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Old 01-06-2025, 04:14 PM
one_chill_cat one_chill_cat is offline
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Default Taunt - cap on hate per click?

My understanding of Taunt according to wiki & posts: Click for a chance to be put at the top of the hate list +1. The higher your skill, the better chance it has to work.

My question: Has anyone else noticed that it works noticeably less when someone has built a fair amount of aggro/hate first?
It seems I get nearly 100% success early in a fight. If I am coming to a fight late, and someone else has already built up a fair amount of hate it seems nearly impossible to rip aggro w/ taunt. I can click it over and over w/ no result, or ripping aggro just as the fight ends.

I cant help but wonder if it has limitations on how much hate can be generated per click, or if it functions differently than we all understand. Has anyone else noticed this?
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Old 01-06-2025, 05:07 PM
Duik Duik is offline
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Being put at the top of agro +1 is great but if the person who you now beat by 1 does 200 worth (frigsample) of agro and you do only 100 you merely ping it for a tic then its back to pong. Is this what you mean?

I dont think it ever had a cap. .
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Old 01-06-2025, 09:09 PM
one_chill_cat one_chill_cat is offline
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No, more like I don't even get the ping. Its usually pretty obvious when I rip aggro only to lose it right away.

I'm referencing when someone (not the tank) has managed to build up aggro on a mob before I join the fight. I will spam taunt (as often as it refreshes) but I don't seem to ever rip aggro(successful taunt), or it takes until the end of the fight. If a fight has just started Taunt seems to work very well, in comparison.

Just some observations I was curious about. Generally if taunt isn't followed up w/ an aggro spell of some sort then the mob is likely going to ping pong right back to whoever is doing the most DPS. I'm familiar w/ that situation, but this is more related to taunting a mob that already has a lot of hate built up.

Also.. I could be seeing patterns where its just as likely bad RNG..

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Old 01-06-2025, 11:12 PM
Naethyn Naethyn is offline
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Stand close and kick after taunt.
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Old 01-08-2025, 03:25 PM
Samoht Samoht is offline
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I steal aggro all the time on purpose just to troll the raids I'm on.

If trash is a blue or green con, I'm going to taunt at the last second to try to turn a target that's enraged. I see lots of success, especially when using a 2 hander, because my aggro jumps to the top and then a big ol triple attack of almost 300 hate each seals the effect.

I also use the taunt+kick strategy when dealing with multiple trash mobs, like faction pulls, and it works there, too.

So I do not believe this is an issue.
Originally Posted by Alarti0001 View Post
Also its pretty hard not to post after you.. not because you have a stimulating(sic), but because you are constantly patrolling RnF and filling it with your spam.
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Old 01-10-2025, 12:32 PM
one_chill_cat one_chill_cat is offline
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Appreciate the replies fellow tanks. Sounds like its mostly bad RNG throwing me off (and possibly mobs closer to my level having an effect). I'll make sure to throw in a slam/kick when taunting. Its a priceless ability when it works.
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Old 01-10-2025, 12:55 PM
Jimjam Jimjam is online now
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Originally Posted by Naethyn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Stand close and kick after taunt.
If you really wanna try hard, momentarily disengage autoattack, hit taunt after the aggro leader has done a big round of attacks, hit taunt then reengage your autoattack and kick to get as much a boost off the taunt as possible.
Last edited by Jimjam; 01-10-2025 at 01:06 PM..
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Old 01-10-2025, 02:23 PM
Snaggles Snaggles is offline
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I expect it’s like Duik said, the next hit is getting them back to where they were before you taunted. Closing that aggro gap isnt always possible (or at least quick). It’s tough sometimes with a knight or ranger.

Just remember it’s a parachute you hope will open. It can help save a caster which is ideal since they can think about casting again. If it’s a dps class they should manage that better or make sure the healer is comfortable letting them tank instead.

If it’s a constant ping-pong from the start, that is the dps’ issue and if it becomes a group inefficiency is simply inconsiderate. Not enough shame is dealt to these people. At least on raids they take a quick dirt nap and get to think it over.
Last edited by Snaggles; 01-10-2025 at 02:26 PM..
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Old 01-10-2025, 08:27 PM
Duik Duik is offline
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I think in the interests of true classic we should all throttle our internet speeds to 56k.
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Old 01-17-2025, 11:30 AM
Goregasmic Goregasmic is online now

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Depends on the group makeout and timing but if the mob is already dotted or someone lands a nuke or a big blow after you taunt and you still have 3,5sec to go before your next 2hander swing you're SOL. Like other people said, work your timing better so you can "burst" right after taunt or if you're hybrid some high aggro spells can help. Also, make the most of proximity aggro and positionning.
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