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Old 01-27-2025, 01:23 AM
shovelquest shovelquest is offline
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how did you even get like a polygonal face, did you actually feed it EQ model shots?

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Old 02-06-2025, 09:10 PM
Sadre Spinegnawer Sadre Spinegnawer is offline
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Originally Posted by Ekco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
you're confusing VR goggles with tech that just enabled companies to fire 95% of their code monkeys

this is the most disruptive tech to be invented since the automobile, gun powder, diesel tractor or whatever else u want to use as an example.

we're gonna see UBI or insane government funded work programs due to the amount of unemployed here in about 2 years
No, I totally know what you are talking about. I meant, these AI graphic generations. These are very amusing. Lots of people are creating pretty freaky stuff that really makes you wonder how they did it, the quality of the generation, and so forth.

But since these things can be generated ad infinitum, well.

Remember when people would put a poster of a fractal up on their dorm room wall? I do. I remember when there were $$$ coffee table books with fractal images in them.

That's gonna happen with this stuff too. After 10,000 "this is what xyx AI said my life looks like!" posts, one gets weary.
go go go
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Old 02-06-2025, 09:12 PM
shovelquest shovelquest is offline
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Originally Posted by Sadre Spinegnawer [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
No, I totally know what you are talking about. I meant, these AI graphic generations. These are very amusing. Lots of people are creating pretty freaky stuff that really makes you wonder how they did it, the quality of the generation, and so forth.

But since these things can be generated ad infinitum, well.

Remember when people would put a poster of a fractal up on their dorm room wall? I do. I remember when there were $$$ coffee table books with fractal images in them.

That's gonna happen with this stuff too. After 10,000 "this is what xyx AI said my life looks like!" posts, one gets weary.
either that or there will be no movie theaters on the starship enterprises'

and the gunnery captain can program an entire world in the hollodeck.
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Old 02-06-2025, 09:18 PM
Sadre Spinegnawer Sadre Spinegnawer is offline
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Covid was a test of how stable the system is if, well, no one, or very few people, are actually working. It turns out we could easily make this system operate with a one-day work week. But socially, that's another question. Covid was this "it's pandemic!" scenario that allowed for a one-off chance to test, if something like a UBI and drastically shorted work week can operate the machines. It can, easily.

Now we have to figure out how to transition to it.

Popcorn, is all I can say. Lots and lots of popcorn will be needed.

edit: and for those who say, what about construction? You can't have 500 people working on a 100 person job just because everyone only works one day a week, that isn't how construction operates, naturally that kind of work would be done in chunks of the person's time. Stints in the field, so to speak. Much like the national guard operates, correct?
go go go
Last edited by Sadre Spinegnawer; 02-06-2025 at 09:23 PM..
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Old 02-06-2025, 09:21 PM
shovelquest shovelquest is offline
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As long as I can strap on a VR helmet, and play EQ with OPs graphical upgrades.

I'll be happy!
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Old 02-07-2025, 01:08 AM
Shourty Shourty is offline

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That is an amazing video.
If it was a virtual reality game, that's what it should look like
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Old 02-07-2025, 06:55 PM
Snaggles Snaggles is offline
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Originally Posted by Sadre Spinegnawer [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
No, I totally know what you are talking about. I meant, these AI graphic generations. These are very amusing. Lots of people are creating pretty freaky stuff that really makes you wonder how they did it, the quality of the generation, and so forth.

But since these things can be generated ad infinitum, well.

Remember when people would put a poster of a fractal up on their dorm room wall? I do. I remember when there were $$$ coffee table books with fractal images in them.

That's gonna happen with this stuff too. After 10,000 "this is what xyx AI said my life looks like!" posts, one gets weary.
No good artists and engineers are going to waste their time putting together reinvisioned EverQuest teaser trailers. This is basically fan art. It’s fun for fun-sake.

The future is fraught with problems but not because someone likes EQ and spent time daydreaming what it would look like in 2025 using modern tools.
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Old 02-08-2025, 10:28 AM
Sadre Spinegnawer Sadre Spinegnawer is offline
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Yeah. I was agreeing with Ekco that these amusing things are not really the show here.

The real show is, you will be told you need to start training Bernie, you new AI boss robot at the Speedway.
go go go
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