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Old 01-16-2025, 09:51 PM
Keebz Keebz is offline
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If you click on the link ("old archive here") in the wiki, it will take you to a snapshot of the original site where it explains all the numbers and even allows you to see what exp is required for each class/race combination.
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Old 01-17-2025, 12:06 AM
Treefall Treefall is offline

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Originally Posted by Keebz [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If you click on the link ("old archive here") in the wiki, it will take you to a snapshot of the original site where it explains all the numbers and even allows you to see what exp is required for each class/race combination.
Thank you so much!

It makes sense to me now, that has the added option of seeing the old multipliers, but it also shows that in fact 54 is easier than 55, but 54 is a big jump then they are all equal to 59 where the jump repeats before a drop.

Appreciate it!
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Old 01-17-2025, 11:15 AM
Goregasmic Goregasmic is offline

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Originally Posted by Treefall [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I feel like it looks self explanatory.

But I don't know if I understand.

For example level 1:
Level: 1 multiplier; xp to complete 1,000; 75 xp per kill of this level monster, makes sense so ~14 whites, less yellows.

Where I am starting to get confused the more I look at it is the multipliers. I have a char at level 54 and a char at 55 currently. Some things I've read on the web say 54 and 59 are worse than 55-58 (individually) but it sure doesn't look like that on this chart, and I am not sure I felt that on my char after hitting 55.

So what exactly does the multiplier mean, and why would people say that 54 is harder than 55 when it takes 4 million less experience points? Or were they just wrong?

Multiplier at 54 is 1.9 versus 2.1 at 55.

With that said, when I know a mobs con this chart seems fairly accurate (at 54) with how many blues at a given level it takes to make 1%.
I'm 55 right now.

55 is longer than 54. 54 feels worse because 50-53 are relatively easy but 54 feels like hitting a wall. 54 is a hell level and 55 feels slightly worse but by the time you're 55 you got used to 54 sucking so bad. It is a bit more of a linear progression until you hit 59. Then you hit a comically stupid wall, not sure why they thought those hell levels were a good idea it just makes the leveling process feel worse than it should.
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Old 01-19-2025, 04:39 PM
Swish Swish is offline
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Originally Posted by Goregasmic [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
..not sure why they thought those hell levels were a good idea it just makes the leveling process feel worse than it should.
It would suck to get to 59 and cancel a subscription, if they can bleed you for another $9.89 a month to get that last level done they'll do it [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

On the upside there's always that sense of achievement hitting 60, it's a huge mountain and shouldn't feel like you walked in casually (imo).
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Old 01-19-2025, 06:44 PM
Goregasmic Goregasmic is offline

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Originally Posted by Swish [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It would suck to get to 59 and cancel a subscription, if they can bleed you for another $9.89 a month to get that last level done they'll do it [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

On the upside there's always that sense of achievement hitting 60, it's a huge mountain and shouldn't feel like you walked in casually (imo).
I'm not against the length of the grind itself, as in total exp needed but the concept of hell level in itself is a bit ridiculous, should have been more linear just like any other game out there.

... but then again classic is gonna classic but when you're 39 years old and you just killed 7272782 pyre golems to get to 55 and you know you'll need 6266628883883 to get to 56, I kinda think less of myself for going through that ridiculous ordeal knowingly.
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Old 01-20-2025, 03:28 PM
Swish Swish is offline
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59-60 doesn't feel so bad if you're grouped with friends and enjoying it. Versus suffering at LCY forever in a pick up group.

What makes it better for us versus classic is at least you can see progress every 1% over squinting at the bar like... "did it move? I think it moved"
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Old 01-23-2025, 05:28 PM
cd288 cd288 is online now
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Would love if they smoothed the EXP requirements out across levels since I think in the past the EQ devs stated it was more of a glitch than anything else and hell levels were never intended. Which was why back in the day the devs smoothed out the requirements across a level range
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Old 01-27-2025, 12:52 AM
AarikTZ AarikTZ is offline
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Default multiplier

Originally Posted by Treefall [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
So does anyone have insight into what the multipliers mean?
glancing at the wayback link and doing some quick analysis, the multiplier is associated with "hell" levels, and does 2 things:

1. Applied to the cumulative increase of exp required for each level after lv1 (e.g. lv2-29 cumulatively increase by 6000exp, lv31-34 cumulatively increase by 6600)
2. Applied on the TOTAL exp earned as an additional exp requirement for "Hell" levels (over and above the normal cumulative progression outlined in #1)

example - lv29 to 30 requires 2,437,000 exp. Lv30 goes up by the expected by 174,000 PLUS another 2,700,000 (10% on the total exp req for lv30) for an increase of 2,874,000 from the prior level.
2874000+2437000=5311000, which is the required exp to get to 31

there's some circular logic going on with the hell lv math, and i honestly dont want to deep dive it, but TLDR is that it just tells you how much the gaps between levels widen in terms of additional exp (with extreme application for Hell levels)
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Old 02-14-2025, 02:36 PM
Zuranthium Zuranthium is offline
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Originally Posted by Duik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
That was not my understanding. That would mean everyone in the group was "paying" for the supposed racial/class advantages.
This is part of why Rangers dropped drastically in popularity during Kunark era. It became common knowledge about the hybrid exp penalty and how they took more exp from the group. The class was already mediocre at that point, and then causing the group a penalty on top of it was yikes.
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Old 02-14-2025, 04:30 PM
Castle2.0 Castle2.0 is offline
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It is incorrect starting at 51 or 52.
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