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Old 11-07-2019, 01:29 PM
Zaes Zaes is offline

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Stealing from the poor Kelethin guards!
Old 11-07-2019, 02:26 PM
Lone Gnome Lone Gnome is offline

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Drugs + unemployment
Old 11-07-2019, 02:33 PM
Vizax_Xaziv Vizax_Xaziv is offline
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Filed under "shit's Classic" for later viewings.
Old 11-07-2019, 06:43 PM
larper99 larper99 is offline

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Ok, I saw Pockete in Qeynos several nights ago. Was hoping that I photo-bombed some of those screen shots, but alas, no.
Old 11-18-2019, 11:50 PM
Polycaster Polycaster is offline

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You gave me muffins in Rivervale, city of the brave-ish halflings. They were good.
Old 11-19-2019, 12:20 AM
Vizax_Xaziv Vizax_Xaziv is offline
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Any updates on the adventures of Pockete the Brave?
Old 11-19-2019, 12:52 AM
Siege Siege is offline

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Originally Posted by Vizax_Xaziv [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Any updates on the adventures of Pockete the Brave?
Nothing much. She just kited a Sand Giant around for an hour at level 7 while a level 21 shaman beat on it with a stick. I came in at the end and took out a Crypt Mummy they picked up. I'll let her tell the rest of the story.
Old 11-19-2019, 02:03 AM
Erati Erati is offline
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Old 11-20-2019, 05:45 PM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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((Ohh I gotta catch up on adventures!! Sooo many adventures!))

Anyhow, I lefts the Sentry on the island and sailed off to Freeport to find the potion she needed from her temple.

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The leader of the temple had lots of potions! Just handin em out!! But she was too busy dealing with a waiter shortage to talk about the problem on the was like she didn't hear what I was sayin! And just asked me to gives some of them other sentries drinks when I asked about potions.

Being a noble request from a noble paladins....and myself, also bein noble, I couldn't refuse!!

So I grabbed a bunch of them drinks and delivered them to all the sentries I could find.

Then I went back and the noble paladin leader, the drink delivery done....and she finally had time to talk. I tolds her of the urgent issue of the Sentry and how she was gonna be overwhelmed by them minions of the vampire lord.... and she gasped! Then rushed to grab a special potion from the back room, something sure to give the sentry the strength to win her battles.

Though, I gots the feeling she probably just mixed the normal potion with some milk. It's what gnomes drink before battle, no doubt humans too knew of its great powers of refreshingness.

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Anyhow, I hads the potion!!! But... I wasn't too sure just me and the great sentry would be enough to defeat everything on that island. My spear was pretty good....but it wasn't magic or noffin!

No no, we was gonna need help ....and I had to finds it.

But then I remembered my visitins with the barbarian fishers, and their stories of their home. That's what I needed! Barbarians!!!! LOTS OF BARBARIANS!!!

So I left right away to return back to the hills of Qeynos....searching for the barbarian homelands.

There I found more fisherbarians who helped direct me towards their frosty fjords...through the home of the gnolls.

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Though, wasn't much trouble getting past them gnolls, I just walked past them....easy pancakes. And before I knew it I was faced with the icelands of the barbarians!

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Days and nights passed in them icey lands searching for the barbarians city. Skeletons, bears, wolves....oh my.

Eventually I founds them!! And their mighty camps filled with mighty mans!!

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"Barbarians! I has come to gets your help fightins evil!! Comes with me, we must do battles on the Ocean of Tears!!!"

...but the barbarians shrugged and continues eating large hunks of meat. These were not the brave warriors I had been told of!!! They were just young fighters, training and surviving in the harsh icelands.

"Where is all your brave warriors barbarians?!"

And that's when they laughed and said I'd find them in the ancient city of the permafrost....battling dragons even!!!

So I thanked thems for their help and set out again, to cross the fields of mystical creatures and find the permafrost they spoke of!

More days and nights passed as I searched....and eventually I came upon ruins of what musta been a pretty fancy city. Guarded by giants of unusual sizes!!! Made of ice!!!

But, I guess they didn't have time for I walked through and into the city.

When I got inside I realized no one had been here....for a very very long time. Perhaps I was the first one in recent history!!!! And it was filled with mean lookin goblins, though no signs of battle.

I knew there weren't many fighters in the world capable of facins these kinda odds....and there were no signs of, yup, it made pretty good sense I was treadin new ground.

So I took some time to looks around, maybe the great fighters were further insides?

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But everywhere I looked, only gooblins...who had seemed to have build a new city inside the walls of what looked like an even gianter city!

I'd have to come back to explores more later I figured. It was an interestin place for sure!

So, not finding what I needed there...I left to the everfrost peaks again...and began my trek home....having found no one strong enoughs to aid me in my mission.

But I'd been gettins a lot of time to think about things, how to rid that island of the evils it had. I'd come up with a pretty good plan, and knew exactly who I needed ta find to help me....

So along the way home I was puttins up lots of job listins....lookin for a special and very rare talent in the world of Norrath....the ability to use magics of levitation!!! Only a handful of powerful magic users knew such magics.

By the time I had traveled all the way back to Freeport again, I had been exchangin information with an interested party. Sir Numero, a druid of the 15thish season with great powers and natural talent.... but who was short of moneys to buy spells.

It was perfect! Cuz I still had a fair amounts of noble gnome finances, and was able to pool what I hads to make an offer of 30 platinums for his services....which was quite the sum of moneys!!!

So we agreed to meet at the docks later that night... and I told him my plan.

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He nodded along....but didn't think what I was suggesting was possible. To be honests, I wasn't so sure either, but we hads to try!!!!

And the pay was worth it, even to risk death for such a sum of gnomish treasure! But he wanted half up front, especially since he needed to study the spell first even. I was the only way.

On the boat ride I continued to draw maps and laid out every detail with sir Numero as he continued studyin his magics. I hads one shot at it, no more gnomish moneys for extended expeditions....and only had one milk potion anyhow.

So when we got to the island we both knew our jobs. I was gonna scout and relay the lay of the lands to sir Numero, and he was gonna keep us flyins in the air so we wouldn't have to swim.

It was time to begins.....I lit my signal lamp and sir Numero sprung into action! Charging ahead into the island and angering the great spectres at the center!!! Then he began circling the island....over and over again....causing a giant uproar and alerting most everythin!!!

"What is he doing!?" the Sentry exclaimed

"Oh don'tcha worry!! I GOTS A PLAN!!!" I told her

You see, I figured ....oceans is pretty deep. And filled with sharks!!! We was gonna make them so mad they would drowns themselves and get eatens!! Undead may be pretty strong, but sharks gots sharp teeth....and I doubt they was gonna float.

Sir Numero was dancing around the island with amazing grace as he continued....far beyond what I was expecting!!! Truly a halfling on great talents!!! For one wrong move and he would have been ripped apart instantly!!!

When I saw he had angered most things, I waved my signal lamp and he bolted off over the ocean....with the undead army rushing straight into the waves after him.

"NOWS ITSA YOU ANS ME!! Just a few undeads left, here lady Xyrin, drinks this!"

I tossed lady Xyrin the milk potion and she eagerly started drinking.....finishing it all!!! And new life rushed into her for the great battle ahead!!

We both charged forward to rid the rest of the island of what remained. One gargoyl, was mighty battles, and fairly close at times....but we patrolled for a while to make sure it was clear.

Then a little bird landed on my shoulder with hastily scribbled note from sir Numero


OOOOOOOH this was bad!! The entire army ....was alive-undead stills!!!! And coming back to their home!!!!

"Cheese and crackers lady Xyrin!!! Thems is comin back! We gotsa pancake it outta here!"

"No, not...yet! We're so close!" she said as she kept swinging her sword at a gargoyle

Then I turned and saw several undead coming up out of the waves.... it was the first of the army returning!! Soon we were gonna be swarmed by tens...hundreds...THOUSANDS of undead!!!

But Sentry Xyrin wasn't phased and ignored the sight as undead kept stepping up onto the shore, dripping wet.... her battle raging fiercely despite the impending doom.

As our foe fell.... we found ourselves at the center of the island....surrounded by the undead beginning to fill in around us....covering the island.... it was the end, wasn't no way out....we had faileds....

Just then, I heard a crash from behind me and a great light! Lady Xyrin had taken the mighty harpoon she carried on her back and struck at the great pillar at the heart of the island with all her might!!!

It cracked....and then toppled to the ground, letting off great magics!! The undead were pushed back into the ocean the skies lightened! We was saved!! She hads stopped thems!!

"We've done it noble gnome Pockete!!! At last, my battle is complete. All thanks to you and your mighty druid companion! Here, I have no need for this any longer, take my noble weapon and find someone worthy to carry on the eternal battle against evil".

And with that, she handed me the most powerful weapon to exist on Norrath at that time....the Deepwater Harpoon....!!!

I hads a new mission, and I would find someone worthy of her great bravery!!

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When Sir Numero returned, I told him the good news! That we had dones it afterall!! And handed him the rest of his fine treasure.

We both then went to the nearby island for passage back to Freeport, where we were welcomed in a great celebration for our great deeds! And I used the rest of my gnomish treasure to purchase bags and bags of muffins and milk to throw a proper muffin party in celebration!!

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Old 11-20-2019, 08:05 PM
Ivory Ivory is offline
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Word was startin to spread about my findins the great noble weapon from the sentry, having defeated them undead. Something the world thought impossible!!! Especially for a gnome.

But I'd done it, and I had the legendary weapon to proves it....and there wouldn't be another weapon of such power for quites some time.

So, I thoughts long and hard how to find a noble paladin of nobility worthy of the most mighty weapon in all of Norrath....

It hads ta be not just the strongest or oldest fighter, but someone who truly proves himself brave and noble!!! Everyone hads to have a chance to proves themselves too!

Eventually, I came up with a way to tests a noble paladins bravery and devotion....A QUEST!!! Followin the same path I been takin on my own noble quests!

So, with some shoutin and sending out messenger birds, I announced the event would be happenin in Freeport, and all interested noble paladins should come if they wanted to hears my quest.

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As the hours passed, slowly a small crowd began to gather to hear the great quest of nobility.

...and when the clock struck on the hour, it was time!!!

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Pockete is I, noble gnome it's true.
And wander the world as I have, wills you
To prove you a paladin, brave and just
Seek these items, you surely must

And if you're first, to bring me this boon
To you wills receive, the Deepwater Harpoon

The first item be, Empty Bag so cold
And put in it, jumjum stalk not old
Then you wills need, a Peacekeepers Staff
And Rat's Foot Necklace, just for a laugh

Then one piece o armor, of scarab variety
And a Tunare's Finest, to prove your piety

And lastly you'll need, to simply find mes
But where I am is, aint no one foresees

Most of the crowd was shocked at the dangers such a quest would face thems against. Foot blisters and lions and all sortsa things!

But some brave paladins set off to begin searching for what I spoke of.

I wasn't sure if they'd ever do it, but some day....someone would proves themselves.

Setting the weapon safely in my pack...I begans travelin again...on my own new quest lookins for some fine cuppery I'd hear rumors of.

You see, everyone knows a noble gnome needs fine cuppery for drinkins her milk!! And I'd heard in Freeport of a man who knew another man who knew an ogre who might have a treasure of such greatness! Not just any cup, but white!! To match the finest of milks!!

So, it was time to find the ingredients the man was wantins for a drink that would get hims to spill them beans about the fine cuppery treasure. Some fish and .... some honeycomb that the halflings jumified.... and other various ingredients.

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As I traveled, I continueds to give my great quest to any who'd hear it....shoutins "Oh woe is me, I wonders if I'm ever gonna finds a [worthy paladin] of this mighty Deepwater Harpoon".

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And my drink ingredient huntins took me all over! Even back to the land of the Erudites where I visited with some cat people fishin for ...cats i think.

But then word cames in that a brave paladin had dones it!! He had finished my quest!!! It hads been quite a while since I'd givens it, and I was surprised!!

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He was stayins in Freeport, and I'd finished collectins ingredients by then on my noble cuppery I took a boat to meets him.

When I gots there he handed me a bag with the artifacts found across the entire worlds! He'd done it!!! A true brave and noble paladin, Sir Faedoli!!!!

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So, I handed hims the most noble of weapons ...and for a time he was surely the most powerfuls fighter in all the world! Continuing the great battle against evil in the name of Sentry Xyrin and nobility.

With my burden lifted, and having collected the ingredients for the drink....I took a nice rest in Freeport before continuins on my way. Feelin pretty accomplished!! But still much left to do.

That night, I dreamed of what it must be like to eat muffins and while drinking milk from the finest milk cuppery in all of Norrath..... tomorrow I'd be mixin the man that drink, and gettin one step closer to findins the great treasure.

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