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Old 09-07-2024, 07:53 PM
Selene Selene is offline

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Default Does anyone play only one class?

Is it just me or is this game basically an alt-o-holic type of game? Seems like everyone plays at least two classes on a consistent basis as there doesn't seem to be one class that scratches all the itches.

Wondering if there is anyone out there who pretty much exclusively plays just one class 99% of the time. If so, what class is that and why do you prefer to stick to that one alone?
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Old 09-07-2024, 09:59 PM
Salaryman Salaryman is offline
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alts are for nerds
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Old 09-08-2024, 02:40 AM
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Dress wearing rangers are for closet crossdressing choads.
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Old 09-08-2024, 07:43 PM
PatChapp PatChapp is offline
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Were all hopelessly addicted, once one character is leveled and they become raid only the only next step to scratch that itch is a new toon.
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Old 09-08-2024, 09:29 PM
Videri Videri is offline
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I've met a few players over the years who play and level multiple clerics. The different races of cleric add noticeable flavor. There are different approaches to cleric play - solo root-and-nuke, group healbot, enchanter sidekick.

There are a few people who don't have an alt.

But overall, I think your perception is correct: that most players try different classes. It's one of my favorite parts of the game!
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Old 09-09-2024, 09:29 AM
Toxigen Toxigen is offline

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think the only class this would work for is enchanter
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Old 09-09-2024, 11:28 AM
enjchanter enjchanter is offline
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I have a fair share of alts but when i was actively playing alot, Id basically only play my enchanter unless i had a specific need for one of my alts.

Which most of my alts were born out of a desire for a certain utility.
I made my necro to do chardok aoe.
I made my mage for chardok aoe also.
I made my warrior because my guild had a lack of ST keyed tanks at the time
I made my bard to sell powerlevels (ended up really loving my bard though)
i made my rogue because wife wanted to play sk and we thought itd be fun to fear kite to level.
I made my 2nd warrior to troll vanquish.

My paladin was probably my only alt i made because i actually thought it would be fun and just wanted to try the class out.

But my enchanter was the only character that id always play when the options were open. My highest level character on retail is an enchanter, and im maining an enchanter on oakwynd as well. Really love the class even post charm destruction
Eberron 60 Erudite Enchanter
Enjamin 60 Erudite Cleric
Yxarus 60 Iksar Warrior Retired
Fauvana 60 Erudite Necromancer
Erjav 60 Human Bard
Enjamini 60 Human Magician
Deepwalter 60 Erudite Paladin
Seliel 60 Human Rogue
Enjoii 54 Dark Elf Warrior
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Old 09-09-2024, 11:53 AM
sajbert sajbert is offline
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Originally Posted by Toxigen [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
think the only class this would work for is enchanter
It's basically this and shamans, maybe necro. Both classes can solo and group. Both classes benefit a lot from any items you buy or spend DKP on. Both classes have gate and can move around.

Any other class is gonna have some kind of shortcoming you're most likely gonna wanna scratch at some point with an alt. Heck, even with a shaman or enc you still probably wanna try something else.
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Old 09-09-2024, 12:37 PM
Troxx Troxx is offline
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During the original timeline you saw a lot more people who basically played one character. New content and expansions at regular intervals meant only the neck-ly-est of neckbeards has accomplished everything before the next expansion rolled out.

Alts on p99 are mostly a function of us never getting new content.

I bet if AAs were introduced you would see a THRIVING xp group game and a lot fewer actively played alts … ( for about a year or 2)
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Old 09-09-2024, 12:50 PM
loramin loramin is offline
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I only played a single toon (a Mage) exclusively for about four years on Green (from its inception until recently, but with a long break).

I'd probably still be playing him exclusively today if I raided, but after my break I found it hard to just "dip my toe" back into raiding (due to raid attendance requirements it's really an all or nothing deal). Instead I went back to playing my Blue toons about half the time.

But it was never because I was sick of my Mage. He still has lots I want to do with him ... if I can ever get back into raiding.

Loramin Frostseer, Oracle of the Tribunal <Anonymous> and Fan of the "Where To Go For XP/For Treasure?" Guides
Anyone can improve the wiki! If you are new to the Blue or Green servers, you can improve the wiki to earn a "welcome package" of platinum and/or gear! Send me a forum message for details.
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