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Old 05-26-2023, 11:00 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline
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An Orgy of Blood and Pleasure

Exmo's Pleasure Palace

The trio had spent the early part of the evening dancing, mingling, and drinking together. All of the revelling was to great excess. Not a single expense had been spared at Exmo's gathering. The best of the best bards had been hired to play the music, the most reknowned socialites had been invited, and the finest wines had been provided. It was far beyond the female cleric's expectations. The sense of envy she would normally feel was drowned out by the sheer entertainment and extravagance of the Pleasure Palace.

"Come, let's relax in the hot tub." Exmo took Nexii by the hand, escorting her and Sirken down to the basement level.

"So you boys do this often?" Nexii inquired as she stripped down. Upon doing so, she saw that they already had undressed ahead of her.

"Amongst other sinful deeds." Sirken replied. "But don't tell the players I spend most of my time fucking around."

Nexii simply shrugged. She figured she was really no better in this regard. Dark elves were a naturally promiscuous race, and she was no exception to the stereotype. The only difference as of late was one of opportunity, for her guildmates did not seem to lust for her. Whether it was because they were more interested in pixels than sex, or that they were intimidated by her was hard to say. She considered which it might be while she put her Kael armor away.

"I'll have the servants provide for us." Exmo proclaimed. Before Nexii could even get in the tub, Exmo and Sirken were submerged to the neck in the hot water. She could tell through the water's clarity that they were groping one another under the surface. Both had a primal look in their eyes. A primal look of desire. Watching them get closer, and more aroused, Nexii felt that she did not want to lose out on this experience. She'd lost enough of her own experience from the plethora of screwups and wipes lately. The thought of having to group with mere casuals to get her bar back revulsed her. For the moment, she put away this thought by jumping in with the most elite the server had to offer.

"Mmm, what's on the menu tonight?" Sirken asked. He looked around, but only fleetingly.

"It's a surprise." Exmo said. "Slave girl!" He shouted, calling a young wood elf girl over. The poor thing was trembling in fear, a mess of long golden hair and shaking. She had no clothes on, and it was apparent to Nexii that she hadn't even been trained for her assigned role yet. She looked more afraid than a first time member of a pull team, fearful of a ban for accidental training or kiting.

"Who is she and what's her deal?" Nexii whispered to Sirken.

"Oh, this druid had a name but it violated the naming policy." Sirken casually explained. "And she wanted to be a dark elf, so I said maybe I'd give her a Guise of the Deceiver
someday if she learns our ways. We give out one like every two years, so she can have some hope."

The priestess beckoned the wood elf girl over. Nexii prayed to her god to grant the Calm spell. Magic purple energies flowed out of the cleric's hands, which soothed the fearful elf for a good three minutes. The power of Innoruuk pacified the once-nature loving girl, washing away her fear with a sense of disdain. The slave felt a vague feeling of hatred for her sorry state of Fier'Dal being. She would do better, if only to show she was worthy of her heart's true desire - to be a Tier'Dal like her captors. With renewed zeal, she sauntered off and returned with a metal bucket.

"Close your eyes, Nexii." Exmo suggested. She did so with a sigh, as her body was yet adjusting to the warmth of the hot tub. "Now open your mouth." She nodded, trusting him though expecting the worst. Something round and squishy was then popped inside. "Chew it slowly and only then swallow." She was met with a rich and decadent taste which gave her relief.

"Mmm, damn that's good." It took her a moment to figure out just what she had eaten. "Halfling eyes, right?" A hand massaging her shoulders affirmatively gave her the confirmation she was correct. "These aren't like the ones from Nektulos Forest." She complimented, then opened her mouth for a second eye.

"Indeed. Only the best from the Vale. Rivervale Vanguard brand, I'm told."

"They're so moist and juicy. So much flavor." Nexii exclaimed between bites. It was Sirken feeding her the oral pleasures now, though she didn't know that they had exchanged places as her eyes were still closed.

"Inno! You're so tense Nexii. It feels like some halfling rogue has been giving you cheap, quick massages. Here, allow me to do it properly. It needs a cleric's touch," Exmo said, as he then worked his dexterous fingers deeper into her muscle tissue. She shivered, but the shivers relented as the tub's heat diffused the coldness of his magic.

"So I guess they are good for something. Halflings I mean," Nexii said as she savored several more eyes, licking the slime off Sirken's fingers between each one. "I do wonder if they slaughter the things or let them live blind?" She said, curiously, but with little response. By now, it felt like her entire body was melting away in pleasure. The food and the physical touch were both loosening all the pent up rage she had for her compatriots. However she felt that was missing. Something decadently evil and over the top to put her into a more sexual mood. She didn't consider herself the sort of girl that would typically go for threesomes, though she'd make an exception for Exmo.

"Slave girl! It's time. You may bring in the keg." Exmo commanded.

"A-are you sure that's a good idea Sir?" The blonde wood elf timidly asked, apparently knowing what had been stored within it.

"Of course, it's a special occasion and these are very special guests. Quickly, now." The male cleric insisted.

The keg was brought out and popped open by the former druidess. Nexii's curiosity got the better of her and she had to take a look.

"Ewwwww...." she said, seeing that the keg was full to the top with blood.

"Not ordinary blood, my dear. It's Halfling blood syrup, sweetened and sanitized." Exmo's grin turned wider and towards Sirken. Seeing both their reactions to the mixture was more than worth the cost to him. He gave the wood elf a knowing nod to continue.

"I did hear that bathing in this can keep one youthful." Sirken remarked, just as the slave poured the entire keg into the hot tub. The water turned from crystal clear to a bright red shade.

"Mmm...well it does taste good." Nexii said as she dipped her finger in and licked it. "I could get used to being a Blood Countess of sorts..." she purred, her eyes flickering as she thought of all the suffering that must have been endured to provide her this pleasure.

"Let me see for myself." Sirken replied, slathering her chest and face with a handful of blood syrup. He began to lick it off of her face, smiling at the decadence of the situation. His tongue arched lower, down her neck as she turned, acquiesing to his desires for her flesh. By the time her neck was cleaned, she had put away her initial hesitations. She grabbed his head gently by the ears, and guided his face down to her syrup-covered breasts. All the while, Exmo was working on her shoulders, her back, her ribs. To be desired by two males at once was more than she'd bargained for. As if it was some sort of universal female fantasy trope.

"Mmm. So fucking amazing." She required a moment to recollect her senses before pushing things further. "You two make out with each other, I want to watch for a bit." She grinned, snapping her fingers at the wood elf slave. Another eyeball was handded to her, and she greedily popped it into her ravenous mouth. She grinned, showing her lust for both of them. A lust that could only be surpassed by Detoxx and Uyan's lust for unobtainable warder loot. "This sure beats Pornhub."

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
With enough Clerics any class can survive AoW.
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Old 05-26-2023, 11:04 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline
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Maiden’s Fancy

Maiden’s Fancy, Red Server

“I thought they were going to meet us here?” Nexii looked across the table at Melissa. The lavender bunny was giving her funny looks. The kind of looks that made Nexii suspicious that she was listening in on her thoughts and feelings. The cleric’s White Dragonscale Boots tapped on the floor, implying a sense of impatience.

“Yea, not surprised. They never came by Enhasa for months to fuck me. And there’s been so many petitions lately.” Melissa replied with a toothy smile. She stroked her long ears to show that she did hear many things.

Nexii looked a bit upset. “I was hoping to, you know. Get to know Galach and Blistig. Especially after Galach suspended the hardcores for three weeks, and that time Blistig saved me from being bind camped.” Many of her hopes were deflated. Clearly the new order of GMs was not that interested in what she had to offer.

“I know what you’re thinking. You wish I could enjoy the pain and hatred you desire to inflict.” Melissa looked a bit forlorn too as she ordered a glass of Neriak Red. As the Avatar of Love, she was in many ways the opposite of the priestess she had become attached to.

“You shouldn’t have that. You aren’t a good drunk.” Nexii warned. She knew Melissa didn’t have a good alcohol tolerance skill. “I’m more upset at the state of things.” She grabbed the rabbit’s drink from across the table and gulped it down. “You have Riot who is honorable but self-righteous, petitioning every minor infraction. Whereas FRAG is determined but dishonorable, refusing to concede even the most blatant infractions like tracker FTE. And don’t even get me started on the draft, giving pixels away to the weak is just sickening.”

“I thought you didn’t care about guilds.” Melissa ears wavered at the empty wine glass. “You should be happy. Inter-player hate has never been greater. Riot and FRAG hate each other more than any two guilds ever have. You have officers teetering at the brink of immersion insanity.” It was funny to hear such words from an effigy of love. But she knew was she was doing – subtly manipulating her abbil (trusted) to become more aroused.

“I don’t care about guilds, and that is all true. But just look at this place. It’s a dump, it’s falling apart. There’s no law and order anymore. Player killers from Perdition could come in right now and force us out.” Nexii waved a half-drunken hand clad in Vulak armor around the room.

“Cleric-enchanter is the most overpowered duo. We would beat them easy!” Melissa’s eyes shone bright blue, full of idealism.

“You don’t PvP much do you sweet?” Nexii doubted that Melissa knew of the bowquest meta, or that she had ever harmed anyone for that matter. It just wasn’t what she had been made to do.

Melissa wasn’t about to continue arguing as she was better and slyer than that. Her hand paw pushed a second wine glass across the table and then traced across the dark elf’s notebook. “It’s supposed to be Nexii’s Erotic Adventures. Not Nexii’s Blabbing and Pixel-Lusting Adventures.”

“I’m just not inspired lately. Say what you will about Sirken, but he made the TOV trains run on time.” Nexii twirled her long white hair around her finger. “Maybe you can inspire me? Funny isn’t it, a Cleric of Hate looking to her antithesis for help, the Avatar of Love.”

“Love isn’t the opposite of Hate. Apathy is.” Melissa had an emotional intellect far beyond her young years. “None of this would be playing out if Detoxx wasn’t acting like a jilted lover with Arcler. If they were merely apathetic.”

“I must admit it’s hot in a sadistic kind of way. Maybe I’ll set up a secret rendezvous between them.” Hate romances were a common thing in dark elf culture. The Tier`Dal knew how to hate those closest to them the most. And Nexii had been through it herself. Many of her own consorts had abandoned her, to the point where she barely considered herself a Mistress. Now here she was with a quirky rabbit that was probably more dominant than herself.

“Enough talk. Let’s get a room! I’ll charm the innkeeper for a key.” Melissa implored, while holding back ideas about how to hook up Arcler and Detoxx. She was the Goddess of Love after all, and playing Cupid was one of her favorite activities.

“Nilbog nerfed that in the last patch.”

“Fine, I’ll give him a lap dance for it.”

“I’ll just pay.” Nexii just rolled her eyes, then secretly regretted her lawful tendencies. On second thought watching the rabbit give a lap dance would have been tantalizing foreplay.

Back Room #3

“Here, let me touch your skin with my ear.” Melissa didn’t wait for a reply from her bed mate. She pressed one of her big ears to the naked priestess’s chest. The priestess gritted her teeth, not wanting to let the rabbit know that her psychic manipulations were that effective in creating arousal.

“Hnnn… that’s almost a worse exploit than what’s been going on with Tunare.” Nexii tried to sound unhappy, but her flush face and erecting nipples told another story. Visions of delinked mobs danced through her mind while the waves caused her cheeks to turn from obsidian to pink.

“I heard on GM Island that both FRAG and Riot are about to get suspended again...” Melissa’s words were sweet like honey and caused a similar rushing high. “They just haven’t got around to announcing it yet.”

“Mmm.” Nexii felt a flicker of hope that somehow this was all Galach’s master plan to bring Sirken back. Visions of a new era played in Nexii’s mind and were clearly readable by the rabbit who smiled coyly in surprise. An era that would be even more oppressive with more Kafkaesque rules to confuse the many new players. After all the weak deserved to be under the strong, receiving just enough pixels to survive.

(“Lay down.”) Melissa spoke using her psychic voice. It was a subtle way of saying they’d had enough talk. It was time to fuck. She pushed the naked cleric on her back and casted Rapture on her! Once the priestess had a happy and dazed look on her face it was time to take her prize. Her soft tongue snaked into Nexii’s pussy and took a taste. And then a few more tastes. Soon she couldn’t help herself from licking more vigorously. The mesmerisation effects were known to wear off quickly, but she made good use of scarce time. By rubbing her fingers across the cleric’s G-spot she was able to make her quickly cum hard and drool on the pillow all at once.

Nexii laid there, wordless as she could swear that she heard the barking of Tashan in the distance. Something logical had to explain how she had failed to resist the enchantress's trickery other than wanting it on some deeper emotional level.

(“Now that was so much more delicious to me than a suspension.”) She knew Nexii would somehow get her back for being so forward. But she’d savor the moment for now as she straddled atop the awakening cleric with an innocent toothy smile.

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
With enough Clerics any class can survive AoW.
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Old 05-26-2023, 11:05 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline
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Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
With enough Clerics any class can survive AoW.
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Old 05-30-2023, 03:41 AM
Xer0 Xer0 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tunabros [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
delete this cringe shit asap

this is like nexii type stuff without the furries
lol are you literally trying to say someone else's actions are cringe-inducing while rocking an anime/manga avatar on the messageboard for your favorite emulated 30 year old online fantasy RPG? This can't be real.
Last edited by Xer0; 05-30-2023 at 03:44 AM..
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Old 05-30-2023, 08:32 AM
cadoipi cadoipi is offline

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Toxigen that is some Vulak- tier fanfic. I like your original work in the last two posts more than your first repost.
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Old 05-30-2023, 08:50 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline
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Originally Posted by cadoipi [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Toxigen that is some Vulak- tier fanfic. I like your original work in the last two posts more than your first repost.
its not mine. copypasta

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
With enough Clerics any class can survive AoW.
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Old 05-30-2023, 08:59 AM
cadoipi cadoipi is offline

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Originally Posted by Toxigen [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
its not mine. copypasta
Its ok to admit it is yours. It is really good, you should be proud.
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Old 05-30-2023, 09:36 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline
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id rather hang myself than be the author of that shit

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
With enough Clerics any class can survive AoW.
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Old 07-01-2023, 12:05 PM
Cen Cen is offline
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my first EverQuest memory of my first character is when I made a dark elf warrior. I was greeted shortly after spawn by a female dark elf Necro who was dead man floating wearing a robe of enshroudnent.. but I only know that now by recollecting, what I saw them was a super powerful magic lady wearing a pitch black robe and her ass was levitating.

That was badass.

So is the TC story [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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