip his top slot clicky buffs while he strips you of everything you got. Golem wands are decent but do not compare to Abashi, they don't have infinite charges nor do they dispell random buffs, ie. can be countered by clickies. Bard dispell just takes your two top slots, easily countered by clickies.
This item needs to be nerfed because it is too overpowered. I wouldnt mind it if it didnt skip buffs, but it a 3 beneficial buff dispell. Thats just completely ********.
because it is 3 random buffs . Blubies need to get off these boards!!
As stated above, Abolish Enchantment is only more effective, not better. Pillage is a 4slot dispell while Abolish is only 3. One's random one is semi-random. Yes I've had pillage skip a slot now and then.
Abashi is not counterable by clickies, that's the point and you have to be ******** to not get that by now.
Yes abashi can be countered by clickies. If by countering it you mean make it completely useless and block all it's negative effects then no but about 70% of my buffs stripped by abashi are just my clickies. If the person continues to chain cast it sure I"ll lose all my non-clicky buffs but It isn't very hard to manage myself without buffs.
As for ashobi yes it is overpowered. Like people said earlier instas are used to protect buffs from dispell whlie the rod completely avoids this because of its randomness.
Even if you do compare them its rod 3 slot random dispell no recast to 1 slot dispell 10 sec recast.
Abashi's, same scenerio. You can counter Abashi's as best you can w/ insta-clickies, but eventually you are going to be stuck w/o any buffs except your insta's.
However, for sake of argument, I will use your example. An abashi's only has a "chance" to dispell that HoT buff from you. If you have enough insta-click items, of which you can have 8 minimum readily available to you in inventory plus any insta-click items that are currently equipped, the chances of getting an HoT potion "buff" dispelled right after you click it is very unlikely. If you continue to re-click your insta-clicks after each dispell attempt, the chances of that 1 HoT buff specifically getting dispelled remains very unlikely. That is also called PvP knowledge, and also call odds, just like gambling. The more buffs you have, the less likely that 1 specific buff will get hit.
in you failed "mathematics" you forget that abashi you will take tenacity , focus and brell first , now we need to find instaclick tenacity , instaclick brell and instaclick focus according to you wise "mathematics"
lets see, when i pvp, i keep about 5-6 clicky buffs up then my self shielding, lich and the orb of duskmold. so most of the buffs that are going to be gone are clickies, and i put em right back up
You would still get 3 random buffs dispelled, which may or may not hit your most important buffs. Would you still come and complain even after a recast timer was be put on it? My gut tells me you probably would.
abashi i think needs to be changed a little maybe adding a 15sec cast time for people who need there buffs for example shamans they have no time to re cast clickies thats if abashi even hits clickies it can go straight through

Why did you give Abashi's Rod of Disempowerment to classes that were already amazing and well balanced without it? Enchanters are supposed to be the class that is good at dispelling people, but with abashi's rod of disempowerment any berserker, beastlord, monk, or necromancer can dispell people in pvp and mobs in pve better than an enchanter ever could. Enchanters never got a beneficial only dispell. Enchanters never got a dispell that was as random as the abashi.

That is incorrect. It doesn't just dispell, if that is all that it did, then there wouldn't be any such posts about it. Unlike dispell, Abashi's effect is random and it does not remove detrimental afflictions like your standard dispell does.
If a buff doesnt remove detrimental, it takes the stuff protecting you away and leaves the stuff killing you. This thing grabs good buffs from all over the place. Other debuffs hit the firt slots and most of us use inst-clicks to protect ourselves.

if you'd bothered to actually look at my post then you'd know that "Abashi's Rod of Disempowerment" is a 3 slot random BENEFICIAL ONLY dispell with the same effect as the ranger's.

I got this for my necro. I tried it on the ranger. It did not dispell the first three spells, rather it seemed to be random as to which three spells went away. I don't know if there is a pattern to what is dispelled, or if it is truly random, but for people who are depending on the top three or four slots to be junk buffs, this clicky will nullify that strategy.
I know it's a lot to take in, but anyone who played on the PVP servers remembered the devastation a few Abashi's would cause. This item is very strong as is, but it would be nice to get the functionality working properly as it was a truly unique monster that was a big part of EQ "mystique". To my knowledge, this item has never really been tweaked or altered outside of the few bumps to Velious items (which we have already come to in our timeline, for the most part), and there is even quotes of people discussing it with Dev's, and the Dev's saying the item was never being touched due to its legacy.

Another thing to note is that a lot of these quotes are from 2006+. While the timing is a bit later, I do not think this hurts the case because this is around when Vulak changed to the scripted event and moved to a 3 day spawn - allowing for much more rampant farming with a group or two due to the massive gear advantages. Prior to this, Vulak was much harder to farm. Add in the fact that the Abashi was extremely rare and each server only had a few until many expansions later, this is why you see the "buzz" about them starting many years after the item was introduced. I highly doubt the item was secretly ninja buffed during Luclin or Planes - it just was always like this and never complained about until many had them almost 6, 7, 8+ years later.

So, based on my anecdotal evidence from when I played, coupled with the overwhelming majority of quotes here, I would like to see the "random" portion of the spell be implemented. How easy or hard is that? Not sure. I hope other knowledgeable bug-questers can chime in and help set this straight.

Thanks again.
Old 11-17-2015, 01:52 PM
Nirgon Nirgon is offline

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magic item is magic

I also began researching which spell graphic it should have. I believe it should be the dismiss summoned/undead line. Right now I'm told it has the 8th ring effect.
Old 11-17-2015, 05:05 PM
Terpuntine Terpuntine is offline
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Originally Posted by Nirgon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

magic item is magic

I also began researching which spell graphic it should have. I believe it should be the dismiss summoned/undead line. Right now I'm told it has the 8th ring effect.
Does Nizzar know you're hanging around these forums so much?
Terpuntine of the Nexus <Iron Tower> <Zephyros> - Vallon Zek
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Old 11-17-2015, 05:26 PM
Nirgon Nirgon is offline

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Tell Cyren I said hi lolol

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Old 11-17-2015, 08:25 PM
Jeni Jeni is offline

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If we are fixing game-breaking broken dispels. Golem Metal Wand should be instant cast as well.

On a blue server this is nothing more than a toy but on the PvP servers this item is very powerful. It can be cast on the run and 4 clicks will remove every buff you could possibly have on you...
this item hurts in PvP =( On Sullon Zek lets say you're gettin chased by a rogue and you got sow, so no problem.. then BAM, despelled, like WTF? he got the wand =(

you can also recharge em sorta, sell a wand with 1 charge left in it to a vendor then buy it back.. kinda an exploit or something, but you get wand back fully charged

I am all for support of this change if we can make sure all other dispels are also in their classic form for game balance.
Originally Posted by Heartbrand, former main tank for Empire
Tried to get immersed in Velious but quickly got burnt out by there being no challenge, the intensive raid schedule and pressure to be 100% or close to it with RA. In Nihilum, having 70% RA + meant you were a neckbeard, in Empire, 70% was the equivalent of being inactive status.
Old 11-17-2015, 09:33 PM
Nirgon Nirgon is offline

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yes pls fix golem wand and all other clickies
Old 11-17-2015, 09:45 PM
ForesakkenRZ ForesakkenRZ is offline

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Gonna have to agree, you start asking for specific changes , sounding real selfish, if we are gonna keep it classic, lets bring the classic effects to dispel back in, not just your only abashi rod. #keepitclassic
Old 11-17-2015, 10:31 PM
Gongshow Gongshow is offline

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Please stop trolling the thread. If you wish to have the Golem Wands, Trak Teeth, etc., reverted - please make your own thread and state your case such as I have. Thank you.

Free bump, though.
Old 11-17-2015, 10:32 PM
Ragnaros Ragnaros is offline
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Yup if they are going to give you an unbalanced change then bring back golem wands or kick rocks
what a waste of a loot hit though..yikes i cant even be 5 slot pelled
Old 11-17-2015, 10:35 PM
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How incredibly angry is ragnaros right now he can't even contain it.
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