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Old 02-03-2020, 03:57 PM
Nirgon Nirgon is offline

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I may be able to reach out to Kaleseran and get things straightened out.

You wanna talk about it and make a son of Erud alt?
Old 02-03-2020, 04:20 PM
Mblake81 Mblake81 is offline

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Old 02-03-2020, 04:38 PM
Teppler Teppler is offline

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Posts: 2,203

Originally Posted by kaelseren [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I doubt any boomers actually play this same. It seems more overrun with endlessly offended entitled millennials. My prediction is that their algorithms were showing an impending exodus so they combined the servers. The population is already dwindling. Sol Ro will see an uptick, but I don't think it will be as much as I originally anticipated.

Anyone worth a shit playing a 22 year old bootlegged free game is doing it for the nostalgia. You hit 50 and think to yourself, "Did I just invest that much time at my age into a pointless video game? I have already done the same shit 40x before".

They leave. So who do you get stuck with? The entitled millennial types and the never have been washed up disabled types that have the time to run guilds etc. Or you have the socially inept computer geek types that run guilds or would be the type that run around bragging about their "dragon gear".

Then mix in the obese chicks that are the only ones who would ever play a game that you need to bootleg an old copy and manually install patch files. They are immediately attracted to becoming a guild officer. Admit it or not, we have all seen them. They're the one's that are always talking about penises in guild chat. They typically cling onto one wanna-be chad in the guild and inflate their ego about how big his penis if they would even know. Like Borg fashion, they ALL insist on calling themselves "mama bear".

Inevitably, they cause a shitload of guild drama, ALWAYS behind the scenes. They gossip and spread bullshit among the other officers. They always develop cliques and if you don't get into that click by proxy they will hypocritically hate you, especially if you're taking ANY attention from them. For example, while they talk about cock all day long, the second you say that assless chaps are a welcome addition to dark elves, they immediately consider you a sexist pig and start rotting the core.

Just before starting p99 for the first time, I quit live because of a chick officer in the main raiding guild I was a member of. Yeah, the top raiding guild; nothing inherently special about that, but for the narrative. Cool guild and easily the best raid leader I have ever seen. After a raid that somehow from like every pop attacking me that it was an ongoing joke during the raid, I gave an honorable mention to a druid that was tasked to constantly heal me. This cleric officer flipped out and was super offended I didn't tank all the other healers... She started freaking on all the other officers so I was like I'm the fuck out if you guys wanna keep such a soulless psychopath as leadership. Leadership turned out to be weak as fuck. Not balancing anyone who was right, but rather what they felt at the time was easier. Literally weeks later the guild imploded.

I played blue for awhile like 5 years ago. Was in cats who say meow or whatever the fuck it's called. Apparently they still exist. They had a couple chick officers. Two of them started this in guild insane drama. One would deguild people and the other would re-invite them and vice versa. The guild ended up splitting. I am shocked it still exists. We will just say that one of those officers ended up calling me on my cell one night to tell me see was going to exorcise me or some shit because she was the lady of light or some crap. It was sheer crazy talk. Apparently she literally stopped her meds, moved in with a fellow guildie leaving her hubby, and well, turned into Tom Hanks from Mazes and Monsters.

The fucked up part is that she was actually pretty cool otherwise. I hope she got the help she needed. Just before I quit I heard her hubby ended up driving to bum fuck Egypt to get her. Somehow I always got sucked into officer meetings around that time. The worst part about the experience is that the officers were joking around with the chick rather than at all caring about her well being. They were gossiping about the incident (using her name) and I told them not cool. I was bumped from the guild AGAIN by the other chick officer for calling her catty bullshit out.
Yeah, this is P99.

Then you have Venerate. The guild that had a chick officer who loved to talk about another guildies' penis, literally everyday in guild chat. Yes, literally is being said literally. Your's truly with his alpha male self didn't fit in her clique. Out of nowhere, deguilded. She quit the guild within days of that... Yeah because that is stable. Worse yet, the current officers have no idea why or at least they're not saying. The best I have got was "Sorry bro, it wasn't on me". Brimming with loyalty... Oh for those interested, it was Cady.

Anyway you slice it, you end up with a ton of in game toxicity, greed, and general dumb fuckery. Mix that with the social outrage mobs of current year, and well, you have a game that would make Anita Sarkesian proud; short the assless chaps. Everyone trying to tear everyone down because EQ is life. You're left with a guild and/or game that nobody groups in and nobody dares say anything remotely interesting in guild chat. It's always out of sight out of mind.

How is this any different than real life? It isn't. If anyone has read any of my emails, this whole thing was more of a thought experiment in action. In real life you get the same cucked out leadership as you see with employers. Some leftist outrage mob goes out of their way to look up shit in some obscure social media page that has nothing to do with them and then bitches and whines to the spineless leadership. Instead of doing what is right, they do what is immediately convenient-They get rid of the focus of the mob's ire. They would make fine citizens of the State. Pretending they're on your side, but throwing you under the bus at any moment.

So here is the scary part. If these people are already being conditioned to the point of this in a video game, just imagine how they would act in real life; you know the life that actually matters... They would throw their own grandparents under the bus if they thought it would elevate their positions. On the same token, the ones that DO agree with you remain silent. I understand the spineless leaders we have, but why are so many people intimidated by a mob that is by far a minority?

As I have said a number of times before, I get tells constantly patting me on the back for my posts. In graduate school I was constantly being approached after class telling em I was right when arguing in class against the leftist outrage mobs. I would even have PROFESSORS come up to me the next day saying that they looked into what I said and they capitulated that I was right. Well I always had to ask, where the fuck were you when it mattered? Why are we having this conversation when nobody else can hear it?

Like him or not, the reason Trump was elected because he spoke plainly, openly, and unapologetically. From emploeyers to guild leaders, they are too scoailly inept or cowardly to figure out that although a couple people might be ouwardly offended, those people are only offended outwardly because it gets them attention; unfortunately to our cucked leadership everywhere, it gets them result. You know what happens when they ignore the leftist pussies? Nothing. Children stop throwing temper tantrums when they don't get what they want. Weak ass non-parents are the ones that give in.

The same fuck tards in the "Never Trumper Republican Party" somehow made a 180 after he was elected. What did we hear prior to the election? Oh Trump has a big mouth, he has to be more political, ie be a pussy. How many Republican voters did the party lose by opting for masculinity? Zero. So for all you guild leaders and employers out there, you're cucking for no reason just because a couple people complain about everything an assertive person does making them feel less of a person. Surrounding yourself with a bunch of spineless pussies that are too afraid to confront someone directly are the ones who whine to guild officers. The population then turns completely effeminate because the general population becomes culled and then the only ones left to fill "leadership" positions are a bunch of commie pussies that NEVER act on their own but only through inciting a bunch of other pussies until they can mob a defenseless normal person. See: The Bolsheviks to the Red Guard.

In other words, I like to see how people act in different venues to get a pulse of the public at large. Maybe that's due to my original major, psyche.

EXACTLY, the premise of this post is realized with Kingdom. I get a tell from a guild officer a couple days ago, alt was Carlita, I think it may be the Guild Leader themselves, about the Patchet affair. They complaint to me that ST is complaining to them because Patchet is whining to ST... I was asked to stop engaging Patchet in game, because it would "save them a lot of time" from fielding the whining. Was who was right in the issue a consideration? Nope. Like I said, everyone seems to fold just from whining. All that mattered is they didn't want to stand up. Lovely.

This comes from the same guild that has an obsessive concoction of "image" they want to have on this server. people like this make me laugh. It is a fucking video game with dark elves wearing assless chaps. Did I mention snakes kick? Did you said poopoo pee pee in the guild chat? WHOA, capital violation for immaturity. You're a gnome, act like one after all!

Back in the day raiding guilds were different. I think we are seeing not only a reflection of soy emasculated men in society that have hopeless real lives to they puff their chests in a video game, but also a sign of how washed up this game really is. Everyone complains how toxic the server is, it should come as no surprise. Cunts like Patchet are rewarded and those that stand up for themselves OR anyone else are pushed out due to worries of drama. News flash retards: The whining abates after ignoring it for 5 minutes. Those with understanding try this. Next time you're called a "racist" or some other ist or ism by the outrage mob, just say "So". You will immediately hear crickets. 100% money back guarantee.

With that said, do I feel anyone that POSTS on here will actually understand the greater point of this post? Nope. I will get the same "Lulz, you were kicked from a guild! Lulz." Those are the people who actually place real life value in a video game. As usual, I am just speaking to those too nervous to post shit because they're too scared of mob retaliation and their legit fears that guilds are more interested in pixels than what is right no matter how anal they pretend they are with their image.

What a fucking image Kingdom, ST and Patchet over people that actually understand what it is to be loyal. Oh well, nothing loss, but only time gained. My prediciton? Not only will people bail from this game shortly now they have once again realized that hitting 50 was the same old but waiting for Kunark and Velios to just simply add +5 to your guild to get you to do the same old again, is well old, but they will bail from the cuck guilds when they peak on their loot.

Venerate will fold or be forced to join with Black Lotus because people will hit 50 and just leave to Kingdom or Seal Team. Sooner or later Seal Team will step up and say fuck sharing, and take everything. In fact, why don't they? Kingdom will start hemorrhaging numbers at that point that will just go to ST. The short while I was in that guild, I only logged in for raids. I literally never saw guild groups and the chat was fucking retardedly uninspired. I guess when you're offended by what happend in RnF that has a chilling effect on having fun in a VIDEO GAME. Lol, soooooo sad.

The only hope Kingdom will have is to actually encourage actual fun rather than saying they do while instituting a ridiculous level of decorum. FFS, really people? A guild is butthurt over RnF? Inventory your lives folks.

Anyhow, the take away is this: As far as any metric of loyalty, what guild on this server actually has it the most? Being that I preach objectivity (Something all you partisan hacks could never understand because you NEED to cling to group identity for egos sake), I would easily say Dark Men of Odus do.

I will have to take a bit to examine how the most toxic infantile guild actually is the most loyal and likely fun. I guess it is a matter of self preservation. Maybe they value the few numbers they have rather than larger guilds who bean count and value a person as much as far as the next +1 gear they can get in a raid.

Anyhow, time to crush some weights. Need to raise my testosterone level after spending the week in yet another estrogen filled shit show. I mean really guys, that Vox Naggy raid that ST pwned in was embarrassing. Not embarrassing because they utterly dominated, but embarrassing that all leadership did was bitch and whine to how they got trained and how ST cheated. At least one of the officers has enough of a scrotum to step up yesterday and admit that all that BS was wrong.

I am always fascinated how anyone could reasonably think they can compete really anywhere in life in an aggressive situation like FTE etc when all they promote is testosterone blocking. Fucking sad. God please don't let this bean counting self defeating attitude dumb down Pantheon in an effort to appease the dumbed down outrage mob.

Oh as a final closing. What raiding guilds used to be respectable in EQ? Well none in p99, it is like the Plenty of Fish of dating. You get what you pay for. P99 did a great job on the game, it is just that it is a game that has not aged well and the majority who play are either complete asshats, or exemplary. Not sure if anyone remembers Fire and Fury or Rising Darkness. RD was easily the best most loyal raiding guild. You could shit talk each other in fun without a 3rd party running to HR claiming to be offended not because of the content but rather because they saw other people having fun and they weren't included.

Oh well, I am going to have to go to my next philosophical analysis more deeply as to why Dark Men of Odus is probably the most "mature" guild too. Maybe I missed my mark a bit in previous posts. Maybe they're the only ones who actually accept shit more real than the rest. They actually see this for what it is, a fucking video game. Who is more mature? One's who can see something for what it is, or ones trying to make something into what it isn't?

Mind-blowing shit worth delving into more. I am going to start a thread.
I’m only half way through this novel but I have to say it is the best post I’ve ever seen in these forums. I highly doubt it but did you get to the staff as well?
Old 02-03-2020, 05:03 PM
kjs86z kjs86z is offline

Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: St. Pete, FL
Posts: 1,541

Originally Posted by kaelseren [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I doubt any boomers actually play this same. It seems more overrun with endlessly offended entitled millennials. My prediction is that their algorithms were showing an impending exodus so they combined the servers. The population is already dwindling. Sol Ro will see an uptick, but I don't think it will be as much as I originally anticipated.

Anyone worth a shit playing a 22 year old bootlegged free game is doing it for the nostalgia. You hit 50 and think to yourself, "Did I just invest that much time at my age into a pointless video game? I have already done the same shit 40x before".

They leave. So who do you get stuck with? The entitled millennial types and the never have been washed up disabled types that have the time to run guilds etc. Or you have the socially inept computer geek types that run guilds or would be the type that run around bragging about their "dragon gear".

Then mix in the obese chicks that are the only ones who would ever play a game that you need to bootleg an old copy and manually install patch files. They are immediately attracted to becoming a guild officer. Admit it or not, we have all seen them. They're the one's that are always talking about penises in guild chat. They typically cling onto one wanna-be chad in the guild and inflate their ego about how big his penis if they would even know. Like Borg fashion, they ALL insist on calling themselves "mama bear".

Inevitably, they cause a shitload of guild drama, ALWAYS behind the scenes. They gossip and spread bullshit among the other officers. They always develop cliques and if you don't get into that click by proxy they will hypocritically hate you, especially if you're taking ANY attention from them. For example, while they talk about cock all day long, the second you say that assless chaps are a welcome addition to dark elves, they immediately consider you a sexist pig and start rotting the core.

Just before starting p99 for the first time, I quit live because of a chick officer in the main raiding guild I was a member of. Yeah, the top raiding guild; nothing inherently special about that, but for the narrative. Cool guild and easily the best raid leader I have ever seen. After a raid that somehow from like every pop attacking me that it was an ongoing joke during the raid, I gave an honorable mention to a druid that was tasked to constantly heal me. This cleric officer flipped out and was super offended I didn't tank all the other healers... She started freaking on all the other officers so I was like I'm the fuck out if you guys wanna keep such a soulless psychopath as leadership. Leadership turned out to be weak as fuck. Not balancing anyone who was right, but rather what they felt at the time was easier. Literally weeks later the guild imploded.

I played blue for awhile like 5 years ago. Was in cats who say meow or whatever the fuck it's called. Apparently they still exist. They had a couple chick officers. Two of them started this in guild insane drama. One would deguild people and the other would re-invite them and vice versa. The guild ended up splitting. I am shocked it still exists. We will just say that one of those officers ended up calling me on my cell one night to tell me see was going to exorcise me or some shit because she was the lady of light or some crap. It was sheer crazy talk. Apparently she literally stopped her meds, moved in with a fellow guildie leaving her hubby, and well, turned into Tom Hanks from Mazes and Monsters.

The fucked up part is that she was actually pretty cool otherwise. I hope she got the help she needed. Just before I quit I heard her hubby ended up driving to bum fuck Egypt to get her. Somehow I always got sucked into officer meetings around that time. The worst part about the experience is that the officers were joking around with the chick rather than at all caring about her well being. They were gossiping about the incident (using her name) and I told them not cool. I was bumped from the guild AGAIN by the other chick officer for calling her catty bullshit out.
Yeah, this is P99.

Then you have Venerate. The guild that had a chick officer who loved to talk about another guildies' penis, literally everyday in guild chat. Yes, literally is being said literally. Your's truly with his alpha male self didn't fit in her clique. Out of nowhere, deguilded. She quit the guild within days of that... Yeah because that is stable. Worse yet, the current officers have no idea why or at least they're not saying. The best I have got was "Sorry bro, it wasn't on me". Brimming with loyalty... Oh for those interested, it was Cady.

Anyway you slice it, you end up with a ton of in game toxicity, greed, and general dumb fuckery. Mix that with the social outrage mobs of current year, and well, you have a game that would make Anita Sarkesian proud; short the assless chaps. Everyone trying to tear everyone down because EQ is life. You're left with a guild and/or game that nobody groups in and nobody dares say anything remotely interesting in guild chat. It's always out of sight out of mind.

How is this any different than real life? It isn't. If anyone has read any of my emails, this whole thing was more of a thought experiment in action. In real life you get the same cucked out leadership as you see with employers. Some leftist outrage mob goes out of their way to look up shit in some obscure social media page that has nothing to do with them and then bitches and whines to the spineless leadership. Instead of doing what is right, they do what is immediately convenient-They get rid of the focus of the mob's ire. They would make fine citizens of the State. Pretending they're on your side, but throwing you under the bus at any moment.

So here is the scary part. If these people are already being conditioned to the point of this in a video game, just imagine how they would act in real life; you know the life that actually matters... They would throw their own grandparents under the bus if they thought it would elevate their positions. On the same token, the ones that DO agree with you remain silent. I understand the spineless leaders we have, but why are so many people intimidated by a mob that is by far a minority?

As I have said a number of times before, I get tells constantly patting me on the back for my posts. In graduate school I was constantly being approached after class telling em I was right when arguing in class against the leftist outrage mobs. I would even have PROFESSORS come up to me the next day saying that they looked into what I said and they capitulated that I was right. Well I always had to ask, where the fuck were you when it mattered? Why are we having this conversation when nobody else can hear it?

Like him or not, the reason Trump was elected because he spoke plainly, openly, and unapologetically. From emploeyers to guild leaders, they are too scoailly inept or cowardly to figure out that although a couple people might be ouwardly offended, those people are only offended outwardly because it gets them attention; unfortunately to our cucked leadership everywhere, it gets them result. You know what happens when they ignore the leftist pussies? Nothing. Children stop throwing temper tantrums when they don't get what they want. Weak ass non-parents are the ones that give in.

The same fuck tards in the "Never Trumper Republican Party" somehow made a 180 after he was elected. What did we hear prior to the election? Oh Trump has a big mouth, he has to be more political, ie be a pussy. How many Republican voters did the party lose by opting for masculinity? Zero. So for all you guild leaders and employers out there, you're cucking for no reason just because a couple people complain about everything an assertive person does making them feel less of a person. Surrounding yourself with a bunch of spineless pussies that are too afraid to confront someone directly are the ones who whine to guild officers. The population then turns completely effeminate because the general population becomes culled and then the only ones left to fill "leadership" positions are a bunch of commie pussies that NEVER act on their own but only through inciting a bunch of other pussies until they can mob a defenseless normal person. See: The Bolsheviks to the Red Guard.

In other words, I like to see how people act in different venues to get a pulse of the public at large. Maybe that's due to my original major, psyche.

EXACTLY, the premise of this post is realized with Kingdom. I get a tell from a guild officer a couple days ago, alt was Carlita, I think it may be the Guild Leader themselves, about the Patchet affair. They complaint to me that ST is complaining to them because Patchet is whining to ST... I was asked to stop engaging Patchet in game, because it would "save them a lot of time" from fielding the whining. Was who was right in the issue a consideration? Nope. Like I said, everyone seems to fold just from whining. All that mattered is they didn't want to stand up. Lovely.

This comes from the same guild that has an obsessive concoction of "image" they want to have on this server. people like this make me laugh. It is a fucking video game with dark elves wearing assless chaps. Did I mention snakes kick? Did you said poopoo pee pee in the guild chat? WHOA, capital violation for immaturity. You're a gnome, act like one after all!

Back in the day raiding guilds were different. I think we are seeing not only a reflection of soy emasculated men in society that have hopeless real lives to they puff their chests in a video game, but also a sign of how washed up this game really is. Everyone complains how toxic the server is, it should come as no surprise. Cunts like Patchet are rewarded and those that stand up for themselves OR anyone else are pushed out due to worries of drama. News flash retards: The whining abates after ignoring it for 5 minutes. Those with understanding try this. Next time you're called a "racist" or some other ist or ism by the outrage mob, just say "So". You will immediately hear crickets. 100% money back guarantee.

With that said, do I feel anyone that POSTS on here will actually understand the greater point of this post? Nope. I will get the same "Lulz, you were kicked from a guild! Lulz." Those are the people who actually place real life value in a video game. As usual, I am just speaking to those too nervous to post shit because they're too scared of mob retaliation and their legit fears that guilds are more interested in pixels than what is right no matter how anal they pretend they are with their image.

What a fucking image Kingdom, ST and Patchet over people that actually understand what it is to be loyal. Oh well, nothing loss, but only time gained. My prediciton? Not only will people bail from this game shortly now they have once again realized that hitting 50 was the same old but waiting for Kunark and Velios to just simply add +5 to your guild to get you to do the same old again, is well old, but they will bail from the cuck guilds when they peak on their loot.

Venerate will fold or be forced to join with Black Lotus because people will hit 50 and just leave to Kingdom or Seal Team. Sooner or later Seal Team will step up and say fuck sharing, and take everything. In fact, why don't they? Kingdom will start hemorrhaging numbers at that point that will just go to ST. The short while I was in that guild, I only logged in for raids. I literally never saw guild groups and the chat was fucking retardedly uninspired. I guess when you're offended by what happend in RnF that has a chilling effect on having fun in a VIDEO GAME. Lol, soooooo sad.

The only hope Kingdom will have is to actually encourage actual fun rather than saying they do while instituting a ridiculous level of decorum. FFS, really people? A guild is butthurt over RnF? Inventory your lives folks.

Anyhow, the take away is this: As far as any metric of loyalty, what guild on this server actually has it the most? Being that I preach objectivity (Something all you partisan hacks could never understand because you NEED to cling to group identity for egos sake), I would easily say Dark Men of Odus do.

I will have to take a bit to examine how the most toxic infantile guild actually is the most loyal and likely fun. I guess it is a matter of self preservation. Maybe they value the few numbers they have rather than larger guilds who bean count and value a person as much as far as the next +1 gear they can get in a raid.

Anyhow, time to crush some weights. Need to raise my testosterone level after spending the week in yet another estrogen filled shit show. I mean really guys, that Vox Naggy raid that ST pwned in was embarrassing. Not embarrassing because they utterly dominated, but embarrassing that all leadership did was bitch and whine to how they got trained and how ST cheated. At least one of the officers has enough of a scrotum to step up yesterday and admit that all that BS was wrong.

I am always fascinated how anyone could reasonably think they can compete really anywhere in life in an aggressive situation like FTE etc when all they promote is testosterone blocking. Fucking sad. God please don't let this bean counting self defeating attitude dumb down Pantheon in an effort to appease the dumbed down outrage mob.

Oh as a final closing. What raiding guilds used to be respectable in EQ? Well none in p99, it is like the Plenty of Fish of dating. You get what you pay for. P99 did a great job on the game, it is just that it is a game that has not aged well and the majority who play are either complete asshats, or exemplary. Not sure if anyone remembers Fire and Fury or Rising Darkness. RD was easily the best most loyal raiding guild. You could shit talk each other in fun without a 3rd party running to HR claiming to be offended not because of the content but rather because they saw other people having fun and they weren't included.

Oh well, I am going to have to go to my next philosophical analysis more deeply as to why Dark Men of Odus is probably the most "mature" guild too. Maybe I missed my mark a bit in previous posts. Maybe they're the only ones who actually accept shit more real than the rest. They actually see this for what it is, a fucking video game. Who is more mature? One's who can see something for what it is, or ones trying to make something into what it isn't?

Mind-blowing shit worth delving into more. I am going to start a thread.
um, ok
Old 02-03-2020, 05:37 PM
Richco07 Richco07 is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 23

Originally Posted by kaelseren [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I doubt any boomers actually play this same. It seems more overrun with endlessly offended entitled millennials. My prediction is that their algorithms were showing an impending exodus so they combined the servers. The population is already dwindling. Sol Ro will see an uptick, but I don't think it will be as much as I originally anticipated.

Anyone worth a shit playing a 22 year old bootlegged free game is doing it for the nostalgia. You hit 50 and think to yourself, "Did I just invest that much time at my age into a pointless video game? I have already done the same shit 40x before".

They leave. So who do you get stuck with? The entitled millennial types and the never have been washed up disabled types that have the time to run guilds etc. Or you have the socially inept computer geek types that run guilds or would be the type that run around bragging about their "dragon gear".

Then mix in the obese chicks that are the only ones who would ever play a game that you need to bootleg an old copy and manually install patch files. They are immediately attracted to becoming a guild officer. Admit it or not, we have all seen them. They're the one's that are always talking about penises in guild chat. They typically cling onto one wanna-be chad in the guild and inflate their ego about how big his penis if they would even know. Like Borg fashion, they ALL insist on calling themselves "mama bear".

Inevitably, they cause a shitload of guild drama, ALWAYS behind the scenes. They gossip and spread bullshit among the other officers. They always develop cliques and if you don't get into that click by proxy they will hypocritically hate you, especially if you're taking ANY attention from them. For example, while they talk about cock all day long, the second you say that assless chaps are a welcome addition to dark elves, they immediately consider you a sexist pig and start rotting the core.

Just before starting p99 for the first time, I quit live because of a chick officer in the main raiding guild I was a member of. Yeah, the top raiding guild; nothing inherently special about that, but for the narrative. Cool guild and easily the best raid leader I have ever seen. After a raid that somehow from like every pop attacking me that it was an ongoing joke during the raid, I gave an honorable mention to a druid that was tasked to constantly heal me. This cleric officer flipped out and was super offended I didn't tank all the other healers... She started freaking on all the other officers so I was like I'm the fuck out if you guys wanna keep such a soulless psychopath as leadership. Leadership turned out to be weak as fuck. Not balancing anyone who was right, but rather what they felt at the time was easier. Literally weeks later the guild imploded.

I played blue for awhile like 5 years ago. Was in cats who say meow or whatever the fuck it's called. Apparently they still exist. They had a couple chick officers. Two of them started this in guild insane drama. One would deguild people and the other would re-invite them and vice versa. The guild ended up splitting. I am shocked it still exists. We will just say that one of those officers ended up calling me on my cell one night to tell me see was going to exorcise me or some shit because she was the lady of light or some crap. It was sheer crazy talk. Apparently she literally stopped her meds, moved in with a fellow guildie leaving her hubby, and well, turned into Tom Hanks from Mazes and Monsters.

The fucked up part is that she was actually pretty cool otherwise. I hope she got the help she needed. Just before I quit I heard her hubby ended up driving to bum fuck Egypt to get her. Somehow I always got sucked into officer meetings around that time. The worst part about the experience is that the officers were joking around with the chick rather than at all caring about her well being. They were gossiping about the incident (using her name) and I told them not cool. I was bumped from the guild AGAIN by the other chick officer for calling her catty bullshit out.
Yeah, this is P99.

Then you have Venerate. The guild that had a chick officer who loved to talk about another guildies' penis, literally everyday in guild chat. Yes, literally is being said literally. Your's truly with his alpha male self didn't fit in her clique. Out of nowhere, deguilded. She quit the guild within days of that... Yeah because that is stable. Worse yet, the current officers have no idea why or at least they're not saying. The best I have got was "Sorry bro, it wasn't on me". Brimming with loyalty... Oh for those interested, it was Cady.

Anyway you slice it, you end up with a ton of in game toxicity, greed, and general dumb fuckery. Mix that with the social outrage mobs of current year, and well, you have a game that would make Anita Sarkesian proud; short the assless chaps. Everyone trying to tear everyone down because EQ is life. You're left with a guild and/or game that nobody groups in and nobody dares say anything remotely interesting in guild chat. It's always out of sight out of mind.

How is this any different than real life? It isn't. If anyone has read any of my emails, this whole thing was more of a thought experiment in action. In real life you get the same cucked out leadership as you see with employers. Some leftist outrage mob goes out of their way to look up shit in some obscure social media page that has nothing to do with them and then bitches and whines to the spineless leadership. Instead of doing what is right, they do what is immediately convenient-They get rid of the focus of the mob's ire. They would make fine citizens of the State. Pretending they're on your side, but throwing you under the bus at any moment.

So here is the scary part. If these people are already being conditioned to the point of this in a video game, just imagine how they would act in real life; you know the life that actually matters... They would throw their own grandparents under the bus if they thought it would elevate their positions. On the same token, the ones that DO agree with you remain silent. I understand the spineless leaders we have, but why are so many people intimidated by a mob that is by far a minority?

As I have said a number of times before, I get tells constantly patting me on the back for my posts. In graduate school I was constantly being approached after class telling em I was right when arguing in class against the leftist outrage mobs. I would even have PROFESSORS come up to me the next day saying that they looked into what I said and they capitulated that I was right. Well I always had to ask, where the fuck were you when it mattered? Why are we having this conversation when nobody else can hear it?

Like him or not, the reason Trump was elected because he spoke plainly, openly, and unapologetically. From emploeyers to guild leaders, they are too scoailly inept or cowardly to figure out that although a couple people might be ouwardly offended, those people are only offended outwardly because it gets them attention; unfortunately to our cucked leadership everywhere, it gets them result. You know what happens when they ignore the leftist pussies? Nothing. Children stop throwing temper tantrums when they don't get what they want. Weak ass non-parents are the ones that give in.

The same fuck tards in the "Never Trumper Republican Party" somehow made a 180 after he was elected. What did we hear prior to the election? Oh Trump has a big mouth, he has to be more political, ie be a pussy. How many Republican voters did the party lose by opting for masculinity? Zero. So for all you guild leaders and employers out there, you're cucking for no reason just because a couple people complain about everything an assertive person does making them feel less of a person. Surrounding yourself with a bunch of spineless pussies that are too afraid to confront someone directly are the ones who whine to guild officers. The population then turns completely effeminate because the general population becomes culled and then the only ones left to fill "leadership" positions are a bunch of commie pussies that NEVER act on their own but only through inciting a bunch of other pussies until they can mob a defenseless normal person. See: The Bolsheviks to the Red Guard.

In other words, I like to see how people act in different venues to get a pulse of the public at large. Maybe that's due to my original major, psyche.

EXACTLY, the premise of this post is realized with Kingdom. I get a tell from a guild officer a couple days ago, alt was Carlita, I think it may be the Guild Leader themselves, about the Patchet affair. They complaint to me that ST is complaining to them because Patchet is whining to ST... I was asked to stop engaging Patchet in game, because it would "save them a lot of time" from fielding the whining. Was who was right in the issue a consideration? Nope. Like I said, everyone seems to fold just from whining. All that mattered is they didn't want to stand up. Lovely.

This comes from the same guild that has an obsessive concoction of "image" they want to have on this server. people like this make me laugh. It is a fucking video game with dark elves wearing assless chaps. Did I mention snakes kick? Did you said poopoo pee pee in the guild chat? WHOA, capital violation for immaturity. You're a gnome, act like one after all!

Back in the day raiding guilds were different. I think we are seeing not only a reflection of soy emasculated men in society that have hopeless real lives to they puff their chests in a video game, but also a sign of how washed up this game really is. Everyone complains how toxic the server is, it should come as no surprise. Cunts like Patchet are rewarded and those that stand up for themselves OR anyone else are pushed out due to worries of drama. News flash retards: The whining abates after ignoring it for 5 minutes. Those with understanding try this. Next time you're called a "racist" or some other ist or ism by the outrage mob, just say "So". You will immediately hear crickets. 100% money back guarantee.

With that said, do I feel anyone that POSTS on here will actually understand the greater point of this post? Nope. I will get the same "Lulz, you were kicked from a guild! Lulz." Those are the people who actually place real life value in a video game. As usual, I am just speaking to those too nervous to post shit because they're too scared of mob retaliation and their legit fears that guilds are more interested in pixels than what is right no matter how anal they pretend they are with their image.

What a fucking image Kingdom, ST and Patchet over people that actually understand what it is to be loyal. Oh well, nothing loss, but only time gained. My prediciton? Not only will people bail from this game shortly now they have once again realized that hitting 50 was the same old but waiting for Kunark and Velios to just simply add +5 to your guild to get you to do the same old again, is well old, but they will bail from the cuck guilds when they peak on their loot.

Venerate will fold or be forced to join with Black Lotus because people will hit 50 and just leave to Kingdom or Seal Team. Sooner or later Seal Team will step up and say fuck sharing, and take everything. In fact, why don't they? Kingdom will start hemorrhaging numbers at that point that will just go to ST. The short while I was in that guild, I only logged in for raids. I literally never saw guild groups and the chat was fucking retardedly uninspired. I guess when you're offended by what happend in RnF that has a chilling effect on having fun in a VIDEO GAME. Lol, soooooo sad.

The only hope Kingdom will have is to actually encourage actual fun rather than saying they do while instituting a ridiculous level of decorum. FFS, really people? A guild is butthurt over RnF? Inventory your lives folks.

Anyhow, the take away is this: As far as any metric of loyalty, what guild on this server actually has it the most? Being that I preach objectivity (Something all you partisan hacks could never understand because you NEED to cling to group identity for egos sake), I would easily say Dark Men of Odus do.

I will have to take a bit to examine how the most toxic infantile guild actually is the most loyal and likely fun. I guess it is a matter of self preservation. Maybe they value the few numbers they have rather than larger guilds who bean count and value a person as much as far as the next +1 gear they can get in a raid.

Anyhow, time to crush some weights. Need to raise my testosterone level after spending the week in yet another estrogen filled shit show. I mean really guys, that Vox Naggy raid that ST pwned in was embarrassing. Not embarrassing because they utterly dominated, but embarrassing that all leadership did was bitch and whine to how they got trained and how ST cheated. At least one of the officers has enough of a scrotum to step up yesterday and admit that all that BS was wrong.

I am always fascinated how anyone could reasonably think they can compete really anywhere in life in an aggressive situation like FTE etc when all they promote is testosterone blocking. Fucking sad. God please don't let this bean counting self defeating attitude dumb down Pantheon in an effort to appease the dumbed down outrage mob.

Oh as a final closing. What raiding guilds used to be respectable in EQ? Well none in p99, it is like the Plenty of Fish of dating. You get what you pay for. P99 did a great job on the game, it is just that it is a game that has not aged well and the majority who play are either complete asshats, or exemplary. Not sure if anyone remembers Fire and Fury or Rising Darkness. RD was easily the best most loyal raiding guild. You could shit talk each other in fun without a 3rd party running to HR claiming to be offended not because of the content but rather because they saw other people having fun and they weren't included.

Oh well, I am going to have to go to my next philosophical analysis more deeply as to why Dark Men of Odus is probably the most "mature" guild too. Maybe I missed my mark a bit in previous posts. Maybe they're the only ones who actually accept shit more real than the rest. They actually see this for what it is, a fucking video game. Who is more mature? One's who can see something for what it is, or ones trying to make something into what it isn't?

Mind-blowing shit worth delving into more. I am going to start a thread.
The pinnacle of self awareness and mental health.
Old 02-03-2020, 06:01 PM
gundumbwing gundumbwing is offline

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Anyone else notice how Christendom and Kaelseren type the same way?
Old 02-03-2020, 07:07 PM
Cady Cady is offline
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Grow up, Kaelseren, this is exactly why I removed you from the guild. Toxic human being. Want to fly me out there so you can beat me up now?
Old 02-03-2020, 07:37 PM
Canelek Canelek is offline
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Dude is really giving Grammarly a run for its money.
Old 02-03-2020, 08:29 PM
Bigsham Bigsham is offline

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I wish he would write a book , would sell better then the legend of ton po
Old 02-03-2020, 10:11 PM
Skarne Skarne is offline
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Originally Posted by kaelseren [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I doubt any boomers actually play this same. It seems more overrun with endlessly offended entitled millennials. My prediction is that their algorithms were showing an impending exodus so they combined the servers. The population is already dwindling. Sol Ro will see an uptick, but I don't think it will be as much as I originally anticipated.

Anyone worth a shit playing a 22 year old bootlegged free game is doing it for the nostalgia. You hit 50 and think to yourself, "Did I just invest that much time at my age into a pointless video game? I have already done the same shit 40x before".

They leave. So who do you get stuck with? The entitled millennial types and the never have been washed up disabled types that have the time to run guilds etc. Or you have the socially inept computer geek types that run guilds or would be the type that run around bragging about their "dragon gear".

Then mix in the obese chicks that are the only ones who would ever play a game that you need to bootleg an old copy and manually install patch files. They are immediately attracted to becoming a guild officer. Admit it or not, we have all seen them. They're the one's that are always talking about penises in guild chat. They typically cling onto one wanna-be chad in the guild and inflate their ego about how big his penis if they would even know. Like Borg fashion, they ALL insist on calling themselves "mama bear".

Inevitably, they cause a shitload of guild drama, ALWAYS behind the scenes. They gossip and spread bullshit among the other officers. They always develop cliques and if you don't get into that click by proxy they will hypocritically hate you, especially if you're taking ANY attention from them. For example, while they talk about cock all day long, the second you say that assless chaps are a welcome addition to dark elves, they immediately consider you a sexist pig and start rotting the core.

Just before starting p99 for the first time, I quit live because of a chick officer in the main raiding guild I was a member of. Yeah, the top raiding guild; nothing inherently special about that, but for the narrative. Cool guild and easily the best raid leader I have ever seen. After a raid that somehow from like every pop attacking me that it was an ongoing joke during the raid, I gave an honorable mention to a druid that was tasked to constantly heal me. This cleric officer flipped out and was super offended I didn't tank all the other healers... She started freaking on all the other officers so I was like I'm the fuck out if you guys wanna keep such a soulless psychopath as leadership. Leadership turned out to be weak as fuck. Not balancing anyone who was right, but rather what they felt at the time was easier. Literally weeks later the guild imploded.

I played blue for awhile like 5 years ago. Was in cats who say meow or whatever the fuck it's called. Apparently they still exist. They had a couple chick officers. Two of them started this in guild insane drama. One would deguild people and the other would re-invite them and vice versa. The guild ended up splitting. I am shocked it still exists. We will just say that one of those officers ended up calling me on my cell one night to tell me see was going to exorcise me or some shit because she was the lady of light or some crap. It was sheer crazy talk. Apparently she literally stopped her meds, moved in with a fellow guildie leaving her hubby, and well, turned into Tom Hanks from Mazes and Monsters.

The fucked up part is that she was actually pretty cool otherwise. I hope she got the help she needed. Just before I quit I heard her hubby ended up driving to bum fuck Egypt to get her. Somehow I always got sucked into officer meetings around that time. The worst part about the experience is that the officers were joking around with the chick rather than at all caring about her well being. They were gossiping about the incident (using her name) and I told them not cool. I was bumped from the guild AGAIN by the other chick officer for calling her catty bullshit out.
Yeah, this is P99.

Then you have Venerate. The guild that had a chick officer who loved to talk about another guildies' penis, literally everyday in guild chat. Yes, literally is being said literally. Your's truly with his alpha male self didn't fit in her clique. Out of nowhere, deguilded. She quit the guild within days of that... Yeah because that is stable. Worse yet, the current officers have no idea why or at least they're not saying. The best I have got was "Sorry bro, it wasn't on me". Brimming with loyalty... Oh for those interested, it was Cady.

Anyway you slice it, you end up with a ton of in game toxicity, greed, and general dumb fuckery. Mix that with the social outrage mobs of current year, and well, you have a game that would make Anita Sarkesian proud; short the assless chaps. Everyone trying to tear everyone down because EQ is life. You're left with a guild and/or game that nobody groups in and nobody dares say anything remotely interesting in guild chat. It's always out of sight out of mind.

How is this any different than real life? It isn't. If anyone has read any of my emails, this whole thing was more of a thought experiment in action. In real life you get the same cucked out leadership as you see with employers. Some leftist outrage mob goes out of their way to look up shit in some obscure social media page that has nothing to do with them and then bitches and whines to the spineless leadership. Instead of doing what is right, they do what is immediately convenient-They get rid of the focus of the mob's ire. They would make fine citizens of the State. Pretending they're on your side, but throwing you under the bus at any moment.

So here is the scary part. If these people are already being conditioned to the point of this in a video game, just imagine how they would act in real life; you know the life that actually matters... They would throw their own grandparents under the bus if they thought it would elevate their positions. On the same token, the ones that DO agree with you remain silent. I understand the spineless leaders we have, but why are so many people intimidated by a mob that is by far a minority?

As I have said a number of times before, I get tells constantly patting me on the back for my posts. In graduate school I was constantly being approached after class telling em I was right when arguing in class against the leftist outrage mobs. I would even have PROFESSORS come up to me the next day saying that they looked into what I said and they capitulated that I was right. Well I always had to ask, where the fuck were you when it mattered? Why are we having this conversation when nobody else can hear it?

Like him or not, the reason Trump was elected because he spoke plainly, openly, and unapologetically. From emploeyers to guild leaders, they are too scoailly inept or cowardly to figure out that although a couple people might be ouwardly offended, those people are only offended outwardly because it gets them attention; unfortunately to our cucked leadership everywhere, it gets them result. You know what happens when they ignore the leftist pussies? Nothing. Children stop throwing temper tantrums when they don't get what they want. Weak ass non-parents are the ones that give in.

The same fuck tards in the "Never Trumper Republican Party" somehow made a 180 after he was elected. What did we hear prior to the election? Oh Trump has a big mouth, he has to be more political, ie be a pussy. How many Republican voters did the party lose by opting for masculinity? Zero. So for all you guild leaders and employers out there, you're cucking for no reason just because a couple people complain about everything an assertive person does making them feel less of a person. Surrounding yourself with a bunch of spineless pussies that are too afraid to confront someone directly are the ones who whine to guild officers. The population then turns completely effeminate because the general population becomes culled and then the only ones left to fill "leadership" positions are a bunch of commie pussies that NEVER act on their own but only through inciting a bunch of other pussies until they can mob a defenseless normal person. See: The Bolsheviks to the Red Guard.

In other words, I like to see how people act in different venues to get a pulse of the public at large. Maybe that's due to my original major, psyche.

EXACTLY, the premise of this post is realized with Kingdom. I get a tell from a guild officer a couple days ago, alt was Carlita, I think it may be the Guild Leader themselves, about the Patchet affair. They complaint to me that ST is complaining to them because Patchet is whining to ST... I was asked to stop engaging Patchet in game, because it would "save them a lot of time" from fielding the whining. Was who was right in the issue a consideration? Nope. Like I said, everyone seems to fold just from whining. All that mattered is they didn't want to stand up. Lovely.

This comes from the same guild that has an obsessive concoction of "image" they want to have on this server. people like this make me laugh. It is a fucking video game with dark elves wearing assless chaps. Did I mention snakes kick? Did you said poopoo pee pee in the guild chat? WHOA, capital violation for immaturity. You're a gnome, act like one after all!

Back in the day raiding guilds were different. I think we are seeing not only a reflection of soy emasculated men in society that have hopeless real lives to they puff their chests in a video game, but also a sign of how washed up this game really is. Everyone complains how toxic the server is, it should come as no surprise. Cunts like Patchet are rewarded and those that stand up for themselves OR anyone else are pushed out due to worries of drama. News flash retards: The whining abates after ignoring it for 5 minutes. Those with understanding try this. Next time you're called a "racist" or some other ist or ism by the outrage mob, just say "So". You will immediately hear crickets. 100% money back guarantee.

With that said, do I feel anyone that POSTS on here will actually understand the greater point of this post? Nope. I will get the same "Lulz, you were kicked from a guild! Lulz." Those are the people who actually place real life value in a video game. As usual, I am just speaking to those too nervous to post shit because they're too scared of mob retaliation and their legit fears that guilds are more interested in pixels than what is right no matter how anal they pretend they are with their image.

What a fucking image Kingdom, ST and Patchet over people that actually understand what it is to be loyal. Oh well, nothing loss, but only time gained. My prediciton? Not only will people bail from this game shortly now they have once again realized that hitting 50 was the same old but waiting for Kunark and Velios to just simply add +5 to your guild to get you to do the same old again, is well old, but they will bail from the cuck guilds when they peak on their loot.

Venerate will fold or be forced to join with Black Lotus because people will hit 50 and just leave to Kingdom or Seal Team. Sooner or later Seal Team will step up and say fuck sharing, and take everything. In fact, why don't they? Kingdom will start hemorrhaging numbers at that point that will just go to ST. The short while I was in that guild, I only logged in for raids. I literally never saw guild groups and the chat was fucking retardedly uninspired. I guess when you're offended by what happend in RnF that has a chilling effect on having fun in a VIDEO GAME. Lol, soooooo sad.

The only hope Kingdom will have is to actually encourage actual fun rather than saying they do while instituting a ridiculous level of decorum. FFS, really people? A guild is butthurt over RnF? Inventory your lives folks.

Anyhow, the take away is this: As far as any metric of loyalty, what guild on this server actually has it the most? Being that I preach objectivity (Something all you partisan hacks could never understand because you NEED to cling to group identity for egos sake), I would easily say Dark Men of Odus do.

I will have to take a bit to examine how the most toxic infantile guild actually is the most loyal and likely fun. I guess it is a matter of self preservation. Maybe they value the few numbers they have rather than larger guilds who bean count and value a person as much as far as the next +1 gear they can get in a raid.

Anyhow, time to crush some weights. Need to raise my testosterone level after spending the week in yet another estrogen filled shit show. I mean really guys, that Vox Naggy raid that ST pwned in was embarrassing. Not embarrassing because they utterly dominated, but embarrassing that all leadership did was bitch and whine to how they got trained and how ST cheated. At least one of the officers has enough of a scrotum to step up yesterday and admit that all that BS was wrong.

I am always fascinated how anyone could reasonably think they can compete really anywhere in life in an aggressive situation like FTE etc when all they promote is testosterone blocking. Fucking sad. God please don't let this bean counting self defeating attitude dumb down Pantheon in an effort to appease the dumbed down outrage mob.

Oh as a final closing. What raiding guilds used to be respectable in EQ? Well none in p99, it is like the Plenty of Fish of dating. You get what you pay for. P99 did a great job on the game, it is just that it is a game that has not aged well and the majority who play are either complete asshats, or exemplary. Not sure if anyone remembers Fire and Fury or Rising Darkness. RD was easily the best most loyal raiding guild. You could shit talk each other in fun without a 3rd party running to HR claiming to be offended not because of the content but rather because they saw other people having fun and they weren't included.

Oh well, I am going to have to go to my next philosophical analysis more deeply as to why Dark Men of Odus is probably the most "mature" guild too. Maybe I missed my mark a bit in previous posts. Maybe they're the only ones who actually accept shit more real than the rest. They actually see this for what it is, a fucking video game. Who is more mature? One's who can see something for what it is, or ones trying to make something into what it isn't?

Mind-blowing shit worth delving into more. I am going to start a thread.
Shut up, Teppler.
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