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Old 03-19-2018, 11:14 AM
Nikkanu Nikkanu is offline
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Originally Posted by p99auct [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
can you send me a chat handle or something in private. not to sure how to work with githubs
Unless you are offering to pay him to help you setup github I wouldn't expect him to help you, especially after you stole his code without permission.

Luckily for you, there are hundreds of tutorials on how to setup a github that are only a google search away.

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Old 03-19-2018, 11:31 AM
Ravager Ravager is offline
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Originally Posted by Nikkanu [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This is the real problem. Every time one of these "auction logging" websites becomes popular prices skyrocket due to false data.
When things cost more than I want to pay for them I simply don't buy them. Believe it or not, this game can be played without a FBSS.

As far as the site goes, I hope it the best, but I would be surprised if it wasn't attacked.
Old 03-19-2018, 12:46 PM
loramin loramin is offline
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Originally Posted by Nikkanu [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This is beyond shady. Copying and pasting someone's GPL code, altering it for your own use, and then being resistant to making the code publicly available is at the very least copyright infringement which unless you live in some third world country is illegal.

Let's be honest here, you're likely not planning to do this out of the kindness of your heart and absorb the hosting costs which will grow as the site gains features and popularity.

Creating a site for public use based on code that isn't 100% your own creation from scratch and not making that code publicly available is asking for a lawsuit and/or criminal charges.

At the very least you should have contacted tristantio before stealing his code and attempting to use it in a way that violates AGPLv3.
As any professional programmer knows, violating a licensing agreement is a MAJOR breach of etiquette. OP's actions were not only a giant middle finger to Trsitiano, they in fact broke the law ...

... BUT, if someone from a foreign country gives you the middle finger because they have a different culture, you don't punch them in the face [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

If you violate the GPL you don't go directly to jail, you are just obligated to get into compliance. OP seems inclined to do that, and since he's obviously not super familiar with OSS licenses I think it's ok to give him the benefit of the doubt. As the saying goes, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" (and really this wasn't even stupidity, just ignorance).

Loramin Frostseer, Oracle of the Tribunal <Anonymous> and Fan of the "Where To Go For XP/For Treasure?" Guides
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Old 03-19-2018, 12:53 PM
Nikkanu Nikkanu is offline
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Originally Posted by loramin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
As any professional programmer knows, violating a licensing agreement is a MAJOR breach of etiquette. OP's actions were not only a giant middle finger to Trsitiano, they in fact broke the law ...

... BUT, if someone from a foreign country gives you the middle finger because they have a different culture, you don't punch them in the face [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

If you violate the GPL you don't go directly to jail, you are just obligated to get into compliance. OP seems inclined to do that, and since he's obviously not super familiar with OSS licenses I think it's ok to give him the benefit of the doubt. As the saying goes, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" (and really this wasn't even stupidity, just ignorance).
I agree 100%. However, willful ignorance is not an excuse nor does ignorance of the law protect them from legal or criminal repercussions. I stated what could potentially happen should the person committing the copyright violation continued to do so, especially if they gain financially from doing so.

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Old 03-19-2018, 04:34 PM
p99auct p99auct is offline
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Originally Posted by loramin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If you violate the GPL you don't go directly to jail, you are just obligated to get into compliance. OP seems inclined to do that, and since he's obviously not super familiar with OSS licenses I think it's ok to give him the benefit of the doubt. As the saying goes, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" (and really this wasn't even stupidity, just ignorance).
Ouch, but factual.
Old 03-19-2018, 04:35 PM
p99auct p99auct is offline
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The code has been completely redone. Front/end and back but still a lot of bug and things to figure out. However the original will be posted. And by nose closes am i a professional program just a hobbyist. The reason for my wanting to keep new code hidden at this time is the fact all the other have been exploited.
Last edited by p99auct; 03-19-2018 at 04:40 PM..
Old 03-19-2018, 05:13 PM
loramin loramin is offline
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Originally Posted by p99auct [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Ouch, but factual.
Heh, sorry, I call it 'em like I see 'em [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Originally Posted by p99auct [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The code has been completely redone. Front/end and back but still a lot of bug and things to figure out. However the original will be posted. And by nose closes am i a professional program just a hobbyist. The reason for my wanting to keep new code hidden at this time is the fact all the other have been exploited.
So here's the thing: you really should read an article about open source licenses, or watch a 10-minute video, or something. You should not even be looking at code on GitHub until you do. But ... here's a TLDR.

If you use anything, even a single line, of a GPL-licensed project's code, you have a legal obligation to share all other related code. Other licenses like Apache and BSD are less restrictive, but GPL is all about sharing so that's what the license means.

You can imagine it being like whoever wrote the code had said "hey world, instead of being a dick and keeping this code to myself I'm going to be a nice person and share it with the world, BUT there's a condition: you can only use this code if you share your own." When they write "this project is licensed under the GPL", that's what they're saying.

Now, with GPL2 there are some exceptions made for the code running on the server, but GPL3 is Stallman's crazy "EVERYTHING MUST ALWAYS BE SHARED" license, which means it doesn't matter where the code gets run.

So, you have three choices:
  1. remove every last bit of code from AHungry, completely (and I do mean completely; forgetting even a single line makes you legally liable) AND share everything you did before that (you can only start hiding changes made after every lick of AHungry's is gone)
  2. share every line of code in your project, always
  3. take the whole thing down (technically I think you might still have some legal liability if you don't also share your code, but in practice I believe this would make you safe)
  4. break the law (among other issues I imagine Github will disable your account if you go this route)

Those are your only choices. If you leave even a single line of ahungry code in or leave a single line of your code un-shared, ever, for whatever reason (even to prevent attacks) you are breaking the law. Also, you are opening yourself up to a civil claim from AHungry (the details of which you'd want to talk to a lawyer about ... but I would strongly discourage you from making that choice).

Loramin Frostseer, Oracle of the Tribunal <Anonymous> and Fan of the "Where To Go For XP/For Treasure?" Guides
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Last edited by loramin; 03-19-2018 at 05:21 PM..
Old 03-19-2018, 05:20 PM
p99auct p99auct is offline
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Originally Posted by loramin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Heh, sorry, I call it 'em like I see 'em [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

So here's the thing: you really should read an article about open source licenses, or watch a 10-minute video, or something. You should not even be looking at code on GitHub until you do. But ... here's a TLDR.

If you use anything, even a single line, of a GPL-licensed project's code, you have a legal obligation to share all other related code. Other licenses like Apache and BSD are less restrictive, but GPL is all about sharing so that's what the license means.

You can imagine it being like whoever wrote the code had said "hey world, instead of being a dick and keeping this code to myself I'm going to be a nice person and share it with the world, BUT there's a condition: you can only use this code if you share your own." When they write "this project is licensed under the GPL", that's what they're saying.

Now, with GPL2 there are some exceptions made for the code running on the server, but GPL3 is Stallman's crazy "EVERYTHING MUST ALWAYS BE SHARED" license, which means it doesn't matter where the code gets run.

So, you have three choices:

1) remove every last bit of code from AHungry, completely (and I do mean completely; forgetting even a single line makes you legally liable) AND share everything you did before that (you can only start hiding changes made after every lick of AHungry's is gone)

2) share every line of code in your project, always

3) break the law (among other issues I imagine Github will disable your account if you go this route)

Those are your only choices. If you leave even a single line of ahungry code in or leave a single line of your code un-shared, ever, for whatever reason (even to prevent attacks) you are breaking the law and opening yourself up to a financial claim from AHungry (the details of which you'd want to talk to a lawyer about).
Thank you for this explanation and will dig into it further. During his first statements with me i deleted the originally code every page and literally started from scratch. from css to all the ajax.

In all honestly it was more a learning experience to understand AJAX and its methods as im not to understanding of websockets as of yet. I have revamped everything and staying away from ajax besides 2 methods WHICH are not used in the same way as ahungry or even matching in code.

I will head the advice and share everything i did before that as the revamp is completely different design.
Last edited by p99auct; 03-19-2018 at 05:28 PM..
Old 03-19-2018, 05:23 PM
Baler Baler is offline
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Props to you loramin for being A+ helpful in this community. I sincerely hope OP reads what you wrote.

To add to this,. it's not legal if you re-write what someone else did without their consent and claim it as your own. It's only legal if you write the same code having never seen the original code to begin with and are able to prove this in a court of law. Which is not easy to prove. Of course this varies country to country I'm primarily speak about usa law.
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Told this to Rogean, Nilbog & Menden.
Old 03-19-2018, 05:24 PM
loramin loramin is offline
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Originally Posted by p99auct [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Thank you for this explanation and will dig into it further. During his first statements with me i deleted the originally code every page and literally started from scratch. from css to all the ajax.

In all honestly it was more a learning experience to understand AJAX and its methods as im not to understanding of websockets as of yet. I have revamped everything and staying away from ajax besides 2 methods WHICH are not used in the same way as ahungry.
Cool, so it sounds like you're choosing option #1 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] Please be sure to note the part about how anything that wasn't shared before you removed his code must be shared, and be sure you removed every last line (you might have done this already, I'm just warning you to be cautious).

As for learning stuff, OSS projects are awesome (although so is Stack Overflow). But the moment you even think of copy/pasting something (let alone cloning or forking something) you've got to look at the license.

Loramin Frostseer, Oracle of the Tribunal <Anonymous> and Fan of the "Where To Go For XP/For Treasure?" Guides
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