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Old 02-01-2020, 04:24 PM
Horza Horza is offline
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Originally Posted by kaelseren [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
nat civ... alt light... Kekistan
What does any of this gibberish mean?
Old 02-01-2020, 05:46 PM
kaelseren kaelseren is offline
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Originally Posted by Horza [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
What's a civ nat?
Civic nationalist. They are people who take inevitably race based positions while claiming race has nothing to do with anything and that it's all about "the marketplace of ideas".

It is a hypocritical position in nature. They will on one hand complain about illegal immigration because it upsets the host culture while touting we need more legal immigration as long as they assimilate. The premise is based in "white culture" while at the same time ignoring demographic change. It is an incredibly ethnocentric attitude while ironically ignoring demographics.

In a nutshell, they believe that non whites should naturally want to adopt traditional Western culture as if it is universally accepted. Basically they hold a politically correct fascism. So neither side of the political aisle likes them because they're too cowardly to take a position. in reality, they are the current year basic bitch pseudo intellectual centrists.

Another position common with civ nats, because they are just yet more useful idiots controlled by Neo-Conservatives, is the complete double standard between what they feel about the USA vs israel.

Their poster child Ben Shapiro sums up the hypocrisy: Open borders are good for the USA, but bad for israel. Israel thus needs to remain an ethnostate because "diversity" would irreparably change their "culture", while arguing that the same diversity is good for everyone else because it is just a matter of assimilation to host ideology.

Nirgon is a stereotypical American civ nat. He thinks he is clever by giving out dog whistles he learns from YouTube videos of fellow civ nat alt lighters. Sadly, his followers don't even get them. In actuality his unsubtle attempts are unoriginal and embarrassingly transparent to anyone remotely aware of the alt light. Trolling is just not natural to him so he tries to emulate others by fumbling together a patchwork of buzzwords he picks up from Paul Joseph Watson videos. He is simply not in the right field which is why he and the others get stuck in feedback loops of copy and pasting tired memes when people like me hand his ass to him.

The underlying theme of his is ethnonationalism, but he is too much of a politically corrected "cuck" to actually step up. This is why everything he says is gibberish and hypocritical. He only operates within the Overton window, while believing he is edgy. So while claiming everyone else are victims of society's will, he in fact is. His posts are horrendously predicable.

On the same token, he is no different than those claiming "Dark Men of Odus" is some insidious racist trope. First, I would say wtf is "racism" other than a Trotskyesque term to stifle debate? Odus is no more "racist" than the Congressional Black Caucus; on one hand reasonable minds would say that is inherently "racist" and others would just say it is race based. Wtf is the difference?

Lol, whatever the fundamentals of such and ambiguous term as "racist" are, saying that Erudites are "Dark Men" literally from Odus, is just an objective truth, not "racist". How on earth is that "racist" whatever dumb ass definition you attribute? Are Erudites the same color as High Elves? If there is anything fascinating is how Western people can freely accept the idea of race in a video game, but applying it to the real world their heads explode in current year.

The fact is that this guild name is just simply an unimaginative way at being an edge lords, nothing more. They took something profoundly obvious and just named their guild that way. They did nothing different than look around their room, see the first thing, and name their guild that way. It's no more creative than looking around and calling their guild "Computer Monitor". In fact, it is no more creative than calling their guild, "The Guild" (Which I think to actually intellectually troll people like Nirgon is brilliant).

Nirgon is a reject from the alt light and a wanna-be 4 channer. He's a cheap knock off that embarrasses any movement. He stands for nothing which is why he slums around 22 year old bootleg knock off video games trolling people with his failed attempts at psychobabble in a clear cry for attention he didn't receive in his formative years. Why is he so hostile towards millennials? Because he is one and hates himself. He at least has enough sense to know his future is bleak, but is too much of a coward to do anything more than shit post.

Did I miss anything Nirgon? Should we just expect another canned response from you? Have anything substantive to say yet? Prediction based on every one of his other posts: It will be entirely ad hominem and assertions he won't support even a scintilla with evidence.
Old 02-01-2020, 06:01 PM
Horza Horza is offline
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So basically what you're saying is that you don't think he's racist enough? I just can't see how a xenophobic nationalist is a centrist by any definition of the word.
Old 02-01-2020, 07:38 PM
kaelseren kaelseren is offline
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Originally Posted by Horza [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
So basically what you're saying is that you don't think he's racist enough? I just can't see how a xenophobic nationalist is a centrist by any definition of the word.
Well I actually said I don't believe in a nonsensical term such as "racist". Since I am forced to succumb to modern parlance, if such a term were to have any credibility or practical use, I would say he is a closet racist.

(Now for what seems like a tangent, but isn't... Reread if you need to)

A centrist is someone who is too cowardly to take an open position. WTF, is a xenophobe anyhow? That term is just as nebulous as "racist". The same people who use both these terms are the same people who promote race based groups such as the NAACP or "safe spaces" or race based admissions etc.

They are the same people that will claim one group moving into an area is colonization, gentrification, stealing, imperialism, etc, but when other groups move into the other's territory that it is diversity, enrichment, multiculturalism, or some other meaningless moral platitude.

They are the same folks that deny only one group to have an identity or self determination while promoting ethnic identity for all others. To them the premise is mixing all colors of paint into one bucket is somehow embracing "diversity" when of course you're left with one color. Multiculturalism is a term that is a contradiction and oxymoron.

If people weren't naturally attracted to things most like themselves, the human race, or any race would never have survived. Muhammad Ali's interview on bluebirds and red birds sums this up in about as elementary way that a child could understand. If not for this base INSTINCT people would have just walked up and tried to bed down with lions. In fact, the very base nature of any species just from the standpoint of procreation we see this as natural. Human beings are unique only because they try to rationalize similarities that don't exist or are willfully blind to ones that do. They are so arrogant that they do everything to disregard instinct or anything that actually makes us human. Apparently in current year, gender isn't even a thing, all the while the same claim that we have limitless genders.

However, we have been infected with a bizarre intellectual pathogen of egalitarianism which seeks to upend nature. They claim to embrace diversity while at the same time incessantly preaching we are all the same; the only consistency is the convenience of the argument. There are a plethora of things beyond "skin color" that make us different. Why is that all of a sudden a bad thing?

I personally kind of like the fact that different people are, well, different. I like to be able to go to France and see the French. If I visit Japan, I want to see Japanese. I like different cultures. However, Western nations, and only Western nations are constantly hit with the nonsense that this isn't ok. People are conditioned to have the response of outrage and censorship if tasked to ponder self preservation. Only one group is taught to self deprecate.

What non Western nations are being forced to open borders and diversify? Cultural Marxism is a very insidious ideology. It is based on the same parasitical methodology as seen in labor unions (Invest nothing but envy the one that did). It serves only to tear down institutions without any intention of investment. We are now being left with a vacuum. We have people seeing other groups being preferred in this bizarre liberal stack that everyone is stuck in this ever expanding oppression Olympics.

It isn't ironic that the same people who promote the pipe dream of communism (supposedly this unified collective), are the same that promote every person to find their own group oppression. FFS, we now have people claiming 100 different genders claiming the next is more oppressed than the last. This is the same old routine of demoralization. Everyone seeking their own identity while claiming the next is oppressing them. I am sure everyone has heard of "divide and conquer", but fail to understand that to effect this strategy those that are being conquered can't notice.

This world has become so batshit crazy that we promote La Raza (The Race) and BLM but a flyer stating "It's ok to be white" is universally condemned and has FBI investigations. "You're not black, you wouldn't understand" is unquestioned, but the world would stop if anyone said the reverse. What has been the totally predicable and intended result? Only one demographic has sky rocketing suicide rates, depression, drug use, etc. Only one demographic isn't even procreating to replacement levels while already a far minority. Only one demographic is being told that they are the sole cause of "global warming", but being told they need MORE immigration.

The demoralization campaign continues with nonsense terms such as "People of Color". Really? So a people that have red, blonde, brunette, black, gray, etc hair and blue, green, brown, hazel, etc eyes and quite the variance in skin tone are not "People of Color", but black hair and brown eyes are? What is so stupid about it is that it clearly a manipulation tactic. Somehow Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, etc are the same while whites are the odd ones out. If anything is "racist", this is patently racist; not only against whites, but at the same time all others by lumping them together. My God, only a defeated people could so easily adopt something that excludes only one group and considers the diversity of all others the same. All the while the people imposing such tripe are telling everyone to be inclusive. We get "love not hate" while the same people are attacking others in the streets. It is a term to Balkanize groups against each other. Divide and conquer.

So, in summation, progressive insanity is one thing and their manipulation of language using terms like "racist" is malicious. They are clear and utter hypocrites which is why they universally accept censorship and do everything to stifle debate; they are children who will break their toys before sharing. They throw temper tantrums when held accountable. This is why at leftist rallies you NEVER see the right showing up to frustrate their right to free speech, but when the right has a rally there is constant violence by the left. It really makes one chuckle at the fucking insanity of the world to maintain one's sanity when watching this all play out. Yeah, communism is awesome guys which is why all you lunatics need to exercise profound levels of violence and murder to impose it every time. Got it.

Oh and when you get your communist utopia in having the state decide how resources are apportioned, kiss your video games and pink hair dye goodbye. The State will find them superfluous and/or subversive. You will get your state imposed "sameness" that has no room for creative endeavors because after all, that would be revolutionary... Which of course makes me chuckle too. The second communists take power (It is inevitable now that progressive ideology has irreparably fractured social cohesion at the same time running the debt to insolvency), they immediately murder those revolutionaries that brought them to power because they rightfully know them to be unhinged lunatics and a threat. They rightfully realize those same people will be looking to put the knife in their backs to overthrow them.

How does this all relate to Nirgon? Well, his ideology, or lack thereof, is a cliched hypocrisy. He will sit and berate the left for shit he does himself. He will whine about being baselessly called racist while playing the same baseless game of ad hominem. He is a shell of a human. The only reason he believes what he does is pure happenstance like most people and religion. They just accidentally believe what they believe because they are told to believe it from the position they were born. He doesn't have any objective or original thought which is why he can't debate anything. The only reason he is a failed alt lighter is because he just happened to have stumbled across some YouTube videos of alt lighters and thought that it sounded edgy and unique. He doesn't actually grasp anything. Integrity is foreign to him. He would be a progressive troll if the wind was blowing that direction the day he ran across Milo Yionnopolous. He is a simpleton who parrots shit. I mean ffs, look at the people attracted to him like Solemn. Solemn and Phazed are clearly invalids, yet he doesn't correct them. He's like a retarded version of Richard Spencer; a cult of retarded personality. He is just a slimy person who oozes into any crevice, but never really taking any form.

Anyone on the right hates people like him because morons like him just get in the way. The left hates people like him, well, because they're not the left. He is alone which is why he revels with his three fan boys on here. It's fucking embarrassing. He would be the guy who would get shanked day one in prison.
Old 02-01-2020, 08:17 PM
Horza Horza is offline
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Originally Posted by kaelseren [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
WTF, is a xenophobe anyhow? That term is just as nebulous as "racist".
xenophobe: one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin.
Old 02-01-2020, 08:19 PM
Horza Horza is offline
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I won't lie, far right infighting is fascinating.
Old 02-01-2020, 08:27 PM
Nirgon Nirgon is offline

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Update: I'm hearing kaelseren was thrown out of Venerate
Old 02-01-2020, 09:54 PM
Kohedron Kohedron is offline

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Now THIS is forumquesting!
Old 02-01-2020, 09:57 PM
nooblord900 nooblord900 is offline

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Old 02-01-2020, 10:40 PM
Horza Horza is offline
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Originally Posted by kaelseren [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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