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Old 12-21-2020, 06:37 PM
vegam vegam is offline

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Originally Posted by Thulian [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Unless you own a resturant or bowling alley what the fuck are you talking about

i bet you sit home and just post online and do jack shit

pops hormone pill and takes a sip, see you at the bank cashing your $600 check
You have to own a restaurant or a bowling alley to have an opinion on this?

Most of the payments go in direct deposit.

Another pointless post by another idiot I see.
Old 12-21-2020, 06:40 PM
vegam vegam is offline

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Originally Posted by Thulian [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
There are tons of jobs, do something else while you wait

Industries needing people

Grocery stores
UPS / Fedex
Waste Management

Tons of stuff to do, stop crying and work
Grocery stores are hiring? Whew. Man I'm so glad those 10 dollar an hour jobs are going to help out a bunch of Americans paying $1300 a month in rent. I guess they can eat cat food they bought at the dollar tree. Otherwise, I don't see those numbers working. Do you live with your parents or something? You have any idea how expensive life is outside of your bubble? Your brain is a potato.
Old 12-21-2020, 06:51 PM
Gwaihir Gwaihir is offline

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Originally Posted by vegam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Grocery stores are hiring? Whew. Man I'm so glad those 10 dollar an hour jobs are going to help out a bunch of Americans paying $1300 a month in rent. I guess they can eat cat food they bought at the dollar tree. Otherwise, I don't see those numbers working. Do you live with your parents or something? You have any idea how expensive life is outside of your bubble? Your brain is a potato.
My rent is 1450/month.

I'm on 60% work furlough from my employer at a salary of 52k/yr.

I also dash about 40hrs a week on top of the 16 commit to my employer, and sometimes I dash with both my wife's phone and my phone at the same time. During dinner rush my wife will typically drive in to work 3hrs. We don't work Sundays.

We clear 1200$/wk in 1099 dash income with mileage deductions that offset about 60% of that income, and I prorate my cellphone bills toward the 1099 income on top of that.

Our gross is about 6.4k/mo with tax liability against pretty much just the last 1200 of the 4800 in 1099 income; 400$.

Work more.

Or let the Sheckel Lord who intends to bankrupt you with this farce of a "virus" bankrupt you.

Your choice.

Mind you, these are the same forces parroting social justice mantras, while pissing down your back and telling you it's raining.
Last edited by Gwaihir; 12-21-2020 at 06:56 PM..
Old 12-21-2020, 06:53 PM
douglas1999 douglas1999 is offline

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Originally Posted by feniin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Hey, fuck knuckle - people in subsaharan africa don't have the high cost of living that americans do. Rent/mortgage/insurance/food/healthcare/utilities all cost substantially more and being expected to survive on $1800 for nearly a year isn't reasonable.

If they gave a fuck about the economy there would have been $600/week to give people a chance to pay their necessities and stimulate consumerism. That's how you save the mom and pop shops. Got any other great observations, you twat?
Why don't they just print money to pay all my bills all the time? Why only now?

Dealing with this situation is a messy business. Printing money devalues said money, it's perfectly reasonable to keep that in perspective.

Call me more names though, it really reveals your mature, adult character.
Old 12-21-2020, 07:24 PM
vegam vegam is offline

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Originally Posted by Gwaihir [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
My rent is 1450/month.

I'm on 60% work furlough from my employer at a salary of 52k/yr.

I also dash about 40hrs a week on top of the 16 commit to my employer, and sometimes I dash with both my wife's phone and my phone at the same time. During dinner rush my wife will typically drive in to work 3hrs. We don't work Sundays.

We clear 1200$/wk in 1099 dash income with mileage deductions that offset about 60% of that income, and I prorate my cellphone bills toward the 1099 income on top of that.

Our gross is about 6.4k/mo with tax liability against pretty much just the last 1200 of the 4800 in 1099 income; 400$.

Work more.

Or let the Sheckel Lord who intends to bankrupt you with this farce of a "virus" bankrupt you.

Your choice.

Mind you, these are the same forces parroting social justice mantras, while pissing down your back and telling you it's raining.
Again, I am fine. I do just fine even during this. I have a good job that continues to pay, I have not missed a paycheck during this whole entire time. I am not in trouble.

But I am glad that you and your wife are smart and industrious enough to find a way in these difficult times. Congratulations, and well done to you both (seriously I mean that).

My concern is that millions of Americans can't pay their rent, millions of landlords can't pay their mortgage because their tenants can't pay the rent, etc. The snowball that is forming into an avalanche that will cause us larger problems in the future. A 22 trillion dollar economy is at stake.

$600 just isn't going to do it.
Old 12-21-2020, 07:26 PM
vegam vegam is offline

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Originally Posted by douglas1999 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Why don't they just print money to pay all my bills all the time? Why only now?

Dealing with this situation is a messy business. Printing money devalues said money, it's perfectly reasonable to keep that in perspective.

Call me more names though, it really reveals your mature, adult character.
Our economic growth is powered by a healthy amount of inflation. The US Dollar being the world reserve currency means we can print more money than the ECB, the Bank of England, and the Bank of Japan with much more leeway.

We shouldn't be printing to fund endless wars. We should however be printing to ensure that people can pay their rent, landlords can get paid so landlords can pay their mortgage payments to the banks. Or else you are going to see banks start going under like they did in 2007.
Old 12-21-2020, 07:26 PM
HalflingSpergand HalflingSpergand is offline
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Prob just massive inflation and negative interest rates comin soonish
Old 12-21-2020, 07:30 PM
Gwaihir Gwaihir is offline

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Originally Posted by vegam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Again, I am fine. I do just fine even during this. I have a good job that continues to pay, I have not missed a paycheck during this whole entire time. I am not in trouble.

But I am glad that you and your wife are smart and industrious enough to find a way in these difficult times. Congratulations, and well done to you both (seriously I mean that).

My concern is that millions of Americans can't pay their rent, millions of landlords can't pay their mortgage because their tenants can't pay the rent, etc. The snowball that is forming into an avalanche that will cause us larger problems in the future. A 22 trillion dollar economy is at stake.

$600 just isn't going to do it.

Of course not. Its not supposed to. This entire farce is designed to bankrupt everyone into accepting the Mark, and the Great Reset.
Old 12-21-2020, 07:36 PM
Gwaihir Gwaihir is offline

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Georgia Guidestones Inscription:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Rosicrucian Studies Include:

Our studies include:

The Mysteries of Birth and Death

The Illusory Nature of Time and Space

Awakening of the Psychic Consciousness

Human Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness

Mystical Power of Vowel Sounds and Mantras

The Creative Power of Visualization

Influence of Thoughts on Health

Development of the Intuition

Psychology and Mysticism

Metaphysical Healing

Sacred Architecture

Spiritual Alchemy

Rosicrucian Code of Life:

In the morning, before rising, thank the God of your Heart for the new day that you are privileged to live on the earthly plane, and ask the Divine to inspire you throughout the day. Then, standing facing east, take seven deep breaths as you focus on the vitality that is awakening in you. Afterwards, drink a glass of water and then begin your daily activities.
Despite the trials and tribulations of life, always consider life the most precious gift the Cosmic ever granted human beings, because it is the medium of our spiritual evolution and the source of the happiness we seek. Furthermore, regard your body as the temple of your soul, and take great care of it.
If you can, reserve a place in your home dedicated to prayer, meditation, and the study of the Rosicrucian teachings. Make it your own oratory, your sanctum, and keep it free from any profane concern or activity.
Before every meal, give thanks to the Divine for being fortunate enough to have something to eat, and think of all those who do not have the privilege of eating their fill. If you are alone or together with other members of the Order, place your hands above your food, palms down, and say mentally or aloud this symbolic invocation: May this food be purified and magnetized by the vibrations radiating from my hands so to provide for the needs of my body and soul. May all those who are hungry be associated with this meal and be given a spiritual share of its benefits. So Mote It Be!
You know that the aim of all human beings is to perfect themselves; to become better persons. Therefore, constantly endeavor to awaken and express the virtues of the soul that animates you. In doing so, you will contribute to your evolution and serve the cause of humanity.
Isolate yourself for a moment every day, preferably in your Sanctum, and send thoughts of love, harmony, and health towards humanity as a whole, particularly towards all those who suffer physically or mentally. Also ask the Divine to assist them on all planes and to preserve them as much as possible from the ordeals of life.
Behave in such a way that all those who share your existence or live in contact with you regard you as an example and feel the desire to be like you. Guided by the voice of your conscience, may your ethics be as pure as possible and may your first preoccupation always be to think well, speak well, and act well.
Be tolerant and defend the right to be different. Never use the faculty of judgment to blame or condemn anyone, for you cannot read the hearts and souls of others. Look at them benevolently and leniently, and see what is best in them.
Be generous towards those who are in need or less favored than you. Arrange things every day so that you do at least one good deed for someone else. Whatever your good deed, do not boast, but thank the Divine for enabling you to contribute to the well-being of others.
Be moderate in your behavior and avoid extremes in all things. Be temperate, and follow the middle way in all circumstances.
If you hold a position of power, do not be overly proud about it and do not become intoxicated by the power you may wield. Never use your position to force others to do anything that they disapprove of or that is unfair, illegal, or immoral. Hold your office with humility and make it serve the common good.
Be attuned to others and speak with care. If you ever criticize, make sure that it is done constructively. If someone asks you for advice on a subject you do not know well, humbly admit your ignorance. Never stoop to telling lies, backbiting, or slander. If you hear malicious gossip about someone, do not support it by lending a willing ear.
Respect the laws of your country and endeavor to be a good citizen. Always remember, the key to human progress lies in the evolution of consciousnesses.
Be humanistic. Regard all humanity as your family. Beyond race, culture, and belief, all human beings are brothers and sisters. Consequently, they all deserve the same respect and consideration.
Consider Nature as being the most beautiful sanctuary and expression of Divine Perfection on earth. Respect life in all its forms, and look upon animals as conscious and sensitive beings—and not as mere living things.
Be and remain a free thinker. Think for yourself and not according to what other people think. Likewise, let everyone think freely; do not impose your ideas on others and always remember that your ideas are also evolving.
Respect all religious or philosophical beliefs, as long as they do not strike a blow at human dignity. Do not support fanaticism or fundamentalism, in any shape or form. As you live your faith, make sure that you are neither dogmatic nor sectarian.
Be faithful to your promises and commitments. When you give your word of honor, consider it to be a sacred pledge that binds you. If you must take an oath, think of the Rose Cross, the symbol of your ethical ideal, while doing so, and remember that any lie you might tell will have karmic consequences for you. Although it is possible to deceive others, no one can escape Divine Justice.
If you can afford and wish to do so, support the Order materially, so as to promote its activities and contribute to its continuity.
The purpose of the Order is to contribute to the raising of consciousnesses, and the transmission of its centuries-old teachings. Therefore, make yourself available to present its ideals and philosophy to those who seek Knowledge, but without ever trying to coerce them.
Never cause anyone to believe that members of the Order are sages who are in full possession of the Truth. To those who may ask, present yourself as a philosophical person who is seeking Wisdom. Never pretend you are a Rose-Croix, but say you are a perfecting Rosicrucian.
In the evening before going to sleep, summarize the day that is ending, and see in what ways it has been constructive or otherwise. In your soul and mind, weigh up what you have thought, said, and done throughout the day. From this draw useful lessons for your spiritual evolution and make firm resolutions. When this is done, send positive thoughts to the whole of humanity and entrust your soul to the Divine before going to sleep.
Old 12-21-2020, 08:05 PM
douglas1999 douglas1999 is offline

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Originally Posted by vegam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Grocery stores are hiring? Whew. Man I'm so glad those 10 dollar an hour jobs are going to help out a bunch of Americans paying $1300 a month in rent. I guess they can eat cat food they bought at the dollar tree. Otherwise, I don't see those numbers working. Do you live with your parents or something? You have any idea how expensive life is outside of your bubble? Your brain is a potato.
Living with your parents makes eminently more sense under our current circumstances than being destitute and barely-not homeless.
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