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Old 08-11-2015, 10:11 AM
surron surron is offline

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Originally Posted by vanklaus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
What's the difference between project2002 and takproject? ..

Originally Posted by Pokesan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
boxing will never go away on either server.

the main difference between takp and 2002 is staff based.

do you want to develop accurate content on your own? takproject.

do you want to copypaste it from elsewhere and still act smug for some reason? p2002
Originally Posted by Sketched [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I am not sure why I would since I already play on TAKP. I prefer to support an open source project that has the ability to fix complicated mechanic issues. Even if content moves a bit slower.
TAKP's database is open source, which means things can be tested for accuracy outside of GM/Dev Team inner circle.

When it comes to p2002, well you just have to take their word for it, those same people play on the server too. These same people had an advanced allahkazam (which was not allowed on TAKP) that they let the guild use during their time on TAKP.

Am I saying these players use the closed source DB to their advantage?
Last edited by surron; 08-11-2015 at 10:23 AM..
Old 08-11-2015, 10:36 AM
Wharhog Wharhog is offline

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Here ya go....Allaclone!~
Old 08-11-2015, 10:41 AM
surron surron is offline

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Glad to see some transparency Wharhog
Old 08-11-2015, 12:09 PM
apio apio is offline

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These same people had an advanced allahkazam (which was not allowed on TAKP)
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I just want to point out that due to it's open source nature, anyone can host an "advanced allakazaam" and there are no rules against it anywhere on TAK.
Old 08-11-2015, 12:35 PM
surron surron is offline

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Your version of allahkazam had loot percentages in it and spawn rate percentages, which WAS against the rules for TAKP.

Tell me Apio, if it wasn't a problem why was the guild link password protected?

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Please don't act like you and the rest of the devs over at p2002 aren't shady Apio.
Old 08-11-2015, 12:56 PM
apio apio is offline

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My point stands: Hosting an Allaclone with the DB dump that is accessible to everyone, is not against the rules. If you want to counter that point you should address it, not bring up 10 other things to spin the story in your favor.

Edit: I have included the text from the rules post from the TAK forums for clarification

"Service" is defined as these forums and/or the game server associated with this forum with the same name.

1. You will not exploit ANY bug or weakness in any part of the service. You will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits within the service), either directly or through public posting, to any other user of the service.

You will promptly report any exploit bug via PM to GMs/Moderators/Admins on the forums. The developers of this service retain the right to classify bugs as they see fit.

Consequences for getting caught intentionally using an unbalancing exploit will result in instant suspension on first warning. After this suspension you will be allowed to play again depending on the severity of the actions.

Be careful you know who you are trading with. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. We will have trades monitored and logged. If a player has violated this, any and all trades prior to this suspension and character emptying are subject to reversal or items from trades being deleted.

- For testing purposes, when a potential bug exploit is found, it is acceptable to attempt to repeat the bug ONCE so that you may provide as much information about it before reporting it. If you can repeat it once, the dev team will replicate it as many times as needed to verify. All actions can and will be logged. Do not repeatedly "test" this found bug or exploit just to "verify" it's existence, that is our job. A single user repeat is sufficient enough for a bug/exploit report. Do not feel like you are inconveniencing us by not testing it enough first. Once reported, use of said exploit is prohibited. Using a bug exploit with no or delayed intention of reporting it is also prohibited.

- Using a bug or software feature that is "similar" to an in-game function is not an excuse to use or keep using it. For example, using third party software to increase the range of /target. Using a auto key presser to aid in cast skilling or tradeskill combines while afk.

2. AFK, The only afk sanctioned activities are sitting/standing doing nothing, trader mode (when bazaar is in), and bard songs in non-populated areas. All else INCLUDING coin operated/key hold spell casting is up to the GM that is either contacted by someone annoyed by it, or if they deem it a nuisance. . This is not a bannable offense by itself and if used responsibly is likely not going to be considered an issue. Not doing it in populated areas is key. The new CSR GM has told me that the reasons for making afk swimming disallowed he can cover with no issue.
So this rule covers abuses of these activities. They are allowed but only if used responsibly. We reserve the right to take a non ban action against someone not respecting others provided they are not repeat offenders. It is allowed but not encouraged.
note: This does NOT mean that you can use a 3rd party program to automate anything!

3. Alteration or use of said alterations of the EverQuest client or of the data it uses and stores in system memory, cache, or on your hard drive is prohibited and is subject to immediate ban, only 1 warning will be given for this offense. It is at the GM, Moderator, or Admin's discretion if a warning or instant ban is appropriate.

- You may change the graphic on the login and loading screens, however you may not change their functionality in the process.
- You also may use custom UIs in-game, provided the client's functionality is not changed, and the UI adheres to the rules of this server.
- You may replace or alter in-game textures provided the outcome is purely esthetic, and does not alter gameplay at all. etc..., Turning a wall into a window is NOT esthetic and is considered hacking/exploiting.

Use of any third party program used in conjunction with the EverQuest client is strictly prohibited with the exception of:

- STOCK FPS limiters
- STOCK builds of WinEQ2
- STOCK builds of EQPlayNice
- STOCK builds of EQWindows
- STOCK release of eqw based EQMac PC client.
- Log parsing programs such as EQ Companion or Yalp are permitted, and are in fact recommended as they give developers hard numbers for use in tweaking combat.

Map programs are not allowed. If determined you have this running GMs will take actions on the spot.

4. Use of any unapproved clients is strictly prohibited. Including but not limited to:

- Stock/Original versions of 062, Titanium, SOF, SOD, UF, ROF clients and any future PC Live releases.
- This means that you cannot connect to our server with a PC client that has not been patched by eqmule's lastest updates.
- If you log in and see maps and camera follow view (not the same as f9) you have an unapproved client.
- Any unapproved player made clients, either open source or closed source. (If you are developing this and wish for it to be considered it must be closely examined in it's entirety by the Dev team and subject to disapproval)

5. Usage of any bugs or features in exempted third party programs that has in the past, present, or future granted the user unnatural or unintended benefits in game is prohibited.

- See see last note under rule 1.

6. Creation of any macros, programs, scripts, etc to automate any aspect of the game is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to combat situations, trade skills, quests, and buffing/healing/rezzing/etc.

- Boxing is allowed but limited to 3. But if you can't physically manage multiple accounts without the assistance of extra programs or macros, you should not box. We are a community server, this is intended to create and keep the game play as such. No exceptions.

7. You may not disrupt the normal playability of a zone or area.

Zone/Area Disruption is defined as any activity designed to harm or inconvenience a number of groups rather than a specific player or group of players. This includes, but is not limited to:

- Making excessive or inappropriate use of public channels of communications (/shout, /ooc, etc.).
- Intentionally or accidentally causing excessive zone latency or server bandwidth usage (using third party programs, creating excessive corpses, abusing spell effects, etc.)
- Purposely causing or attempting to cause world or a zone to crash.
- Causing or attempting to cause intentional experience, loot, or progress loss to other players (deliberately impeding fleeing players by blocking their escape route, intentionally training NPCs on other players, etc.) The exception to this, of course is consensual PVP play.
- Growing pets or players to an unnatural size.
- Causing or attempting to cause scripts, events, or security measures to fail and/or have a result different than the one expected and/or written by the devs.
- Using large characters to block doorways, either large classes, toons on a horse, or growth spells.

This has been an area of confusion on some servers as to some activities that may or may not fall under this rule. The following are spelled out here and strictly enforced. But not limited to:

- Shakerpaging
- Excessive kiting (meaning half the zone or more than one player/group camp's worth of mobs.) Exception to this is if and ONLY if zone is empty and uncontested. Even then it should be within reason and limited to a small section of the zone.
- Pit War or any other situation that a player can gain experience from mobs in combat with each other (See rule 1) The excuse of "The game mechanics allow for it" is not a viable reason. This is considered exploiting.

8. Harassing (including sexual harassment) of other players, Server Operators, Developers, GMs, or Guides (hereby collectively known as server staff) is strictly prohibited. This includes in-game chat (including private channels), and any in-game action (included but not limited to: training NPCs, kill stealing, flag stealing, camp stealing, ninja looting, impeding movement), and any forum thread or PM here on the forums. If you would like to report someone for harassment please contact the staff.

- Consensual PVP play is partially exempt to this, however deliberate or extreme cases of harassment is still prohibited. It is up to the GM's judgment whether the situation is deliberate or extreme. Corpse camping is not allowed in PvP.

9. Failing to comply with the request of server staff or showing a genuine lack of respect to said representative or of the server through action or words is strictly prohibited. It is up to the representative's discretion whether a sign of disrespect is genuine or not.

10. Vile, profane, rude, offensive, or racist language, including common swear words, anatomical references, racial slurs, terrorism references, illegal drug references (despite the server/player location, medical marijuana IS included in this) and homonyms (sound-alike) of such words are not allowed in any public communication channel. These channels are reserved for public viewing and should not contain messages that can insult or otherwise bother another player. Also including political arguments of real world issues that we all know can flare up into nasty confrontations.

- The above also applies to character names. Any offending toon will have its name changed at a GM's discretion, or will be deleted.

11. This is a family server. Public announcement of real life drunkenness or impairment, sexually explicit material of any form, excessive spamming of topics not game related is not acceptable behavior and subject to suspension for first offense and ban for additional.

- Public is defined as Say, Shout, OOC, Auction, Alliance. Private and guild channels are not subject to this but can fall under rule 8 if others find you to violate that rule.

12. Circumventing, attempting to circumvent, or abusing any character IP limit or ban is forbidden. In some locations this can be considered a legal violation and can be subject to legal ramifications. One forum account per person is the limit. Extra accounts for household members is subject to approval and will be monitored for violations of the 3 box limit. Extra forum accounts must be preapproved. It will be at our discretion if we lock all accounts to those not seeking exemption prior.

- Ammended 2/19/2015 for clarification of an up till now unwritten rule/understanding that we have conveyed in game.
Account sharing IS allowed with the following rules/exceptions to keep in mind:
That you are responsible for any actions taken on your account and for actions of those on their own account you have access.
Also, for those who are sharing an IP address you are responsible for everything that happens with your account being tied to any one particular IP, if records show that accounts were shared across that IP.
If one account or IP is guilty of something the Admins/Devs reserve the right to ban/suspend all accounts that have touched that IP address.
This is retroactively effective due to rule 17 and as it has been discussed in game since Beta launch.

Unlike the trades by association, this can be appealed on irc if you are banned/suspended by proxy. What will result is a day off and a password reset so the access that started the issue is removed.

13. Using the in-game /bug, /report, and /petition systems for purposes for which they are not designed will result in a warning. Using /petition or /report to report bugs, /bug to report harassment, or either to communicate or harass GMs are examples of incorrect usage.

14. "Role-playing", misinterpretation, or ignorance does not grant license to violate any of these rules.

15. Any and ALL discussions public or private on the service about obtaining the client illegally is not allowed. No warnings will be given, this is a strict ban able offense.

16. Real world currency or currency outside the TAKP server transactions and the discussion thereof are strictly not allowed on this service.
- Including any transactions done past present and future.
- By using this service you agree to hold harmless the service and staff of any and all disallowed transactions of this type.
- Account or character trading/selling is not allowed. No exceptions.

17. The server operators of TAKP reserve the right to change, add, or remove any of these rules without warning. Players are required to adhere to these alterations immediately.

18.Rules regarding interactions with GMs on their GM toon and/or play toons.
- Harassing tells for assistance in obtaining any advantage. Meaning asking for anything to assist in testing.
- Openly debating or researching who GM play toons are, as well as disclosing to the public if you know.
- Bugging a GM on a play toon for GM related activities. Use bug and petition or post on the forums as anyone would.
- Asking a GM to use their GM toon on raids in any form. (related to first note) Including if a GM is in your guild and you mention the GM should check for a spawn or anything else.
- GMs that are available at the time of disciplinary actions have their own discretion within the rules to enforce. At no time is it allowed to try to play one GM against another to get a lighter penalty. No GMs will be reducing a penalty if it falls within the stated guidelines. The only modification permissible is if a higher level GM thinks a penalty should be more severe.
- Publicly posting any PM contents regarding interaction from GMs either on this service or any other forums will be grounds for a perma ban.

Any violations that result in a ban will be issued service wide (meaning forums and game server) use irc to appeal, not your friends.
Last edited by apio; 08-11-2015 at 01:02 PM..
Old 08-11-2015, 01:11 PM
apio apio is offline

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If you want to stop people from playing on our server, you should stop promoting us by bumping the two P2002 threads, and instead start bumping the TAKProject thread. Judging from the player numbers and forum numbers, your misinformation campaign is not working. I mean this in the nicest way possible. I have no problem with TAK at all, what I do have a problem with is people who are bitter spreading lies about our server and our staff. I have a buttload of spicy stories from TAK to tell, but I have long realized that I would only promote your server if I kept harping on them. You gotta learn to let things go
Old 08-11-2015, 01:31 PM
Haynar Haynar is offline

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Locking this. It's just turning into a flame fest now.

Just so there is no confusion. The p99 boards are not the rnf forums for battling EQEmu servers to hold their bickering, bitchfests.

Haynar <Millennial Snowflake Utopia>
Last edited by Haynar; 08-11-2015 at 04:44 PM..
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