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Old 04-23-2023, 06:10 PM
magnetaress magnetaress is offline
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Lightbulb I just rediscovered.

The death gate cycle. It is much better than I remember.

If the Talmud is a bit too esoteric give this a try!
Apophis is closest to earth on 2029 April the 13th (a friday) lol
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Old 04-23-2023, 06:18 PM
Landroval Landroval is offline

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When pride cometh, then cometh shame: But with the lowly is wisdom.
Proverbs 11:2 KJV






Relationships across the axioms are trigonometric. That is to say Pride = 1/Humility and Shame is 1/Wisdom.


In Christ, Omphalos of Truth, our sin consined, for Christ cosines our Sin

And finally. Physics.


2-D distance formula
C^2 = A^2 + B^2

3-D distance Formula
C^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2
Also determinable by the Trigonometric Identity Property
1^2 = sin^2(x) + cos^2(x)
1^2 = sec^2(x) + csc^2(x)
1^2 = sin(x)/csc(x) + cos(x)/sec(x)

4-D distance formula
E^2 = (m*c^2)^2 + (c√p))^2
E^2 = (m*c/g)^2 + (√(pc/g))^2

5-D distance formula
Truth^2 = Pride/Shame + Wisdom/Humility
Pride^2 = Arrogance/Weakness + Ignorance/Knowledge
Shame^2 = Ignorance/Humiliation + Weakness/Failure
Humility^2 = Strength/Patience + Humiliation/Awareness
Wisdom^2 = Awareness/Knowledge + Strength/Success

All reducible to the sum of two squares formula.
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Old 04-26-2023, 12:23 AM
Trexller Trexller is offline

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what are we supposed to take away from that mess
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Old 04-26-2023, 12:51 AM
Landroval Landroval is offline

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In the context of Plato's Theory of Forms, he insists there is a realm higher than this one where perfect ideals exist that the mind conceptualizes when we think of a thing. These idealized forms are eternal, and unchanging, and exist in a system of interdependencies and relations to each other.

Plato goes on to state that through dialectical inquiry we can come to understand the interdependencies and relations between these forms, which exist in a hierarchy of relations to each other, and the insights we gain from this understanding is the key to all knowledge. He insinuates that the mind serves as an antennae for these thoughtforms, which we can only imperfectly actualize in the lower realm of 4-dimensional "reality" we live in.

For example, consider "Love". The mind intuitively knows what Love is "supposed" to be, but all attempts at reifying Love in this lower plane results in an imperfect approximation, or a perversion of the perfect love we intuitively conceptualize and strive towards in our relationships with others, be that familial, romantic, or "platonic" (which is a revealing term in and of itself but we can talk about that some other time)

Originally, Plato only conceived of these forms as "positive" perfections, things like the Form of Truth, the Form of Beauty, the form of Virtue, with the highest form being the form of "The Good" but he was shortsighted in this approach so he didn't communicate the concept very effectively, especially in the context of language that has passed through 2500+ years of linguistic evolutions.

Now, with that said, consider the concept of Dualism.

In the perspective of Dualism everything that exists has a conjugate, an anima to the Animus, a yin to the yang

So if Wisdom is a Form then it must, necessarily have a conjugate inverse.

Consider Pride, as a negative conceptual trait. What is "Pride" exactly? In order to come to any sort of agreement or understanding of what "Pride" is we have to understand how it is exemplified in a person we esteem as "Prideful" and what projectionary markers that "prideful" person projects onto others to signal to us that he is a "Prideful" individual despite the fact that we can easily identify a person who is prideful almost intuitively.

How is pride exemplified? Most people would agree pride in a prideful person is exemplified in Arrogance, or Ignorance, and if you carefully observe several prideful persons you will see they tend to project certain characteristic traits onto others signalling to us they are prideful. The projections are generally projected in the form of the conjugate of their exemplifications

Arrogance, an air of (unfounded or unjustified) superiority is projected as weakness onto others who he sees as below him. Because he is prideful he projects weakness or lesser-ness onto others.

Ignorance, a refusal to acknowledge truth is projected as it's conjugate; "Knowledge" which he pridefully "lords" others which also serves to reinforce his arrogance, likewise his arrogance projected as weakness over others is used to boost his feelings of being in possession of knowledge that makes him, in his mind, "better", 'or "stronger" than you.

So these forms of "Arrogance" "Ignorance" "Weakness" and "Knowledge" Orbit around Pride in the platonic realm of Mind.

So, the mind, being a sort of inversing mirror of meaning-making puts Pride in the "crosshairs" "between" these four forms which orbit it on two axes with arrogance opposite weakness and ignorance opposite knowledge with pride at the "origin" of the quadratic (axiomatic) graph that two axis' meeting at a right angle insinuates.


So we can imagine this "Axiom" exists like a pyramidal structure with pride at the apex and the four sub-forms orbiting it constituting the four corners of its base.

So what is the "opposite" of Pride?
Last edited by Landroval; 04-26-2023 at 12:54 AM..
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Old 04-26-2023, 12:57 AM
Trexller Trexller is offline

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totally didn't sign up for this class

where is metal shop?

i just wanna play with forges and welders before free period
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Old 04-26-2023, 01:23 AM
Landroval Landroval is offline

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Originally Posted by Trexller [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
totally didn't sign up for this class

where is metal shop?

i just wanna play with forges and welders before free period
If my 14 year old and 12 year old and 15 year old daughters can learn this shit and transform from D and C students with two years of remote schooling retardation into straight A students in one year of homeschool which includes this as a marginal amount of their curriculum, you, a grown ass man, can handle it. Stop being a pussy! (See that, I'm projecting shame on you)
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Old 04-26-2023, 01:53 AM
Landroval Landroval is offline

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Originally Posted by Trexller [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
totally didn't sign up for this class
Yes you did

what are we supposed to take away from that mess?
Right there, you asked for it.
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Old 04-26-2023, 01:05 AM
Landroval Landroval is offline

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Well, some people would say "shame" is the opposite of pride because some people insist pride can be a positive quality, but the positive quality of pride such as having pride in ones accomplishments or pride in ones appearance it only an imperfect reflection of the Pride which is titrated between arrogance ignorance weakness and knowledge, but we will entertain the idea that shame is it opposite and perform a dialectical analysis on shame to show this is simply not the case and is, rather, a post-hoc rationalization of the ego to protect the more pervasive negative characteristics of pride.

How is shame exemplified?

When we perceive a person as shameful, we perceive them as lacking in knowledge (ignorance) and we see the as exemplifying failure, which brings us to the concept of "sin". "Sin" by definition means "missing the mark" which is synonymous with failure so these two sub-forms; sin and ignorance are how shame is exemplified, but how is shame projected onto others?

When we see someone we care for making a mistake such as our child who fallson the ground doing some goofy maneuver we have a tendency to look away, not acknowledging the "Humiliation" of their mistake, giving them the psychological space necessary to stole that shame away under the guise of them thinking no one saw it, or we counter that shame by encouraging them, but the concept of "humiliation" is what's at play here. And when we are "shaming" someone we are projecting humiliation onto them for their lack of knowing better(ignorance), and or we, like the prideful person projects our perspective of their "weakness" onto them.

So the axiom of shame looks like a pyramidal structure that resembles this axiom;


And if we butt pride and shame up against each other we see they share two bases:. Ignorance and Weakness;

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Old 04-26-2023, 01:20 AM
Landroval Landroval is offline

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So because pride and shame "share" half of their sub-level "Forms" they can only be esteemed as half-opposites, and to prove this we can assert that Pride IS subconsciously repressed shame, so they are actually two sides of the same coin.

So what is the conjugate of pride?

Proverbs 11:2 tells us;
When pride cometh, then cometh shame: But with the lowly is wisdom.

And here we have a very profound relationship spelled out quite clearly

The conjugate of pride is "Humility"


Humility shares two of its bases with shame humiliation and strength; but wait!!!

"Strength is not weakness"

Oh, but it IS.

How does a weightlifter "build" strength? He does so by repeatedly pushing his muscle to the point of failure, and in repeatedly and earnestly pushing the weakness of his muscle to failure that experience builds strength, so they are the same thing except weakness requires experience and vulnerability to become strength but let's not fool ourselves; even with "some" strength, strength is not an absolute and eventually if you keep pushing at it, strength too will fail due to its weakness.

And as proverbs says, humility is half opposite of wisdom as well.


So if we put these four higher level forms together they form a circular pattern with another cross that exists between them.

And if we rotate this construct 90 degrees;



This is the half-opposite relationship of wisdom paired with pride, and shame paired with humility.
And picrel is all of these forms in their totality as they are positionally related to each other in the platonic realm of Forms

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Old 04-26-2023, 02:24 AM
Landroval Landroval is offline

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i understand you want to argue with me, but you dont have the necessary precepts to argue with me, because if you did, you would agree with me.
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