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Old 09-23-2019, 02:08 PM
Zeboim Zeboim is offline

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Originally Posted by Dolalin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Apparently the named here dropped something called 'snakeskin armor', unique to Paw:
Pretty sure this stuff still drops off the gnoll nobles at the sk zone in lake rathe
Old 09-23-2019, 02:35 PM
Jibartik Jibartik is offline
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This is the only snakeskin armor I know of are these?

god I wish (hope) we could get an old Paw [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] Gloves match the description.
Old 09-23-2019, 02:44 PM
Zeboim Zeboim is offline

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Can confirm I got several pieces there the other day.
Old 09-23-2019, 07:05 PM
Garette Garette is offline
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I was just thinking about this the other day...I would love to be surprised with this kind of a dungeon. It would be really wonderful to ease congestion with BB once more folks start getting in the teens - and it looks like they just moved the mobs out to Lake Rathe.
Old 09-23-2019, 07:23 PM
Jibartik Jibartik is offline
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Even if there were no drops and it was a level 10-20 dungeon it would be both a fun experience for players to sort of get back into making it legit classic paw, as well as ease congestion! Imagine the smart players we could all meet at level 10 who congregate here to level through their teens together. It would be a meeting of the minds.

I am definitely going to have to scout around to find out maybe who knows! I hope they don't even tell us about it if they do put in old paw, let us discover it! haha

It would be the one classic, like actually classic experience.

I would wager only a very very few of us leveled in pre paw, and even if we did they dont remember much.

I have the slightest sensation that I remember levelling in early paw, but I cant remember for sure.

It deserves adulation, as it's the one place in classic eq that still remains a mystery.
Old 09-23-2019, 07:49 PM
Garette Garette is offline
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Originally Posted by Jibartik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Even if there were no drops and it was a level 10-20 dungeon it would be both a fun experience for players to sort of get back into making it legit classic paw, as well as ease congestion! Imagine the smart players we could all meet at level 10 who congregate here to level through their teens together. It would be a meeting of the minds.

I am definitely going to have to scout around to find out maybe who knows! I hope they don't even tell us about it if they do put in old paw, let us discover it! haha

It would be the one classic, like actually classic experience.

I would wager only a very very few of us leveled in pre paw, and even if we did they dont remember much.

I have the slightest sensation that I remember levelling in early paw, but I cant remember for sure.

It deserves adulation, as it's the one place in classic eq that still remains a mystery.
I agree 100%. I totally prefer a more dangerous dungeon to a fighting in more open areas like the Karanas. And the mystery and exploring...I'm with you 100%. I'll be starting in Qeynos too with some friends, so once I hit 10-ish I think I'll check it out too if nobody else has at that point! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Old 09-24-2019, 02:14 AM
sacman08 sacman08 is offline

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I remember doing Splitpaw when it was lower leveled. Aviak tree would be busy so groups with level 20’s could run over to Splitpaw. I think even the gnolls outside were lower leveled too. Didn’t remember the DE inside until I saw pic, my DE SK was ok with him. I think he roamed from deeper in to near the entrance.
Changes to make it higher level were for fast leveling players who wanted more options for hell levels at 30 and 35.
Old 09-25-2019, 05:59 PM
Jibartik Jibartik is offline
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Saw this in another thread, not sure if its redundant but it is some good data:

Submited by: Faloniar On: 6/28/1999 11:12:10 AM
Nasty place... easy to get lost in until you learn it. Bad trains. Only saving grace is it is far from towns so usually isn't too crowded.

Counts as an indoor dungeon.

In an emergency you can always run or fall into the water and swim quickly to the shore somewhere. You will swim faster than the Gnolls and if you go far enough you will have time to gate before they catch up with you.
Submited by: Enahs On: 7/6/1999 12:15:25 AM
After killing one of the named gnoll shamans a 24-25 level dark elf necro zixx will spawn, with a pet, and proceed to kill everyone in the dungeon.
Submited by: Lektaric On: 7/7/1999 4:16:05 PM
High Shaman Renn Rexx
- Usually have to fight commander and shaman with
Renn Rexx, but he sometimes carries the Runed
Totem Staff +5 mana, +5 HP
Submited by: Cohn On: 7/19/1999 9:56:30 PM
The map missed the underwater area and the rooms behind the underwater tunnel,
where the treasure (many noble-spawns) and the danger (Zixx spawn there in the
first place) hide. Then entrence of the tunnel is in a pool near where Ren'Rex
spawn, if you know where it is.
Submited by: Akak On: 7/20/1999 10:48:01 AM
Shaman Lentrel does not carry the runed totem staff, Shaman Ren Rex does.

(Excuse my spelling of these names. I was too busy carting out all my loot to jot down names [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.])

Also, you should know that Paw is loot heaven due to the total lack of other adventurers. I've been inside for 3 days and the most amount of people I've seen in the entire zone.
Submited by: Althenius On: 7/21/1999 11:35:14 AM
BOTH shamans carry a runed totem staff, one more often than the other though.
Submited by: Najira Indrajit On: 7/21/1999 11:37:06 AM
Actually, Shaman Lenrel DOES carry the Rune Totem
Staff as I have gotten it off him myself.

Though it is a very rare spawn on him, maybe 1
time out of 20 he will have it....
Submited by: Thentar On: 7/27/1999 11:49:14 AM
Actually any high shaman may carry the Rune Totem Staff. I am 22nd level and hunt there to get Snake Skine and RTS for friends all the time. I've got the RTS most often off High Shaman in the Noble room that spawn Zixx after killing kurr...somthing SplitPaw (think the lord of splitpaw) Zixx is a Darkelf but not a necro. I survived his spawn by feign deathing. He hit me with spell like frost ....not DoT's like a Necro would and he has no pet. But he is about 23-25 level. I still get exp from some of them in Paw Its not all for loot.
Thentar 22nd Chamber Monk
Submited by: Fealith On: 7/28/1999 1:54:13 AM
Indeed, Zixx Nenix is no longer more a Necro.

The first time i met him, he was a Necro (his pet tried to kill me).

Few days agao, after the slaying of Kurrpok, Zixx Resp and i tried to kill him. Zixx is now a Wizard. A powerfull wizard (like all named NPC).
Submited by: Joe Familiar On: 8/5/1999 2:11:01 PM
Who drops the Crysknife?

Location: In the center of the Southern Plains of Karana

click to view expanded map and overlays...
Adjacent Zones: Southern Plains of Karana
Level of Monsters: 8-15+
Types of Monsters: Gnolls, Splitpaw Gnolls, Splitpaw Gnoll Guards, Splitpaw Gnoll Shamans, Giant Snakes, Skeletons, Zombies, Gelatinous Cube
Notable NPC's: several named Shamans, captured Brother
Unique Items: Runed Totem Staves, Giant Snake Fangs

Splitpaw is the home of the Splitpaw clan of gnolls. Splitpaw is the site where in gnoll legend, their god set his foot upon the earth, and the surface markings are his footprint. Nobody knows if this is true, but hunters in Southern Karana know the three talons rising from the ground that mark the entrance to the lair.

This is a dungeon for middle level characters, and the difficulty of the dungeon scales relatively slowly from the entrance to the deeper parts of the dungeon. The front entrance is occupied by 6th level gnolls, and their level increases as you get further in, so that by the time you reach the back of the first level, they are about 9th-10th level.

The main danger in this dungeon, as in Blackburrow, is training. The trains here are not huge Blackburrow trains, but little mini-trains where the local gnolls decide to help out their buddies. Starting at the entrance, almost all of the gnolls are with a partner at least, and so you have to be able to take on two 6th level gnolls if you even want to walk in the front door (which is why the level is listed starting at 8 above). Gnolls, like all the half-sentient evil humanoids, have a tendency to flee. Since they have a fair number of hit points and are really chickens, they can make it quite far while fleeing, which makes it so that you have more gnolls joining in than you care to have. If you are from a class who can snare or root, or are in a group and have some leeway, then you can start hunting at low-level. Otherwise, I'd avoid it until you hit about 9th or 10th level.

There is also a problem because in certain areas you will be attacking gnolls thinking there is nobody nearby, and some gnoll will come running around the corner. This is a "feature" of EQ where creatures can tell you are attacking their buddy despite walls being between you and them. This is of special importance at the small room on the other side of the first bridge. There are usually a few gnolls here, and are relatively easy to take (if you've made it this far, you can take them). The danger is that around the corner and through a gate lies a Splitpaw Guard, who will come running if he is close enough, and is a level or two higher then these gnolls. Basically, if you hear the chains rattling, turn and run.

Also be aware that there are some high level shamans in the lower levels, as well as a high level necromancer at the back of the upper level. These dudes are evil, especially the necro, cuz you don't know he's around (unless you can track) until you open the door to the room he's in and his pets come after you. Not fun...

There aren't really any other unique dangers to Splitpaw. If you know group monster management and how not to train, then you can get by well. The only other problem with the zone is that it's a long walk from Qeynos or Highhold Pass. If you can get bound in Arena, that would help.

Splitpaw is, by far, one of my favorite zones to hunt in. How many times have I been in there and found more than ten other people hunting in there? None. This makes the zone a dream come true. It is one of the least hunted zones in the game, probably because it's far away from merchants and towns. If you can handle the walk, however, this zone is for you.

The gnolls are pretty easy to handle, given that you are careful.At higher levels (like 11th or so) you have your run of almost the entire upper level, which is nice. You can choose who to fight and when, and go sit amongst the lower level gnolls to rest and meditate. This has also got some great Giant Snake Fang hunting, as the snakes spawn fairly regularly and are easy to get to.

The above ground area of Splitpaw is also a nice area to hunt at a lower level. The gnolls are fairly spread out and walk around (but not too much). This is a little bit easier for you if you can't make it past the first room of Splitpaw because of the gnoll grouping.

Not much else to say about this zone. It's nice, uncontested, simple hunting. My only wish is a closer merchant cuz you will get so bogged down with goods that you wind up throwing out rusty weapons like crazy. I found a bug where your money wraps back to zero once you hit 500 of them by hunting in this zone. Sad...
Travelling To and From Splitpaw

There is only one way to get to Splitpaw, and that is by entering Southern Plains of Karana and travelling to the center. When you see the three bloody claws sticking up from the earth, pass in between them. In what would be the center of the paw, there is a small dark hole facing the claws that is the entrance to Splitpaw. This is easy to miss if you've never seen in before (and the first time I mapped Southern Karana in the beta, I walked over this and never saw it), so keep your eyes peeled, it's there somewhere.

ダンジョン難易度: 低い
最低レベル: 6~7
推奨レベル・スタイル: 12前後のパーティー
ソロプレー: 可能(最低Lv7は欲しいところ)
Lv6前後のパーティーでsplitpaw gnollを狩れば効率がいいらしい


splitpaw gnoll(Lv5 ~Lv8)
gnoll(Lv6 ~Lv8)
gnoll noble(Lv10前後)
gnoll commander(Lv不明)
gnoll shaman(Lv不明)
gnoll captain(Lv12~15)
high shaman Ren Rex(Lv不明)
giant snake(Lv5 ~Lv7)

Lv12~13前後のフルパーティーなら制圧可能。ソロプレーの時はとにかくトレインがおきやすい(敵が多 すぎ)ので注意が必要です。
また、各地が水路でつながっているため(水中の穴を通る場所もある)水泳スキルも鍛えることが 可能(苦笑)

ここの目玉は high shaman Ren Rex の出す、トーテム杖でしょう。
Rex部屋はRexとcommander、shamanが3体セットで出現し、そのとなりの部屋はcomm ander、shamanがセットでスパン。


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Dungeon difficulty: Low
Minimum level: 6-7
Recommended Level / Style: Around 12 parties
Solo play: Possible (where you want at least Lv7)
Hunting splittaw gnoll at parties around Lv6 seems to be efficient

splitpaw gnoll(Lv5 ~Lv8)
gnoll(Lv6 ~Lv8)
gnoll noble(Lv10前後)
gnoll commander(Lv不明)
gnoll shaman(Lv不明)
gnoll captain(Lv12~15)
high shaman Ren Rex(Lv不明)
giant snake(Lv5 ~Lv7)

It is the home of personally lovely white gnolls.
The level is almost the same as BB, but the number of PCs is small.
If it is a full party around Lv12-13, it can be suppressed. When playing solo, you need to be careful because it is easy to train (too many enemies).
There is a large snake span place, and it is almost monopoly.
In addition, it is possible to train swimming skills because some places are connected by waterways (some places pass through holes in the water) (bitter smile)

The centerpiece here is a totem cane from high shaman Ren Rex.
In the Rex room, Rex, commander, and shaman appear as a set of three, and in the next room, commander and shaman are spanned as a set.
There is a place where two nobles span in the immediate vicinity, so if you hunt in order, you can make a lot of money.
However, fierce competition with PCs aimed at canes has intensified recently, and it is not so delicious.

There seems to be another necro room, but I don't go there (because I'm ugly (laughs))
If the level rises over time, you will win completely.
Thank you user Gamelore!
Old 09-25-2019, 06:06 PM
Zeboim Zeboim is offline

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Honestly pretty fascinating how all of the roaming Gnolls in SK were originally the bosses in pre-revamp Paw. Can't say they didn't use the whole buffalo when they revamped the place.
Old 09-25-2019, 06:06 PM
Jibartik Jibartik is offline
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Originally Posted by Zeboim [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Honestly pretty fascinating how all of the roaming Gnolls in SK were originally the bosses in pre-revamp Paw. Can't say they didn't use the whole buffalo when they revamped the place.
They got kicked out by the new gnolls! I loved that story!!! even though I didnt like the new dungeon very much [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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