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Old 04-09-2023, 04:45 PM
Ekco Ekco is offline
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Originally Posted by Lune [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
somebody get chatgpt to read and summarize this because i just cant, and im autistic and read encyclopedias
i started copy pasting it in 2000 words at a time and it went into AI therapist mode rofl

Hello, this is Bing. I’m sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds like you are feeling hurt and betrayed by the guild leadership. I don’t know much about Hodjer, Gingefish or GG Ring war, but I hope you can find some resolution and peace.
tl;dr in poem form
Sure, I can try to rewrite your message as a poem. Here is one possible version:

I woke up to a red card
And found myself expelled
From the guild I loved and served
Without a chance to tell

My side of the story
Or defend myself from lies
That leadership was spreading
To justify their guise

I spoke out in the open chat
To let my comrades know
The reason why I left them
And the truth they ought to show

I write this now to clear my name
And share my honest view
I gave my best to GG
And I hope you know it too
Ekco Ad'Infinitum - 60 Wizard
"I'm a wizard and that looks fucked up." - Ryan Davis.
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Old 04-09-2023, 08:25 PM
Tethler Tethler is offline
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Originally Posted by iotola [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
TLDR: I was booted from GG without ever being given an opportunity to speak or defend the allegations, for basically rustling leadership's feathers and making them mad, and the alleged infractions were baseless and the 3 red card system was not respected or exercised ethically

You're probably wondering how I got here....

Sadly, I woke up yesterday morning to the notification from Hodjer that I was being given a second red card and I was therefore being removed from the guild. I was already gone from the Discord, and I logged in to Gingefish and was gone from the guild. I was never given an opportunity to talk to leadership about the allegations, and I requested that. I have no proper forum to talk to my former GG compatriots, and so I did some explaining in /ooc in GD last night during the GG Ring war. Most members weren't even aware I had been booted, and I wanted people to know and I wanted them to know why. This is the second opportunity I am taking to explain myself publicly, in a forum where all members of GG can access it without interference from leadership. I am fully aware about what is being said about me over the past day by leadership, and it is completely untrue. I've put in too much time and energy and ACTUAL GOOD FAITH to let these allegations go undefended, and for me to not be able to explain myself to the actual hundreds of members who comprise GG, and who have gotten to know me and raid with me.

1) POGGATE. Basically, it was my second time in POG EVER (on live, p99, evahhh) and I brought my 51 pally Spaturella and ran her over to the tree to take screenshots of all the stuff because I’ve never seen it before. This was like 2pm, and Tunare was that night, and the bards were yet to start kiting and all that. My ride for dinner came and I ran out the house, totally forgetting Spat in POG. I was sitting at the restaurant messaging Angrie on my phone saying FUCK well just remove Spat from events, I’m still not home but she’s not KOS (otherwise I would have given login info or whatever if it was messing with the raid). I was totally responsive, accountable and explained myself to Angrie and kept in touch about it! I never even knew this was an issue! The following week, I was on Gingefish for another POG raid, and we had like 8-10 chanters, and so I logged over to Spat who was parked there and started healing. I get the @Spaturella being removed from event because too low (fair!), and I immediately logged back over to Gingefish that instant and continued the raid. I never heard anything about this, but this was brought up later as a reason for my removal, alleging AFK scumming etc. I never even got a /tell in game on Spat, I was removed from the event and said oh shoot, and logged over to Ginge. This was such a baseless allegation.

2) DIPGATE. I was raiding with the guild this night a few weeks ago, Dip was leading. As he often does, he was being rude and condescending and it culminated with him muting Supository in Discord. We need to hear our tank! He sent me a tell saying "wow this is so demoralizing" and muh heart broke for him a lil. The week prior, Dip had told our beloved cleric Shlimm to "shut up" in comms, and then muted him. Again, there was disruption to the CH chain because we have a cleric who is unable to communicate, and he said nothing out of line that deserved a muting. We lose targets because of stuff like this! I totally lost it on Dip and called him every name in the book but only in /tell and never in comms or /gui - no one even knew this was going on. Dip makes my skin crawl, and his voice makes my pubic hair grow, and if he thinks he can speak this way to members of the guild, i think he should be able to take some heat from me in /tell. But I fully accept this red card! I knew when I was letting Dip have it that I was going to face some sort of repercussions, and I wanted Dip to know what I think about him and the way he speaks to people. ILL TAKE THIS RED CARD! Oh, and by the way, when leadership is telling you about how offensive I am to "officers" - this is what they are referring to. The people who have recently taken personal issue with me (Deathtoll and a few others) - I don't really understand it. The ONLY PERSON I have thoroughly disrespected and who has the right to have a personal vendetta against me is Dip. That's the only GG member I have an issue with! And the morning after DIPGATE, I woke up to notification of my first red card, and they named the aforemention POGGATE as reason along with the Dip thing. And even that same day, I was buffing Dip and any/all GG members when we were raiding. I even buff Dip when I see him get rezzed without him asking! Mama didn't raise a shitter, and I never let my personal issues with Dip get in the way with me doing my chantering duties cuz I like to WIN, and we're a whole team. Frankly, if Dip could just tame his temper by one lil tick, I wouldn't have an issue with him personally, I know the guy gets the job done on raids, I just don't like the meanness. It's not okay for the big people to walk all over the smol people.

3) STGATE. Just about a week ago, I was working from home and got the MOTG notification on my phone. I went from work PC to funEQPC and vooted up and attempted to login to FOUR bots (all being piloted) before finally getting on Solaire. Admittedly, I arrived for literally the last few seconds. I didn't get to join CH chain or do anything at all. But I didn't think this prohibited me from bidding since I arrived for the death? Apparently, leadership has been making it sound like I ninja'd that shit! This was the two handed sword that often goes for 1 dkp, and we bid it up to 70, then gave 2 min warning, then 1 min warning, then logged over to Spaturella to loot. Only after this, I was notified I was being removed from the event for arriving too late (fair!). But we already bid the sword, and I won and looted - not sure what to do about that. I genuinely thought I was entitled to bid on this item. I think this was used as yet another excuse to boot me.

4) STORMSHADOWMESSYGATE.During the course of all this mess, I was provided a screenshot which I have attached. This is Stormshadow talking about me. The reason I've included this is because I highly suspect this has been significant in the decision to remove me. When I received this screenshot, I honestly was not offended by the shit talk aspect of it. This was never meant for my eyes, and this isn't North Korea, and I totally respect Stormshadow's right to talk to others in an informal/relaxed way and just talk a lil shit, who cares! However, I brought this to him because I wanted to address the ACCUSATIONS in the message about being a shitter/dkp scummer etc. because I honestly didn't know I was on thin ice. Despite my foul queefy mouth towards Dip, I truly believed my chantering skills on the playing field and my responsive and diligent buffing kept me in the good graces. I told Stormshadow I wanted an opportunity to SPEAK (not type) to leadership and have a fair trial and defend these accusations. He said he put in that request and it would come at an unknown date in the future, and I was happy about that and looking forward to my day in court because I have nothing to hide. I was booted before ever getting this opportunity, and I believe that Stormshadow thought I would be bringing the screenshot with me, and that it would be unflattering, and it's just so much easier to make up some red cards and give me the boot. @Stormshadow if you had just said "Ya Ginge, I said all that, and here's why I thought that about you..." I would have had mad respect for you and my heart would have swelled with understanding, and we could have left it in the dust. When I brought this to you, instead of focusing on the allegations with me, I found you to be defensive/evasive and main concerned with "I wasn't trying to shit talk!" - but you're allowed to shit talk! I'm not bothered! And now, for the sake of transparency and defending myself, I really feel I have no option but to share it [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Frankly, these accusations of shitterdom are just so untrue. If they were true, I'd take my boot and shut my ass up forever. I don't even have the TV on anymore when I'm raiding because it's too distracting, my /tell box is like a cook's printer in a busy restaurant. Anyone who raids with me and asks me for buffs knows I'm HIGHLY responsive, fast, and effective! I've said this before - I think I get more buff requests than many other chanters because the folks know Ginge is present and buffing. I really feel I've been such a faithful and good member to GG, and my heart does not harbour DKP scum malice. I think my mad shit talk DIRECTED AT DIP ONLY was taken by leadership collectively as an indication of my disrespect/hostility towards all leadership, and that's just not the case. I think it was really easy to muster up a couple red cards and get me gone, and the difficult route would have been letting me speak and try and exercise a little accountability within GG leadership.

If you're a member of GG, and you've raided with me and can attest to my efforts and the lil extra love I put in all my buffs, and if you accept my explanations which are the truth of the events leading up to this - I urge you to say something! I think this whole thing is unfair, and you are the hundreds of members who make up GG. GG isn't Storm/Eustis/Delrake/Hodjer/Dip/Faerie take on TOV and have all the adventures! We are the hundreds of members who comprise this guild and who keep the machine oiled and functional. We work hard for our monies and so hard for our hunnies, and we shouldn't stand idle if GG leadership is acting unfairly. This whole thing might have been avoided if I was actually given my opportunity to speak to leadership, and since I've been silenced, I've had to go this tacky route. But I really wanted to speak to the MEMBERS of GG and give my peace. I feel as though I'm being booted for basically pissing leadership off, and this is an overreaction. The red card system was not respected, and was used as an excuse to boot me. Red cards should be for people who are intentionally disruptive, dishonest, malicious etc. The allegations against me and alleged infractions are either untrue, or so benign in nature.

I refuse to be bullied out of playing a game I love. Since I was 12 in 1999, I've fuckn loved me some EQ. Now that I'm getting older, EQ is my sport of choice. I'm KINDA new to the raiding world, and I'm loving it and learning tons. Gingefish isn't going anywhere! Therefore, I see two possible outcomes. Either my last red card is revoked and I am reinstated with all my 1000 dkp that I earned through showing up and doing my job, OR, since I don't wanna raid Estrella Gloomwater with Safe Space, I will have to (try to) join Kingdom! And my fingers felt like icky traitors even typing that because I been with my GG fam for a while now, but I'm not done raiding yet! I like raiding! And it's gonna suck because it's just straight up GG-1 60 chanter who shows up and Kingdom +1 chanter who shows up.

If I'm anything, I'm transparent. I want GG folks to read this, Kingdom folks to read this, and I want you to know where I'm at! The decision as to which of these two outcomes happens is totally up to GG.
too long; didn't care
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Old 04-09-2023, 10:47 PM
Xersius Xersius is offline

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I mean, you're not wrong about dip...
Xersius The Tactician
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Old 04-10-2023, 12:14 AM
Videri Videri is offline
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Originally Posted by iotola [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
2) DIPGATE. I was raiding with the guild this night a few weeks ago, Dip was leading. As he often does, he was being rude and condescending and it culminated with him muting Supository in Discord. We need to hear our tank! He sent me a tell saying "wow this is so demoralizing" and muh heart broke for him a lil. The week prior, Dip had told our beloved cleric Shlimm to "shut up" in comms, and then muted him. Again, there was disruption to the CH chain because we have a cleric who is unable to communicate, and he said nothing out of line that deserved a muting. We lose targets because of stuff like this! **I totally lost it on Dip and called him every name in the book but only in /tell and never in comms or /gui - no one even knew this was going on.** Dip makes my skin crawl, and his voice makes my pubic hair grow, and if he thinks he can speak this way to members of the guild, i think he should be able to take some heat from me in /tell. But I fully accept this red card! **I knew when I was letting Dip have it that I was going to face some sort of repercussions, and I wanted Dip to know what I think about him and the way he speaks to people.** ILL TAKE THIS RED CARD! Oh, and by the way, when leadership is telling you about how offensive I am to "officers" - this is what they are referring to. The people who have recently taken personal issue with me (Deathtoll and a few others) - I don't really understand it. The ONLY PERSON I have thoroughly disrespected and who has the right to have a personal vendetta against me is Dip.
Totally inappropriate. Man, if you wanted to make a difference in the guild, you should have sent a calm, composed message to whoever Bigdip's boss is. One rank above him or the #1 leader of GG. That's the only chance you had of making a difference.

Being rude in private gets nothing done. So I guess you're right to accept this red card. But everyone should learn from this.

All serious guilds want to improve over time. Mature guild leaders/officers will think carefully upon all feedback, no matter how it's delivered (reasonable messages OP's). You should only go batshit insane after attempting to work with the system.
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Old 04-10-2023, 12:17 AM
Videri Videri is offline
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Anyway, I think nearly every EQ player deserves a suitable guild to play the game with. I hope you find another guild, and I hope you maintain your position within it more successfully. Sincere best wishes.
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Old 04-10-2023, 12:18 AM
Trexller Trexller is offline

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^ fuck this guy
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Old 04-10-2023, 12:21 AM
Videri Videri is offline
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The rest of you, don't make fun of this guy or shit on him. Don't get all "tldr psycho" or "hurr durr you sound mad bro." Sure, EverQuest is just a game in an imaginary world, but guilds are comprised of real relationships between real people. And that means real emotions get involved. You should all hope that this guy finds a good crew to enjoy EQ with, and you should provide him with feedback and advice. We can all learn and develop.
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Old 04-10-2023, 12:21 AM
Trexller Trexller is offline

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^ and that guy
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Old 04-10-2023, 08:24 AM
cadoipi cadoipi is offline

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Originally Posted by Videri [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The rest of you, don't make fun of this guy or shit on him. Don't get all "tldr psycho" or "hurr durr you sound mad bro." Sure, EverQuest is just a game in an imaginary world, but guilds are comprised of real relationships between real people. And that means real emotions get involved. You should all hope that this guy finds a good crew to enjoy EQ with, and you should provide him with feedback and advice. We can all learn and develop.
100% agree and with earlier comment that OP should have privately gone to a level above to communicate their issues how the raid was being run.

That said, this is RnF so flaming is in the name of this subforum. OP could have picked a better forum to air their case.
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Old 04-10-2023, 09:53 AM
Castle2.0 Castle2.0 is offline
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Originally Posted by Videri [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Totally inappropriate. Man, if you wanted to make a difference in the guild, you should have sent a calm, composed message to whoever Bigdip's boss is. One rank above him or the #1 leader of GG. That's the only chance you had of making a difference.
Yes, middle management is terrible to work with.
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