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Old 10-14-2021, 06:19 PM
JurisDictum JurisDictum is offline

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Originally Posted by Gatordash [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Lol so you think you are correct in that your opinion on inflation is that it is not as high as your expectations of inflation. Very informative and I'm glad you are correct about your own expectations.

However, if your example to justify your opinion is that food prices are only up 3% this year, than I would say, what about home prices? That shit went up like 3% a week this year. And it definitely is directly affected by government spending because we are almost at 2.5 trillion in MBS.
To be honest with you I'm having a lot of trouble even finding good data on house prices atm. The price of housing is very dependent on demand of where it is located obviously. It's easy to play games with.

People bitch about rent prices. I think is might have something to do with what happens when you let a small minority of wealthy people buy up all the land (this process takes awhile in big countries like ours). But conservatives before this pandemic complained about government regulation getting in the way of housing development.

Now its because of inflation caused by the package that democrats haven't passed yet. Those who are more intellectually consistent will blame Trump as well - but either way I think its BS.

There was genuine fear that lack of demand for rentals would put smaller landlords out of business. Some stipulated they were not helping people much with rent on purpose so that big landlords could by up more properties at low prices.

Rent freezing and stimulus checks would have an inflating impact normally. But given that it really wasn't all that much money per person or a mass rent freeze, I doubt that would be a primary driver.

But I don't want to say housing hasn't inflated at all. I'm getting numbers like "3.17%" -- but the numbers tend to be problematic. There is the CPI data being deflated by lowballers (some argue the high ballers counter-balance, I doubt it). But that's only one issue. Theres also the fact that things like prices going up 80% in many cool small liberal towns. Unless you live there, its unlikely to impact you. Likewise, property is a little deflated on the top end of NY -- who cares.

At least with gas prices we can go figure shit out that is broadly true across the board. My rent -- for example -- has not changed. There were a lot of people moving out and moving back in with their parents or something -- IDK -- I just know they were moving.
Old 10-14-2021, 06:22 PM
Gatordash Gatordash is offline
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And while I'm complaining about medical billing, United Healthcare set record profits on their quarterly report today which increased their stock over 4% to all time highs. Obamacare seems like its great for having working citizens paying health insurance companies a shit load of money.
Old 10-14-2021, 06:28 PM
Whale biologist Whale biologist is offline
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Originally Posted by Gatordash [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
And while I'm complaining about medical billing, United Healthcare set record profits on their quarterly report today which increased their stock over 4% to all time highs. Obamacare seems like its great for having working citizens paying health insurance companies a shit load of money.
How would you reduce public liabilities?
Old 10-14-2021, 06:31 PM
starkind starkind is offline

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United Healthcare literally scated out of paying 200k this year. That bill shoulda been like 20k tho. If u count my psychiatric stay. Like $500 for the rabies er, and another $500 for passing out and turning blue from the other 2 trips that only resulted in an xray and lab. So like $19k for a few weeks in the shitty CCP run owned and operated gulag of a psycheward. And I should have gotten real medicine and doctors, not a witch doctor, and a psycho charge nurse tranny chaser.

Small pennies from an industry with trillions in revenue though.
Last edited by starkind; 10-14-2021 at 06:36 PM..
Old 10-14-2021, 06:32 PM
Gatordash Gatordash is offline
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Originally Posted by JurisDictum [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
To be honest with you I'm having a lot of trouble even finding good data on house prices atm. The price of housing is very dependent on demand of where it is located obviously. It's easy to play games with.

People bitch about rent prices. I think is might have something to do with what happens when you let a small minority of wealthy people buy up all the land (this process takes awhile in big countries like ours). But conservatives before this pandemic complained about government regulation getting in the way of housing development.

Now its because of inflation caused by the package that democrats haven't passed yet. Those who are more intellectually consistent will blame Trump as well - but either way I think its BS.

There was genuine fear that lack of demand for rentals would put smaller landlords out of business. Some stipulated they were not helping people much with rent on purpose so that big landlords could by up more properties at low prices.

Rent freezing and stimulus checks would have an inflating impact normally. But given that it really wasn't all that much money per person or a mass rent freeze, I doubt that would be a primary driver.

But I don't want to say housing hasn't inflated at all. I'm getting numbers like "3.17%" -- but the numbers tend to be problematic. There is the CPI data being deflated by lowballers (some argue the high ballers counter-balance, I doubt it). But that's only one issue. Theres also the fact that things like prices going up 80% in many cool small liberal towns. Unless you live there, its unlikely to impact you. Likewise, property is a little deflated on the top end of NY -- who cares.

At least with gas prices we can go figure shit out that is broadly true across the board. My rent -- for example -- has not changed. There were a lot of people moving out and moving back in with their parents or something -- IDK -- I just know they were moving.
The Fed uses something called the Case-Shiller Index. It is up 19%.
Old 10-14-2021, 06:37 PM
Gatordash Gatordash is offline
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Originally Posted by Whale biologist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
How would you reduce public liabilities?
I'm more of a complainer.
Old 10-14-2021, 06:52 PM
starkind starkind is offline

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Lawsuits shouldn't be viable for criminal cases. Raise the bar for malpractice to criminal levels, like u have to prove intentional murder. If the patient was complicated or noncompliant toss the case. Let healthcare providers legally have the right to refuse to care for any patient at anytime for any reason. If you have to go under pray your not a shitbag. Your doctor actually cares about you. And you've got a mob boss as a guardian angel. And the doctors having a good day.

Make doctors publish stats like the porn industry publishes ages and ids and if they want they can anonymize the data to see how many bad patients with complication and compliance problems killed themselves.

Everyone gets X points to spend per year that don't accrue on their birthday and they can pick what doctors or treatment to do. Let the market sort it out.

If you hit your cap. R.i.p.
Old 10-14-2021, 06:55 PM
starkind starkind is offline

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Bumping 2 the next page cuz.
Old 10-14-2021, 06:56 PM
starkind starkind is offline

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There's a really great reason)
Old 10-14-2021, 06:57 PM
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666 Angel Number – Meaning and Symbolism

In this kind of special article about angel numbers, we will try to interpret the mysterious meaning and symbolism of infamous number 666, many times accused to be a demoniac, devilish and cursed number.
Well, there are various explanations and opinions on that New Testament’s verse, calling number 666 ‘the number of the beast’. There is more to it. Firstly, we will interpret this number from the aspect of angelic numerology.
It may sound a bit odd, even surprising, to talk about number 666 as something related to angels, pure heavenly spirits of light and majesty of celestial forces!
Angelic numerology interprets numbers by their specific energy vibrations, not as (non)religious symbols. According to spiritual teachings, numerology in particular, numbers resonate with energies of heavens.
Energies we talk about are parts of universal, ever flowing and life giving cosmic energy that moves the world around.
Seen through the prism of angelic numerology, number 666 is simply another of angel numbers. To get the better idea of it, we will start by explaining what angel numbers actually are.
You see, according to alternative spiritual teachings and related fields, human world is guarded by heavenly spirits.
Depending on the system of belief, a religion or a spiritual path you belong to, forces of heavens are imagined and represented differently.
The exact image and idea you have in mind when talking about universal forces does not matter that much; the point is, various systems believe we are guided, guarded and loved by heavenly forces.
According to various authors, we are all protected by our personal guardian angels. Those angels are selfless, Ego-less and non-physical entities that exist on higher realms, in harmony with the life giving source of energy we have already mentioned.
Guardian angels care about human world. Each person has their own, personal guardian in heavens above.
Spiritualists believe we have more than one angel to care about us. Now when we made that clear, you may wonder: ‘Fine, I have guardian angels, but how are they actually helping me? How would I know if an angel watches over me and my destiny?’. Be patient, dear reader, we will get to this!

Number 666 – What Does It Mean?

Guardian angels do not affect our decisions, our emotions, our doings and thoughts directly. They are not those who rule over us and change the course of events that form our destiny; it is all written somewhere in stars.
Guardian angels offer their guidance and support by other actions. If you think it is ‘unfair’ they never stop evil from happening, think deeper.
Angels do not interfere with our lives directly, because they are not allowed do.
They are incapable of doing, thinking, or creating bad things and events, but they will never prevent them, either. They work to encourage us do that in our own manner, by all of our strength.
The point is, angels want us to believe in ourselves, to know that we are the ones capable to overcome challenges life brings along.
They send us supportive messages, messages of love and guidance. Angelic messages come to us exactly to remind us of our own qualities, but our flaws, as well. These messages are meant to make us realize how strong we actually are and to help us deal with difficulties in life.
At the same time, they remind us of all the good things we should embrace and enjoy.
Okay then, but what does it have to do with numbers? Especially, what does it have to do with notorious 666?
You see, angels could use various channels to send us their messages. They usually talk with us through symbols we are familiar with, those we could recognize and notice easily.
In modern world, our lives are literally written in numbers and numerical values. We use numbers since we open our eyes in the morning, to check time, until we summarize all activities for that day and go to bed.
Numbers are practical and useful, but magical, as well.
AS we have mentioned in the first part of the article, numbers resonate with cosmic energies. Angels choose special numerical sequences to send us special energy and important and valuable messages.
So, if you keep seeing the same number over and over again, it could be more than ‘just a number’. It could be angelic message!
How possibly number 666 could be understood as ‘angelic’? Well, in angelic numerology, numbers differ only by their specific energy. A
ll angel numbers are generally positive, because our guardians would never send us anything that could do us harm.
Therefore, number 666 is a powerful angel number. If you are the one who get this angelic message, we will be glad to help you interpret it.

The Secret Meaning and Symbolism

Put aside all that you have heard about 666 and join us in interpreting this number from the angelic numerology point of view.
Later on, we will talk a bit about its alleged ‘dark’ side. Seen as angelic numerical sequence, number 666 is incredibly strong. It has number 6 tripled and that is what constitutes its immense energy.
People with this number are great humanitarians and kind individuals. Sounds strange, having in mind what we have all heard about 666!
To start with interpretation of the basis of angel number 666 and that is, of course, number 6. Number 6 alone is considered particularly stable aspect from spiritual point of view. It resonates with great positivity and energies of peace, balance and harmony.
This number represents concepts of loyalty, dedication, unconditional and universal love, compassion, understanding, support and guardianship. Number 6 reflects the power of kindness, care, nurture, forgiveness and protection.
Number 6 stands for those who know to enjoy beautiful little things in life. People who have this angel number (and, have in mind, you have it three times in 666!) are modest, caring and trustworthy.
Number 6 gives you the ability to really listen to others, to feel their need, but also to feel their love. Number 6 loves unconditionally and needs to be loved. However, it is typical for people with aspect of 6 to be more likely to give than to take.
Number 666 is overall incredibly humanitarian one. Strangely, but it has nothing to do with being evil, greedy or hurt others on purpose.
Moreover, people with angel number 666 actually tend to neglect their own needs, dreams and desires and all that in order to please and help others.
It is sometimes hard for them to put themselves before others, which could turn bad, of course.
People with angel number 666 are individuals of great strength, endurance and focus on what they are doing.
They have an incredibly positive aura, but ill people could exploit their good intentions. They always think well about others, failing to see if someone wants to make use of their help for some bad causes.
That is the thing numbers 666 really need to become aware of. Apart from that, they are lovable, intelligent and unbelievably charming people.

Love and Angel Number 666

Interestingly, but people with 666 are not as lucky in love as you might think, since they possess so much love in their hearts and they are so kind towards others. In fact, they believe in universal love and they deeply love the world.
They are able to see the beauty in simplest of the things and see goodness in each person’s heart.
However, when it comes to romantic love, they could be very shy and quiet. They are gentle and kind towards everyone.
In their hearts, there is a place for every sort of love, to say so. They are familiar with friendly love, family love, parental love, love towards living creatures, love towards the God or other form of divine existence they believe in and romantic love.
However, romantic love does not come so easy to them. They often dedicate all of their efforts to their humanitarian work; they commonly work in supportive organizations of all sorts and some of them are quite successful, even notable for their work.
This kind of dedication sometimes distances them from desires of their heart and they spend long periods alone.
They are not likely to change many partners; they dream about someone who is kind, gentle and who loves with an open heart.
Once they find such a person, their relationship is very romantic, full of mutual understanding, care and support.
Since numbers 666 are naturally warm people, they are true guardians of their family; nurturing parents and loyal spouses.
Watch Youtube Video About Angel Number 666:

Numerology Facts About Number 666

Now let us tell you some of interesting facts about angel number 666. Firstly, we have mentioned its notoriety and it is an accepted interpretation of number 666 in general.
In the New Testament, there is this verse that says: ‘Let the one with understanding reckon the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666’. Interestingly, if you translate the number by Greek or Hebrew alphabet, you get the name of one particularly ‘evil’ ruler, Nero Caesar.
Many historians and others speculate on this hidden message from the Bible, but it actually does not reveal a lot about the true ‘nature’ of the number itself.
Moreover, there are some older texts and sources that claim the actual ‘number of the beast’ is 616. It is all quite interesting, but that does not mean number 666 has evil energy itself.
From numerology and spiritual point of view, number 666 is just another of 6-related sequences and it is a positive messages.
The more 6s there are, the message is clearer. Numbers 6 reflects all of the things and ideas mentioned, so seeing 666 actually means you should focus on good and positive things in life, not devils and demons.
In some symbolic systems, particularly Arab, number 6 is related to creation and soul, so number 666 is seen as highly positive and encouraging.
In addition, number 6 is related to number 9 (6+6+6=18, 1+8=9), which is interesting if we have in mind another Bible interpretation that says number 999 is the perfect one, while 666 is simply reversed 999.
From angelic numerology point of view, number 9 gives angel number 666 the ability to develop spiritually. Number 9 is associated with soul purpose, spiritual awakening, karma, destiny, enlightenment and heavenly energy in general.
Numbers 6 and 9 could be observed as mirror, they could represent two sides of the coin and, thus, they are well balanced together.

Seeing Angel Number 666

Do not be afraid if you start seeing number 666! Your guardian angels would never send you something that could harm you.
On the contrary, they send you number 666 to tell you important things you should know about yourself and your destiny.
They want you to know how strong and worthy you are and to make you realize you should take more about yourself.
They want you to enjoy life to the fullest. They know you feel so good and fulfilled when helping others, but, face the reality; you cannot do that all the time.
In those moments you are not helping others, you could feel down, sad and alone and that is something you should not allow.
Find some pleasures beside your humanitarian actions.
Indulge yourself, because if someone deserves a bit of rest and relaxation, it is you. Do not fall under bad influences and be afraid of number 666. It is an amazing angelic message for you, not an evil sign.
Number 666 in numerology does not announce evil; on the contrary, it brings peace and harmony into your destiny.

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