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Old 10-07-2024, 03:41 PM
Arkaan Arkaan is offline

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Default Dynamic server

Think of the various issues such as legacy items and see if this idea would solve them.

Dynamic Server:

1. Players can choose their starting era.
2. Players can also choose when to advance their era forward.
3. Each era is a separate population of players, items, available spells and content.
4. Players advance to the next era with all of their inventory items, gear, bank items, plat, skills, and faction standings.
5. Limit of 3 eras to minimize the population split. Pre-Kunark, Kunark, and Velious.
6. Historical progression events rolled into each era. E.g. Paineel, GoD, and Rubicite all available Pre-Kunark.
7. Item nerfs and drop removals do not occur in the same era, except Velious which it would have to be decided to nerf or not to nerf.

There are so many implications of this. For example, entire guilds could plan out their own progression. Players who want to spend 10 years in Pre-Kunark could do so. Players who want to make alts, level them with buddies with no help from all their Velious bank could do so. And they could do it at their own pace as many times as they want. Players who just want more GoD's and Manastones could roll a new char and get them.

This is a built to last solution IMO

Given the population, I would merge green and blue and make it dynamic.

On the technical side, it would look like 3 sets of zones, a single DB with unique names across all eras. chars would be flagged for their era and logon servers would send them to the appropriate zone server accordingly. Era advancements could be done on the website while logged out. These changes would require zero GM involvment. Names must be unique at char creation and could never not be unique. Era advancement could be a simple as updating the players ERA flag so that they are logged into the appropriate zone server. There would probably need to be 3 item tables in the DB.
Last edited by Arkaan; 10-07-2024 at 04:02 PM..
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Old 10-07-2024, 05:34 PM
loramin loramin is offline
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The only problem with this sort of idea is that it's completely unclassic.

I mean, to be fair, what we have now (knowing exactly when each new expansion is coming, when each legacy item will go away, etc.) is unclassic too. But being able to farm manastones to your heart's content until you feel like "switching to Kunark mode" would be really unclassic.

Loramin Frostseer, Oracle of the Tribunal <Anonymous> and Fan of the "Where To Go For XP/For Treasure?" Guides
Anyone can improve the wiki! If you are new to the Blue or Green servers, you can improve the wiki to earn a "welcome package" of platinum and/or gear! Send me a forum message for details.
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Old 10-07-2024, 06:03 PM
shovelquest shovelquest is offline
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Give me a mod where an asteroid impacts into luclin blowing it to bits—with parts of it crashing into Norrath bringing on a dark age of war and famine.

Plagues spread across the land and the cult of bertoxxulous seizes control of qeynos and wages its own war against the frozen north, to resurect their god king a new raid boss: varsoon the reborn, as the new lich king of norrath.

Insectoids consume and devour the orcs of ro and turn the desert into an alien fungus covered hive of insectoids from the moon.

Cats discover the atrocities of the Erudite genocide of the Karren isles and form a head quarters in their attack against the wizards, Peniel uses this moment to seize control of the city of Eruidin and turn the palace into a dungeon of torture and dark worship.

The ocean of tears becomes dry, the butcherblock mountains a lavastorm burnt inferno.

I need it!
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Old 10-07-2024, 06:29 PM
Arkaan Arkaan is offline

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Originally Posted by loramin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The only problem with this sort of idea is that it's completely unclassic.

I mean, to be fair, what we have now (knowing exactly when each new expansion is coming, when each legacy item will go away, etc.) is unclassic too. But being able to farm manastones to your heart's content until you feel like "switching to Kunark mode" would be really unclassic.
Zero manastones circulating is also unclassic. An eventuality of the current system.

I have never done the Plane of Sky. I started playing EQ in June 2000 and it was apparently already obsolete. I could have done it during green launch, but I missed the boat.

On a dynamic server, there would always be a pre-Kunark population, and always oportunities for things like this.

Plus it would actually be challenging to gear up when planar gear is the best you could hope for.

Kunark as well. I would like to do the greenmist quests, but there is little point while Velious is already available.
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Old 10-07-2024, 08:25 PM
Swish Swish is offline
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Merge green into red then new green.
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Old 10-07-2024, 09:59 PM
Salaryman Salaryman is offline
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Old 10-08-2024, 01:39 AM
Viscere Viscere is offline

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Unclassic, never gonna happen.

Just merge Blue/Green
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Old 10-09-2024, 08:28 AM
Arkaan Arkaan is offline

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How does waiting years and years for a brief window of opportunity to play in a previous era serve anyone? I would much rather have the freedom to play in them whenever I like. No one could go backwards in the timeline without making a new character. I feel like really the only non-classic element would be situations where drop removals are delayed, which to me is negligible. I feel like these changes could improve the overall population of p99.
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Old 10-09-2024, 09:04 AM
Arkaan Arkaan is offline

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Don't see how this would affect the Velious raiding crowd. Plus GMs would no longer have to deal with progression, merges, and recycles.
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