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Old 04-12-2013, 11:55 PM
Glitch Glitch is offline

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hahaha no, there was a further pokemon IB story. let me see if I can find it.
Old 04-13-2013, 12:08 AM
Glitch Glitch is offline

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A Wonderful Adventure is About to Unfold
Chapter 1:

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Today, I was asked by Professor Oak to travel the Kanto region in an effort to find and document every single pokemon in the country. He also decided to send his grandson; my close friend and rival---- what was his name again?
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I would need a powerful friend to protect me on my long journey, so Professor Oak gifted me the tank type, OLYMPIA. In a fit of jealous rage, KINSAWT attacked, but he was no match for OLYMPIA's brute force.
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After thoroughly shaming KINSAWT, I ventured forth into the wild, where my quest would truly begin.
I encountered my first friend immediately outside of my hometown; a wounded pidgeon shaking in the tall grass. As I moved in to help him, he softly spoke, "Glitch... use the Hank Hill ASCII...!"
With all my might, I cried out, "
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……,-. . . . . ~-„_: : : : : : : : : : : : :,--„!!!!" and he instantly recovered.

I offered him a Pokeball as his new home and said, "I will name you NIRRON the Pidgey. Fight cleanly and efficiently throughout our journey".

OLYMPIA, NIRRON and I ventured forth into Veridian forest, where we met a hotheaded caterpie named DEANO who eagerly joined our party. Unfortunately he was not yet prepared to face the dangerous metapods and kakunas in our way, but with the help of OLYMPIA and NIRRON, we persevered.

Arriving in Pewter city, I decided that my friends were more than worthy of challenging the gym and claiming the Boulderbadge. DEANO rushed into the fight carelessly, and was nearly defeated by Brock's geodude, but OLYMPIA stepped in and wiped the floor with it. With a single pulse of his watergun, he critically wounded Brock's Onix, and our team left the gym with our prize.
The injuries that DEANO sustained in the battle gave him the strength to evolve into a powerful Metapod.

After recruiting a few more friends to help us out, we move towards our greatest challenge yet: Mount Moon.

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Stay tuned in for more.


Chapter 2: Mount Moon: Joy, Tragedy, and Zubats

As our team braved the darkness of the cave in mount moon, we quickly realized that we were in way over our heads. Zubats to the left, Zubats to the right, and pokemon trainers everywhere. OLYMPIA, NIRRON, and the newly evolved butterfree, DEANO battled fiercely while training our new recruits: the mankey, PERUN, and HATEME the jigglypuff. We met our next ally on the first floor; a curious little paras named ZILO.

After countless battles, I realized that we were not even halfway through the cave. I had to make a call, and fearing the health and safety of my team, I ordered a full evacuation from Mt. Moon using our only escape rope. After resting and regrouping at the Pokemon center, my team was ready to make it through the cave.

OLYMPIA lead the charge, smashing through the evil team rocket with his mighty water gun. His bravery in combat caused something special to happen.
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It happened! My very first pokemon friend OLYMPIA evolved into a wartortle! My team was now more than ready to face any challenge ahead of them.

When we reached the bottom of the cave, we encountered Super Nerd Miguel jealously hoarding pokemon fossils. I demanded that he let us take one, but he refused. Defending my honour, OLYMPIA stepped in and met his pokemon with his brutal attacks. Effortlessly, he dispatched Miguel's Grimer, Voltorb, and Koffing. Unphased by the nerd's tears, we walked off with his Dome fossil, and left the cave.

On route 4, I noticed that OLYMPIA was stumbling slightly. I asked him if he was alright, but he said, "I'm cool, bro". On some level, I feel that he knew that I knew that he had been badly poisoned during his fight with Koffing. On some level, I feel he knew that we were out of antidotes, and I think he knew that we were too far from the pokemon center to save him.

It occurred to me that this journey that started out so full of hope would now take a dark turn. My bright eyed optimism and innocence turned to tears when my very first friend who's been with me from the start passed away unceremoniously on Route 4.

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Was it my fault? Can my other friends still trust me after I allowed this to happen? OLYMPIA gave his life for the team. No, he gave his life for me. After paying our respects and giving a moment of silence, we reflect on our journey into Mount Moon as boys as we walked into Cerulean City as men.

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Stay tuned for chapter 3


Chapter 3: Rebirth

At the doors to the Cerulean city gym, I got a sense that my pokefriends knew that without OLYMPIA, they woudn't be able to claim Misty's badge (Let's be honest, who was going to tank the fight? Zilo?). We needed to train before taking them on. Unfortunately the way back to Mt. Moon was blocked (not that we could stand to go back there) and the surrounding creatures were too weak to train against. The only way to move was forward.

Unfortunately, a dangerous threat was in my path: My old pal Kinsawt.
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Cocky as ever, and completely unaware of my recent tragedy, he called me out to face his team.
"Fuck off, bro. I'm not in the mood", I said.
As I turned to leave, NIRRON stopped me.
"You can't leave now! OLYMPIA would never have backed down. He would have wanted us to crush this douchebag", he pleaded. "Now it's my time to fight. PREPARE FOR MY CLEAN BURNING AND EFFICIENT ASSAULT KINSAWT!"

The fight began. Level 15 pidgey, NIRRON VS. .................. KINSAWT's Level 17 Pidgeotto. Empowered by the memory of his dear friend OLYMPIA, NIRRON managed to defeat his physically superior rival, ending him with a Quick Attack. With his remaining propane fueled rage, he dispatched KINSAWT's rattata, abra, and one-hit killed his bulbasaur with a gust attack.
The result of the battle?
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With that, I promoted NIRRON to the new assistant manager of my team. My newly inspired friends and I now realized that our journey was no longer about documenting every pokemon in the region. Our goal was to avenge OLYMPIA by becoming the strongest fighters in the world, and to do that we'd need to defeat the elite 4.

Empowered with confidence, we defeated every trainer on nugget bridge, recruiting a quirky little belsprout named ARTEMYS who felt like coming along for no reason, visited local pokemon expert Bill, and decided that it was time to take on Misty's Gym.

As it turns out, our lack of faith in ZILO was misplaced, as he completely obliterated the trainers in misty's gym with his mighty bullet seed. Misty herself cowered in fear as he shamed her famous Staryu with a 4 shot bullet seed combo. When Starmie came out, ZILO knew he couldn't hog all of the glory for himself, so he crippled it with a stun spore and opened up the kill for our new friend ARTEMYS.

It seemed things were looking up for our team, but PERUN did not share our newfound confidence. He was still shaken by the loss of OLYMPIA and decided he needed some time to train by himself. I left him in the care of the Day Care center, and recruited a quick replacement: the level 10 meowth, SZETH.

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What awaits us in the next chapter? stay tuned to find out!

Old 04-13-2013, 12:09 AM
Glitch Glitch is offline

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Chapter 4: Shocking Revelations

We have arrived in Vermillion City. Things seemed calm now. There was a buzz around town that Lt. Surge of the Thunder Gym knew we were coming, so he barricaded the doors with a tree. To get past, we would need the help of the cut master aboard the S.S Anne. But first, we needed some training.

First, we needed some extra firepower. Enter the brownest pokemon in all of Kanto: HINDU the diglett [Author's note: Diggle would have made a funnier diglett, but it's just SO brown!]

The whole team was training hard east of Vermillion until something unexpected happened.
"We're traniing! We're training!" sang ARTEMYS, as he vinewipped through the various spearows and rattata's in the field.
"I'm unstoppable! I will be the highest DPS in all the-----FFFFFFFF".
At that moment, a stray raticate critically hit him with a super fang and instantly destroyed him
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Still breathing, he looked at the rest of us and said, "GLITCH....... Everyone.... I never knew.... OLYMPIA... but I now understand why he gave his life for the team. I can see him now... He's still with you, and I will be too................."
With that, he closed his belsprout eyes and faded away.

"Men! The death of ARTEMYS will not slow us down. OLYMPIA and ARTY are still fighting along with us. The only way to honour their sacrifice is to defeat the elite 4. Let's take out that washed up military scum, Surge and get out of this hell hole"

First, a stop aboard the SS Anne. DEANO was prone to seasickness, so he decided to sit this one out. Instead, our new drowsee, DIGGLE came along. As we moved to barge into the cut master's room and take what was ours, we were stopped by biggest jerk in all the land:
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Predictable as always, he send out his Pidgeotto, which HATEME dispatched with a rollout attack. Our old nemesis, raticate came in and nearly defeated her, so ZILO stepped in to finish it off with a seed bomb. KINSAWT's newest threat, Kadabra entered the arena to threaten ZILO with a psychic attack, but its psychic powers could not anticipate a switch-in to SZETH who took him out with a quick bite attack.

The team was beginning to understand the true meaning of teamwork. We claimed HM-01 CUT from the cut master and stormed Lt. Surge's fortress. HINDU stepped up and said, "Leave this whole gym to me!!"
Immune to electricity and stocked with ground attacks, he defeated every trainer and Lt. Surge by himself. Claiming the thunderbadge as his own, HINDU decided that we would sell it and farm another one, but there was no time. We had to move on to the next gym.

What lies ahead of us on our journey? Will HINDU sell his lootz? Find out next chapter!


Chapter 5: With great power.....

After defeating Lt. Surge. The next destination was the Rock Tunnel. As we approached the cave, we were all reminded of the first tragedy of our journey: Mt. Moon. This might have looked similar if it wasn't pitch black inside. There was no way that we were going to make it through this dark cave. Just then, something unique happened. A ghostly apparition resembling a belsprout appeared before us and said, "GLITCH... you must make it though... it will all become clear in Lavender town". The belsprout then burst into a flash of light which illuminated the entire cave. Was this the spirit of ARTEMYS helping us? Either way, it was time to move forward.

DIGGLE and ZILO took care of most of the fighting and poison types in the cave. Their bravery was rewarded.
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We also met a brutish Onix named HOKUSHIN, and brought it along because we felt sorry for it.

Lavender town is the home of the Pokemon Tower. A place where restless pokemon spirits stay
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Could this be what ARTEMYS was trying to show us? Could we pay our respects to him and OLYMPIA here? We walked in to find out, only to be met by THE BIGGEST, ARROGANT, INSENSITIVE JERK I'VE EVER SEEN.
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GOD what a dick! I refused to let him harsh on my dead friends, so I sent NIRRON, HATEME, and ZILO after him.
His new friend gyarados nearly kill all three of them, but they managed to persevere. SZETH sent KINSAWT's ivysaur packing, and big KINS left the tower with his tail between his legs.

As it turns out, the pokemon tower is haunted by dangerous ghosts, and the only way to get past them is to use the Sylph Scope, which has been commandeered by Team Rocket in Celadon City. My team was ready to beat them down, gain a new gym badge, and get in some gambling and shopping all over Celadon.

Lavender and Celadon are connected via a long underground tunnel. On the other side, we met a cute little 14 year old vulpix named SWARWS, and walked into the city. Celadon had become overridden with organized crime, so we knew team rocket had to be close. Before storming their base, I picked up a new friend from the Gamefreak building, a level 25 jolteon named RUSL. I also decided that HATEME needed a makeover!
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And so, we stormed the base. You'd figure that mobsters would shoot you for invading their base, but instead, they just threw rats and birds at us. No problem for my seasoned team, though! At the end of the sub-sub-sub-sub basement, we met their leader, Giovanni. DEANO rushed into the fight and decimated his Onix and Rhyhorn. Giovanni became fierce and sent out his trump card, Kangaskhan.
DEANO got to work stunning and confusing his foe as usual. Kangaskhan, in a last ditch effort to defend Giovanni's honour, broke through the strategy with a critical Mega Punch.
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As DEANO's floated to the ground on broken wings, he managed to utter, "Aveengggeee me......!"

Our new friend SWARWS, who barely even knew DEANO exploded into a violent rage and took out kangaskhan with a flamethrower attack. Giovanni managed to escape in the confusion and we walked out with our Silph Scope.

To reward SWARWS for his bravery, I gave him a fire stone
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"Thank you, GLITCH. Let me repay you", he said as he bolted away. We tried to catch him but couldn't keep up. Eventually we saw smoke in the distance and it became clear that SWARWS went into Erika's grass-type gym alone and defeated every single trainer, including Erika and then set the gym on fire. He brought me the Rainbowbadge and said, "let's get the hell out of here".

Now, with a third friend to lay to rest at the Pokemon Tower, we backtracked with our Silph Scope in hand...


CHAPTER 5: The End

Well, half of my team left to the PokeMac Server, and now I don't have enough pokemon to defeat the next gym. I guess it's time to sell all of my potions, ultra balls and zincs to Team Rocket and go home to Pallet Town.


That was actually the ending and I never updated it again and everyone was mad
Old 04-13-2013, 12:13 AM
Lron Lron is offline

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