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Old 12-08-2021, 06:59 PM
dartcron dartcron is offline

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Default create new guild on Red? <Twisted Fate>

I'm looking for 9 other players to make a new guild on red, Sanctuary has been pretty dead lately and has seemingly been grieved off the server. I haven't been able to get a hold of the guild leader or officers, if possible I want to tag my alts in Sanctuary as officers.

Regardless, my idea for a new guild name is Twisted Fate and the premise for the time being would be a leveling guild for lower level characters on project 1999 server. Since we play on the pvp server I would need you to get on discord to somewhat verify who you are. You can always install and talk on discord with your phone if you dont have a mic.

you can add me on discord here:
Old 12-10-2021, 02:41 PM
Hilary Hilary is offline
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Did this go anywhere? Is there even population at all on Red?

I would love to jump back in to Red, but I hear it is literally empty.
Old 12-10-2021, 08:55 PM
Valik1016 Valik1016 is offline

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Why do you need someone to be in discord? Having the classic experience would suggest there not be discord. Why does pvp lend itself more strongly to using discord? I was close to helping you make the new guild until I read that bit.
Old 12-11-2021, 04:34 PM
dartcron dartcron is offline

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Originally Posted by Hilary [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Is there even population at all on Red?

I would love to jump back in to Red, but I hear it is literally empty.
there being a minimal amount of players is actually a good thing. It means that you are more important as a part of the community and as a player. Your progression as a player is more important to the progression of the server.

if you are 1 player on a 300 player server, you are 0.33% of that server. Most of the players will have the end game gear and you can get carried through content but good luck trying to acquire gear though.

if you are 1 player on a 100 player server, you are 1% of that server, and its over 3 times easier to acquire gear if you reach end game it is just really difficult to level unless you have a friend.

It is fun and immersive to be challenged and try to get level 60 on Project 1999 red. Your characters progression as a player is also more important to the guilds on red then it would be on blue or green. We get a lot done with the amount of players we have.

It is also Immersive because other players can contest spawns by killing you directly and you have to be careful with what information you tell other players because they can kill and grief you. Everquest is a game of survival and the gameplay is more engaging on red. All of your skills will be sharpened if you play here.

Originally Posted by Hilary [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Did this go anywhere?
I technically have 4/10 player characters including myself trying to make this guild happen. essentially the plan will be once I get the guild started I can help power level players in the guild to get it jump started.

there was 3 guilds on project 1999 red server:
1.] <Perdition> the leading raiding guild that most players stack into

2.] <Salt> the guild which their name seems to imply the toxicity and negativity. They claim to be the leading leveling guild but it seems like they are trying to progress into larger content.

3.] <Warlords of Zek> they were the PVP players that seemingly migrated from Rise of Zek server and, they have gone missing over the last 2 weeks. I don't know if they will be back but, it seems like they are gone.

my old previous guild <Sanctuary> still exists but is a ghost town, and the players that are in Sanctuary have been grieved by members in Salt.

With Warlords of Zek gone, Salt has progressed and become a larger part of the server. Although Perdition and Salt are allied and they conduct raids together.

What I stand for as a player is make Norrath a better place for everyone. Avoid the drama and the toxicity as much as I can and have a group of friends that want to level and do things casually in the game. I would like to call myself an Anti- Play killer
in which I come to aid to help those and I send grievers back to the bind point where they belong.

Originally Posted by Valik1016 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Why do you need someone to be in discord? Having the classic experience would suggest there not be discord. Why does pvp lend itself more strongly to using discord? I was close to helping you make the new guild until I read that bit.
Because I need to be careful and I need to interview you the best I can.
Because I am standing for Anti-Grievers and if you are a grievers and you join our guild, you can be destructive to our guild by grieving with our tag which would call a lot of attention to other players. Especially as the premature state the guild will be in once it is created I need to be careful in that it does continue to grow.

so, I am going to make a list of everyone who joins the guild regardless. The server needs another guild and I need help to make it happen.
Old 12-12-2021, 06:39 AM
fuckshit22 fuckshit22 is offline
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Originally Posted by dartcron [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I would like to call myself an Anti- Play killer
It was cool until you said that.

You only gave 1 out of 3 guilds listed a pvp description, the other 2 are mostly warm body pve guilds that raid mostly uncontested, and you have a problem with player killing? Are you trying to rally a guild to get revenge on people that pk'd you? Good luck, maybe youre on the wrong server man. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Last edited by fuckshit22; 12-12-2021 at 06:41 AM.. Reason: spellin
Old 12-13-2021, 12:12 AM
dartcron dartcron is offline

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FYI, we are going to try to create the guild on:
probably Tuesday or Wednesday around 6PM PST

Originally Posted by fuckshit22 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Originally Posted by dartcron
I would like to call myself an Anti- Play killer
It was cool until you said that.

You only gave 1 out of 3 guilds listed a pvp description, the other 2 are mostly warm body pve guilds that raid mostly uncontested,
I shouldn't have to say this buut, EverQuest is a roleplaying game. In that I'm playing pretend and that I can align myself to whomever I would like, and I may conduct business however I like as long as it follows the rules and guidelines that the administrators of Project 1999 provide.
That being said, I never said that I am against players being killed. I just want to make sure I support the right players, and that we do go after the players that break the rules and the players that grieve other players have earned my attention.

Your words seemingly come from inexperience. I am allowed to conduct reasonable business as I see fit as long as project 1999 administration is okay with me doing so.

stop trying so hard to be a troll and go find a life.

Originally Posted by fuckshit22 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
and you have a problem with player killing?
I do what I want but, if you have our guild tag then you represent all of us in the guild. I will be required to monitor the quality of players in our guild and I have high expectations from them when it comes to how they conduct themselves.
Last edited by dartcron; 12-13-2021 at 12:24 AM..
Old 12-23-2021, 04:36 PM
Old_PVP Old_PVP is offline

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Originally Posted by fuckshit22 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It was cool until you said that.

You only gave 1 out of 3 guilds listed a pvp description, the other 2 are mostly warm body pve guilds that raid mostly uncontested, and you have a problem with player killing? Are you trying to rally a guild to get revenge on people that pk'd you? Good luck, maybe youre on the wrong server man. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Not everyone is just another random cool d00d PK. Anti-PKs existed even on Rallos Zek and contributed greatly to the unique dynamic environment of that server. It is something that Red is sorely lacking.
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Old 12-11-2021, 05:26 PM
Imago Imago is offline
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Good luck. I will assist you if I can when I am available.
Originally Posted by Derubael View Post
You're just a british meatball.
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Old 12-11-2021, 09:11 PM
raski raski is offline

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As leader of <Salt> i approve this message,also note i will be punching tickets back to blue....see ya in norrath Zasper =)
Old 12-12-2021, 02:39 PM
Robersonroger38 Robersonroger38 is offline

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