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Old 06-29-2022, 06:02 PM
Zoolander Zoolander is offline

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One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. "What's happened to me?" he thought. It wasn't a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table - Samsa was a travelling salesman - and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer. Gregor then turned to look out the window at the dull weather. Drops of rain could be heard hitting the pane, which made him feel quite sad. "How about if I sleep a little bit longer and forget all this nonsense", he thought, but that was something he was unable to do because he was used to sleeping on his right, and in his present state couldn't get into that position. However hard he threw himself onto his right, he always rolled back to where he was. He must have tried it a hundred times, shut his eyes so that he wouldn't have to look at the floundering legs, and only stopped when he began to feel a mild, dull pain there that he had never felt before. "Oh, God", he thought, "what a strenuous career it is that I've chosen! Travelling day in and day out. Doing business like this takes much more effort than doing your own business at home, and on top of that there's the curse of travelling, worries about making train connections, bad and irregular food, contact with different people all the time so that you can never get to know anyone or become friendly with them. It can all go to Hell!" He felt a slight itch up on his belly; pushed himself slowly up on his back towards the headboard so that he could lift his head better; found where the itch was, and saw that it was covered with lots of little white spots which he didn't know what to make of; and when he tried to feel the place with one of his legs he drew it quickly back because as soon as he touched it he was overcome by a cold shudder. He slid back into his former position. "Getting up early all the time", he thought, "it makes you stupid. You've got to get enough sleep. Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury. For instance, whenever I go back to the guest house during the morning to copy out the contract, these gentlemen are always still sitting there eating their breakfasts. I ought to just try that with my boss; I'd get kicked out on the spot. But who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me.
Mitic - VZTZ - 8 Inches Unbuffed - 2008
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Old 06-29-2022, 06:44 PM
korax251 korax251 is offline

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Just dont invite any more woodelf rangers.. There ya go problem solved. Next ticket plzzz
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Old 06-30-2022, 05:14 AM
charmcitysking3 charmcitysking3 is offline
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black peraol
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Old 06-30-2022, 09:25 AM
Dural_Levant Dural_Levant is offline

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Originally Posted by shamp271 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Anyhow, we get a new comer along and she asks to join (it was a wood elf
multiclass ranger) and said she "just wanted to grind experience and didn't want
any fine steel."
[Druid] Durahl Levant <Castle>
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Old 06-30-2022, 05:22 PM
Tann Tann is offline
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I felt like OP need some Gizoogle love:

Originally Posted by shamp271 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I have it on phat authoritizzle n' done been a gangmember of a straight-up pimped out fine steel
group. I don't straight-up wanna say where it is cuz itz a pimpin' "quiet"
spot n' don't wanna brang too much attention ta it but itz pimped out fo' fine
steel n' grouping. It aint nuthin but straight-up easy as fuck ta cook up a shitload of scrilla pushin tha fine
steel n' also a shitload of pimped out experience points from tha "mobs" dat is a
constant stream of pulls. There is a shitload of drops like cutlasses n' dirgers
that straight-up add up!

So a crew of mine (I be a thugged-out druid so straight-up "stitch" tha crew together like
Ma-Ti) was havin a pimped out time up in dis spot. Our thugged-out asses had a enchanta castin good
spells on us, a thugged-out damage dealer, a heala (other than mah dirty ass), n' a tank so
everythang was basically pimped out. Our warrior was a human n' our enchanta a
great High Elf so had phat stats n' was straight-up keepin thangs hummin along.
Our thugged-out asses had a cold-ass lil couple tough pulls every last muthafuckin now n' then but dis be a tough fine steel
camp n' so itz kind of aiiight but it aint nuthin but a shitload of fun! Nothang straight-up gots away
from our asses cuz we was all payin attention but also havin a phat time up in the
group chat.

Anyhow, we git a freshly smoked up comer along n' she asks ta join (it was a wood elf
multiclass ranger) n' holla'd she "just wanted ta grind experience n' didn't want
any fine steel." Def beans. I don't straight-up wanna name names cuz maybe
this was just a straight-up shitty experience n' I don't wanna make mah playas feel bad
but I just wanted ta vent n' so wanted ta say dat n' dat every last muthafuckin thang was
basically fine up n' until dis point up in tha crew when tha wood elf ranger
joined sometimes I heard dat maybe rangers shouldn't be invited but we gave it
a blasted n' so dis is how tha fuck it unfoled. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! So our crazy asses had a spot n' she invited her and
she joined n' thatz when basically every last muthafuckin thang went downhill.

Us thugs was gettin a TON of tha fine steel I menitoned n' was bustin a "master
loot" rotation where one thug would loot n' then we could just go push straight-up
quickly n' split n' so every last muthafuckin thang was straight-up fair n' balanced n' safe and
effective. Then dis ranger wood elf biatch starts poppin' off n' itz like "wtf is
with yo' claptrap?" Biatch talks bout how tha fuck her big-ass booty should git most of tha loot
because her big-ass booty started ta pull n' could brang "singles." I mean, dis aint a
bar. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. So her big-ass booty started ta loot basically all tha fine steel n' dat was a LOT of
fine steel n' her big-ass booty holla'd dat biiiiatch was goin ta push all dat shiznit n' could even go quickly
to a cold-ass lil close vendor. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Us dudes didn't straight-up know if dat thugged-out biiiatch could do dat but then her big-ass booty holla'd
"afk few minutes" n' left tha unit (didn't put tha "AFK" tag up) n' when she
came back all of a sudden had tonz of bag space again. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. It seemed suspect and
there was also a funky-ass black peraol dat she looted dat her big-ass booty holla'd she accdietnally
destroyed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da crew wasn't convinced dat dis straight-up happened n' we talked
a shitload bout it up in "tells."

Anyhow, at one point tha crew had a accident n' our crazy asses had ta git a heala to
come help n' tha ranger holla'd dat biiiiatch would stay n' keep tha camp fucked up but
really she just kept cappin' tha monstas n' takin tha fine steel while we
were all tryin ta git back kickin dat shit, yo. I don't wanna name names but dis wood elf
ranger started wit a "K" n' so mah playas should be on tha lookout. This be a
great hood n' mah playas is helpin mah playas n' it only takes one "bad
apple" ta spoil tha bunch. Thanks.
< Knights Who Say Ni >
Qeynos questing and leveling (all quests nerfed) | Off the beaten path 24-40.
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Old 07-01-2022, 07:29 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline
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Neriak Third Gate, Nexii's Quarters

The female drow tapped her White Dragonscale Boots on the floor by the bed. Nexii had been waiting several hours for Sirken to return to Neriak. A single knock on the door brought the tapping to an end.

"You're late." She stated as he arrived at the doorway. She watched him gasp for air, nearly out of breath.

"I had a lot of petitions to answer-" The green-gold plated GM replied.

"Silence! I don't want to hear your excuses. That's what Menden and Braknar are for. Also, I caught you streaming again today! Meanwhile I've been here alone all day, with nothing to do. Ever since these quakes, all I do is sit around idle six days a week." The priestess ranted and flamed.

"We could do what we always do." Sirken shrugged with his trademark indifference.
"Fine then. Talk dirty to me." Nexii relented. The evil cleric had a twisted grin on her face that belied her true nature. As a follower of Innoruuk, she loved to rustle others. Sirken was no exception to her torments.

"Fuck me Miss Nexii. Your warm healing makes me so hot." Sirken began to disrobe, taking off his plate armor piece by piece. But to his dismay, he saw Nexii sitting on the bed, refusing to do the same. He felt disappointment when she nodded her head sideways at him in disapproval.

"No, not that kind of dirty. Speak evil things to me." She had brandished a whip in her hand, which she toyed with. She allowed the server admin to take the next step.
"I instituted a new raid rule today. Two, actually." Sirken replied.

Almost instantly, Nexii felt a tingle running down from her spine and to her nether regions. She loved it when he imposed his will on the populace. Secretly she longed for this sort of power herself, but none of the responsibility that came with it.
"Oh? T-t-tell me more." Nexii felt flustered at Sirken's announcement.

"No more Amulet of Necropotence in Temple of Veeshan, and no more leaving corpses around." Sirken replied. "I came up with it on the fly, what do you think?"
"Mmm, that's so hot. All those players who spent 300k platinum on AoNs won't be allowed to show it off. The price will crash too. And players will be paranoid to leave any corpses around. I'm sure a few will accidentally loot and lose their experience." The thought of other raiders suffering aroused Nexii. Her dark toned cheeks turned flush and red.

Sirken picked up on this, and sat on the bed next to Nexii. He leaned against her and
whispered in her ear: "I'm not even going to document these new raid rules."
Nexii breathed out heavily. The lust she felt was clear as her D-cup breasts rose and fell. Nothing was better than the thought of new players being completely lost to the Kafkaesque set of rules that Sirken had devised. She imagined lengthy Teamspeak conversations and future punishments, and other sadistic outcomes as her eyelids flickered. It took her a moment to compose herself.

"You've been a bad GM and you deserve to be punished severely."
Before Sirken could use his powers to put her down like Getsome, she had him pinned and handcuffed face-down on the bed. She strapped a black strapon around her waist and lubed it up. The size of the strapon put almost any dark elf's to shame, being 12 inches in length.

"You're going to take this for me. I had it made in the likeness of Rogean. I'm sure you'll enjoy that fact in some way." Nexii stated. She grabbed Sirken around the waist and then shoved the whole length in one powerful thrust to start.
"Hnnn! You can't do this! I'm the server admin!" Sirken protested as his dark asshole was reamed, over and over.

"Please. Or what? You'll ban me? It's 2017, no one believes males in power any more. It's my word and the cuck's against yours." She knew Sadiki would be watching from somewhere, as he always managed to do. His voyeurism was an impressive skill if only his literary prowess could someday match it.

Sirken moaned as he was worked over. Try as he might, he was powerless for once and had to take it. He figured that in some odd way, his relationship with Nexii wasn't all that different from the rest of the server. An endless power struggle. He flopped face-down onto the bed and gave less resistance.

"Good boy. Now say it." Nexii glowered, and grinned. The command was more humiliating than the act that she'd put him through.

Sirken whimpered. The Rogean-shaped dildo was bringing him closer each time it pounded against his prostate. He brought himself to reply.

"I...I concede Nexii." He wailed, right as he came on the bed in a torrent of pent-up dark elf seed.

"Yes, and you'll concede the next two orgasms. And now, you'll serve your suspension." Nexii fastened restraints to each of his limbs, each of which in turn were affixed to the ceiling. She pulled on a chain which elevated him into the air above the bed. A gag brought his complaints to an end as she finished her explanation.
"I think I'll double your suspension time above the bed. Since you made such a mess of this encounter and were more whiny than usual." Nexii stated.

Another knock at the door was heard, as if on cue. It was a massive ogre, nearly naked aside from a towel-sized loincloth that hid what he was packing. Feeling his innate GM power she knew it could only be Cylock.

"Mmm, hey there big boy. Care to show me why they call you 'The Brute'?” The cleric grinned as she felt up his impressive sized body. Her fun had just started for the night.

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
With enough Clerics any class can survive AoW.
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Old 07-01-2022, 10:39 AM
Chortles Snortles Chortles Snortles is offline

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Old 07-01-2022, 06:54 PM
Grumph Grumph is offline

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Fine Steal camp. Amirite?
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Old 07-02-2022, 12:13 AM
Vormotus Vormotus is offline
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As a certified mental health therapist in 2 countries, a long time player of eq and a local resident of the Bedlam House known as P99, I am still unable to comprehend the madness inherent in the perfectly aligned blocks of text of OP.

Hats off to you my friend, I am unnerved by your tale of Fine Steel.

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Old 07-02-2022, 08:10 AM
BurgyK BurgyK is offline

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Knees way too sharp.
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