Top solo classes can charm. Shaman is an exception but basically does what the rest of the classes do…mitigates, heals, and dps better than the target.
Without clickies and insane gear, knights are stronger than monks, bards, warrior, and rangers. If not the aforementioned charming top-4 (ench, sham, nec, druid), and given a BiS toon to do stunt kills with my pick would be a SK. You can bypass and reset if no sapper proc much easier. Drain Soul heals like. 2-2.5x faster than Celestial Cleansing. If you have all the mana in the world and aren’t burning soulfire clicks it’s a better kit for certain stuff.
Plus either a SK or Pally has a solid spell block, melee stats, and can channel a Midnight Mallet click or two.