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Old 08-06-2023, 09:50 AM
dude dude is offline

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Default Modd’s Late-Night Quest for Power in the Frigid Realm

It was a dark night, and the dimly lit gates of West Freeport loomed before Modd, casting eerie shadows on the cobblestone streets. He found himself wondering how in the lands of Norrath he was going to find his way to the Great Divide territory. See, the Great Divide sits in the heart of Velious, a frigid continent discovered by the Gnomes of Ak’anon, about a hop, skip, and two jumps away. The tales of its icy landscapes and breathtaking glaciers had always intrigued him.

He could try and find a ship to embark on the treacherous journey, but that would mean waiting out in the vast and scorching expanse of the North Ro desert, a stark contrast to the frozen beauty that awaited him. No, that wouldn’t do. Time is of the essence; a long-time friend, Alderon, is in need of a very powerful spell that he unfortunately cannot retrieve himself. The urgency in Alderon’s message urged Modd to set forth on this perilous quest.

So, I was just foolish enough, or mayhaps it was the summoned ale that we were swilling down like nobody’s business, emboldening our spirits for the challenges ahead. Ah, very few folks wandering around this time of night; it must be a little after 2 am. The city of West Freeport was mostly asleep, save for a few weary travelers making their way through the quiet streets.

Maybe I can catch a ride from one of those druid types who like to hang out in West Commons, eating grass and the like. They’re not bad people, really, if you can manage the smell. The aroma of nature and earth surrounded the druids, blending with the night’s chill. Of course, we can’t all be Arch mages of the 60th season, who, by the way, bathe on a regular basis. Modd took pride in his mage’s accomplishments and sought the power to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

So, what will it be: the parched boat or the stinky druid? Modd summoned a silver piece from thin air and tossed it, allowing fate to decide. Sigh, stinky it is. With a click of his Journeyman’s boots, he was off to East Commons, where the soft glow of torches illuminated the quaint city, welcoming weary travelers like himself. The path ahead was uncertain, but Modd’s resolve was unshaken. The Great Divide awaited him, and with Alderon’s plea in his heart, he would journey through the unknown, facing the frozen lands and fierce creatures that guarded the coveted spell.

Arriving at the East Commons tunnel in somewhat record time, Modd stopped to catch his breath and check out what some had for wares this time of night. The tunnel’s dimly lit interior revealed a bustling marketplace filled with eager merchants and adventurers seeking rare treasures. You can really find anything here – spells, armor, trinkets. The air was tinged with a faint aroma of enchanted herbs and freshly forged metals, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

Piggiebank’s auction caught Modd’s eye – an interesting spell: “Burnout IV.” The spell’s powerful aura shimmered with potential, but Modd already possessed that spell. Doowie’s stall displayed an array of mystical words, which are useful for making spells, but the spell he sought would not be found in such humble incantations. It drops from a ferocious beast in a frigid land – an ancient Shardwurm. Tales of these enormous dragon-like creatures, with their majestic yet fearsome presence, had intrigued Modd for ages. Their breath, as cold as the northern winds, could truly put a hurt on you.

Eager for the adventure that lay ahead, Modd could barely contain his excitement. The idea of venturing into the frigid realm filled him with both anticipation and trepidation. The tunnel’s cozy warmth was a stark contrast to the icy landscapes that awaited him.

Tonight was not the time for the tunnel’s comforts. Instead, Modd knew he had to find his way to the West Commons, a serene and picturesque area nestled amidst natural beauty. As he set forth on his journey, the soft glow of the moon bathed the landscape in an ethereal light, illuminating the fields, trees, and hills that surrounded him.

Heading west through the commons, for Modd was east, he felt a sense of freedom and adventure. The tranquil beauty of the night embraced him, and the night creatures’ soft calls added to the symphony of nature. In the distance, he could see the silhouette of pesky orcs, but their presence did not daunt him. With his magical prowess and determination, nothing in the commons could harm him.

As Modd debated whether he should stop at Juna’s Inn, a warm and welcoming establishment where adventurers often gathered, he knew time was of the essence. The allure of camaraderie and fascinating tales had to take a back seat tonight. Alderan’s need for the powerful spell weighed heavily on his heart, spurring him to stay focused on his quest.

Determined and resolute, Modd continued on his path, the moonlight guiding him through the serene landscape. The night held its secrets, and Modd knew that the frigid land of the Great Divide was waiting for him. With each step, his anticipation grew, eager to face the challenges and mysteries that lay ahead.

As he entered into the West Commons, he was greeted by a giant spider and a very edgy young kodiak that looked like he wasn’t going to take kindly to being messed with. Modd quickly evaded them and made his way up over the hills. The West Commons stretched out before him, with lush fields and ancient trees dotting the landscape. He could see the druid ring in the distance, but he was still far enough away that he couldn’t smell it. Picking up the pace a little, he would be there in a click. When he arrived, he noticed a few druids sitting around as druids normally do, their serene faces blending in with the natural surroundings. So he wasted no time; the smell isn’t that bad, and it kind of goes away after a while. You don’t even notice it. The druids seemed to be in deep meditation, communing with nature’s essence. Saying, “Would it be possible, I know it’s late, but if you could give me safe travels to Iceclad, I would surely be grateful”? No response. Hmm, it doesn’t look like she is sleeping, but come to think of it, I’ve never seen a druid sleep; their eyes are open at least. Maybe I’ll give her a nudge. Then, startling me a little, she responded, “Of course, I would be glad to give you a lift.” “Thank you,” I replied, and she stood up and began to chant some earthy chant. The surrounding air seemed to vibrate with magical energy as this blue bubble with sparkly stuff surrounded us, and BAM, they found themselves in a new location. The freezing cold air enveloped them as they landed somewhere south of the great bridge. The frozen river sparkled under the moonlight, and towering ice formations stood like sentinels, creating a breathtaking and magical scene.

Modd thanked the druid for the safe passage and flipped her 30 plat as a token of gratitude. She thanked him back, and they parted ways. Now, Modd had to continue his journey, heading north to the edge of the island and then making his way around the island’s edge until he reached the bridge.

Approaching the bridge, Modd could make out the two Frost giant guards, their massive figures looming over the entrance. The majestic sight of the bridge, entirely made of ice and adorned with intricate ice sculptures that glistened in the moonlight, captivated him for a moment. But there was no time to linger in awe; his purpose was clear – to cross the bridge and venture into the realm of the Great Divide.

With a determined spirit, Modd stepped forward, taking a slight distance to ensure he caught the Frost giants unaware. One blast of his Seeking Flame of Seukor was all it took to bring down the first guard, sending him into smithereens. The other guard, now alerted to the danger, approached swiftly. Modd prepared himself for the next strike, ready to let another blast loose.

As the second Frost giant fell under his powerful spell, Modd felt a surge of triumph. The bridge was now safe for him to cross, but beyond it lay the vast expanse of the Great Divide – a land of icy valleys and snow-capped peaks, fraught with challenges and hidden dangers.

With each step, the frigid air stung his skin, and the icy wind howled around him. Modd couldn’t help but marvel at the breathtaking beauty of the surroundings, even as he braced himself for the trials that lay ahead.

The Great Divide was a land of wonder and danger, and Modd’s adventure was far from over. The search for the elusive spell, “Boon of the Garou,” that could transform a party member into a werewolf awaited him. It was time to press on, deeper into this frozen territory, as Modd’s destiny as a mage of the 60th season called him to face the unknown.

The bridge is truly magnificent, made entirely of glistening ice, and it stretches as far as the eye can see. It must be at least 100 feet thick, adorned with intricate rib patterns over the top, making it a true spectacle to behold. But we can’t linger here; we are nearing our destination, and it’s an expansive and breathtaking sight ahead – snow-covered valleys and majestic hills as far as the horizon.

Finding the pass to the Great Divide is no easy task; it’s a vast and treacherous terrain, challenging even for the most seasoned travelers. Head straight from the bridge and take a slight right when you feel you’ve gone far enough. Look for the unmistakable Frost Giant fort, rising like an imposing fortress in the distance. From there, our journey leads us up and over a treacherous pass, where one must exercise caution not to get too close to the giants, lest Modd has to unleash his mighty powers and engage them in battle. Today, however, we have more pressing matters to attend to.

The pass itself is a formidable stretch – long, deep, and winding, demanding every ounce of our determination to conquer it. But finally, as we emerge on the other side, the Great Divide welcomes us with its awe-inspiring grandeur. It’s an expanse of pristine ice and snow that seems to stretch into eternity, its vastness a reminder of the sheer beauty and power of the world of Norrath.

Luckily, Modd made it through with no trouble from the giants. The area surrounding the river was serene, with snow-capped peaks towering majestically in the distance. Once he makes his way over to the river, the Coldains will welcome him with hearty banter and some great ale. The cozy atmosphere of the Coldain settlement provided a much-needed respite after the perilous journey. But he will have to keep it short because the mission is to find the spell: Boon of the Garou, said to transform a party member into a werewolf – how cool is that?

After a few drinks with good old Frostbeard, Modd headed down the river to where it enters the mountain. The sound of rushing water echoed through the narrow valley, creating a soothing melody that accompanied them on their way. He summoned his trusty earth pet, Kobantiik, and gave him some summoned swords and a summoned haste mask, and they headed in.

The entrance to the mountain was foreboding, with dark shadows dancing along the walls. Frostbeard’s instructions echoed in Modd’s mind as they ventured deeper into the cavern. Frostbeard said to take the first left, then left again, and in the first cavern, they should come across them.

And he was correct; Modd caught the first one by surprise with a blast from his Seeking Flame of Seukor, but it barely scratched the beast. The cavern’s icy walls amplified the sound of battle, adding an eerie intensity to the encounter. Modd thought better of it and sent Kobantik in, and he engaged the beast. He is good like that, tough little guy that he is.

Then Modd quickly landed a Cadeau of Flame on his trusty pet – it’s a short-duration damage shield to help him wear the big shardwurm down. The light from the fiery shield danced across the cave walls, illuminating the ancient carvings etched into the stone every time the shardwurm hit him.

As the battle raged on, another shardwurm approached mid-battle, trying not to freak out and keeping his composure. The frigid air carried the scent of frost and snow, adding to the intensity of the moment. Modd melted the first shardwurm to within a thread of life, still breathing that frosty breath down on poor old Kobantik. Modd yelled out, “Finish him off, good buddy, you got this.”

As Modd started blasting the other shardwurm, he knew he only had enough mana for three more shots. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of excitement and nerves filling the air. The first shardwurm dropped with a heavy thud that he could definitely feel – a slight tremor under his feet. One more to go, and he looked healthy, but Kobantik is tough and quickly got the battle under control. Modd seemed to have timed his three blasts correctly, and together, they brought the beast down.

Modd ran over to the huge corpses and looted; to his surprise, he found a star ruby, and on the other, a Shardwurm shirt. Not too shabby, but definitely not what they came for. The satisfaction of victory mixed with a sense of curiosity about what other treasures this mountain held. So he looked around for a nice safe spot to sit and regain his mana, and Kobantik could regain some health before the next wurm strolled in. The cavern’s echoes seemed to whisper secrets of the past, adding an air of mystery to the moment.

A few hours later and many dead shardwurms, Modd looted a spell, but it was not the one he was looking for. It was the Spell: Circle of Wakening Lands, a teleportation spell to, you guessed it, the Wakening Lands – a landing zone guarded by a dragon. One must be factioned with Veeshan to go there or at least port in safely without a fight; it is known that dragons aren’t kindly to folks just popping in.

After a few more hours and still no spell, he started to wonder; maybe he just didn’t time this adventure right. He was about to make camp and try again later when he looked in his Traveler’s pack to discover he was out of malachite. Modd dropped his head in bewilderment; that will teach him. He can’t summon a new pet without malachite. He will now have to make his way out and head back to see Frostbeard, drink a few ales, and get some malachite along the way.

With that, he packed up and moved on to Thurgidan, the city of the Coldains. The journey back was filled with both eagerness and anticipation. Modd’s mind raced with thoughts of getting the spell for Alderan. Heck, maybe Alderan wouldn’t even remember; we did knock back a lot of summoned ale that day.

So this closes another adventure of Modd, the 60th Arch mage of Everquest. But fear not, for his adventures are far from over. There will be more challenges to face, more mysteries to unravel, and more victories to celebrate and always more ale to drink and friends to drink it with. Until next time, fellow adventurers! Stay tuned for more thrilling tales from the realms of Everquest.
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F@$k it, Dude, let's go bowling
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Old 08-06-2023, 09:50 AM
dude dude is offline

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Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 179

in case any was wondering how to get to the great divide [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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F@$k it, Dude, let's go bowling
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