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![]() so enchanters were charming in SG in 2001
time for an enchanter, loramin cmon buddy you can do it | ||
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But also ... in spite of the fact they clearly could solo ... Enchanters predominantly grouped. (Unlike Necros/Mages/Druids/etc., who also joined groups, but were known for predominantly soloing.) Maybe you all have different memories of live, but I recall the expectation that every group would have a tank, a Cleric, and an Enchanter. You settled for another healer if you had to, and you settled for a Shaman if you had to, but an Enchanter was the standard. As a Shaman I distinctly remember being turned down for a Chanter many times (as I couldn't mez) ... does this not sound familiar to anyone? If all the Enchanters (who again, clearly had the option of soloing) weren't choosing to group ... then where were all these grouping Enchanters coming from?
Loramin Frostseer, Oracle of the Tribunal <Anonymous> and Fan of the "Where To Go For XP/For Treasure?" Guides Anyone can improve the wiki! If you are new to the Blue or Green servers, you can improve the wiki to earn a "welcome package" of platinum and/or gear! Send me a forum message for details. | |||
![]() The only rason any of you have an enchanter is because of youtube.
That's the keystone to unlocking the knowledge of how to charm. Nobody who is playing an enchanter today hasn't watched a video about every camp they ever did. As if Im going to hear that charm is powerful, then go use it successfully. No way. Im going back to grouping after 1 death. By I'm, I mean 99.9% of players. | ||
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I had never played EQ before p99 and I learned the hard way. Then Nybras showed me the end game ropes. | |||
![]() I think the reality is somewhere in the middle: charming was more difficult on live, mostly due to a combination of more frequent charm breaks and less effective channeling skill. But there were players successfully utilizing charm back then. It was just much riskier than on P1999 (especially with worse hardware and internet) and therefore wasn't nearly as common as it is here, and that isn't just due to the knowledge gap. Charming here already requires a lot of attention and care, and on the live servers it probably felt like walking on a knife's edge the whole time, with very frequent charm breaks that were difficult to recover from, making the process dangerous and inefficient unless you were very skilled and attentive. That being the case, it would be far easier and preferable for most Enchanters to just group for XP, which most of them obviously did as we all remember.
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or are you in the .1% of players. Quote:
I aint gonna be stunning and charming anything, my gear was trash too and I thought I was pretty good at eq [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] | ||||
Last edited by shovelquest; 09-13-2024 at 01:50 PM..
![]() Check out these posts! (also maybe screenshots are best for the wiki for these, because wayback links cadn be unreliable IMO, I can supply both though! But ill add screenshots for relevant posts).
But here's some great stuff: [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] | ||
![]() I think it's safe to say that, on live or here, everyone was looking for the fastest way to level. Death was scary on both servers, but that didn't stop people from trying new techniques.
As a simple example, I had a Bard friend (IRL) and I remember watching him learn this crazy "swarm kiting" thing that he discovered on the Bard forum. I remember him dying plenty, at first ... but that was not enough to scare him off. He and plenty of other Bards (with good Internet connections) all picked up the technique, because it promised the one thing we all wanted: levels (and AAs soon after). Quote:
I'm not arguing for the end of charming or anything close ... I'm just saying, we have an emulator based on a game that we don't know the exact numbers for. Based on the "Street Fighter test", it seems we got those numbers wrong somehow ... not a lot, but enough that something clearly "smells" wrong. We just need to adjust those numbers a bit to have an emulator that more closely matches live.
Loramin Frostseer, Oracle of the Tribunal <Anonymous> and Fan of the "Where To Go For XP/For Treasure?" Guides Anyone can improve the wiki! If you are new to the Blue or Green servers, you can improve the wiki to earn a "welcome package" of platinum and/or gear! Send me a forum message for details. | |||
![]() When luclin fresh dropped i took an enchanter to paludal caverns to xp on the rogues there and the reports on the orcs and sisters feel much more like my experiences i remember than my more recent experiences mucking around with low level enchanters on p99.
Out of era anecdote, so not worth the keys i pressed, but just wanted to mention as a segue into saying how freaking cool Yelloweyes the owlbear in PC was. | ||
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1. Create an account (https://wiki.project1999.com/index.p...ge&type=signup) 2. Login (if creating the account doesn't do that automatically) 3. Go to https://wiki.project1999.com/Classic_Research 4. Click "Edit" at the top 5. Go nuts [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] If you want to make new pages, it's a little backwards. First you create a link on an existing page (eg. [[My New Page]]), then you click that link (which will be red because the page doesn't exist), and then you edit the new page the same as any other. But again, when I have time I'll try and tidy things up a bit (eg. maybe make some custom tags for easier formatting). Quote:
Loramin Frostseer, Oracle of the Tribunal <Anonymous> and Fan of the "Where To Go For XP/For Treasure?" Guides Anyone can improve the wiki! If you are new to the Blue or Green servers, you can improve the wiki to earn a "welcome package" of platinum and/or gear! Send me a forum message for details. | ||||
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