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Old 11-03-2022, 12:38 PM
Evia Evia is offline
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Default Our 'First Time Playing Everquest' Stories

I think we've done this before a few years back... but I don't remember....anyway, I'd love to read how everyone came to find and love this game for the first time!

The year was 2000 and I was 13 iirc and I just moved back to live with my Mom and Brother after having been living with my aunt for a few years (mom was dealing with some problems for a bit)
and we were celebrating my younger brothers 12th birthday and he was gifted a copy of this computer game called 'Everquest' and upon install he called me into his room to his PC to have me 'check it out.'
So I begrudgingly walk over to his desk, anticipating being annoyed or overwhelmed with nerdy geeky fantasy hooha. He begins explaining to me that he gets to choose his 'race' and 'class' and is asking me what he should do. He starts cycling through the races and I remember I was immediately intrigued. I start asking him 'whats a Ranger?' and 'why are the ogres so fat?'

So my brother ended up creating a Wood Elf...idr the class...and he pops into Kelethin. I'm watching him roam around the tree city and I'm thinking this has to be the best graphics evaaar!!
I see a bunch of blue named people running around him and my brother shouts 'dude! these are other players! this guys talking to me about bags!'
this was it. this was the moment. insert the mindblown.gif right here. THESE WERE OTHER IRL PLAYERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD?! PLAYING WITH ME IN A TREEHOUSE ELVEN WORLD?!
The immersion was soooo real. Very few experiences in my life have been as ground breaking as the realization of an online persistent virtual world as awesome as Norrath.

I shoved my brother off the computer shortly after this and created my own character...a High Elf Paladin! I remember loading him into the world and having great dreams of being a Noble Knight but inevitably fell victim to alt-o-holicism and just made new character after new character after new character. Never really getting anything higher than 14 or 15 in the early years.
Then shortly after this Luclin was announced I would go to eq.castersrealm and allakazams and read up on all the new graphics and changes coming feeling intense euphoria. I'd regularly rush home from school to log into the world of Norrath!

When luclin finally launched, we ended up going through our neighborhood mowing lawns to get enough money to afford a copy of it when it released. I begged my grandpa to drive me to Best Buy the day it released and bought that shit with my hard earned money! When I got home I ripped the plastic off and proceeded to install the game while frantically flipping through the instruction manual hoping to find some tidbits of info I didnt already know from my website searches.
When the game finally loaded, we clicked all the new models and it took us over an hr to load into the game! i'm not joking LOL. We couldnt even move once we got into the world because the lag was soooo bad. So we started just using 1 new model for the character we were playing.
After a few months though, like most people, I realized Luclin was trash, and the new models sucked, so I went back to the old ones. It also was nice that my pc ran better with them off.

My brother and I continued playing for a while and shared a pc/account from 2000-2003? right before PoP came out. Then I got my own pc and account and we started playing together and that really amped up the fun factor. No more 2hr sessions before having to swap! This was when I finally really stuck it out with one character and I left my brother behind in levels. I got my Dwarf Rogue up to lvl 52 before finally taking major breaks in EQ to play the various MMORPGS of the mid 2000s like Daoc, Swg, Vanguard, EQ2, LotrO, GW, WoW, Warhammer, ect.

...but none of those games left the same impact that Everquest did.

Eventually I found p99 around 2012 and have casually played EQ since. All while reminiscing of the 'good ol days' and wondering why nobody is capable of making a good MMO anymore. I guess this is getting old.
Ah, I miss those early years!

So lets hear your first EQ stories!!

ps. we didnt know how to open doors for the first week or so of playing....HAHA. when my brother realized how to do it, it was like another mindblown.gif moment! Lol!

Kellian Cove (60 Wood Elf Rogue)
Parra Doxx (55 Barbarian Shaman)

“This man is using his mind as a weapon …and woe be tide the creature who
steps into his garden" -Finch

Last edited by Evia; 11-03-2022 at 12:51 PM..
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Old 11-03-2022, 12:44 PM
White Ranger Resurrection White Ranger Resurrection is offline
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I leveled up a bard to 65 and then sold the account to someone at school and then bought a Fender Stratocaster. A few months later I used password recovery and sold the account again.
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Old 11-03-2022, 12:50 PM
Smoofers Smoofers is offline

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Imagine not min-maxxing right off the bat in 2000
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Old 11-03-2022, 12:50 PM
Jibartik Jibartik is offline
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I camped the Jboots for 25 hours straight it was an epic moment in my life.

The big line was so cool, coming from final fantasy and mario, to see players in a videogame world all line up and wait their turns like real people.

then I quit like 3 days later.
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Old 11-03-2022, 12:53 PM
Evia Evia is offline
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Originally Posted by White Ranger Resurrection [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I leveled up a bard to 65 and then sold the account to someone at school and then bought a Fender Stratocaster. A few months later I used password recovery and sold the account again.
thats savage! haha

but I cant judge too harshly. I got involved with some tunnel questers who would scam peoples accounts and strip all their stuff off. I was a transfer guy who helped them move the stuff in return for phat lewts and I ate a ban for it. Lost my first account that way.

Kellian Cove (60 Wood Elf Rogue)
Parra Doxx (55 Barbarian Shaman)

“This man is using his mind as a weapon …and woe be tide the creature who
steps into his garden" -Finch

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Old 11-03-2022, 06:31 PM
goblinmob goblinmob is offline

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What I'm about to tell you is true:
"Oh cool! This looks like Might and Magic!"
Bought the game (probably was 2 months allowance iirc)
Didn't realize there was a subscription!
Parents basically said giving credit card info for the game was just handing over to hackers (idk did it come with a free month? we're we somehow gonna redeem it without CC info? I don't remember)
SADLY played the tutorial over and over.
Still had to fight with sister for PC time (MSN, amirite?)
Probably got over it with the next demo disc that came with "PC Gamer" or whatever... Played Serious Sam or Rune or some shit lol
That's what happened.
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Old 11-03-2022, 07:39 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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I can do an in-game story later, don’t have time atm, but I remember my mom angrily telling me that our extended family has not been able to get in touch with us for months

This is because we only had the one phone line, and I was always tying it up with dial up internet playing EQ
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Old 11-03-2022, 07:53 PM
Danth Danth is offline
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Originally Posted by Evia [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The year was 2000 and I was 13 iirc
So many young folks on P1999. It always surprises me. You were still more or less college-age when P1999 opened!

My first time logging on I was kind of quiet about it because the box art looked embarrassingly dorky and I had spent months making fun of a couple of friends of mine for buying EQ. Joke's on me I suppose, I'm still here. The wife didn't join me on EQ until later on, after I had already quit once (she joined when I came back).

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Old 11-03-2022, 08:49 PM
mcoy mcoy is offline
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I worked at Circuit City. We had EQ installed on every demo PC that could run it so we could show each other what we'd found or done the night before at home. The pc dept guy was a barb warrior named Thorgrin, cell phone guy was an enchanter - name escapes me but I do remember when he discovered what "calm" did. Other pc guy was a necro named Mummra. The one manager Steve tried a few chars but he ultimately stayed on Anarchy Online. I was, naturally, a human cleric. Minladar was our druid later on, and I honestly thought his character was a wolf because he somehow managed to never let us see his true form.

Wow it does start coming back - most of the group was in Adventurer's Company:

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Old 11-03-2022, 09:02 PM
Chortles Snortles Chortles Snortles is offline

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