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Old 01-23-2025, 06:24 PM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 2,258
Default CS Guidelines and Application of Rules

What is the Guide program's procedure for handling exploits and abuse?

When a player is accused of abuse, exploitation or disruption, the process is as follows:

Guides gather all of the information on ALL parties involved. They get the character name, race, level, and account name of both the accusers and the accused, as well as the zone and situation and document it.
Guides act only as investigators and reporters in incidents of abuse, exploitation, and disruption. We gather data, issue warnings, and record the incident.
Verant reviews records of these incidents on a daily basis. Verant GM's will then take discipinary action based on the severity and nature of the offense, and/or the number of warnings, subject to their discretion. This may include but is not limited to, temporary suspension or permanent banning from the game. Disciplinary action may also include editing of the character statistics, item inventory, or experience. Verant may take other forms of disciplinary action at their discretion. Be advised you may not receive any warnings prior to disciplinary action being taken. Players who repeatedly exploit anomalies in the game or disrupt the gameplay of others will not be tolerated in EverQuest.

A CS Rep threatening a player with banishment creates two problems. First, it implies a level of authority they do not possess, creating hostility in the customer base. Secondly, if the player is not banned, it reduces the credibility of the program overall as it gives the impression that we make threats that they either can not or will not follow through with.

Abuse Procedures

Abuse is one of those “soft” issues that are the hardest to identify and punish. What two players call fun, two others will call abuse. The key to enforcing the abuse policies in EverQuest is consistency. The goal of EverQuest is to create a world where as many people as possible can come and enjoy an immersive role-playing experience.

If this is the first incident for the accused, they will be suspended from the EverQuest servers for one week. If this is the second or later incident, the player will be banned from EverQuest.
Once an account has been deleted, GM-Mgmt notifies the other GMs that are online that the character was banned. The GM collects the names of all of the characters played by the account that has been banned and sends them to the Head GM for posting in the Message of the day.

Each day, a section of the MOTD will be updated to include the day’s banning activities. Every character played by every account that was banned will be posted on this list. This serves two purposes. First, it lets everyone that has ever played with any one of the characters know the disposition of the character. Second, it creates a larger list, making a larger example, and offering a greater intimidation factor to those that might consider exploiting. This list should also appear as a cumulative “Banned to Date” list that is available via the News button. Again, this is to provide a tangible reminder of Verant’s dedication to providing a playable environment.

The official customer service response to the banning of players is one of regret, as we regret any actions resulting in loss of customers. It is unfortunate that actions like these must occur to keep EverQuest enjoyable for the majority of the players.
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Old 01-25-2025, 09:42 PM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 2,258

The customer service organization is the “face” that Verant presents to the customer. As such **it is very important that all actions taken by customer service** be ethical and professional and **avoid even the appearance of favoritism or conflict of interest.** These guidelines provide customer service personnel with a way to handle customer situations that will ensure consistent and professional behavior.

Mission Statement:
"To support, educate, and direct the customers of EverQuest to create an enjoyable and immersive Role Playing experience."
Guide and GM “friends.” The end goal of the Customer Service program is to have representatives spread across multiple servers to allow them to not have to play on the same servers as their friends. However, friends will go where they will, so **the program must endeavor to avoid the stigma of favoritism.**

**Controlling customer perception. No matter the intentions, no matter how pure the motives, no matter how well meaning the representative, the specter of favoritism can rear its ugly head if we are not diligent and consistent in our actions. All it takes is for the belief to be propagated to cause a problem, even if it is completely untrue. This must be avoided at all costs, as it not only damages the individual’s reputation and that of the program, but undermines EQ overall.**

We do not stay in zones where our friends are playing - the further away the better. **We do not associate with friends while we are on duty, even if the friend is aware of our role in the Customer Service program.** Seeing a CS Rep in the same zone with the same characters consistently, especially if it the identity of the representative’s alternate character becomes known, is simply asking to be accused of favoritism.

Contact Information
Technical Support: Phone:1-619-554-0144 (Sun - Sat, 12pm to 3am PST)
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