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Old 05-29-2024, 04:31 PM
Blistig Blistig is offline
Server GM

Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 3,905
Default CSR Summer Camp - Temporary Raid Ruleset


All raid rules are suspended.

The Play Nice Policy reigns supreme:

Player agreements for Scout, Ring 8, Angry Goblin, etc. are still active.

Most raid targets are now considered camps.

The default camp for raid targets is "Sir Lucan style," or the updated Drusella Sathir camp rues: the first person(s) to kill a mob in the camp has initial camp rights. That person(s) then must continually keep the camp clear of mobs that spawn at or patrol through the camp in order to maintain their claim if another person(s) wishes to contest.


Ring War and Plane of Sky are completely exempt from this ruleset.

Dozekar: player(s) must kill one of the two pit wurms to claim the camp and keep both down to hold claim. Killing the patrolling mob is not required.


When will this start?
8/8/24 @ 11:59pm EST

How long will this last?
1-5 weeks depending on how many natural cycles and quakes we get.

I have a question about this, where do I ask it?
Reach out to your guild's officers and ask them. If they need to escalate, they can ping CSR in their server's UN Discord.

How do I handle a raid dispute?
Disputes will be handled as standard camp disputes. In-game /petitions are acceptable. If multiple guilds have the same question, pinging CSR in one of the server’s UN Discords is acceptable. For those of you who have not had the pleasure of being in a camp dispute, staff expects both parties to make a reasonable attempt to work out the problem. If the two parties are unable to do so, staff will find a solution based on server rules, their personal discretion, server-side logs, and attitude of either party. Often times, these solutions feel like a lose-lose situation to the parties involved, so we emphasize that players work it out. Please note that multiple in game petitions about the same issue does not affect the outcome nor does it mean staff will respond more quickly.

Why are we doing this?
We are exploring different ways to create a more fun, dynamic raid setting on P99. We have absolutely zero developer support in this goal so changing game mechanics is not an option, instead, our best course is adjusting the player and staff enforced raid rules to change how players raid.

What about draft week?
This ruleset will be put on hold from the start of draft week and end when all draft week targets are dead.

Can a guild hold more than one camp?
Yes. Please note that a guild wiping will forfeit their camp claim. We also expect a guild to engage a raid target within a reasonable amount of time (about 5 minutes, pending CSR discretion).

Who will be resolving these disputes?
Guides will be handling in-game petitions. Senior Guides and GM's will be answering UN Discord questions and resolving in-game petitions.
Last edited by Blistig; 08-08-2024 at 08:59 PM..
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