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Old 07-23-2018, 11:25 PM
Rygar Rygar is offline
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Default Missing Item: Crystal Claw of Veeshan (GM reward, 1 per server)

I understand GM event items do not always make it in to P99, however what is unique about this item is it apparently made it onto every single server (not a result of attending a Fan Faire event or some such thing).

I have come up a little sparse on the details of exactly when it went in and how it looked when wielded, etc. So perhaps may need some P99 custom flavor. The earliest mention I found of it was here:
For any who don't know, FoH is Fires of Heaven, the Guild that put the uber in uber Guild, they live on Veeshan, and literally run the server. They were the first to kill Cazic, Inny, the only ones known to have killed Inte Akara to get the Sword of Death, (now nerfed to no rent) and I can't remember if Musk, the fella who got the first FA is a member or not..

(also the person to get the very cool crystal claw of Veeshan was an FoH member, level 10 warrior.. go fig.)
Looked it up on ZAM and found more info on it:
Crystal Claw of Veeshan
Skill: 1H Slashing
DMG: 13
Delay: 24
Effect: Incapacitate
WT: 1.5
Race: ALL
Jul 26 2001
I believe that this is the reward for either killing or attempting to kill a GM controlled Mayong Mistmoore, but I am not really sure. Pretty sweet item but I would love to know what the proc does.
Jul 20 2001
That person is right, one per server, its an artifact, and its fair, its not like everyone would get artifact weapons in a rpg made real. Don't whine about it, be happy that some lucky person gets to weild this awesome thing! One person that has this got many many hate tells, that is so wrong of people to do. Its a game, its a weapon, some nice people got lucky, that's cool and I know they appreciate it.
Mar 18 2001
This is the result of a GM quest. Only 1 per server, and as u see, its no drop. I know the guy on Cazic with this, Geraint is his name.
Digging a bit further into this I found some additional hints about the GM event that held this:
Lots of craaaaaazy good Lore here for Kraddok, it certainly seems legit but can't tell if fan fiction? Seems to mention things like faction hits were taken and the like. It also seems to imply that the individual who receives the claw at the end is sacrificed (no EXP rez?) and also earns the title "The Scaled Claw". Corroborates the Mayong Mistmoore connection to the event from the other ZAM posts as well:

Mayong Mistmoore came to despise dragonkind for many ages along with Venril Sathir, and his line. His hatred towards dragons is believed spawned by the long time Knowledge of the Crystal Claw of Veeshan. Of the line of Sathir was spurned at the hands of the disappearance of Dencarja and the Imperatrix Zhelebati Thex of Caerthiel. It was said that neither Dencarja nor Imperatrix Zhelebati could be seen in either the lands of the dead or the living. Do they yet remain somewhere on Norrath or trapped in another world?

The Betrothal of Mistmoore and Syl'Tor

During the time of Mayong Mistmoore's hunting of Veeshan and her brood, Mayong Mistmoore was to wed Tserinna. Tserinna was once a mortal but then embraced by a kiss of darkness, entering into a state of vampiric undeath at the hands of her lover. The two would be wed and portraits of her beloved were placed throughout the dreary spire.

It was from Tserinna that Miragul the father of Heretics and first hero of Trakanon mastered the arts of lichcraft. Upon her wedding night she approached Mayong Mistmoore a gift to her betrothed. It was here that she gave him the ultimate gift of magic in the form of the worlds one and only known dragon lich, the Dracolich that now wanders the realm of Cazic Thule.

Mistmoore rebuked her for this gift and declared her an abomination fearing wrathe from on high. Tserinna in her anguish in turn slew the wedding party within the tower, and to this day they yet remain in the torments of undeath. The portraits of Mayong Mistmoore were likewise defaced as well. To this very day Tserinna carries the Phylactery of the Dracolich in the form of a Soulstone upon her person, a bitter memory of the past (it is also revealed through the quest dealing with Garzicor that precious gems can be used to contain the spirits of Dragons). Upon approach to the dismal tower can be heard the feint beating of a heart. Is that the soul of a dragon crying out for release or that of the souls crying out i unison trapped within the makeup of the tower?

What did Tserinna Syl'Tor have to do with Luclin? Shadow Guardians litter the snowy wastes outside the tower, and within the tower can be found "Shadows" dwelling within. These Shadows and Shadow Guardians are neither living nor dead, neither are they undead. There are also shadows upon Luclin, especially within the area of Shar Vahl. Are these shadows what remains of lost erudites that were moved with the city when the Erudites attempted to use their weapon against the Heretics? They seem exactly as if the Shadow Men that seemingly oppose the Temple of Solusek Ro. Within the Maidens Eye upon Luclin can be found the agents of The Burning Prince. What part did Tserinna play in the first war of the gods?

The Veil of Veeshan

Sainy hums a tune to herself, but all you can make out are names of the Gods here and there.

Sainy says, 'I thank you all for coming. Please, do everything you can to get as many people here as possible. It is very important that as many people hear my message as possible.'

Sainy says, 'I am Sainy Dragonfriend, messenger of the great Ring of Scale. A pleasure to meet you.'

Sainy says, 'Friends! I am about to tell my tale.'

Sainy says, 'First, let me thank you for coming. Many people doubt the seriousness of the matter at hand.'

Sainy says, 'Now, make yourselves comfortable, as I tell you The Tale of Veeshan's Veil .'

From the world's core, the rock children rose. Shielded from wurms eyes by dirt and stone.'

With gnarled hands and broken bones, They carved their place into Veeshan's Home.'

Soon after, the woodlands and deserts and swamps, All nurtured life planted by interloping Gods.'

Veeshan left her children, in peaks carved by her claws , Turned her back on Norrath, and her fellow Gods laws.'

The Crystalline Dragon content in her lair, Sealed off the Sky and still slumbers there.'

Some dragons wend mad, apart from their queen, Others took charge and formed a wurm Ring.'

The rebels were hunted and sent from the peaks, To dwell in the lands inhabited by the weak.'

One of these rebels, a lady as white as snow, Swept up a shard of a nature unknown.'

As years dragged on one by one, the wurms fell, Into a deep slumber from what no one could tell,'

Their Magic had faded, because of the shard? Or perhaps from the magic they call Veeshans Veil.'

Now a new verse to this legend I'll share, In regards to the Sky and what is happening there.'

Veeshan still slumbers, the veil has worn thin, The Wurm Queen neglect wakes her children again.'

Sainy says, 'My song is done, but I will warn you to heed the words of my verse, for they speak the truth.'

Mortals now visit where Veeshan slumbers, and only dragons once dwelled, but the door to the Sky is not a one way portal. There is much to learn from the Great Wurms and much to fear .'

Then the bardess arose from her seat and made her way for the spires...

There was an eerie mist as she entered the spires, then silence, and she was gone...

Sometime later did the agents of Mistmoore stumble into a troublesome member of the League of Antonica Bards that forewarned of the events coming to pass. The dreaded Mayong Mistmoore tormented the bard with his family whom he had imprisoned within the dungeons of Castle Mistmoore. The Minions of Mayong Mistmoore (which included Khasra) watched with glee of the interrogation by their master. It was discerned from the bard, the waning of The Veil and use of the Crystal Claw of Veeshan by the Ring of Scale to destroy what remained of it. The whereabouts of that poor bard and his family are yet unknown...even and until this very day.

It was then the awakening began. Mayong Mistmoore came across a wounded dragon which had been assailed upon by rangers. From the dragon Mistmoore discovered that Lady Vox when banished from the Ring of Scale for trying to make a second Kerafyrm (The Sleeper) with her mate Lord Nagafen, had taken with her the Crystal Claw of Veeshan.

The master vampire along with his retainer Lord Galendore then made their way to Dagnor's Cauldron to seek out an agent of Carson McCabe, Kivgor Illbriar (After this event there were faction hits in High Pass Hold that went up for the Ring of Scale when fighting the people of McCabe). Upon entering the Cauldron Lord Galendore aquired the services of their ally, and informed him of his need. To this day as a result of those events stands a dwarven paladin on that same isle within the Cauldron that is allied to the Ring of Scale (faction hits).

At the events transpired within the Cauldron, Mayong Mistmoore awarded the most helpful of mortals that had assisted Lord Galendore in the finding of Kivgor Illbriar. Lord Galendore gave to them his Runed Bolster Belt and Mayong Mistmoore a potion that transformed them into "Eternity's Knight"; a vampire thrall of the lord of the damned.

A number of dragons then appear within the hills outside the city of Qeynos and assumed mortal form. One of their number being a blue drake named Drakel took the form of a high elf, Lady Zavo Zatanov. They gather a band of adventurers to escort them to lair of Lady Vox, who is found howling in rage over the theft of the shard from Veeshans claw; left from when Veeshan struck the world in its creation.

These dragons now in mortal form from the Ring of Scale confront Carson McCabe's agent and is felled by their hands, attaining the Crystal Claw of Veeshan. Leaving the ruins of Permafrost Keep they run into the lackeys of Mayong Mistmoore that had been sent to escort Kivgor Illbriar back to the halls of Castle Mistmoore. A battle ensues between the dragons and their adventurous allies against the agents of Mistmoore who are driven off, with Lord Galendore left slain. At the commencement of their victory they are asked to aid them in a ceremony that would be performed within the confines of the Rathe Mountains.

At the Rathe Mountains the members of the Ring of Scale that are present begin preparations for their ceremony that will forever rend the veil, and awaken dragons all across the face of Norrath from their slumber. However, before the ceremony can even take place Mayong Mistmoore arrives confronting the dragons and their allies.

Three of the dragons who had now assumed their true form are slain before the gathered adventurers can drive Mayong from the Mountain Passes. With the ceremony now in ruin Lady Zavo asks for a volunteer to sacrifice himself and keep the Crystal Claw of Veeshan in safe keeping, who was then dubbed "The Scaled Claw".

Pretty cool! I'm a bit too tired to digest the details of this event, but certainly sounds interesting. In asking for the volunteer to step forward, seems like it could be a vote or maybe GM choice for people doing good role-playing for the event or whatever.

Found some other odd mentions of this item and MM connection, as well as Vox:
Jul 25 2001
this guy doesnt exist anymor. he only exist in GM events and even then u cant kill him or they say when he gets low on health he just disappears. the reward in the gm event for helpin tryin to kill him (and yes u have to do most of the damage not just hit him a few times) is the crystal claw of veeshan. many people think its the best weapon in the game, but i dont know, all i know is he doesnt exist anymor
[Rending the Veil - Crystal Claw of Veeshan]
Al'Kabor discovers that Lady Vox has an item capable of "rending the veil" which prevents mortals from traversing the planes. Adventurers slay Lady Vox, acquire the Crystal Claw of Veeshan and planar travel becomes possible. This specifically unlocked Plane of Sky for players as well.
This item (and possibly the title "The Scaled Claw") existed on every single live server of EQ. I propose this be implemented on Blue / Red, and placed on Refresh server. Perhaps details of the quest / scripts could be re-written every 3 years for refresh or to start off first iteration to make it a truly 'unknown, no knowledge advantage' type of thing as it was on Live? Lot of work I know, but hey, I'm sure Kraddok can spin a tale or two with seeds of deep Lore that would impress everyone!

Also, this item is not game breaking in any way. I imagine it is a great aggro weapon but there are much better. It is more a bragging rights type thing.

It doesn't appear as if there is a caster / monk reward... perhaps you may want to make one of those types of items yourself for custom content (named the same, but with specs appropriate for the classes...)

Maybe a unique look can be given to the graphic if you choose to implement. Thanks for considering it!
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Last edited by Rygar; 07-23-2018 at 11:28 PM..
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Old 07-25-2018, 09:42 PM
Yuuvy The Destroyer Yuuvy The Destroyer is offline

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Can confirm the title came with the claw.

I have some screen shots from the event on live, but none of the end results.
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Old 07-30-2018, 01:48 PM
Rygar Rygar is offline
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Wow, well I did a quick search on my personal archive that I've been building and was shocked to see I actually logged some screenshot and details for this event. Note that the event actually appears to have occurred on 04/02/2000:

There is a specific screenshot of the warrior holding the blade here:

Hard to tell, but it appears to either be a regular old blade or katana, not a unique graphic. Also, you can see the title is indeed 100% confirmed as they have the title after they are sacrificed (another confirmation in a screenshot, with his corpse at his feet).

Zavo`Zatanov says, 'In doing so the Veil which separates the Plane of Sky from the mortal realm shall be reborn here as a Champion of Scale'

You can see he is now renamed Fenorn the Scaled Claw

After the sacrifice and title the event ends with:

'I and my own thank you, Be well noble one and remember my words and the actions which have come this day'
(spelling error corrected)

Other working screenshots of the events are here:

Some other event details are in there such as NPC names and the like, can be cross referenced with the ZAM write-up.

04/02/2000 seems an odd date with Sky being introduced in January 2000, perhaps they were running behind? I think it would be cool to tie in with the opening of Sky.
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Old 10-04-2018, 10:20 PM
Naerron Naerron is offline
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I remember when we killed Mayong on this server, was such a blast, mage pets gooo!!
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Old 03-11-2019, 10:09 PM
Rygar Rygar is offline
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Not sure if this will ever be a thing on Green Server, but happened upon some information today that lines up with the screenshots I found (date wise, fairly close).

Sounds like it was a bit of a prelude, maybe a multi-day event like a mini event similar to Bloody Kithicor or Karana Plague.
February 26, 2000

Well, I was in Steamfont Mountians today, and I came upon a bard. A normal occurance, you say? No, this was no ordinary bard. Sainy Dragonfriend was her name, and she had a blue drake pet with her. She went into singing a song, which I got stored into my eqlog. Heres the song for ya:
I follow Veeshan...I shall now sing my song

From the world's core, the rock children rose
Shielded from wurms eyes by dirt and stone
With gnarled hands and broken bones
They carved their place into Veeshan's home
Soon after, the woodlands and deserts and swamps
All nurtured life planted, by interloping Gods
Veeshan left her children, in peaks carved by her lair
turned her back on Norrath, and her fellow God's laws
The Crystallin Dragon content in her lair
Sealed off the Sky and still slumbers there
Some dragons went made, apart from their queen
Others took charge and formed a wurm Ring
The rebels were hunted and sent from the peaks
To dwell in the lands inhabited by the weak
One of these rebels, a lady white as snow
Swept up a shard of a nature unknown
As years dragged on one by one the wurms fell
Into a deep slumber from what no one could tell
Their magic had faded, because of the Shard?
Or perhaps from the magic they call Veeshan's Veil
Now a new verse to this legend I'll share
In regards to Sky and what is happening there
Veeshan still slumbers, the veil has worn thin
The Wurm Queen's neglect wakes her children again

My song is done, but I will warn you to heed the words of my verse, for they speak the truth.
And only dragons once dwelled
but the door to Sky is not a one way portal
There is much to learn from the great Wurms
and much to fear

I must be off...come my drake friend
He even uploaded a log file:
[Sat Feb 26 16:58:44 2000] Sainy says, 'I follow Veeshan...I shall now sing my song'
[Sat Feb 26 16:58:55 2000] Sainy strums her lute.
[Sat Feb 26 16:59:23 2000] Sainy says, 'From the world's core, the rock children rose'
[Sat Feb 26 16:59:39 2000] Sainy says, 'Shielded from wurms eyes by dirt and stone'
[Sat Feb 26 16:59:49 2000] Sainy says, 'With gnarled hands and broken bones'
[Sat Feb 26 17:00:03 2000] Sainy says, 'They carved their place into Veeshan's home'
[Sat Feb 26 17:00:17 2000] Sainy says, 'Soon after, the woodlands and deserts and swamps'
[Sat Feb 26 17:00:29 2000] Sainy says, 'All nurtured life planted, by interloping Gods'
[Sat Feb 26 17:00:48 2000] Sainy says, 'Veeshan left her children, in peaks carved by her lair'
[Sat Feb 26 17:01:07 2000] Sainy says, 'turned her back on Norrath, and her fellow God's laws'
[Sat Feb 26 17:01:20 2000] Sainy says, 'The Crystallin Dragon content in her lair'
[Sat Feb 26 17:01:30 2000] Sainy says, 'Sealed off the Sky and still slumbers there'
[Sat Feb 26 17:01:41 2000] Sainy says, 'Some dragons went made, apart from their queen'
[Sat Feb 26 17:01:53 2000] Sainy says, 'Others took charge and formed a wurm Ring'
[Sat Feb 26 17:02:11 2000] Sainy says, 'The rebels were hunted and sent from the peaks'
[Sat Feb 26 17:02:23 2000] Sainy says, 'To dwell in the lands inhabited by the weak'
[Sat Feb 26 17:02:38 2000] Sainy says, 'One of these rebels, a lady white as snow'
[Sat Feb 26 17:02:49 2000] Sainy says, 'Swept up a shard of a nature unknown'
[Sat Feb 26 17:03:18 2000] Sainy says, 'As years dragged on one by one the wurms fell'
[Sat Feb 26 17:03:31 2000] Sainy says, 'Into a deep slumber from what no one could tell'
[Sat Feb 26 17:03:48 2000] Sainy says, 'Their magic had faded, because of the Shard?'
[Sat Feb 26 17:03:59 2000] Sainy says, 'Or perhaps from the magic they call Veeshan's Veil'
[Sat Feb 26 17:04:09 2000] Sainy says, 'Now a new verse to this legend I'll share'
[Sat Feb 26 17:04:18 2000] Sainy says, 'In regards to Sky and what is happening there'
[Sat Feb 26 17:04:36 2000] Sainy says, 'Veeshan still slumbers, the veil has worn thin'
[Sat Feb 26 17:04:48 2000] Sainy says, 'The Wurm Queen's neglect wakes her children again'
[Sat Feb 26 17:04:52 2000] Sainy's song ends.
[Sat Feb 26 17:04:52 2000] Sainy's song ends.
[Sat Feb 26 17:05:07 2000] Sainy says, 'My song is done, but I will warn you to heed the words of my verse, for they speak the truth.'
[Sat Feb 26 17:05:38 2000] Sainy says, 'And only dragons once dwelled'
[Sat Feb 26 17:05:47 2000] Sainy says, 'but the door to Sky is not a one way portal'
[Sat Feb 26 17:06:00 2000] Sainy says, 'There is much to learn from the great Wurms'
[Sat Feb 26 17:06:06 2000] Sainy says, 'and much to fear'
[Sat Feb 26 17:06:21 2000] Sainy says, 'I must be off...come my drake friend'
[Sat Feb 26 17:06:28 2000] Sainy bows.
Some screenshots of the bard / drake are here in steamfont:
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Last edited by Rygar; 03-11-2019 at 10:11 PM..
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Old 03-12-2019, 04:35 AM
Imago Imago is offline
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This would a dope event on both Blue and Red.
Originally Posted by Derubael View Post
You're just a british meatball.
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Old 03-12-2019, 09:43 AM
Solist Solist is offline
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Waiting for my prime healers bulwark.
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Old 03-12-2019, 10:05 AM
YendorLootmonkey YendorLootmonkey is offline
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(also*the person to get the very cool crystal claw of Veeshan was an FoH member, level 10 warrior.. go fig.)
Except every regular on the Ranger's Glade knew of Sean the Scaled Claw, the famed Fires of Heaven ranger. So did he get the title without getting the claw, or is the part about the "warrior" part above just someone's poor memory?
Another witty, informative, and/or retarded post by:

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Old 04-02-2022, 04:25 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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Originally Posted by Rygar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You can see he is now renamed Fenorn the Scaled Claw

April 2nd, 2000

Sunday, shouts accross the land, 'dragons!'

'What dragons?' This is the question that rang throughout Norrath. This news is worthy of further investigation indeed. Rumors were heard that a blue dragon was sighted in West Commonland, a green dragon was seen ravaging in the Innothule Swamps, and a black dragon terrorized the people in Greater Faydwer.

The Knights of Eternal Good sent orders to scouts in every city and have quickly obtained information that Zavo`Zatanov was in Everfrost. The brief gathering led into Permafrost and eventually to a confrontation with Kivgor Illbriar who yielded a much prized bone razor.

The evening was young and we continued to accompany Zavo to the Rathe Mountains. The rumored dragons have revealed themselves to everyone present: a blue dragon, a green dragon, and a black dragon.

Mayong Mistmoore fought the three dragons which climaxed the evening in a great battle.

After the dead dragons were ressurected, the night was concluded by slaying the chosen champion of the scale, Fernorn the Scale Claw, who was gifted by the aftifact, Crystal Claw of Veeshan. Congratulations Ferlorn!
Last edited by Ennewi; 04-02-2022 at 04:36 AM..
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Old 04-13-2019, 08:48 PM
Senescant Senescant is offline

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would be cool
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