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Old 09-03-2014, 02:02 AM
hagard hagard is offline
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Originally Posted by Aylvan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
i am top rank dunno why some noob blasty is above me with all his deaths its bs the leader bord is broke and i am the top rank just cam from the swamps giggin in getting them big bullyfrogs at me some frog legs killed me a rattle snake n skinned it and ate it now im tanning the skin i do this shit irl killin monsters n shit u fags try hards pvp all day cant even get on my level i do this shit on the side n just fuk u nubs up with my skills im goin hog huntin for dangerous swamp hogs n close quarters then i gonna get that top spot right quik n sleep 3 hours n do it all again cause im fukin top rank ***** cant fuk with me faggots
Originally Posted by Aylvan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
sober as fuck that why im da best u fuks all drugged up on ur antidepressents and marihuanas and whatever u fukin druggi burnouts do im fukin on point no inotixicants I have a beer like once a month and 1 beer fuks me up like I smoked a pound of dope u fukin losers my high is fukin in the swamps killin fat fukin gators just went ther last night accidently stumpled into a gator nest n was lik HO SHIT thn I said fuk it went lookin for that gator to piop it in the face with my Taurus 991 9 shot stainless 6.5 inch barrel 22wmr u fuk dunt even kno bout that real shit I shoot gun n drive buggies ***** then I saw a babie gator guess what POP HEAD SHOT picked it up and threw it away cuz I don't want no stupid babi gator n guess wht is a felony to shoot gator over here because they are endangered supposedly but guess waT THIS ***** DONT GIVE A FUCK BOUT NO NAZI FWC SCUM SUCKERS CATCH ME IF U CAN IM LIKE I AM IN RED99 - UNTOUCHABLE *****
Originally Posted by Aylvan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
How can the people of America not see the truth about this President? Are they blinded by his beauty, the color of his skin, the magnificent smile or his ability to talk, talk and talk some more (frequently on a never ending basis)? This is his particular genius, to talk his way into or out of almost any kind of trouble orf situation he finds himself drowning in. He has infuriated millions of voters because he has a tendency to lie about what he has done, especially when things have gone just the opposite way he had anticipated. He appears to like the sound of his own voice. His ego is so out of control, perhaps because his conscience is not very active (on a daily basis). Not believing in God probably has something to do with that. His ego is so big there may not be enough room for a belief system(?). Perhaps, this is part of the President’s problem or secret,(whichever side you take on that subject). The ego is a powerful master and this man has an Olympic size one (at the very least). Thee is a chance that he hides it fairly well from those around him. I am reminded that the same could be said about Adolph Hitler, that for those who surrrounded him he could be quite charming, even though he was doing horrible things like putting the Jews into ovens. As terible as it was, he actually thought it was the right thing to do for the good of the German people. I am not saying that Barack Obama is as evil as Hitler happened to be, but what I am saying is that the process (how his mind operated) is the same. The logic and reasoning is coming from somewhere, even though the common sense has been extracted out of this mans decisions on an ongoing basis. This is what a massive ego can do (and often does) to any of us, as it breaks us down so that nothing is left of the goodness and sweetness that we were born with. That goodness, of course, comes from the Heavenly Father himself, but when you do not believe in God that person is left with nothing that makes much sense in the long run. Barack Obama is like that, and he apparently believes in nothing, except his own self-serving hidden agenda, which emanates from a massive ego, which gets in the way of making decisions that don’t make any sense at all!
Originally Posted by Aylvan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Ten years ago, who would ever believe that the people of the United States would elect someone like Barack Hussein Obama? As we now realize, the man is a Marxist thinker, a radical who would like to destroy our country and eradicate our economy, piece by piece until he has balanced the scales and remade us into a third world country, like Africa and Indonesia (where he grew up until his mother shipped him off to Hawaii to live with her parents). He also is an anti-Colonialist, and blames the developing nations for what they have done to the third world(it doesn’t seem to matter to him that America has never colonialized any other country. The President hates our system of Capitalism and is in love with Socialism. He believes that the government is responsible for the success of our society. He doesn’t seem to understand that America is great because of hard work on the part of the citizens of this country. Americans are free to pursue their dreams, this is what makes us the greatest country in the world, not some government programs, which are more useless, not useful. For an educated man, our President is bordering on being numb. Your mind has been poisoned by your radical thinking, Mr. President. At first I believed in you, I even voted for you in 2008. Now, I think you are a buffoon, a charismatic one perhaps, but a buffoon nonetheless! I believe you came into the Presidency thinking that it was going to be easy to bring America down to her knees, and you ability to tell lie after lie is truly without equal. This was all part of you agenda, which is one of the reasons that you don’t seem to be able to do anything the right way. You are too busy concentrating on what you want to accomplish to worry about what the American people expect from you. The loss of forty per cent of our wealth, thanks to your ludicrous economic ways is proof enough that you have a hidden agenda (or, are an idiot when it comes to economics). Take your pick, Mr. President. We now see you in the light of day, some of us are ashamed and many of us are disgusted with the job you have done. You have played us for suckers, Mr. President and we were dumb enough to fall for your charm, even though your Presidency has been a total failure and we can’t wait until you go back to where you came from in the first place!
Originally Posted by Aylvan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
In order to get himself a second term in office, Barack Obama dangled a carrot in the form of free cell phones. This should not be allowed (buying the election), but nothing seems to be beyond this man. He will do or say anything to maintain power, even when it makes no sense whatsoever. He has lowered the standard for being President of the country, and has managed to anger millions of American citizens, many of whom voted for him the first time, but refused to vote for him in 2012. He has singlehandedly ruined our economy and managed to lose forty per cent of the nation’s wealth with his do nothing policies, which are somehow connected to Socialism and or Marxism. At the moment, he appear to be laying low and I feel that he now realizes that many people want him impeached, so he is taking a deep breath and pretending to be humble and and understanding, instead of his usual insipid arrogance. This could be Obama’s version of rope-a-dope, setting us up for his his final push to bring America to her knees. Something devastating is on the way, and he may be trying to catch us sleeping at the wheel? I say do not under estimate this man and his evil intentions. He actually wants to destroy this country. If he is successful, that will be his crowning moment, and the low information voters will enable him to get to that point. At that point, America will never be the same. His secret agenda is to turn the United States into a social state with a Marxist mentality. If that sounds ridiculous, don’t forget that he has the liberals to help him reach that goal, and combined with the millions of low information voters he can probably do anything he wants. With the President at the helm, we are being led down a primrose path by a brilliant man with evil in his heart for America and everything she stands for!
Originally Posted by Aylvan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
They just announced the true figures about Obama Care and it is just the opposite of what the President was saying when he was trying to sell it to the American people. Surprise, surprise, Barack Obama lied again, so what else is new? Sometimes, I don’t think he knows how to tell the truth! But, every time something like this happens his people go out and extend the lie,cover for him and allow him to get away with his dishonest ways. Apparently, It is a part of his DNA because his family members (according to his autobiography) say his father was the same way. Telling the truth was not on the top of his priority list, and neither is it for the President..

Does this man have no shame? It may be because telling the truth would require him to admit that he made a mistake, and in his mind that does not happen. After all, according to the low information voters, he is the ‘Savior’. He can do no wrong. Nobody with any common sense had anything to do with putting him back in the Oval Office for a second term.Those who did were not paying attention to what he did during his first four years in Office. Obama, of course, doesn’t care what you or I think. His goal is to make you look bad, reduce your standard of living and bring our country down to her knees. If this sounds harsh, you are right, it is, and so is his psychological thinking and his philosophical belief system,( which includes Marxism and his own special form of Socialism). What it comes down to is that he wants the American people to pay the price for being the richest country in the world. That makes us guilty. His goal is to destroy that. Why on earth would he think that way? Simply because Barack Obama, if the truth were known, is an African, born in Kenya, one of the poorest countries in the world. The truth about his past life is that he is a radical and all of his friends are radicals. One trait they all share is their hatred for Capitalism,they hate Capitalism just like Obama. Is Obama the worst choice we ever could have made for President? Yes, and no. The first time we put him in the Presidency because he is a black man and we wanted the world to see we were not prejudiced. That was fine (I myself even voted for him in 2008, but by the end of his term he had done such a terrible job he didn’t deserve to get re-elected). The truth about him is that he is not a leader and has none of the qualities that are necessary to make a good one. At the very least, America deserves someone who loves his country. Obama does not. In fact, this man hates America and everything she stands for. His ridiculous decisions prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt.he goes out and proves that almost every week with his ridiculous decisions. On an ongoing basis, his decisions hurt the average citizen. He never apologizes, and he never will, because he believes he is always right and we deserve what he is doing to us
Originally Posted by Aylvan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Wouldn’t you like to know what goes on inside President Obama’s head? Obviously, this man is not focused on the job he is being paid to do. He has other ideas, his own plans. He does pay attention to what he wants to get done, but he seems to ignore what we need him to do for us. He doesn’t care what we think. If it doesn’t interest him, he ignores it. For instance, Jobs for the American people is not something he chooses to bother with. Proof that this is true is when the President ignored the jobs coach for twenty-seven straight months (not meeting with him even once). He simply ignored the man and actually ruined jobs for the American worker (for example. in the coal industry when he had the EPA close them down which put 17,000 men out of work in the state of Kentucky). As a Socialist, he does not believe that the private sector is where the jobs are created, and since he is a Marxist he believes the government is more important than the private sector. You see, the President is not very good at taking advice. He is charming, but he is arrogant and a know it all and is only interested in implementing his agenda. Those of you who are closet Socialists will be happy to hear that the President is making progress with that agenda. Those of you who are starting to get the idea that he is working against the American people, you are absolutely right. Whether he likes it or not, this is a Capitalist society, but the President does not like Capitalism and apparently does not understand how it works. Moreover, it appears to be his goal to destroy that way of life because he thinks that will help him balance the scales and bring us down to the level of the third world countries (Africa & Indonesia) where he grew up. I am convinced that this is Item #1 on his personal agenda, which he keeps to himself because he knows that once the American people realize what he is up to they are going to be furious and demand that he be removed from the Oval Office as soon as possible!
Originally Posted by Aylvan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
In 2008, I was one of those American’s seduced by Barack Obama’s charisma. Now, I am fed up with the man in the Oval Office and the job he has done as the President of the United States. At times, it is so pathetic it borders on being treasonous (Benghazi) or at the very least, impeachable. There have been times when I have thought that impeachment isn’t good enough for this flawed leader of our country. As soon as his second term has expired, Congress should prosecute him for trying to ruin our economy. If he wants to avoid prosecution, he should have to give up his Presidential salary and be stricken from the rolls or used as an example of how not to do the job. Surely, history is going to refer to Barack Obama as the worst President in the history of this country. Is shame or humiliation enough? I doubt it, because his deliberate actions to hurt the American people with his silly policies (Coal industry, for example) has enough people hating this man that he needs an army of snipers to protect him at all times. This is his own fault as he is a prisoner of his own actions. As a loyal American and ex-military man I cannot disrespect the office of the President, and I do not actually hate the President on a personal level, but I do hate the job he is doing and I condemn him for trying to bring our country down to the level of some of his Marxist friends in those third world countries where he grew up (Africa and Indonesia).In 2008, I was one of those American’s seduced by Barack Obama’s charisma. Now, I am fed up with the man in the Oval Office and the job he has done as the President of the United States. At times, it is so pathetic it borders on being treasonous (Benghazi) or at the very least, impeachable. There have been times when I have thought that impeachment isn’t good enough for this flawed leader of our country. As soon as his second term has expired, Congress should prosecute him for trying to ruin our economy. If he wants to avoid prosecution, he should have to give up his Presidential salary and be stricken from the rolls or used as an example of how not to do the job. Surely, history is going to refer to Barack Obama as the worst President in the history of this country. Is shame or humiliation enough? I doubt it, because his deliberate actions to hurt the American people with his silly policies (Coal industry, for example) has enough people hating this man that he needs an army of snipers to protect him at all times. This is his own fault as he is a prisoner of his own actions. As a loyal American and ex-military man I cannot disrespect the office of the President, and I do not actually hate the President on a personal level, but I do hate the job he is doing and I condemn him for trying to bring our country down to the level of some of his Marxist friends in those third world countries where he grew up (Africa and Indonesia).In 2008, I was one of those American’s seduced by Barack Obama’s charisma. Now, I am fed up with the man in the Oval Office and the job he has done as the President of the United States. At times, it is so pathetic it borders on being treasonous (Benghazi) or at the very least, impeachable. There have been times when I have thought that impeachment isn’t good enough for this flawed leader of our country. As soon as his second term has expired, Congress should prosecute him for trying to ruin our economy. If he wants to avoid prosecution, he should have to give up his Presidential salary and be stricken from the rolls or used as an example of how not to do the job. Surely, history is going to refer to Barack Obama as the worst President in the history of this country. Is shame or humiliation enough? I doubt it, because his deliberate actions to hurt the American people with his silly policies (Coal industry, for example) has enough people hating this man that he needs an army of snipers to protect him at all times. This is his own fault as he is a prisoner of his own actions. As a loyal American and ex-military man I cannot disrespect the office of the President, and I do not actually hate the President on a personal level, but I do hate the job he is doing and I condemn him for trying to bring our country down to the level of some of his Marxist friends in those third world countries where he grew up (Africa and Indonesia).In 2008, I was one of those American’s seduced by Barack Obama’s charisma. Now, I am fed up with the man in the Oval Office and the job he has done as the President of the United States. At times, it is so pathetic it borders on being treasonous (Benghazi) or at the very least, impeachable. There have been times when I have thought that impeachment isn’t good enough for this flawed leader of our country. As soon as his second term has expired, Congress should prosecute him for trying to ruin our economy. If he wants to avoid prosecution, he should have to give up his Presidential salary and be stricken from the rolls or used as an example of how not to do the job. Surely, history is going to refer to Barack Obama as the worst President in the history of this country. Is shame or humiliation enough? I doubt it, because his deliberate actions to hurt the American people with his silly policies (Coal industry, for example) has enough people hating this man that he needs an army of snipers to protect him at all times. This is his own fault as he is a prisoner of his own actions. As a loyal American and ex-military man I cannot disrespect the office of the President, and I do not actually hate the President on a personal level, but I do hate the job he is doing and I condemn him for trying to bring our country down to the level of some of his Marxist friends in those third world countries where he grew up (Africa and Indonesia).
#1 on pvp boards and quite possibly forumquest atm
Old 09-03-2014, 03:28 AM
Sapphiay Sapphiay is offline

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After thinking longer about it and when i read his other texts i am sure this posts are copys.
Old 09-03-2014, 04:25 AM
georgie georgie is offline
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Originally Posted by georgie [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
plz report this man for plagiarism. plagiarism is not a victimless crime.
Old 09-03-2014, 06:00 AM
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What the fuck am I reading.
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