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Old 09-01-2022, 02:06 PM
Visceryn Visceryn is offline
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Default Best Of The Best: Clerics

We're happy to announce the next series of the Best of the Best featuring Cleric!

This series pits players of a given class against each other in an intense 1v1 PvP Tournament and is open to players who have reached level 54 or higher.

This event will be focused on the Cleric class. They are scheduled to begin on 10/1 at 1PM EST in the Lake Rathe Arena.

Registration is now open and will be available through October 1st at 11:59am EST. Competitors must be checked-in by 12:45pm on the day of the event.

Please review the rules for the event below. If you think you have what it takes, please visit the below link(s) to register!

Huge shoutout to the P99 Green Event Committee, comprised of players from across the community. This literally would not be possible if not for you guys, thank you so much.

All classes will be given an opportunity to compete. Please keep an eye on the P99 Green sub-forum for more details on when your class will be called to compete!

Event Rules

Single Elimination 1 vs. 1 competition for all rounds but final round.
Final round will be 2 out of 3 matches.
Date: October 1st, 2022, 1pm EST

Spectator and General Rulings

Event Staff are considered judges and therefore restricted from being attacked. CSR will take the roll of judges. In the case that there is no CSR that can judge a secondary match then a member of the event staff will step in. Anyone found attacking a GM or Guide may be banished from the Arena without warning.

The Arena is off limits to unauthorized PvP 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the event. This is to ensure that the contestants and spectators are safe.

Spectators shall remain seated and not casting during the match. Any spell casting shall be considered aimed at a participant, and either harmful or helpful to someone in the match.

Anyone who casts any spells (including Bard songs) during a match can be removed from the Arena.

Spectators shall not use /shout for any reason, but use /ooc instead. This is so that those involved in the match can use /shout, and the /ooc channel can be turned off to reduce distraction to the contestants involved. Use of /shout at anytime can lead to banishment from the Arena.

Spectators shall not interfere with this event. Severe penalties are used only when directly attacking a player involved in the match, attacking a judge during the match, or healing a player involved in a match.

Event Staff may limit the amount of people in the zone to control conditions of lag or frame rate for the participants. The event shall start open seating, but may close off at any time. The Event Staff may use any sort of decision on who stays and who leaves to ensure the event is a success. This should not need to be implemented until a minimum of 150 players in the zone has been reached.

AoE Spells ARE allowed in game. This has the potential of killing off some of the younger spectators. If you are killed by one of these spells, please wait for a GM or Guide to give you a summons into the Arena.

General Combatant Rules

The top of the throne, in the throne, or behind the throne is off limits to the combatants during the matches. The four firepots are also off limits to the combatants. Use of these areas in match combat will lead to contestants being disqualified.

Starting positions are allowed anywhere that is legal (meaning not on the throne or in firepots) that is on your half of the tiles.

All participants will be debuffed before the match.

Weapons with the following spell effects attached to them will not be allowed in Best of the Best Series; Knockback, Fear, Invisibility, and Shrink.

The use of "Right Click" items is not permitted, unless specifically stated otherwise in the Class Specific Rules.

The following spell types may not be used in any of the Best of the Best Series:
  • Any form of Fear or Charm unless directed at a pet
  • Gravity Flux or Invert Gravity
  • Any type of gate or translocation spell (Example shadow step)
  • Any form of blindness
The following item types will not be allowed in the Best of the Best Series:
  • Any type of Artifact items (example Butcher Block Hammer)
  • Any type of regeneration effect items. (Example Fungi Tunic, Vindi BP, Items with Aura of Battle, ECT)
  • Amulet of Necropotence
  • Trochilic’s Skean

The Event Staff, due to the amount of contestants, may decide to split the combat area in half. The arena in this case will be divided making two battle areas for 2 matches to be performed at one time.

In the event that the combat exceeds 10 minutes of real time, then the Event Staff may snare or DoT the contestants.

The owner of the account must play the character; No "Ringers" will be allowed. If you are not the owner of the character, you can’t play the character in Best of the Best. If caught, you will be automatically disqualified, prizes will be forfeit, and banned from future Best of the Best events.

Any use of exploits or bugs will result in immediate disqualification from the event, and is a break in the rules of conduct as set forth on

Class Specific Rules - Cleric

The objective of each cleric is to kill the opposing cleric or the opposing cleric’s gladiator. The contestants may engage the opposing gladiator with spells but not melee. They may engage the opposing cleric with spells or melee anytime after the fight command is issued during the event after the 30 second buffing period.

Each cleric will have an equally equipped and statistically setup gladiator played by a representative of the Event Staff. The gladiator will not move, unless due to spells cast on them, or if combat forces the character backwards and out of combat range. If the gladiator has moved out of combat range, they will immediately move forward and return to combat range.

Immediately before the buffing session, the gladiators will stand in the center of the combat area, they will use auto attack and target the opposing gladiator at the start of the fight and continue to do so until dispatched by the opposing gladiator or cleric. The cleric may buff themselves or their gladiator, as well as heal their gladiator as needed.

The gladiators will be level 45 ogre warriors equipped in fine steel plate, armed with Electrum Bladed Wakizashi. They will not communicate with the players.

Both clerics, once debuffed and resummoned shall be asked if they are ready for the match to start. Once the match starts, a timer will start of 30 seconds that the clerics are allowed to cast on themselves and their gladiators. During this time any non-offensive spells will be allowed.

The judge of the match will count down on every 5-second interval until the time is up. At that time, the match and offensive spell casting may begin. Mana used for buffs will not be restored. The match starts at the 30-second mark regardless if the cleric is ready for the next stage.

An explosion and a verbal statement will start the 30-second period, and also the start of the match. A single “Fault” will be allowed (Casting before the explosion), and an event warning (not an official warning) will be given to the offender. A second “Fault” per match is disqualification.

All armors and weapons available to the cleric class will be allowed in this event, unless it has an effect stated in General Combat rules as unusable or is specifically forbidden.

Epic weapons are allowed, but cannot be clicked.

You may not engage a hammer pet on the opposing gladiator. You can’t use Death Pact or Divine Intervention on the opposing gladiator.
Last edited by Visceryn; 09-01-2022 at 02:56 PM..
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Old 09-02-2022, 03:27 AM
Ratchet51 Ratchet51 is offline
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May Tunare watch over us all.
Ratchet 60 High Elf Paladin <Definitely Not AM>because f**k you, that's why. (Retired)
[Name Redacted] 60 High Elf Cleric <[Guild Redacted]> of the Green server. (Active)
P99 Green Test of Tactics Champion 2022
Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
You are #1 most toxic.
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Old 09-28-2022, 04:02 PM
PabloEdvardo PabloEdvardo is offline

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Will the Gladiators be grouped with their respective cleric?

e.g. so they can cast Group Buffs or Group Heals on them?
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Old 09-29-2022, 11:12 AM
Visceryn Visceryn is offline
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Correct they will be grouped.
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Old 10-01-2022, 12:57 PM
Visceryn Visceryn is offline
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Old 10-01-2022, 06:20 PM
Korsk Korsk is offline

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Thanks to everyone who set that up and grats to all the winners. That was awesome
Papier - Tenning - Bully - Tanners - Krista - Oldbay - Hotnoodles
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Old 10-07-2022, 04:25 PM
Zuranthium Zuranthium is offline
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Why aren't the Clerics allowed to melee the opposing Gladiator?

It sounds like clicking Midnight Mallets is allowed, which is problematic. Depending on the magic resists of these Gladiators, the fight could just revolve around who wins their resist rolls. Even if the Gladiators have very low magic resist and thus the Slow would land consistently for each Cleric, it's lame to allow those kinds of clickies.
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Old 11-05-2022, 11:30 PM
Jibartik Jibartik is offline
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This is fantastic but i would love to see 2 clerics just going at it like a stamina fight whos got the real ability to out last the other.
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Old 11-06-2022, 11:56 AM
Chortles Snortles Chortles Snortles is offline

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snooze fest
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