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Old 11-13-2024, 05:58 PM
Ciderpress Ciderpress is offline

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Originally Posted by Jimjam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Scammers never scam once. It ain’t about just 50pp.

I’ve scammed millions because people thought their individual victimhood was unimportant.
I scammed people soooo much in early ultima online, back when it was the wild west of selling in game shit on ebay. It technically wasn't against any rules, the GM's considered it a part of the social aspect of the game. Looking back I do feel bad about it, but I was 13 and I sold my account for a cool grand, which I used to buy a guitar lol.

Oh that big two story house in a prime location? Yeah, I own that house. I'll sell it to you for 800k gold, but you only have to pay 400k up front, then the rest after the transfer, just so you know I'm legit!

*gets 400k, logs off*
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Old 11-13-2024, 11:05 PM
PDX0621 PDX0621 is offline
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Don't know if it's a scam per-say but 13 year old me and my buddy back before Kunark made Barbarians and took them to Kaladim. We posted up in the doorway to the bank and charged people "entrance and exit fee's" while blocking the door. Thought we were geniuses until the lead GM dropped in about 45 min later and threatened to ban us if we didn't leave. Oh what a time to be alive.
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Old 11-14-2024, 01:49 PM
cd288 cd288 is offline
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Originally Posted by WarpathEQ [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Yeah I didn't mean to imply that there were no punishments at all more that it was like a 1:100 ratio on live versus a 1:1 ratio here. It was very clear that the staff were outmanned and that you could get away with a lot. I did eat a 1 week ban after making ~$350k on the fungi scam (including my loss from being scammed up front that taught me the tactic). That's where the immediate camp out in the strategy came up, the only time I got confronted by CSR was when I didn't camp out and remained in game. When they were already under-resourced the chances of you getting in trouble if you weren't online when they reviewed the petition was extremely minimal.
Well big scams via trade would usually eventually get handled. It just took longer than it does on P99. It wasn't like we'd go "oh the offender isn't online when the petition came up, that's that!" the petition would remain opened and flagged and the logs would eventually get checked.
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