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Old 03-25-2014, 02:31 PM
Azure Azure is offline

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Originally Posted by Mac Dretti [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Old 03-25-2014, 02:34 PM
Squire Squire is offline
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Originally Posted by Daldaen [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
1. No non-classic EXP bonuses
2. Item loot
3. When engaged in PvP you cannot place items in bags
4. Profit
lol stfu. So slow exp and item loot more brutal than item loot than was present on live (And ever further incentivizing people to play nude nukers) is your formula for a thriving box?
Old 03-25-2014, 02:34 PM
HippoNipple HippoNipple is offline

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Originally Posted by Tecmos Deception [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Lol. I thought about posting in this thread that I was just starting to NOT regret my decision to take you off ignore, too. But it's too late to say that truthfully now!
An ignore, unignore and reignore. Gotta be worth some serious forum points.
Old 03-25-2014, 03:04 PM
HippoNipple HippoNipple is offline

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Originally Posted by Hateraid [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Sounds familiar...
Don't quote me unless you are going to say something relevant son.
Old 03-25-2014, 03:55 PM
Tradesonred Tradesonred is offline

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Guilty of it too, got dragged into the usual manchild braindead no its you! fest
Old 03-25-2014, 04:07 PM
daasgoot daasgoot is offline
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Success in any endeavor requires one simple formula: First define precisely what you want to do, then devise efficient logical steps to get there.
Old 03-25-2014, 04:10 PM
Sheriff Sheriff is offline

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Originally Posted by daasgoot [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Success in any endeavor requires one simple formula: First define precisely what you want to do, then devise efficient logical steps to get there.
Look at the brain on braaaaad.
Old 03-25-2014, 04:24 PM
Tradesonred Tradesonred is offline

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Recap and highlights of this fried gold thread:

Originally Posted by Circu [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
7 people in EK exping. Move to SK to get my centaur grind on, 6 people in this zone as well, getting that exp.

I log to take a shit, come back and the zone is fucking empty. OOC flaring up about exp nerf back in.

Originally Posted by heartbrand [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Sigh. Give me a fucking break dude. 160+ people were on today. We saw people we hadn't seen in over a month. People were excited, morale was SKY HIGH. There were MULTIPLE EXP GROUPS for the first time in over a month. Now it's shit and everyone is quitting again. Same old fucking bullshit on this server since 2011.
Originally Posted by BeautBabeC [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I was just about to reinstall
Originally Posted by Verin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
For the brief time the xp bonus was active, I was having the most fun I've had in EQ since I started playing two months ago. It wasn't just the xp, as I'd gotten used to the brain-numbing grind, but I felt the community immediately grow stronger and more passionate about playing, and server morale was boosted to a level I hadn't previously seen.

To all who are calling people lazy for wanting an xp bonus, this isn't 1999. Most of us have grown up quite a bit and have jobs, families, and real life obligations. I can't get anyone I know--even people who WANT to play--to come play on the server because they call it a "time-sink."

Because Red 99 is a fairly small community, and most classes cannot solo at higher levels, groups are essential. When the xp is as bad as it is and people can't get groups, they aren't going to play. It's really that simple. Not to mention it's RED, so you spend even more time on CRs, getting griefed, camped, etc...

Lastly, although I intend to keep playing, I am very disheartened by how this is all being handled. I feel as though players deserve to know what's going on with the server and what the GMs' intentions are. I'm surprised no official announcement has been made, and if one isn't made today, I will be in complete disbelief.

(By the way, I spent many, many hours in college helping prepare p1999 for release... It was mostly grunt work [checking merchants for classic wares / pixels / locations etc...], so it really crushes me to be in this position as a player.)

I understand that running these servers is time consuming, expensive, and stressful at times, and I know how much work went into creating the server to make it as perfect as possible, but Red99 deserves better than what it is getting imho. Let the server thrive. You know how to do it.
Originally Posted by Magnum [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Biggest disappointment for me is the staff had the opportunity to make right the mistake of taking out xp without some sort of stop gap until group bonus can be implemented. They had to actively contact a developer to revert to nerfed xp. This could have easily been "Yes xp has been added back in until group bonus theory is tested and implemented, long live red"

But it was more like - fuck xp is definitely boosted, call up Haynar on the batphone and nerf that shit down I want to crush these nerds souls back down into the gutter where they belong.

my reaction
Originally Posted by Galacticus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I think the fucked up thing is that even after witnessing all the people being happy and excited they decide to revert it again.

The bottom line is having higher xp isnt ever hurting the server but for some reason that is what they think or why else would they take it out?
Originally Posted by heartbrand [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Yup. Early this morning through late afternoon server was poppin. Exp groups were everywhere. People were happy. It was great. It had that old feel from a month ago. Now it's 82 people online and dead as can be. Shrug.
Originally Posted by Sirken [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
you guys need to chill out. i promise as soon as devs are like "ok its done" we're gonna tell you all you the things. but holy shit, some of you cry so god damned hard about every little thing, every single time, and it just gets old. i understand that you guys love EQ, and whether you want to admit it, you love R99. i dont think you guys would get so angry or passionate about things, if you didn't care. we aren't ignoring you, we just don't get off on repeating ourselves. we've already stated changes are coming, and that we would announce them as soon as we could. and that means exactly that, we aren't going to talk about them until we can. we cant say anything before it's ready because our devs are not on a set schedule and we don't wanna say X Y and Z are gonna happen... but not sure when. or put out a date on something and fail to make that date. or say we are gonna do X! but then learn we can only do Y. (pretend there's a "themoreyouknow.jpg" here for immersion purposes if u need pictures, im very busy atm and can't be bothered to insert it myself)

fact is, players needed to get off that easyxp addiction because it did nothing to help the servers community. and i know its really hard to go cold turkey, but in all honesty its better to get it over with and be done with it. the previous xp model did nothing to give incentives or perks for grouping, it did nothing to build a community, and it basically assured that if u came to this server on your own, you better play a class that can solo because you were gonna be on your own til about 46ish. no one on staff expects things to change over night, thats silly. but we all agree that if we are ever going to have a full range community, we must first ensure the building blocks are in place for players to successfully build that community. the previous xp model is just simply not the path that will take us where we need to go.

Originally Posted by Potus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Why did you nerf it before implementing your grand changes? It's pretty telling no dev/gm can answer this question.
Originally Posted by Sirken [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
u really really dont wanna hear that story. and actually, you should probably thank me for not telling you.

you're welcome

Originally Posted by heartbrand [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
you say it doesn't help the community but yet today we had 160+ players, incredibly high morale, tons of people grouping and having FUN. Post xp nerf we now have people quitting, people going to LoZ, people saying fuck the server. This shit isn't rocket science.
Originally Posted by big mouth chew [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Something about being more hardcore than everyone and eating green berets for breakfast
Originally Posted by The Bears [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I have nothing against you Sirken, on any level, for any reason, at any point. I disagree with some of your decisions but dating back to Vallon Zek in Zephyros, VZ/TZ as a GM and here as a Guide/GM you've been great. I don't mean disrespect with this post. I love your vision for the future of Red except i don't agree that it's feasible.

You want low, mid, planar, raiding, pvp, brackets all available on this server and what's lacking is the population. Constantly we talk about attrition and this server suffers it worse than blue. Making people level more slowly will make a larger % of the population fill the 1-20, 20-40, 40-50 and 50-55 'brackets' but it wont make a larger population overall. You're just cutting the pie into more pieces that ultimately compromises the playability of the server.

We need a population of 1000+ to have an EXP rate this low to have viable group/competition in the lower end game. As it stands people will just stop joining this server, and that's what Red Dawn faces.

Your utopian diagram doesn't work when the TOTAL playerbase is only 200 people.
Originally Posted by Tradesonred [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Its pretty simple, if you nerf the xp and kill the morale of the few people plowing through the lower bracket like Conan slaves, alot of em are going to leave. You want that classic xp when a server launches and you got 600 people starting out at level 1. Right now we need incentives so new fishes dont get their morale broken and pop can snowball little by little.

I have a rubi BP on, a FBSS, some twink weaps on a rogue and i think xp is still a bit slow with bonus, but mainly, its fucking boring. I wouldnt care if there was 25 people in unrest and xp was -500% you see. But theres one group of Azrael alts getting PLd and im not part of it, so i gotta solo stuff in the yard on my own instead of going in building groupin having fun. Thats why i dont like the nerf, not cuz i cant handle classic xp, its because it kills the pop before it gets a chance to grow and it makes it so i gotta solo my alt for 40 more levels. No its not gonna magically bring people to the lower brackets, to make it even harder for naked noobs to start out on server.

How many times do we need to explain something that is so easy to understand. We keep saying the same thing over and over because you guys dont get it, you just come back to us and keep repeating the same party line everyone knows doesnt work.

Yeah allrite changes are coming soon, you told us that a month ago. Why then nerf the xp before the other stuff? We would probably hitting 215-230+ peaks easy if you hadnt touched anything and people like me and others put in work to go on other forums like "Hey, Velious coming out soon, get a headstart! Its gonna be fun!" What was such a big deal about nerfing xp that it couldnt have waited another month for your other measures while the pop was getting built instead of doing something everyone knew was gonna cripple the pop in the nuts?
Originally Posted by Verin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Well, as much as it saddens me, especially having been one of the volunteers who helped prepare P1999 for launch, I'm done.

Because I became very busy with school around the time of release, I wasn't able to play when the server was launched. I only recently started playing a couple months ago because a RL friend was playing on Red. Things were okay at first. There was a low-but-decent population. But now, prime time having maybe 130-150 at its highest, the server seems like it's dying.

Maybe the xp on Red is a major factor for the pop being so low because so many new players who want to try Red get shit on. Maybe not. Either way, EQ requires a lot of time from each player, and starting out on Red isn't fun happy time. People have to put up with a lot of shit when they want to accomplish something.

Whatever the case, with a failing population and the life of the server a serious question on the minds of the players, why would anyone want to make any sort of xp / gear grind, battling twinks and griefers the whole way?

For now, you've lost three players, myself included. When the staff reveal their plans for the server, and we have a clear view of their view(s), I might consider playing again. But from what Sirken said, I assume there are some who want to shut down Red.

If you want to shut down the server. Shut it down. If you have plans and want it to thrive, talk to the community and let them know what you're thinking--what you want to do--even if you're uncertain. There's too much smoke and mirrors bs going on. Playing on this server, I feel like a citizen of North Korea.

Best of luck to all the legit players who care about the server's welfare. To all the people who just troll the forums like little maggots to feel "cool," "funny," or get a rise out of people...I cannot express how much I pity you.
Originally Posted by Juhstin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
As much as I hate Carebears, I think if I'm stuck grinding XP I'd rather do it on blue, at least there I can talk shit, here the server is empty and grinding by yourself is boring as fuck.

Will watch threads until XP is back then return. I'm all for the journey but on Red the journey by yourself on an empty server doesn't seem worth it when they'll just pull the plug on the box in the end making the grind a waste of time. Will grind on blue until things get better here. (Not like me missing will make a difference anyways to these retarded GM decisions.)
Originally Posted by Sheriff [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Box was fun with exp, not so much now. Didn't want to jump in this QQ thread but, your response makes me want to put my two cents in. I'm not in high school/college anymore, I have a family and a full time job, and your senseless nerf (which it is) is only for the neckbeards. I don't have 1.5 hours to find a group and go to Seb/KC/COM, I'm not a solo class and once I get the group and to the xp location I don't have the three hours to grind. The fact that you didn't have a plan in place (if you had one it wouldn't be ever changing) when you implemented these changes is ignorant.

These changes are not for the casual player which made up that roughly 50% of the population (200 - 98 + or - Azrael boxed toons). The only time you see casuals are on repops (Sun) which makes your server thrive for one day. I'm sad to see this happen to our box but, the reason EQ failed was the amount of time required to play it (that's why WOW was a hit) and one really bad expansion.

Bottom line, QQ the box is less fun, I've been playing Teams (which is shaky but fun) because I can play it as a casual. Think more about the casuals and less about the Sickpuppys of the box.
Originally Posted by mostbitter [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I don't understand how they can say it did nothing for the server when the evidence tells a different story. This isn't blue, it will never be blue. Groups won't be formed containing people from different guilds. People will never trust strangers enough to take that risk here. It really sucks that the staff is being so difficult about this, trying to force a community to see it their way, that will never see it that way.
Originally Posted by Galacticus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The fucked up part will be that when it is announced, no one will understand why it was so important to keep intended plans a secret from the public.

Exp bonus doesn't hurt the server and no one cares if you deliver x promise on y date or if you need to change it or whatever. People won't complain more then they are now watching new players and old friends quit.
Originally Posted by The Bears [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I like how the premise is that they want to be reliable and professional with how they roll out changes.

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Originally Posted by Derubael [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Server direction:

As many people as possible playing, and sustaining that population
Enjoyable play experience for everyone, not just the old guard
No wipes
No shutdowns

I briefly outlined what would make that happen in a previous post, feel free to do an advanced forum search on username Derubael in PvP Server Chat to find it. Shouldn't take that long to find, it was pretty recent.

Good things are coming to Red 99, but we had to pull the plug on that insane XP. There was no easy way to do it, yet it had to be done. When these changes come, and yes, they will be coming very soon, the spotlight is going to be on Red 99. People are going to be coming to these forums, rolling on the box, and viewing this community from the outside looking in.

What would you all like them to see? How will you all be viewed? Is this good or bad for new players?
Originally Posted by heartbrand [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Dude, you keep saying it "had to be done", but yet it didn't. We were passing 200 pop for the first time since 2011. Now we're back to low double digit pop. Multiple people quitting, LoZ gaining popularity, spring is here with summer on the way. The only people who think it "had to be done" are the staff, who are horribly out of touch with what the people who actually play this server want. Keep up with what you guys think "has to be done" and you'll have a dead box with no one on it, which some of us believe is what the goal of the staff is anyway. /facepalm
Originally Posted by mostbitter [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Turning off the exp ensures that the old guard are the only ones who are capable of enjoying the box IMO so you are kind of arguing with yourself on this one big D.
Originally Posted by Derubael [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
There's a scaling bonus 1-50.

And yes, we get that people are quitting.We don't care. It's part of a larger plan to increase the population on Red 99. The crazy XP bonus you guys were getting absolutely had to come out, and be out for a few weeks, before anything new could be put in. You don't have to understand it right now, and we're ok with that.

I don't think there's a single staff member who's come here and said 'We are going to keep the 1-50 scaling bonus and do nothing else with XP.'


I'll tell you what they are going to see, regardless of whether you want them to or not. They're going to see 6 threads about XP, 700 posts about why the server is dead/dying, 5 threads calling person X an obese basement dwelling neckbeard faggot, 500 posts agree'ing/disagree'ing with that while also arguing for/against their side, and 1 thread about sektor getting banned.

They're going to see OOC, with 200 messages a day about stupid drama no one cares about except the people involved in it. 300 messages about why Lite has a dirty ass-whistle. 300 more messages about why Nizzar is a bluebie faggot, and 300 more messages about why Heartbrand actively sucks man penis for pixels.

If you guys want a box with people to PvP with, help us help you. Clean up this community. GUILD LEADERS (HEARTBRAND. lite. nizzar. chewie (lol)) lead by example. Put limits on your guild members in OOC and forumquest. Start talking about ways you can improve this community, instead of flaming the staff and telling everyone the box is dead.

We're putting in changes that are going to bring a lot of people over (YES, WE ARE INCREASING XP 1-60 FROM WHERE IT IS NOW. ERMAGAWHD I SAID IT). But once they get here, it's going to be up to you guys to make sure they stay.

This is going to happen soon. Not 6 months, not 3 months, soon. The time to make these changes in the way you all act is now. The ball is in your court, Red 99, and you don't have a lot of time to make the shot.
Originally Posted by heartbrand [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
naw, was told to me in confidence so I won't say anything.

as to the second part about leading by example, I have advertised this server everywhere, recruited tons of people on red, powerleveled / put gear into them, donated to the server, etc., etc. but the decision to remove exp has killed the desire for people to log on here. I tried to sell the decision to my guild with the whole "changes are coming soon, it's ok bros, don't worry hold tight!" for over a month now, but now LoZ is out, spring is here, and people just don't care anymore. They've seen this from the staff before you were even on project 1999 time and time again. I did my best to sell the GM story but no one bought it. I have little I can do now other than politic on the forums for change, and for change NOW, not "Soon".
Originally Posted by big mouth chew [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Didnt read anything in this thread tbh
Originally Posted by Tradesonred [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I logged in for 3 hours yesterday, first time in a month. What did i see? "Pras staff" "Im back" "Rumble in the EJ jungle" which made me log my 60 sham and head there, shit like that. This thread has been golden with feedback througout, even fucking mostbitter is readable. What did we see on forums when weird theory crafting decisions arent being taken? Pras staff, im back, shit like that. Forums has been getting better and better in terms of people having something other to say than youre a faggot, no youre a faggot.

I dont even fucking read OOC most of the times, people dont quit because they dont like what goes on in the chat simulator window, they quit because theyre bored. Read this thread again, its chock full of the reasons why people quit.

Happy to see you state staff is not out to kill the box but from our perspective, it looks like its what youre trying to do, because the consequences of your actions are the opposite of what youre saying youre trying to do.

Imma hold on criticism for a while until i see what you have in store, but id keep some of that "Take a look in the mirror" shit in check, staff needs to shut it a bit on red pop criticism, read the feedback and start thinking about it. Yes we have a couple of hardcore trolls, weve already told you a million times solutions to it. Heres a solution: Instead of posting a darth vader video to troll a constructive feedback thread, how about you spend that time banning rellapse from the forums for saying in that same constructive thread that someones wife left him with his kid. Actively moderate the forums for shit like that, theres your solution.
Originally Posted by Bazia [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
share with us ideas you know of to bring people to the red server

not confirmations of things that are going to happen

but ideas that are being talked about

Originally Posted by Humerox [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I really take offense to this. What you guys DON'T see are the silent majority. Most of us don't flame in OOC or participate in forumquest or when we do we're generally nice about it. Most of us don't cheat. Most of us don't RMT.

The only difference between us and blue is they have a larger community and more donations flow in. How many accounts on blue were banned? I peruse those forums too and they talk even more crap then we do. I was part of that community from the very beginning, and know there's more underhanded bullshit going on there than most people even realize.

I have a freaking clean whistle and I know that most people in game are more like me and less like the dithering dipshits that ruin this game both blue and red.

You do what everyone else does. You take the vocal minority in OOC and the shitbags that spew garbage on the forums and think that represents R99 as a whole.

Start a freaking toon here. Ask people for help. See what the real community is about. Stop making judgements based on the bullshit you see in these forums. Join HB's guild and listen to how he leads, what he says, what he supports, and what he advocates on his site and then ask yourself what else can he do to try and clean things up? When people in your guild lie to your face about what they do what liability do you have?

Get more involved IN GAME and help us clean it up. We thank you all for your hard work...but we can't get rid of the scumbags without more involvement from you guys. And thinking what you see on these forums is any indication of what really goes on in the community is bullshit. And whether you care or not we've seen a crapload of decent people leave because of the XP nerf. The assholes could care less about XP. They're going to stay no matter what. You're definitely not driving any of them away. In the last week alone I've personally see 6 leveling friends leave, and at least one person that was banned reroll from 0. Good ratio, that.
Originally Posted by Derubael [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The concurrent population on Red 99 was not high enough to justify "Legend" status, and it would be unfair to show favortism in the server list to Red 99 just because it's Nilbog and Rogean's box.
Quoted this, then posted:

Originally Posted by Tradesonred [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Could have easily broken 250 on red with the Velious build up, without xp nerf

Rogean nerfs xp, which everyone knows is going to cripple the pop, and then "Well you know how pop on red is, wouldnt be fair blablabla"

Sounds plausible
Originally Posted by mostbitter [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
three of those servers have unlimited boxing on them
Originally Posted by Tradesonred [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
lol really huh, lets pick this apart

Grand creation: Boxing allowed? Confirmed
Hidden Forest: Boxing allowed? Confirmed

I mean it sounds fishy on its own, but if those 2 servers allow boxing, it looks even worse

Confirmation they allow boxing? (Edited confirms)

The plot thickens
Originally Posted by Tradesonred [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
One of my golden rule to build trust and good relations with people when i sell comic books is disclosure.

If i know that a comic has been tampered with (color touch, pressing, comic book geek stuff) i will always let the person know so he can make his decision to buy the book or not in full possession of the facts

So i dont ever need to get snappy at people because theyre calling me out on my bullshit
Originally Posted by dethbringre [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
At this point I don't even care one way or the other about the exp rates, classic or boosted doesn't matter. But I would like to know what the plans for the box are, as of right now the future of R99 doesn't look too bright. But hey I could be wrong but we can't get any answers. I'm fine with just about any angle they take this server I'd just like to know the plans so I can decide whether or not to continue investing my time here or go to LoZ..
Originally Posted by heartbrand [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
How to run a server:

1) Watch pop get to record heights
2) Watch 3 guilds thrive for first time ever
3) Watch tons of new players come
4) Quickly remove exp bonus at same time as velious beta and diablo 3 expac
5) The End
Old 03-25-2014, 04:28 PM
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There it is staff, your feedback, on a silver platter.
Old 03-25-2014, 04:29 PM
Clark Clark is offline
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Xp is nerfed again? Wtf lol.
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