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Old 07-05-2022, 06:18 PM
Elfminster Elfminster is offline

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Originally Posted by Jimjam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Either a nice larp or very sad story. Either way, perhaps your frustration at a lack of guise is a transference from a feeling of lack of other things?

Seriously though, there are lots of avenues for help, whatever your situation.
and omfg

what the fuck is it with you people keep posting the same old stupid links to stupid fucking useless therapy web sites and asking, "is it because of a lack of oher things in life?" like you really fucking care when you're just obviously fucking trolling.

god almighty you're like a fucking broken record.

it's caring without fucking caring so it's not caring.

yes, I lack things in life it's no fucking secret and there ain't no shame in it not in an evil world

if i was in a good world lacking things then i'd be fucking worried but i'm not

why the fuck am i even answering you?
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Old 07-05-2022, 09:10 PM
reebz reebz is offline

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Never had a guise on Beastagor, absolutely shit on many people who had a guise

Move to resolved
y'all ever think about how yr backstory isn't tragic enough to ever become a superhero? ya i think bout that a lot.
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Old 07-05-2022, 10:02 PM
Elfminster Elfminster is offline

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Here is a message from a gifted high school student and fellow Norrathian called Tommy who is studying to be a life saving doctor. He runs an animal shelter for abandoned kittens in his spare time. He's still recovering from his near fatal ordeal. This is what he recently wrote while learning to cure cancer (he gave me permission to show you this letter which he wrote to his dead grandfather who was a medal of honor WW2 veteran).

Hello grandpa, it's me again, your grandson Tommy.

Something strange happened to me recently which completely changed my life and I desperatley need to share it with somebody and I've decided to share it with you my hero.

It all started when I first heard the news; a new EQ server.

"Woot!" I shouted because I was so thrilled at the wonderful news.

I was so looking forward to the server launch as I patiently waited in line with a good supply of nacho cheese doritos and coca-cola at the ready. I had my heart set on getting pre-nerf loot because I've never had the chance before what with all the medical studies and working 3 jobs to pay off sudent loans.

As you know, Dad fucked off just like you did before I got to meet him properly so he's not around to help out with things. The last I heard, he was snorting pure cocaine off a young hooker's arse deep in the Columbian jungle after doing hard time for countefeiting amateur porno videos. I heard the locals don't debate the shape of the hooker's arse because they've all seen it for themselves personally.

It's round, just in case you're wondering, at least it is according to a friend of a friend who told me he once saw it in the flesh during one exceptionally hot summer when he was down there "taking seismic activity readings". He also spoke of armed locals mysteriously disappearing never to be seen again. NASA claims it's flat though so your guess is as good as mine but those south american girls are usually built for fun so i'm going with round like a half football and double extra jiggly.

Mama is sick now so it's all up to me to support her, my 5 sisters, 30 abandoned kittens and my pet possum Henry who I rescued from a hunter's trap when I was building homes for the homeless.

So I was sitting in class one day dreaming of turning my wood elf druid into a dark elf druid and then giving free ports to the less fortunate like I usually do. It was then that all hell broke lose. I heard loud bangs and school girls screaming in terror and saw bodies going splat.

The last thing I remember was seeing a Ranbo-esque figure running towards me with a bowie knife yelling "die non-gentile scum die!".

Then I woke up in a hospital bed surrounded by medical personnel who told me that my best friends had all been shot dead and that I had lost a kidney after being stabbed 6 times by an atheist who hated non-gentiles which confused me because I'm acually non-religious but apparently the atheist terrorist had targetted the wrong school by mistake which explains the confusion.

After all the commotion had died down and I was alone with the doctor I wasn't brave enough to ask him the question I really wanted to ask him, it would take me a few more days to pluck up the courage to ask that question.

I'll never forget the day I did...

It was a bright sunny day. The sky was deep blue. The clouds were white and puffy. There was a nice cool breeze. Rick Astley was playing on the radio. The birds were chirping. Everybody was living their best life.

I peered out of the door into the busy hallway to see if I could catch a pre-emptive glimpse of the doctor arriving. While waiting I was lucky enough to spot a sexy nurse wearing black fishnet stockings bending over to pick up an envelope off the hallway floor. It turned me on greatly so I had a quick danger wank.

Shortly afterwards the doctor walked in with a skip in his step and a smile on his face.

"Good mornig, hero" he said to me, in a cheerful voice, as he turned his back to me to check a graph.

I took a deep breath and whispered to myself, "You can do this! Be brave!"

I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder and with a trembling voice I said,

"Doc...wha...what about the guises? Are..they...still fucking dropping bro?"

I gripped my zimmer frame tightly with my other hand to steady myself as I waited for the answer with a longing stare.

The doctor slowly turned around with a blank look on his face.

"You need to rest now..." he replied, his voice quivering, as he tried to lead me to the bed by my arm.

"I NEED TO KNOW DAMN YOU!" I yelled, pulling my arm away and making him jump.

He walked to the window and stared out of it into the distance.

I knew then it was bad news.

After an awkward 30 minutes of total silence he turned to me and replied,

"They stopped dropping while your were on life support in that coma. I'm so sorry, son."

" did you loot doc?" I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Does it re..." he replied, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"HOW MANY DOC?" I yelled, rudely interrupting him mid sentence, making him jump again.

"FOURTEEN" he screamed, making me jump.

I watched as he ran into the hallway and down the corridor.

My head started spinning.

It felt like I was being shot all over again.

I fell over banging my head on the hard granite floor.

After I woke up from the second coma the doctor showed me my medical bill and I passed out again.

When I finally got home I logged onto the server only to discover everybody was a dark elf except me. My dream in tatters I ran down a dark Freeport alley and logged off in shame and then cried myself to sleep in the bath tub listening to The Smiths.

I haven't been back online since.

It's still painful when I cry because of all the corrective surgery.

I still remember you telling me about the good old days grandpa when there was enough guises for everybody. Sometimes, I wish I had a time machine.

Tomorrow I'm going to take a medical course on curng blindness in children and then I have to pickup 15 abandoned puppies.

Wish me luck! :-)

Your grandson,

Tommy the Guiseless
American high school student, cancer curer in the making, huge boob nerd, ass fanatic

PS. Thanks for getting gunned down on that beach to protect our freedoms /salute
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Old 07-06-2022, 03:16 AM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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Originally Posted by Elfminster [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
and omfg

what the fuck is it with you people keep posting the same old stupid links to stupid fucking useless therapy web sites and asking, "is it because of a lack of oher things in life?" like you really fucking care when you're just obviously fucking trolling.

god almighty you're like a fucking broken record.

it's caring without fucking caring so it's not caring.

yes, I lack things in life it's no fucking secret and there ain't no shame in it not in an evil world

if i was in a good world lacking things then i'd be fucking worried but i'm not

why the fuck am i even answering you?
You’re answering because you think behind my trollish facade I may actually have a point and actually care?

The amount of energy you have to battle this cause is admirable, but honestly I think it is misdirected. this may seem brutal, but
Getting a mask or whatever fairness in eq isn’t going to resolve these feelings of unfairness in life nor bring your legs/mates back
. I wasn’t trying to diss you when I pointed you towards counselling or similar solutions. I know others on the forum joke about it but i’m being serious in that I believe it will be genuinely helpful to you. I think with help you can have these feelings of unfairness resolved and it will help out in wide aspects of your life. But I’m not a counsellor nor psychologist so what do I know?

If you’re already in some kind of practitioner relationship it may will be worth mentioning to them about your feelings of unfairness in this game.

Anyway, best of luck mate and sorry to hear about your injuries and losses. I put my troll mask back on now.

Gorgen (Blue) - Agnostic Troll Warrior of the XXXI Dung

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Old 07-06-2022, 04:33 AM
Elfminster Elfminster is offline

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Originally Posted by Jimjam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You’re answering because you think behind my trollish facade I may actually have a point and actually care?

The amount of energy you have to battle this cause is admirable, but honestly I think it is misdirected. this may seem brutal, but
Getting a mask or whatever fairness in eq isn’t going to resolve these feelings of unfairness in life nor bring your legs/mates back
. I wasn’t trying to diss you when I pointed you towards counselling or similar solutions. I know others on the forum joke about it but i’m being serious in that I believe it will be genuinely helpful to you. I think with help you can have these feelings of unfairness resolved and it will help out in wide aspects of your life. But I’m not a counsellor nor psychologist so what do I know?

If you’re already in some kind of practitioner relationship it may will be worth mentioning to them about your feelings of unfairness in this game.

Anyway, best of luck mate and sorry to hear about your injuries and losses. I put my troll mask back on now.
You're completely off-topic.

I'm not here for a therapy session from you or anybody.

This is a rant about bad games design that's why the title is Why create bad game design on purpose?
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Old 07-06-2022, 10:18 AM
Elfminster Elfminster is offline

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Originally Posted by Gustoo [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I agree, the "legacy item" implementation on p99 servers is pretty dumb.

It's dumb because on live, no one knew these items were going to be nerfed and removed from the game.

It's dumb because it makes the obtaining of these items the most valuable thing you can do when a new server launches.

It's dumb because it isn't classic. No live servers had manastones after the original ones were nerfed. No new live servers had guises after the original ones were nerfed. So on and so forth.

It is my greatest hope that future p99 servers do not have these items implemented in the non-classic and game ruining way they have been introduced on green.
Careful, you might get spammed with therapy web site links and counselling advice.

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Old 07-06-2022, 11:47 AM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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Originally Posted by Elfminster [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Careful, you might get spammed with therapy web site links and counselling advice.

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You’re the one larping as a ptsd vet. Worth taking seriously just in case it isn't a larp.

For what it’s worth Gustoo is on the money:

Originally Posted by Rogean [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You're a perfect example of why non-classic changes are necessary.

You come here to a classic server with the expectation of all past exploitable things being abusable, otherwise it's not legitimized in your mind. You fail to realize that it's not classic to begin with if these things people barely knew about started getting widespread usage, they no longer become classic. Many of these things were changed back then immediately upon developer realizations, for good reason.

To repeat something I said in Discord and to address one item in your list, NToV dragons were never solo pulled to the zone in in Classic with the consistency and precision that we started to see here. People raided NToV like a normal raid zone. A change was needed to return that to be the case. These mobs were rooted in Luclin because it was always intended by the developers that they be fought in or near their lairs.

We will continue to make changes as we feel necessary to restore a classic atmosphere and difficulty, including non-classic changes to meet those goals. To not do so otherwise would result in a server far detrimental to the health of the community as a whole.

I will not be commenting on this again.

Gorgen (Blue) - Agnostic Troll Warrior of the XXXI Dung

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Old 07-06-2022, 01:45 PM
Elfminster Elfminster is offline

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Originally Posted by Jimjam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I need to see peer reviewed citations on

1) is unfairness bad game design
2. is plucking your eyes out short-sighted
3. is stabbing yourself in the face moronic
4. is setting your hair on fire stupid
5. is hacking the server dumb
6. is cheating unfair
7. is playing video games without a monitor pointless
8. is burning your house down idiotic
9. is swimming with piranhas crazy
10. is driving your RV off a cliff insane
11. is drowning kittens mean
12. is eating dog shit sick
13. is jimjam acting the maggot

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Old 07-06-2022, 01:52 PM
Elfminster Elfminster is offline

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14. is bad game design unfair

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Old 07-06-2022, 03:37 PM
Elfminster Elfminster is offline

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A recent scientific survey by top scientists around the world concluded that doing something bad results in something bad happening.

Scientists are now conducting a second survey to decide whether the first survey was necessary or not.
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