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Old 01-29-2023, 06:09 PM
WokeCat WokeCat is offline

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Originally Posted by Solist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If you want to discuss what makes something good or not it would be helpful to say at which thing you want them to be good at.

My ntov geared 60 ranger can keep every warlord ph down in sequence, it's an easy plat farm.

A level 55 monk in EC gear can tank better on just about any mob there. No contest.
i still dont know how classic this is

i was a monk main back in the day, and remember having people message me in plane raids to be like holy shit, i didnt realize monks could punch this hard (i was the first high level monk they had ever seen)

anyways, i never felt like a tank and considered rangers to be tanks when compared to me

monks being tank on p99 im pretty sure is like enchanters charm being insanely broken on p99

its not classic imho

theres a reason enchanters on tlp / live still build int over charm

the charm system on p99 not even the same as it was on live

and im pretty sure monk out tanking warriors is like, super not classic
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Old 01-29-2023, 06:10 PM
WokeCat WokeCat is offline

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Originally Posted by Encroaching Death [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The Harsh Truth: a lot of classes don't have a crucial role for Raiding outside of 1 or 2 abilities.
thats how wow classic is too (vanilla wow, no one really cared what class or spec you were, no one was min maxing)

but when i played wow classic it was like if you want to tank you can only play warrior

if you want to heal you can only play priest

if you want to join our raid group, you have to be a mage

we dont have room for any other dps right now, were just stacking mages


games were so much better before they were considered an e-sport / competitive
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Old 01-29-2023, 06:21 PM
Encroaching Death Encroaching Death is offline

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Originally Posted by WokeCat [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
thats how wow classic is too (vanilla wow, no one really cared what class or spec you were, no one was min maxing)

but when i played wow classic it was like if you want to tank you can only play warrior

if you want to heal you can only play priest

if you want to join our raid group, you have to be a mage

we dont have room for any other dps right now, were just stacking mages


games were so much better before they were considered an e-sport / competitive
I love my Necro, but raiding with him is so boring. I sit around doing nothing for an hour, then if we get into a big fight, all Necros will Twitch the Clerics.

I can't even damage shit. Everything resists my spells.

It's like leveling a Rogue to 60 and then finding out everything in Raids is immune to your melee attacks.

Like WTF?
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Old 01-29-2023, 06:26 PM
WokeCat WokeCat is offline

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except rogue is useless outside of a raid and really hard to level / cant even farm stuff lol

rogues were actually hella bad in classic too, they got buffed several times because of this, does anyone remember this? Like they didnt used to even have good dual wield, or any way of dropping aggro, there was no decent weapons (they had to re-work burning rapier because the original version was like a 6/25 or something)

my only level 60 in classic was a rogue though and even though it felt really shitty to die to a hill giant i accidentally aggro'd and having to be terrified of every green mob in the game, i could literally ks entire groups

i was basically a kid so i was super immature and would just ks groups until they would invite me

i remember doing that woushi dragon or whatever in wakening lands with a pug and then accidentally disbanding from my group on purpose to ninja loot it, and i remember taking the crescent blades of luclin and pretending like they didnt drop and letting everyone roll on everything else lmao

i promise im not like this in 2023, i really dont even care about loot

people change a lot over t he course of 25 years
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Old 01-29-2023, 06:28 PM
Encroaching Death Encroaching Death is offline

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Rogues are godly in groups though.

But yeah, not being able to solo greens at 60 is laughable. Shit sucks.
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Old 01-29-2023, 06:30 PM
WokeCat WokeCat is offline

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they are over the top ngl, i love when im in karnors and i have 3 rogues in my group with epics + some other insane weapon they got with dkp lmao

but i think being a rogue for so long 20+ years ago has molded me into a cowardly player at times because i would literally die running through dreadlands after aggro'ing one of those spider hybrid chicks (they root + damage shield rekt me)

i look back now and im like man if i had just played any caster i prob would have seen the game a lot different because you can basically solo anything and just breeze through zones like its nbd
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Old 01-29-2023, 06:33 PM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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Originally Posted by Encroaching Death [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Rangers can be a great addition to a group if the player puts in 100% effort.

They're better pullers than Monks in outdoor zones.

They can CC or snag aggro in a pinch.

Their DPS is fine.

They can buff melee classes.

They're like Necros in groups. If they're played to their full potential, they can be impressive. But if not, they just kind of an afterthought that no one really seeks out.
Necro / Ranger duo ... 55+ and geared especially!

Gorgen (Blue) - Agnostic Troll Warrior of the XXXI Dung

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Old 01-29-2023, 06:36 PM
Encroaching Death Encroaching Death is offline

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Originally Posted by WokeCat [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
they are over the top ngl, i love when im in karnors and i have 3 rogues in my group with epics + some other insane weapon they got with dkp lmao

but i think being a rogue for so long 20+ years ago has molded me into a cowardly player at times because i would literally die running through dreadlands after aggro'ing one of those spider hybrid chicks (they root + damage shield rekt me)

i look back now and im like man if i had just played any caster i prob would have seen the game a lot different because you can basically solo anything and just breeze through zones like its nbd
This is true, I was the same way.

My first 60 char was also a Rogue and even though we get Sneak/Hide, playing one makes you overly cautious.

It wasn't until I played my Necro when I loosened up and felt more comfortable exploring, etc.

And when you get comfortable like that, you end up taking risks and learning how aggro works in the game.

Then you can go back and play your Rogue with that knowledge.
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Old 01-29-2023, 10:24 PM
Arvan Arvan is offline
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Originally Posted by Encroaching Death [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The Harsh Truth: a lot of classes don't have a crucial role for Raiding outside of 1 or 2 abilities.
You forgot about eating DTs!
Hey CSR When Will PNP Rule 14 Be Enforced?
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Old 01-29-2023, 10:35 PM
Eyry Eyry is offline

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Flame lick aggro was nerfd I think, which really screws up ranger utility imo
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