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Old 06-01-2016, 10:53 PM
jcr4990 jcr4990 is offline

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Originally Posted by Swish [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
They're just waiting for some raid scene changes, they'll be back in a flash at as soon as someone says "ro______"
Except for that part where nobody from BDA has said anything about wanting a rotation post-Velious and at this point I don't think ANYONE in BDA on Phinny is even remotely considering a return to P99 no matter what raid rule changes get made. Do you just get off on posting misinformation or?
Old 06-01-2016, 11:31 PM
Tuljin Tuljin is offline
Fire Giant

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Posts: 636

Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I had a small guild of good players who joined because they didn't want to poopsock or track.
Listen to you man. You are such a megalomaniac. "I" "I" "I" "Me" "Me" "Me"

"I" had a small guild of good players.

"You" didn't have shit man. "We" had something great. You were only the de facto "leader" because at the time you were pretty much the only player involved with the boards and you were definitely the only player that ran your mouth to everybody all day. It got to the point where /gu at times became your inner EQ monologue that at times was very much like nails on a chalkboard.

"You" very well know that coordinating the entire guild to do ~anything~ simultaneously back then was an exercise in futility and very much like herding cats. You weren't the "leader" of shit man, you just like to tell yourself that. You had no veto power whatsoever, "we" made decisions collectively.

Do you really think everybody joined ~you~? Get fucking real man. You are insufferable and people simply "tolerate" you (with varying degrees of tenacity) Also, you obviously know nothing about camaraderie and loyalty.

Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Also I am so incredibly happy not to be a guild leader any more. It's sooooooooooooooo much work.
Originally Posted by Ravager [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Yeah, getting a dozen people to farm shit for you for a year so you could buy VP rots from TMO would take a bit of work.
To Loraen's credit, nobody farmed shit for anybody in The A-Team. We all helped each other out but Loraen didn't "lead" shit back in the day and nobody was "working for the man." Certainly nobody was working for him.

This unsolicited gem of a quote gives us an opportunity to fast forward to January 2014, the R rotation. I won't let anybody get away with revisionist history if I can help it.

So after a few months of R and establishing an idiotic DKP system when dice rolls and agreements were working just fucking fine (more work for no fucking reason) you quit the guild around March. You went to IB because you couldn't get along with the new officer corps. You came back again around summer, you quit again in the fall, this time running away to Red.

A real "leader" - you never "led" anything and you were a flake.

When I came back from a summer break due to work and personal reasons to see just how "to shit" my guild had gone, I couldn't believe it. I finally started speaking up after a few weeks. Absolute nubs in low 50s that were ~never~ going to get to 60 riding coattails with horrible attitudes to boot. It was like the fucking Twilight Zone.

We were killing everything no problem before the Junta blindly started to bolster numbers with complete nubs and no level requirments whatsoever. Wiping multiple times on simple Hate portups that I/we used to do surgically and effortlessly with 6. Same with Fear. I have been in so many pickup Fear events where people wipe with 18 on zonein (I had a ~~~nightmare~~~ Fear break with TMO tagged toons a month or two ago, it was awful) Not being able to clear Sky with 40 when we could wreck it with half the numbers. The brilliant idea of awarding double DKP for Beta raids to players that were ~never~ going to hit 60 ~on the actual server~ and all this was ~~~over a fucking year before Velious actually fucking came out~~~. I don't need to continue.

You never "led" shit man. You let everything go to shit because you are an imbecile. I'm not gonna sit around and let you talk your bullshit man, I'm sorry.

Another fast forward to late Fall 2014 while you were on Red. I had spoken up so much that I made some enemies even though all of my writing is never personal. That really pissed off the Junta that was installed at the time. For the record, you're the only person I've ever been "personal" with, and back then I never made it personal with anybody and I still don't to this day.

The Junta got so upset that they all threw in the towel at the end of 2014, taking 0 accountability for fucking up the guild. In fact, nobody ~ever~ seemed to have ~any~ accountability. You came back, took over leadership for barely 2 months, and created a very shady 11th hour backdoor deal that everybody was kept in the dark about. Everybody except your anthill of new supporters.

We were under the impression that it was going to be, to actually quote you, a "70/30" merge and all the new blood to the guild went along with it because they never had any concept what the original vision of The A-Team was. Instead, it was an absolute and complete assimilation, and the true "A-Team" players either left within weeks or played without being able to win any loot, despite being exceptional players and nice guys.

The founders and veteran members of The A-Team were kept completely in the dark about all of it. The way it went down was very fucking shady. I've already told this story to the people that need to know it, by the way. They really don't give a shit though and they still laugh about how hard they fucking played you.

What really set me off was the other day when you posted in the Caster forums on the Enchanter Stories thread and were καμαρωτός καμαρωτός about founding the A-Team with somebody else. Soon after, very much like Smokey Bear you mentioned some personal issues as if it were a PSA from the 80s.

Get fucking real man. You never even told Save what you were doing with the guild. You don't even give a shit about him man, and you're gonna mention personal issues about someone after gloating with logs from 4 fucking years ago in another sickening exhibition of your egomania. This isn't D.A.R.E. class and don't pretend like you even give one solitary fuck about my/our friend when I know full well you don't at all.

Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I didn't let him join Rampage because he'd been repeatedly going off on me in tells and was generally being insane/annoying.
Pot calling the kettle black much?

Listen to you man. Un-fucking-real. There's one thing in common with all the people you "didn't let into Rampage." They all told you to go fuck yourself. And ya know what? You fucking deserve it. I speak on behalf of ~many~ on this server, I'm sure.

I ended up making enemies so you could crawl out of your Red hole and help steer the guild back on track, instead you fucked it up. And then you put me in a position where you let me into a guild and with a straight face you and others tell me you're not going to let my brother in. You are a fucking piece of shit. It really shows the quality of your character. If you really think that woulsn't/didn't piss me off you really are a fucking idiot.

Petros didn't really care that he wasn't going to Rampage, well, because none of us never wanted to join IB, which is why The A-Team was even formed in the first place. He was/is upset, just like the rest of us, that The A-Team in some kind of sick, sad, fucked up joke ended up being ~precisely~ what it was never supposed to be.

Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
He was . . . . quite enthusiastic.
I speak in truths, unlike you old friend, which is why I seem to piss a lot of people off. You're putting some classic BDA spin on this. I certainly was not "enthusiastic" about the merger, at all. I wanted to continue to play because I was under the impression that it was going to be a collaboration and something novel, instead it was a downright assimilation and you were Locutus-of-the- mother-fucking-Borg. You bullshitted all of us and showed your true stripes.

Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
'Bro I'm an awesome player and I don't want to let my brother hold me back from EQ pixel glory'.
Yeah man, "my way to pixel glory." Yeah the fuck right. Anybody who knows me knows I would never utter a phrase remotely resembling that. If I really gave a shit about pixels I'd be sucking dick for them and not constantly flaming the P99 establishment. I continue to be friendly, altruistic and helpful to nubs and other players on the server. I also took a pretty clear "fuck you" stance starting from Day 1 in IB Jr. that the "upper management" got hip to pretty fucking quick. And I don't give a shit. You made an enemy with somebody with nothing to lose, old friend.

Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I mean, it wasn't even like 'well, I'll try it, and if I can calm down Petros over a few months can he app?'
Do you really fucking think that me or any ~real~ A-Team member would give in to this bullshit? Listen to yourself, Locutus. Do you really think that I would tell somebody to "behave" just to play a videogame with a bunch of assholes they never wanted to play with in the fucking first place? Do you think I would give ~anybody~ the satisfaction of telling somebody else to "behave" knowing full well they're a complete fucking asshole with a track record? Please dude, please.

Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Xoquil hadn't yet jumped the shark into the bitter shell of a player he is now, so I was fine with him at the time
I'm bitter but hardly a shell. Playing with assholes like you et. al. causes one's patience to wear very thin. I have been censored by my own guild (i.e. one very disgruntled member of the Junta with a killswitch) for having valid opinions expressed in an intelligent manner. I did my share of keeping my mouth shut for pixels when I joined IB Jr. I've "seen it all" and at this point there really isn't anything else to see.

I'm a better player than I've ever been. I've been keeping my game sharp rather than poopsocking, batphoning, and Chardok AoEing alts to park. I have access to many toons for anything I could possibly want to do in this game.

I knew years ago that I was ~never~ going to be awarded an NToV dragon drop unless I paid for it, as did the rest of us (except for you apparently.) I say whatever I want to whomever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want because honestly there are too many people around here forced to keep their mouths shut for pixels.

Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Rather than keep fighting a losing battle against 24/7 zerg poopsocking guilds, I joined the party.
By the way, who is the one who jumped the shark here? I'm the same as I always been man, the only difference is you are now on my shit list and considered anathema. You're the one with a constant identity crisis who needs to keep finding new virtual friends, if you're even capable of that.

The "raid scene" sucks because the hegemony keeps people in their place and there is no opportunity for adjustment or improvement.

All the hegemony of the "raid scene" does is spin tire, blow hot hair, spout unfounded bullshit, then pick up their ball and go home and start all over again. For fucking years. Take a look at some of these "raid" rules threads and the big "raid" summits that happen every six months with no results.

You joined Transatlantic Bastards only to give up officer position, rejoin, quit again, rejoin, quit again. No real result. Do we see a pattern?

Just drink that fucking Kool-Aid and hope your number comes up. Gotta "put in work" and "contribute." Please dude. Everyone logs on for 5 minutes for DKP and attendance then says "fuck you" and logs. Its miserable.

Now this business with Awakened banning an RnF all-star for participating in a Chardok sit-in? What the fuck is going on? The hegemony wants to keep things juuuuuust the way they are and keep those top pixels flowing by exploiting thousands of human hours in a very manipulative and calculated way.

You contribute ~directly~ to this bullshit. The two officers mentioned on the forums with the Awakened ban began riding coattails and jockeying for influential position the second you arranged the "merger." Your myopia is unbelievable. You only give a shit about yourself.

This "raid" shit on P99 is a fucking pyramid scheme. In a fucking videogame. You never hear this from any average member of a "raid" guild because they will be immediately ostracized and the pixel faucet will be shut off instantly. And new players to the server know no different and just keep joining and dropping off. This is the rotating door of nubs that keeps churning that makes the pyramid scheme possible.

The P99 "raid scene" is not "just how MMOs work." No fucking way. Its completely fucked up and theres gigabytes of text data written by users to support that statement. The "raid scene" works the way a select few ~want~ it to work for their own benefit. Its been evolving for years and it has been crafted by a constantly morphing cabal that mainly consists of "the usual suspects."

The A-Team was an alternative for many good players who don't want to put up with that bullshit. We used to attract top talent. Then the "guild formerly known as The A-Team" fucking sucked. You have a huge part in fucking that up.

I've met many players on this server who know members of the "raid" hegemony from other boxes. You know what they have to say about them? Nothing good.

After a solid 5 years of being both an EQ addict and an asshole you have earned similar notoriety. Its apparent in the way the serfs interact with you on the boards and in Norrath in your little neckbeard fiefdom that is P99. You really have a way with people.

It looks like now with no expansion on the horizon and your Blue Flower completed you finally end up precisely where you belong.

Originally Posted by jcr4990 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Confirmed VERY mad
You better fucking believe I'm mad.
Sotir - Cleric
Xoquil - Wizard
Kinigi - Ranger

<The A-Team>
Old 06-01-2016, 11:39 PM
Alarti0001 Alarti0001 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tuljin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Listen to you man. You are such a megalomaniac. "I" "I" "I" "Me" "Me" "Me"

"I" had a small guild of good players.

"You" didn't have shit man. "We" had something great. You were only the de facto "leader" because at the time you were pretty much the only player involved with the boards and you were definitely the only player that ran your mouth to everybody all day. It got to the point where /gu at times became your inner EQ monologue that at times was very much like nails on a chalkboard.

"You" very well know that coordinating the entire guild to do ~anything~ simultaneously back then was an exercise in futility and very much like herding cats. You weren't the "leader" of shit man, you just like to tell yourself that. You had no veto power whatsoever, "we" made decisions collectively.

Do you really think everybody joined ~you~? Get fucking real man. You are insufferable and people simply "tolerate" you (with varying degrees of tenacity) Also, you obviously know nothing about camaraderie and loyalty.

To Loraen's credit, nobody farmed shit for anybody in The A-Team. We all helped each other out but Loraen didn't "lead" shit back in the day and nobody was "working for the man." Certainly nobody was working for him.

This unsolicited gem of a quote gives us an opportunity to fast forward to January 2014, the R rotation. I won't let anybody get away with revisionist history if I can help it.

So after a few months of R and establishing an idiotic DKP system when dice rolls and agreements were working just fucking fine (more work for no fucking reason) you quit the guild around March. You went to IB because you couldn't get along with the new officer corps. You came back again around summer, you quit again in the fall, this time running away to Red.

A real "leader" - you never "led" anything and you were a flake.

When I came back from a summer break due to work and personal reasons to see just how "to shit" my guild had gone, I couldn't believe it. I finally started speaking up after a few weeks. Absolute nubs in low 50s that were ~never~ going to get to 60 riding coattails with horrible attitudes to boot. It was like the fucking Twilight Zone.

We were killing everything no problem before the Junta blindly started to bolster numbers with complete nubs and no level requirments whatsoever. Wiping multiple times on simple Hate portups that I/we used to do surgically and effortlessly with 6. Same with Fear. I have been in so many pickup Fear events where people wipe with 18 on zonein (I had a ~~~nightmare~~~ Fear break with TMO tagged toons a month or two ago, it was awful) Not being able to clear Sky with 40 when we could wreck it with half the numbers. The brilliant idea of awarding double DKP for Beta raids to players that were ~never~ going to hit 60 ~on the actual server~ and all this was ~~~over a fucking year before Velious actually fucking came out~~~. I don't need to continue.

You never "led" shit man. You let everything go to shit because you are an imbecile. I'm not gonna sit around and let you talk your bullshit man, I'm sorry.

Another fast forward to late Fall 2014 while you were on Red. I had spoken up so much that I made some enemies even though all of my writing is never personal. That really pissed off the Junta that was installed at the time. For the record, you're the only person I've ever been "personal" with, and back then I never made it personal with anybody and I still don't to this day.

The Junta got so upset that they all threw in the towel at the end of 2014, taking 0 accountability for fucking up the guild. In fact, nobody ~ever~ seemed to have ~any~ accountability. You came back, took over leadership for barely 2 months, and created a very shady 11th hour backdoor deal that everybody was kept in the dark about. Everybody except your anthill of new supporters.

We were under the impression that it was going to be, to actually quote you, a "70/30" merge and all the new blood to the guild went along with it because they never had any concept what the original vision of The A-Team was. Instead, it was an absolute and complete assimilation, and the true "A-Team" players either left within weeks or played without being able to win any loot, despite being exceptional players and nice guys.

The founders and veteran members of The A-Team were kept completely in the dark about all of it. The way it went down was very fucking shady. I've already told this story to the people that need to know it, by the way. They really don't give a shit though and they still laugh about how hard they fucking played you.

What really set me off was the other day when you posted in the Caster forums on the Enchanter Stories thread and were καμαρωτός καμαρωτός about founding the A-Team with somebody else. Soon after, very much like Smokey Bear you mentioned some personal issues as if it were a PSA from the 80s.

Get fucking real man. You never even told Save what you were doing with the guild. You don't even give a shit about him man, and you're gonna mention personal issues about someone after gloating with logs from 4 fucking years ago in another sickening exhibition of your egomania. This isn't D.A.R.E. class and don't pretend like you even give one solitary fuck about my/our friend when I know full well you don't at all.

Pot calling the kettle black much?

Listen to you man. Un-fucking-real. There's one thing in common with all the people you "didn't let into Rampage." They all told you to go fuck yourself. And ya know what? You fucking deserve it. I speak on behalf of ~many~ on this server, I'm sure.

I ended up making enemies so you could crawl out of your Red hole and help steer the guild back on track, instead you fucked it up. And then you put me in a position where you let me into a guild and with a straight face you and others tell me you're not going to let my brother in. You are a fucking piece of shit. It really shows the quality of your character. If you really think that woulsn't/didn't piss me off you really are a fucking idiot.

Petros didn't really care that he wasn't going to Rampage, well, because none of us never wanted to join IB, which is why The A-Team was even formed in the first place. He was/is upset, just like the rest of us, that The A-Team in some kind of sick, sad, fucked up joke ended up being ~precisely~ what it was never supposed to be.

I speak in truths, unlike you old friend, which is why I seem to piss a lot of people off. You're putting some classic BDA spin on this. I certainly was not "enthusiastic" about the merger, at all. I wanted to continue to play because I was under the impression that it was going to be a collaboration and something novel, instead it was a downright assimilation and you were Locutus-of-the- mother-fucking-Borg. You bullshitted all of us and showed your true stripes.

Yeah man, "my way to pixel glory." Yeah the fuck right. Anybody who knows me knows I would never utter a phrase remotely resembling that. If I really gave a shit about pixels I'd be sucking dick for them and not constantly flaming the P99 establishment. I continue to be friendly, altruistic and helpful to nubs and other players on the server. I also took a pretty clear "fuck you" stance starting from Day 1 in IB Jr. that the "upper management" got hip to pretty fucking quick. And I don't give a shit. You made an enemy with somebody with nothing to lose, old friend.

Do you really fucking think that me or any ~real~ A-Team member would give in to this bullshit? Listen to yourself, Locutus. Do you really think that I would tell somebody to "behave" just to play a videogame with a bunch of assholes they never wanted to play with in the fucking first place? Do you think I would give ~anybody~ the satisfaction of telling somebody else to "behave" knowing full well they're a complete fucking asshole with a track record? Please dude, please.

I'm bitter but hardly a shell. Playing with assholes like you et. al. causes one's patience to wear very thin. I have been censored by my own guild (i.e. one very disgruntled member of the Junta with a killswitch) for having valid opinions expressed in an intelligent manner. I did my share of keeping my mouth shut for pixels when I joined IB Jr. I've "seen it all" and at this point there really isn't anything else to see.

I'm a better player than I've ever been. I've been keeping my game sharp rather than poopsocking, batphoning, and Chardok AoEing alts to park. I have access to many toons for anything I could possibly want to do in this game.

I knew years ago that I was ~never~ going to be awarded an NToV dragon drop unless I paid for it, as did the rest of us (except for you apparently.) I say whatever I want to whomever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want because honestly there are too many people around here forced to keep their mouths shut for pixels.

By the way, who is the one who jumped the shark here? I'm the same as I always been man, the only difference is you are now on my shit list and considered anathema. You're the one with a constant identity crisis who needs to keep finding new virtual friends, if you're even capable of that.

The "raid scene" sucks because the hegemony keeps people in their place and there is no opportunity for adjustment or improvement.

All the hegemony of the "raid scene" does is spin tire, blow hot hair, spout unfounded bullshit, then pick up their ball and go home and start all over again. For fucking years. Take a look at some of these "raid" rules threads and the big "raid" summits that happen every six months with no results.

You joined Transatlantic Bastards only to give up officer position, rejoin, quit again, rejoin, quit again. No real result. Do we see a pattern?

Just drink that fucking Kool-Aid and hope your number comes up. Gotta "put in work" and "contribute." Please dude. Everyone logs on for 5 minutes for DKP and attendance then says "fuck you" and logs. Its miserable.

Now this business with Awakened banning an RnF all-star for participating in a Chardok sit-in? What the fuck is going on? The hegemony wants to keep things juuuuuust the way they are and keep those top pixels flowing by exploiting thousands of human hours in a very manipulative and calculated way.

You contribute ~directly~ to this bullshit. The two officers mentioned on the forums with the Awakened ban began riding coattails and jockeying for influential position the second you arranged the "merger." Your myopia is unbelievable. You only give a shit about yourself.

This "raid" shit on P99 is a fucking pyramid scheme. In a fucking videogame. You never hear this from any average member of a "raid" guild because they will be immediately ostracized and the pixel faucet will be shut off instantly. And new players to the server know no different and just keep joining and dropping off. This is the rotating door of nubs that keeps churning that makes the pyramid scheme possible.

The P99 "raid scene" is not "just how MMOs work." No fucking way. Its completely fucked up and theres gigabytes of text data written by users to support that statement. The "raid scene" works the way a select few ~want~ it to work for their own benefit. Its been evolving for years and it has been crafted by a constantly morphing cabal that mainly consists of "the usual suspects."

The A-Team was an alternative for many good players who don't want to put up with that bullshit. We used to attract top talent. Then the "guild formerly known as The A-Team" fucking sucked. You have a huge part in fucking that up.

I've met many players on this server who know members of the "raid" hegemony from other boxes. You know what they have to say about them? Nothing good.

After a solid 5 years of being both an EQ addict and an asshole you have earned similar notoriety. Its apparent in the way the serfs interact with you on the boards and in Norrath in your little neckbeard fiefdom that is P99. You really have a way with people.

It looks like now with no expansion on the horizon and your Blue Flower completed you finally end up precisely where you belong.

You better fucking believe I'm mad.
Wow quoting for posterity
Originally Posted by Samoht View Post
It's pretty clear he's become one of the people he described as No-life Nerds and Server Bullies.
Old 06-02-2016, 12:21 AM
Raev Raev is offline
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[Sun Mar 22 22:42:49 2015] Cucumbers tells the guild, 'STAY AT ENT'
[Sun Mar 22 22:42:49 2015] Xoquil is no longer a member of your guild.
[Sun Mar 22 22:44:47 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'sorry man'
[Sun Mar 22 22:51:07 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'man idk wtf i woke up to the batphone idk why i ran in like that i thought everyone was already in - - i fucked up pretty good im assuming by the silence'
[Sun Mar 22 22:52:45 2015] You told xoquil, 'YOU NEED TO GET IN TEAMSPEAK'
[Sun Mar 22 22:53:01 2015] You told xoquil, 'mostly you got guildremoved because hoku was afraid you were going to train the TMO guys'
[Sun Mar 22 22:53:22 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'so im out?'
[Sun Mar 22 22:53:41 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'man im so sorry seriously'
[Sun Mar 22 22:53:41 2015] You told Xoquil, 'you absolutely have to get teamspeak going'
[Sun Mar 22 22:53:45 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'i will do it man i am sorry'
[Sun Mar 22 22:54:05 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'i was half conscious dude im sorry i know'
[Sun Mar 22 22:54:58 2015] You have invited xoquil to become a member of the guild.
[Sun Mar 22 22:55:11 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'window poofed sorry'
[Sun Mar 22 22:57:08 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'i will dude sorry'
[Sun Mar 22 22:57:12 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'i know man srs'
[Sun Mar 22 22:57:15 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'sorry '

that's some serious groveling for someone who didn't want to be in rampage
Old 06-02-2016, 12:29 AM
Tuljin Tuljin is offline
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Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
that's some serious groveling for someone who didn't want to be in rampage
Groveling? Gonna have to do better than that, chum. We were still "friends" at the time. Wasn't really expecting a guildkick fresh after the merger. Just goes to show how fucked up you/everybody is.

I'm just not sure why you're trying to further illustrate how much of a fucking asshole you are.
Sotir - Cleric
Xoquil - Wizard
Kinigi - Ranger

<The A-Team>
Old 06-02-2016, 12:32 AM
EvilQuest EvilQuest is offline
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read every word because raev is a fucking tool and we all already knew that
Old 06-02-2016, 12:49 AM
jcr4990 jcr4990 is offline

Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 397

Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
[Sun Mar 22 22:42:49 2015] Cucumbers tells the guild, 'STAY AT ENT'
[Sun Mar 22 22:42:49 2015] Xoquil is no longer a member of your guild.
[Sun Mar 22 22:44:47 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'sorry man'
[Sun Mar 22 22:51:07 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'man idk wtf i woke up to the batphone idk why i ran in like that i thought everyone was already in - - i fucked up pretty good im assuming by the silence'
[Sun Mar 22 22:52:45 2015] You told xoquil, 'YOU NEED TO GET IN TEAMSPEAK'
[Sun Mar 22 22:53:01 2015] You told xoquil, 'mostly you got guildremoved because hoku was afraid you were going to train the TMO guys'
[Sun Mar 22 22:53:22 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'so im out?'
[Sun Mar 22 22:53:41 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'man im so sorry seriously'
[Sun Mar 22 22:53:41 2015] You told Xoquil, 'you absolutely have to get teamspeak going'
[Sun Mar 22 22:53:45 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'i will do it man i am sorry'
[Sun Mar 22 22:54:05 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'i was half conscious dude im sorry i know'
[Sun Mar 22 22:54:58 2015] You have invited xoquil to become a member of the guild.
[Sun Mar 22 22:55:11 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'window poofed sorry'
[Sun Mar 22 22:57:08 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'i will dude sorry'
[Sun Mar 22 22:57:12 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'i know man srs'
[Sun Mar 22 22:57:15 2015] Xoquil tells you, 'sorry '

that's some serious groveling for someone who didn't want to be in rampage
Yikes. Also yikes at TL;DR post that literally nobody read.
Old 06-02-2016, 06:30 AM
Swish Swish is offline
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Originally Posted by jcr4990 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I don't think ANYONE in BDA on Phinny is even remotely considering a return to P99 no matter what raid rule changes get made.
Excellent, can't wait for the U-turn but I'm glad you truly believe that.
Old 06-02-2016, 06:31 AM
Ravager Ravager is offline
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Originally Posted by jcr4990 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Do you just get off on posting misinformation or?
You don't have to be so nice. Just call the liar what he is.
Old 06-02-2016, 06:35 AM
Swish Swish is offline
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Originally Posted by Ravager [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You don't have to be so nice. Just call the liar what he is.
hi Russell
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