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View Poll Results: Why not the previous question?
1 3 37.50%
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3 1 12.50%
4 1 12.50%
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8 2 25.00%
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Old 01-07-2025, 12:30 AM
Reiwa Reiwa is offline
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Question How do you justify not paying for EverQuest?


1. Value Perception: After decades of playing, the game might not offer enough new content or updates to justify the cost. The player feels they've already gotten their money's worth and any new content feels like an afterthought.

2. Financial Priorities: As one gets older, financial responsibilities might increase (mortgage, family expenses, retirement savings), making even small subscriptions less justifiable compared to when they were younger.

3. Time Investment: At 40, the player might have less free time due to work, family, or other commitments, reducing the amount of gameplay to a level where the subscription feels less worth it.

4. Game Fatigue: Long-term play can lead to fatigue or burnout. The player might feel they've seen everything the game has to offer, making the subscription feel redundant.

5. Competitive Alternatives: Newer games or other MMOs might provide similar or better experiences without a subscription model, offering free-to-play or one-time purchase options.

6. Community Changes: The player base might have shifted over the years, with less of the original community remaining, which can decrease the enjoyment of social aspects of the game, thus reducing the perceived value of the subscription.

7. Quality of Life: Older games might not keep up with modern quality-of-life improvements or graphical updates, making the game feel outdated, which might not justify the cost for continued play.

8. Subscription Creep: There could be additional costs within the game (like microtransactions for cosmetics, mounts, or power boosts) alongside the subscription, making the total cost higher than expected or advertised.

.9 :

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Old 01-07-2025, 12:55 AM
Ekco Ekco is offline
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>How do you justify not paying for EverQuest?

i don't justify it, i just don't care.

same way i didn't care what happened to Sega from me not buying a single DC game and instead opting for their entire games catalog a friend had because of his dad's T1 line for the cost of some CD-Rs
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Old 01-07-2025, 03:11 AM
Lune Lune is offline
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Every month I just put fourteen fiddy worth of pills on my shrine to brad
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Old 01-07-2025, 03:15 AM
Duik Duik is offline
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You forgot "I'm trying to inceeqse the value of the P1999 Museum by play testing, classic research and bug reporting".

I believe that is a thing. I've seen it.
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Old 01-07-2025, 03:17 AM
Duik Duik is offline
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Omg. Increase, though inceeqse sounds like it should be a word too.
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Old 01-07-2025, 09:10 AM
Rygar Rygar is offline
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Originally Posted by Duik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You forgot "I'm trying to inceeqse the value of the P1999 Museum by play testing, classic research and bug reporting".

I believe that is a thing. I've seen it.
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Old 01-07-2025, 12:43 PM
Cecily Cecily is offline
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Originally Posted by Duik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Omg. Increase, though inceeqse sounds like it should be a word too.
No. No it doesn't, but I recently found out cromulent is a real word now and I'm so happy about that.
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Old 01-07-2025, 01:48 PM
Reiwa Reiwa is offline
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Originally Posted by Cecily [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
No. No it doesn't, but I recently found out cromulent is a real word now and I'm so happy about that.
A neologism embiggens the dictionaries.
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Old 01-07-2025, 07:44 PM
NopeNopeNopeNope NopeNopeNopeNope is offline
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I did pay for EQ when the max level was I believe 110, on two accounts no less, so I believe it was either $20 or $30 a month at that point, for more than a year


-FV is a cool server. Was fun to be able to farm pp and buy raid gear but had to buy the last “season’s”/tier stuff to avoid paying millions upon millions of pp

- Pet focus earrings were borked at the time so pet classes were borderline gods, so that’s what I played

- I never minded Mercs. I thought they were pretty cool and balanced pretty well. They were almost as good as a well geared player but not quite. Their programming wasn’t bad, for example, if they moved in range of a mob and were getting chunked they would take little side-steps to attempt to get out of range while still fulfilling their roles. And they were always ready and paying attention, unlike myself who was usually stoned trying to multibox 3 screens using alt-tab


- Was never a fan of defiant gear. Crazy good stats that completely trivialized the early game and the idea of going for particular stats for particular classes. Why bother when a piece of defiant gear could drop off literally anything and have a fat stack of +all stats and + all resists. It did totally drop off near max level though. If you were near max level in defiant gear you would get clowned on by current content

- Being able to spend money to have permanent clarity and +exp pots from in game shop felt wrong to me

- Multiboxing to do current content wasn’t an option, it was a requirement

- EQ raiding is garbage compared to WoW raiding

- EQ pvp is garbage compared to WoW pvp

- I couldn’t justify spending $30/month for EQ when I could be spending $15/mo for wow

At work that’s all I can comment on atm
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Old 01-07-2025, 08:55 PM
Swish Swish is offline
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Emulated EQ isn't for profit is it? Does supporting P99 streamers count as making P99 more visible?

As for Daybreak I'd rather give a buck to Blizzard and that's saying something.
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