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Old 10-06-2010, 10:45 AM
Eccentricaa Eccentricaa is offline

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Default Merry Christmas

Originally Posted by Volga [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

I don't want money, I don't want trades etc.. Just tell me a few things about you and why you should have this account.

Tell me about what EQ meant to you when you started out - tell me what your after in the game now.
EQ1, was a Christmas present that came along with a new computer that could run it. The gift was from my then husband (Thanks to EQ BTW) Before EQ, I was playing playing things like Monkey Island, Kings Quests and Starship Titanic.

By the time Kunark came out, I was hooked. I had scheduled my vacation for Kunark's release and made an Iksar Shaman on Morell-Thule server that opened up with the expansion. I wasnt one of those who raced for end game, there was too much to see or do. So many lands to explore, and with my first sowing and invising character, I roamed the world. I spent over a month in Highpass, working faction so I could bank on the island.

Fast forward one year... The divorce.... My ex destroyed the CD Keys, changed password, deleted all of my characters. I did not have access to the email used at time account was created. (Had different service provider when I moved out.) I spent about 3 to 4 months dealing with customer service, GM's (back when they still existed in game). I had already purchased another cd set, and started again on Vazelle. After some time, I finally got my shaman undeleted, but she was stripped of all gear, money etc. When Server/ account transfers were opened, I paid to have her moved to Vazelle, and had her moved to my newer account.

Too many memories to list, but for me, my characters tend to be a part of me.

I was, and still am an addict. I know this.. But at least an game addiction wont make my teeth fall out.

I have only been on 1999 since July, my highest character is 42.

To be honest, I dont want the account for myself. There is a really nice guy in game who would really be able to appreciate such a gift. He is a friend of my husband who played on EVE. He is a first time EQ player, highest character is just now lvl 20 (cleric). He also plays an 11 ranger. He has been trying to learn his way around, learn how to play, and is still really in discovery mode of game play. I try to give him what help I can, but since Im not a 50 with a large bankroll, its hard to give him the gear he really needs.
Last edited by Eccentricaa; 10-06-2010 at 03:53 PM..
Old 10-06-2010, 10:58 AM
Heartbeats Heartbeats is offline

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I started playing live classic when I was 11 or 12 because I overheard the woodshop teacher at school talking about it. My first character was a Half-Elf Paladin (because I have always thought Elves are the coolest fantasy race, I was playing a lot of Warcraft II before I started EQ, and Paladins were the most badass unit in that game). I had a 56k modem back then, so I dc'd constantly and spent most of my time lost in Felwithe. I managed to convince my parents to get a cable modem, and in the meantime did some reading of the manual and some online guides. I decided to make a Wood-Elf Ranger, because they seemed to have a little bit of everything: heals, buffs, debuffs, DDs, DoTs, as well as melee (I have ever since thought that dual wielding is the coolest thing ever in any RPG) and ranged prowess, great utility and independence with the track/forage/hide/sneak skills, yada yada. Unfortunately for me, Rangers in classic were not as awesome as I thought they would be, because they were the weakest of any class at each of the individual abilities (except for ranged attack, which was relatively useless at that point). I spent a lot of time lost again (it took me forever to realize I had to pan my camera down to see the ramp to the Ranger guild in Kelethin), but I slowly made my way to level 17. I remember moving from bats and skeletons, to orc hill, to slavers in CB, to trainer hill, to TR, before hearing about bigger and better experience across the ocean in Oasis. One of my best EQ memories ever was actually having to ride the boat. Someone gave me a free Bracer of Erollisi at the BB docks - the first time it ever occurred to me that someone would just give me an item. Watching the fake in-game sunset had me enthralled - for years afterward seeing real sunsets while on vacations with my parents would make me think about EQ (is that sad)? I also enjoyed the language parties that formed on the boat - a full group of six people, each a different race, spamming a group chat hotkey for the entire trip, so that by the time I arrived in Freeport I was fluent in Gnomish, Dwarvish, etc. I spent levels 13-17 at orc highway, or one of the various orc camps around the area. Sadly, that was the end of my classic EQ experience, because my parents only let me play one hour a day, and I couldn't ever find a group before I had to camp out.

Despite their classic weakness, Rangers have been my class of choice ever since. In the Velious-era, I picked EQ back up and leveled another Wood-Elf Ranger to 52. When I went off to college at 17 (somewhere around PoP probably), I found out that my roommate and another kid on my floor had played EQ. They bought a 65 warrior and 65 druid respectively (or was it 70 then?), but I created another Wood-Elf Ranger from scratch and leveled to 55 before quitting yet again around LoY/LDoN. My fondest memories of that last character included farming the giant named animals in Stonebrunt Mountains (I thought it was an incredibly cool and underpopulated zone, gave me the same sort of feeling of awe I got from riding the boat) because I could track them down, fearkite them, and do the subsequent quest turn-ins in Erudin for caster legs/arms that sold for 4-5k each. I also camped the incredibly rare Eyepatch of Plunder (a face slot item in Velious with clicky-haste, it stacked with worn-haste and buffs, and also had some pretty good stats). 1/4 of the quest items were dropped from Stormfeather, a mid-30s named griffon in Iceclad on a 19 hour spawn timer who skipped most of his pops, so he actually didn't show up for days at a time. I camped him for days while studying for exams, before finally looking up at my computer to see Stormfeather in front of me, and me almost dead.

I swore off MMOs for several years, until I was really drunk at my friend's house and he convinced me to start a trial account of World of Warcraft (this was shortly after the WotLK expansion came out, he had an 80 mage, his younger brother had an 80 rogue and several friends with level 80 characters). Needless to say, I rolled a Blood-Elf Hunter, and my friend passed out only to wake up 12 hours later to me still playing, with a fully upgraded account and my character at level 20. It took me about a month to get to level 80 (my first MMO character to reach a level cap), and the next day I had my first raiding experience in any MMO (Naxx). I continued playing and raiding for a few months, as well as getting involved in PvP and leveling a Death Knight alt to 80 so I could try out tanking. Eventually I got sick of raiding, and I missed the "camping" aspect of EQ; I just didn't feel as rewarded for getting a piece of gear by doing an instance once a day or a raid once a week and hoping that it dropped and I won the roll. I started playing Aion (as a ranger, of course) shortly after it released in the U.S. because I saw some videos on YouTube that made it look fantastic. It was incredible at first, but the more I played, the more disappointing it was, and I quit at level 44 (out of 50). I went back to WoW again for a few months, with the intention of doing mostly PvP. I used to roll into Stormwind, the main Alliance city, with 5-10 people and set up shop in their bank. I also dominated almost every battleground I did, though I was never terribly good at arenas, I peaked at a 1900 rating. I ended up drifting back into the raiding scene, because I wanted some of the PvE gear to maximize the efficiency of my PvP set, and dealing with all the WoW raid drama and required raid times killed it for me once and for all.

One of my RL friends contacted me on instant messenger shortly thereafter to tell me about the VZ/TZ (PvP) server on the same emu as P99. I only played there for about 2-3 weeks as a Ranger again (but Human this time), boxing either a Bard or a Druid (the druid account wasn't mine but I was given the info). I quit that server because I was farming the Seb key with my boxes and my friend's boxes, when a 57 Ranger showed up and ganked all four of our toons with an exploit (he had the Earthshaker's Mantle, a PoA quest item with two charges of Earthquake, a 162dmg self-based AoE; he ran into the middle of us and spammed that shit 13 times). I SS'd the combat log showing the exploit and posted it on the forums, but the guy wasn't banned, or even suspended; instead, the GMs rolled the server back three days. It just so happened that in those three days, I had camped two FBSS' (they dropped on consecutive spawns!), Jboots, gained four levels, and done a hell of a lot of work on my epic, all of which I lost. So I said "Fuck TZ/VZ!" and that's when I found P99.

This go 'round, I finally decided to do something different than a Ranger. Over the course of several months I leveled a High-Elf Enchanter to 50. This is the first time I played a caster-type class in any RPG, let alone MMO, and I have to say, I love it. My reasons for picking the Enchanter were twofold: I didn't want to deal with the hybrid experience penalty, and I wanted to play a class that was actually desired by groups. This is the first character I have ever had in EQ that reached the level cap, and I recently joined a guild and have been enjoying my first raid experiences in EQ. Enchanters are awesome! I still love Rangers, and I have one twinked and leveling (hit 17 yesterday and got dual wield, then kept going all the way to 18). Having realized how much I love playing an Enchanter, though, has instilled in me the desire to try other classes. I was thinking I should roll a priest class next, namely a Cleric, but I also want to play another pure caster (namely Magician or Necromancer).

My long-winded point is that I just want your account so I can play a Necromancer; I don't need it to farm anything, as I can and have done so on my Enchanter. I have become in-game friends with Carron, and if you give me your account, I will share the info with him so he can actually farm when I'm not playing it. If you don't give me your account, I will probably end up making a Necromancer at some point anyway, and you should give it to Carron – he's awesome (and he'd be the first to tell you)! Jesus Christ, I've been writing for an hour and a half, but it's okay because I don't feel like farming anything right now, and there's no one in Unrest to group with my Ranger. If nothing else, though I haven't ever forgotten my cheesy memories of the sunset at the BB docks, I had completely forgotten how awesome Stonebrunt was until I sat down to write this. Cheers.
Old 10-06-2010, 12:07 PM
Messianic Messianic is offline
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Originally Posted by Heartbeats [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I started playing live classic when I was 11 or 12 because I overheard the woodshop teacher at school talking about it. My first character was a Half-Elf Paladin (because I have always thought Elves are the coolest fantasy race, I was playing a lot of Warcraft II before I started EQ, and Paladins were the most badass unit in that game). I had a 56k modem back then, so I dc'd constantly and spent most of my time lost in Felwithe. I managed to convince my parents to get a cable modem, and in the meantime did some reading of the manual and some online guides. I decided to make a Wood-Elf Ranger, because they seemed to have a little bit of everything: heals, buffs, debuffs, DDs, DoTs, as well as melee (I have ever since thought that dual wielding is the coolest thing ever in any RPG) and ranged prowess, great utility and independence with the track/forage/hide/sneak skills, yada yada. Unfortunately for me, Rangers in classic were not as awesome as I thought they would be, because they were the weakest of any class at each of the individual abilities (except for ranged attack, which was relatively useless at that point). I spent a lot of time lost again (it took me forever to realize I had to pan my camera down to see the ramp to the Ranger guild in Kelethin), but I slowly made my way to level 17. I remember moving from bats and skeletons, to orc hill, to slavers in CB, to trainer hill, to TR, before hearing about bigger and better experience across the ocean in Oasis. One of my best EQ memories ever was actually having to ride the boat. Someone gave me a free Bracer of Erollisi at the BB docks - the first time it ever occurred to me that someone would just give me an item. Watching the fake in-game sunset had me enthralled - for years afterward seeing real sunsets while on vacations with my parents would make me think about EQ (is that sad)? I also enjoyed the language parties that formed on the boat - a full group of six people, each a different race, spamming a group chat hotkey for the entire trip, so that by the time I arrived in Freeport I was fluent in Gnomish, Dwarvish, etc. I spent levels 13-17 at orc highway, or one of the various orc camps around the area. Sadly, that was the end of my classic EQ experience, because my parents only let me play one hour a day, and I couldn't ever find a group before I had to camp out.

Despite their classic weakness, Rangers have been my class of choice ever since. In the Velious-era, I picked EQ back up and leveled another Wood-Elf Ranger to 52. When I went off to college at 17 (somewhere around PoP probably), I found out that my roommate and another kid on my floor had played EQ. They bought a 65 warrior and 65 druid respectively (or was it 70 then?), but I created another Wood-Elf Ranger from scratch and leveled to 55 before quitting yet again around LoY/LDoN. My fondest memories of that last character included farming the giant named animals in Stonebrunt Mountains (I thought it was an incredibly cool and underpopulated zone, gave me the same sort of feeling of awe I got from riding the boat) because I could track them down, fearkite them, and do the subsequent quest turn-ins in Erudin for caster legs/arms that sold for 4-5k each. I also camped the incredibly rare Eyepatch of Plunder (a face slot item in Velious with clicky-haste, it stacked with worn-haste and buffs, and also had some pretty good stats). 1/4 of the quest items were dropped from Stormfeather, a mid-30s named griffon in Iceclad on a 19 hour spawn timer who skipped most of his pops, so he actually didn't show up for days at a time. I camped him for days while studying for exams, before finally looking up at my computer to see Stormfeather in front of me, and me almost dead.

I swore off MMOs for several years, until I was really drunk at my friend's house and he convinced me to start a trial account of World of Warcraft (this was shortly after the WotLK expansion came out, he had an 80 mage, his younger brother had an 80 rogue and several friends with level 80 characters). Needless to say, I rolled a Blood-Elf Hunter, and my friend passed out only to wake up 12 hours later to me still playing, with a fully upgraded account and my character at level 20. It took me about a month to get to level 80 (my first MMO character to reach a level cap), and the next day I had my first raiding experience in any MMO (Naxx). I continued playing and raiding for a few months, as well as getting involved in PvP and leveling a Death Knight alt to 80 so I could try out tanking. Eventually I got sick of raiding, and I missed the "camping" aspect of EQ; I just didn't feel as rewarded for getting a piece of gear by doing an instance once a day or a raid once a week and hoping that it dropped and I won the roll. I started playing Aion (as a ranger, of course) shortly after it released in the U.S. because I saw some videos on YouTube that made it look fantastic. It was incredible at first, but the more I played, the more disappointing it was, and I quit at level 44 (out of 50). I went back to WoW again for a few months, with the intention of doing mostly PvP. I used to roll into Stormwind, the main Alliance city, with 5-10 people and set up shop in their bank. I also dominated almost every battleground I did, though I was never terribly good at arenas, I peaked at a 1900 rating. I ended up drifting back into the raiding scene, because I wanted some of the PvE gear to maximize the efficiency of my PvP set, and dealing with all the WoW raid drama and required raid times killed it for me once and for all.

One of my RL friends contacted me on instant messenger shortly thereafter to tell me about the VZ/TZ (PvP) server on the same emu as P99. I only played there for about 2-3 weeks as a Ranger again (but Human this time), boxing either a Bard or a Druid (the druid account wasn't mine but I was given the info). I quit that server because I was farming the Seb key with my boxes and my friend's boxes, when a 57 Ranger showed up and ganked all four of our toons with an exploit (he had the Earthshaker's Mantle, a PoA quest item with two charges of Earthquake, a 162dmg self-based AoE; he ran into the middle of us and spammed that shit 13 times). I SS'd the combat log showing the exploit and posted it on the forums, but the guy wasn't banned, or even suspended; instead, the GMs rolled the server back three days. It just so happened that in those three days, I had camped two FBSS' (they dropped on consecutive spawns!), Jboots, gained four levels, and done a hell of a lot of work on my epic, all of which I lost. So I said "Fuck TZ/VZ!" and that's when I found P99.

This go 'round, I finally decided to do something different than a Ranger. Over the course of several months I leveled a High-Elf Enchanter to 50. This is the first time I played a caster-type class in any RPG, let alone MMO, and I have to say, I love it. My reasons for picking the Enchanter were twofold: I didn't want to deal with the hybrid experience penalty, and I wanted to play a class that was actually desired by groups. This is the first character I have ever had in EQ that reached the level cap, and I recently joined a guild and have been enjoying my first raid experiences in EQ. Enchanters are awesome! I still love Rangers, and I have one twinked and leveling (hit 17 yesterday and got dual wield, then kept going all the way to 18). Having realized how much I love playing an Enchanter, though, has instilled in me the desire to try other classes. I was thinking I should roll a priest class next, namely a Cleric, but I also want to play another pure caster (namely Magician or Necromancer).

My long-winded point is that I just want your account so I can play a Necromancer; I don't need it to farm anything, as I can and have done so on my Enchanter. I have become in-game friends with Carron, and if you give me your account, I will share the info with him so he can actually farm when I'm not playing it. If you don't give me your account, I will probably end up making a Necromancer at some point anyway, and you should give it to Carron – he's awesome (and he'd be the first to tell you)! Jesus Christ, I've been writing for an hour and a half, but it's okay because I don't feel like farming anything right now, and there's no one in Unrest to group with my Ranger. If nothing else, though I haven't ever forgotten my cheesy memories of the sunset at the BB docks, I had completely forgotten how awesome Stonebrunt was until I sat down to write this. Cheers.

You shouldn't get it because you farm the garbage out of AC [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Heat Wave - Wizard
Messianic - Monk
Melchi Zedek - Necro

Originally Posted by Dumbledorf View Post
I'll look into getting it changed to The Secret Order of the Silver Rose of Truth and Dragons.
Old 10-06-2010, 12:20 PM
Pezmerga Pezmerga is offline

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I think the toon needs to be sacrificed to Cazic Thule!
Old 10-06-2010, 12:28 PM
Dantes Dantes is offline
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I don't want your account but I commend you for offering it up for free.
Dantes Infernus
57th Level Champion of Rallos Zek

"Life's short and hard like a body building elf."
Old 10-06-2010, 12:31 PM
Godd Godd is offline
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Ahh the days of Povar...

As you have probably guessed by my ever so elaborate intro, I used to play on Povar back in the day when I was geeking it out with my friends instead of chasing the forbidden snatch that seemed so keen on the football team and could never be woo'd over dispite my many attempts with platinum bribes.

I started off with Metalspeed, a Mage that I leveled to 25 before realizing he just didn't have the power I was lookin for in a nuker, afterall if I ever was going to get laid after showing off my character I needed to be able to impress with some mad DPS and instakills.

It was then that I saw the light of the Wizard (Liquidslow), thinking he could magically make my virginity disappear. Instead he showed me something much greater, a path of what seemed like a neverending grind to 50 which ended somewhere over near Halas where I completed the Ice Commet quest after nearly drowning to chase down some freakin goblin that was holding the key to my success. That, and chasing down Karg the Icebear so encumbered with bear quilts I could barely walk in attempt to trade them in for cloaks to sell to my women during the winter time, will probably keep me away from the snow for a while.

I joined <Harmonium> and quickly became ubber l33t with my newly acquired panty dropping Ice Commet that made nipples hard at the touch of my "v" key which I had conveniently bound for some bonechilling action.

I recently found out about Project1999 (I bow to you guys for putting this together), and have rejoined the EQ community dabbling in characters I had never attempted before. I have not made any elaborate posts on the forums as like I said, I have just recently rejoined this amazing community and will probably be a lifer since it is now free. I am up to 19 on my Cleric, 7 on my Enchanter, and 13 on my most recent necro development. I like the Necro, and intend on sticking with it. My pet is fairly friendly, doesnt talk back, and doesn't mind playing the roll of sneaky neighbor now and then.

So... Cheers to the chicks who turned down my plat back in High School, I have moved on to bigger and better things which hopefully will include a 50 Necro in the near future to help me land a wife. As you can see, I prefer the caster classes and could only dream (until you came along) of owning a 50 Necro tomorrow.

Regardless of who you pick, I appreciate being given the opportunity and more than anything am just glad to be back in the game for a fair fee of $0.00/month. I would absolutely love to dance my fingers across my keyboard in control of your toon. He will ball out of control and forever be treated with the utmost respect which will include dropping the sneaky neighbor routine. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Old 10-06-2010, 12:33 PM
Bushido Bushido is offline

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/wave volga

sorry to see you go
Old 10-06-2010, 12:35 PM
nalkin nalkin is offline
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Hi my name is Nalkin. I like fashion and ice cream. I like the the idea of FDing so I would like your necro.

~Oh also my background. I played live after velious and kunark was out. I had a level 12 mage when luclin came out. My computer couldn't run luclin so I quit.

Originally Posted by Bruman View Post
Hahaha, that is awesome. Right up there with...that one guy's....boat service before the boats worked.
Last edited by nalkin; 10-06-2010 at 12:39 PM..
Old 10-06-2010, 12:38 PM
KilyenaMage KilyenaMage is offline

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This thread SERIOUSLY exemplifies how greedy 90% of everyone on this server is.

I mean really....why are lvl 50s with full planar gear on two+ Toons going for this account!?!?

Don't you have enough already!? We really don't need you monopolizing all the spawns just to gear ANOTHER alt.
Old 10-06-2010, 12:53 PM
Messianic Messianic is offline
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Originally Posted by KilyenaMage [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This thread SERIOUSLY exemplifies how greedy 90% of everyone on this server is.

I mean really....why are lvl 50s with full planar gear on two+ Toons going for this account!?!?

Don't you have enough already!? We really don't need you monopolizing all the spawns just to gear ANOTHER alt.
Heat Wave - Wizard
Messianic - Monk
Melchi Zedek - Necro

Originally Posted by Dumbledorf View Post
I'll look into getting it changed to The Secret Order of the Silver Rose of Truth and Dragons.
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