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Old 03-06-2014, 01:42 PM
Schortt Schortt is offline

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Default Erdarf Restil eating Karsin Acid

Description: Erdarf Restil in Thurgadin is part of two quest lines: to get the Coldain Military Bracers and Kromrif Military Leggings. In either quest line you need to get a Gem of Persuasion from Erdarf. One way to get the gem is to hand him the Scepter of Coldain Ancients off Queen Drac in CC, and the other way is to hand him a Bottle of Karsin Acid off the Ry'Gorr miners in CC.

Currently, he is eating the Bottle of Karsin Acid. I haven't gotten a Scepter yet to test that turnin. I am KOS with dwarves but was sneak-trading the acid to get indiff faction - according to many Alla comments from 2001 this entire quest line was doable with dubious faction to both dwarves and giants as many people mention rolling a Rallos Zek worshipping alt specifically for doing the turn ins. A number of people also talk about using sneak to do turnins to both giants and dwaves.

Relevant NPCs: Erdarf Restil

Relevant LOCs: Thurgadin (-370, +458, -21)

Expected behavior: Should take a Bottle of Karsin Acid and return a Gem of Persuasion


Relevant log snippets:
[Thu Mar 06 12:16:41 2014] You begin to sneak...
[Thu Mar 06 12:16:45 2014] Erdarf Restil begins to cast a spell.
[Thu Mar 06 12:16:51 2014] You appear.
[Thu Mar 06 12:16:51 2014] Targeted (NPC): Erdarf Restil
[Thu Mar 06 12:16:51 2014] Right click on the NPC to consider him.
[Thu Mar 06 12:16:51 2014] Erdarf Restil regards you indifferently -- You could probably win this fight.
At this point I handed in the Acid and got nothing - no dialogue, no item.
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Last edited by Schortt; 03-06-2014 at 01:45 PM..
Old 03-06-2014, 01:59 PM
nilbog nilbog is offline
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It is currently written to require high amiable, not just amiable, for both item turn ins.

Before I change all of this, would like more input. Whomever made this went to quite a bit of effort to make it this way.
Old 03-06-2014, 03:18 PM
Schortt Schortt is offline

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Here's a bunch of stuff describing how the quest worked great using a newbie Rallos Zek alt, who would start dubious with both Coldain and Kromrif. People note on several occasions that they would not get quest dialogue with dubious faction but that the turn-ins were still functional. Pretty much every walkthrough of this quest written since early/mid 2001 endorses the newbie Rallos Zek alt method.

I also put in a few examples of people claiming success using sneak.

The most relevant bits are in bold.
Originally Posted by Alla June 2001
This quest is almost as easy as the leggings.
Faction is not that big a deal for it...
all you need is sneak.
Most druids have it, and all rangers have it.
Just either have a ranger do everything up to the broodmother (beyond if you are brave) and then Killing the dorf is cake.
He is originally like 55 or something, but his quest incarnation is closer to 45.
I know, I killed him twice, got a wristguard for my druid and my shammie.
It was cake.
Do this quest.
Best free bracers this side of Karnors Castle.
Ok, there are 2 ways of doing this quest, depending on whether you're KOS in kael or not. For both you'll need to be at least level 50 to attempt this solo.

Method 1 (KOS)

Make a new character, a warrior (any race) with a religion of rallos zek. Get him buffed up with sow and invis then ported to Iceclad. Run to crystal caverns, and log at the zone. Then log in your main character and start pulling orcs to the zone. When a bottle of karsin acid (no drop) drops quickly log on the warrior to loot. Alternatively, if the queen is camped, get someone to invis your warrior and run him down to the queen room and ask to loot a sceptre of the coldain ancients (lore no drop) from her. Obviously, this is quite tricky, but I managed it first attempt with help from guildies camping the queen.

Next, run your warrior to thurgadin. Hand either the sceptre or acid to Erdaf Restil (both result in the same item: a gem of persuasion). Get someone to bind the warrior here and camp him here. Get your main character killing drakkal bllod wolves for a blood wolf harness. Once one drops, loot then have someone hand it to your warrior.

With the warrior again, get sowed and invised and run to kael. The wolf tamer is under the bridge near the tormax area. He won't respond to hails (he should con dubious) but will hand out items correctly. First give him the gem of persuasion, to recieve a giant's gem of persuasion. Then give him the blood wolf harness and the giants gem to recieve a giants control harness. Get translocated or run back to great divide.
Originally Posted by Alla 2002
I did this quest w/ a monk... FD and sneak works well...
Originally Posted by Druid's Grove 2002
07-01-2002, 07:45 AM
OK this is a trivial quest. Took me like 40 min tops to do the whole thing. Blood Wolf Harness is tradeable so no problem there. ihad one in my bank. PLEASE NOTE - when you complete this quest with a Troll Warrior of Rallos Zek you STILL have teh Blood Wolf Harness - it is not used up. So you can do it as many times as you need to for all your buddies. Anyway back to the walkthru. Go into CC and you wil lsee dozens of bodies lying on the ground. People l\kil the mobs for the ore and leave teh NO DROP Karsinic Acid on them. Loot until youget an Acid. I got mine on a corpse 20 feet inside the zone. Elapsed time 10 seconds. Port the little guy to GD and run into Thurgadin and turn in Acid to Edarf for the Gem. Port the little fella to WL and run into Kael. Hand in the Gem ONLY to Giant Wolf Tamer. He hands yo back the Giant version of the Gem of Persuasion. Hand in the new gem and the Blood Wolf harness adn you get back teh Blood Wolf Harness adn the Giant Harness fo Control. Go to Broodmomma and give here Harness. Kill dorf and loot bracer. Total tiem for me was about 20 min. I then did it a second time for a friend adn that took another 25 min so in 45 min I had TWO Bracers. Ridiculously easy quest. Now if Verant would only realize that the Grey Flesh Gloves which drop off alevel 55 mob and are a very rare drop ought to have Affliction 3 instead of 2 we would have two items to pursue. :-)

08-07-2002, 11:38 AM
I tried this today with a Ogre Warrior of Rallos Zek and the wolf tamer wouldn't talk to me.

So I guess dubiously to the giants isnt't enough anymore.

08-08-2002, 12:48 PM
I could hand in the items though he didn't talk... so the one time ogre still works.
Originally Posted by Alla 2003
I did this quest a few days ago as a 61 ogre shaman ( my main ). This walkthrough is pretty good but there are a few points Id like to add:

1. My shaman has never done any CoV/dwarf/giant faction work in Velious, so I was dubious to all involved
Originally Posted by Eqcleric 2004 Number 2: Create a Halfling Warrior (needs to be a short race) and chose Rallos Zek as your god. Go to Thurgidane and get someone to bind you there. Grab your potions out of the bank and head EW Zone. Mobs in Great Divide will not agro on you.

Step Number 4: Log your Main Character in and start killing every orc you see. It has never taken me more than 15 mins to get a Bottle of Karsin Acid to drop. Once one does drop. Log out, relog the Halfling warrior, loot the bottle, and death gate (suicide). I like to cannonball into the mine, but to each your own.

Step Number 5: Now find Erdarf. He is in the bar near the cleric’s guild in Thurgidane. Hand him the Bottle of Karsin Acid and you will receive the Gem of Pursuasion.

Step Number 6: Now run over to Kael avoiding every mob you see in the Eastern Wastes. Once in Kael, find the Wolf tamer under the bridge that leads to King Tormax's Throne room. Hand him the Gem of Persuasion you just received from Erdarf. Then re-hand the Giant the Gem he just gave you back. That’s right you hand him the gem 2 times. You will now have the Giant Control Harness. Now Suicide on the nearest giant or go say hi to mobs in the arena.. eventually, you will find one that just turns you into paste. It is funny to run around in the arena saying HI to raids and shaking hands with the mobs they are killing.
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Old 03-06-2014, 03:44 PM
Daldaen Daldaen is offline
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I recall using this guide to do this on my Druid.
Old 03-06-2014, 03:46 PM
nilbog nilbog is offline
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Pending update:

Removed the faction checks for turn ins to Erdarf. (Dubious or better will work)
Old 03-06-2014, 06:35 PM
Enygma Enygma is offline

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As per the crowdsourcing thread nilbog (my top post)

I only did the quest at ally... most of the quests required high amiably or higher from looking over the kael quests that I crowd sourced - perhaps that is why it was defaulted to same.

I did not try to do hails at any less factions as it was not requested by yourself at the time.


Further research on the crowdsourcing quests (if this is the right one) it is found here, I did a TON of research on live:

completing the quests several times and ensuring the lowest amount of faction required:

High up amiably was the lowest level of faction to complete the quest:

fyi nilbog - higher up amiably faction also allows you to complete this quest.

[Mon Jun 24 15:17:26 2013] Erdarf Restil judges you amiably -- You could probably win this fight.
[Mon Jun 24 15:17:33 2013] You say, 'Hail, Erdarf Restil'
[Mon Jun 24 15:17:33 2013] Erdarf Restil says 'Huh? Dont you know better than to interrupt a Coldain enjoying his ale? I may be a user of priestly magic but that doesn't mean I can't bash your head in.'
[Mon Jun 24 15:17:38 2013] You say, 'what user of priestly magic?'
[Mon Jun 24 15:17:38 2013] Erdarf Restil says 'Aye. An old one not much taken with idle chit chat.'
[Mon Jun 24 15:17:42 2013] You say, 'what old one?'
[Mon Jun 24 15:17:42 2013] Erdarf Restil says 'Very old, very wise, and on and on. You must have some point to bothering me. Im not a merchant and I dont contract myself out for work. Ive performed works for the Dain. There isnt much I havent done.'
[Mon Jun 24 15:18:16 2013] You say, 'what havent you done?'
[Mon Jun 24 15:18:16 2013] Erdarf Restil chuckles at you. 'If you want to impress me, and let me make certain you understand I doubt you can, then you can do what I never was able. For years I adventured and attempted to venture to the bottom of the Crystal Caverns in search of ancient artifacts from my people. Do that, show me that you have, and I will be impressed.'

[Mon Jun 24 15:22:06 2013] Erdarf Restil judges you amiably -- You could probably win this fight.
[Mon Jun 24 15:22:07 2013] You say, 'Hail, Erdarf Restil'
[Mon Jun 24 15:22:07 2013] Erdarf Restil says 'You need to prove your dedication to our cause before I can discuss such matters with you.'


[Mon Jun 24 15:27:33 2013] Erdarf Restil regards you indifferently -- You could probably win this fight.
[Mon Jun 24 15:27:33 2013] You say, 'Hail, Erdarf Restil'
[Mon Jun 24 15:27:33 2013] Erdarf Restil says 'You need to prove your dedication to our cause before I can discuss such matters with you.'


[Mon Jun 24 15:30:58 2013] Erdarf Restil looks your way apprehensively -- You could probably win this fight.

[Mon Jun 24 15:30:59 2013] You say, 'Hail, Erdarf Restil'
[Mon Jun 24 15:30:59 2013] Erdarf Restil says 'Is that your BREATH, or did something die in here? Now go away!'

[Mon Jun 24 15:31:01 2013] You say, 'Hail, Erdarf Restil'
[Mon Jun 24 15:31:01 2013] Erdarf Restil says 'Oh look, a talking lump of refuse. How novel!'

[Mon Jun 24 15:31:03 2013] You say, 'Hail, Erdarf Restil'
[Mon Jun 24 15:31:03 2013] Erdarf Restil says 'I wonder how much I could get for the tongue of a blithering fool? Leave before I decide to find out for myself.'

[Mon Jun 24 15:31:05 2013] You say, 'Hail, Erdarf Restil'
[Mon Jun 24 15:31:05 2013] Erdarf Restil says 'I didn't know Slime could speak common. Go back to the sewer before I lose my temper.'

***NOTE: Dubious messages are the same as apprehensive. (randomly spewed on hail)
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Last edited by Enygma; 03-06-2014 at 06:49 PM..
Old 03-06-2014, 07:24 PM
Schortt Schortt is offline

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Right, he should not respond to hails until amiable, but all the stuff I just posted acknowledges that while he does not respond to hails he still returned the Gem with dubious faction when handed either the sceptre or the acid. A number of Velious quests worked this way - you had to have high faction to find out about them but often needed relatively low faction to complete.

This quest in particular - you are told to go slip this dwarf some acid by a frost giant, and there's even a script that runs to get all the other dwarves in the bar out and away so that the only two left are the bartender (non-aggro merchant) and Edarf. The whole thing is pretty much designed to work with KOS-sneak trades or people who were otherwise low faction with Coldain. If anything, it's only weird that he takes the sceptre at dubious, as that what his quest text is about, but that's apparently how it worked on live according all of the researched I linked and pasted above.
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Last edited by Schortt; 03-06-2014 at 07:42 PM..
Old 06-04-2014, 11:12 AM
nilbog nilbog is offline
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Originally Posted by Schortt [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Right, he should not respond to hails until amiable, but all the stuff I just posted acknowledges that while he does not respond to hails he still returned the Gem with dubious faction when handed either the sceptre or the acid.
This is how it is working now. Moving to resolved.
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