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Old 12-22-2021, 10:44 PM
Valik1016 Valik1016 is offline

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Well, thank you for answering my question. However, I didn't understand it. Part of my playing this game is the desire to re-experience the game as it was 20 years ago, and that means pre-voice chat. I have no desire to wear a headset for hours on end, and I usually have the TV or stereo on while I play, or other people in the room with me that don't want to experience it with me. Therefore, I don't want to be on discord while I play. I can still type, and I bothered to learn English well enough to use grammar, vocabulary and punctuation correctly and communicate effectively in the game, like I always did on Live. That's why I asked why you need me to be on discord. You can get to know me perfectly well by chatting with me either here on the forum or in the game, in written form.
Next, I have not heard the term griever before. I don't think I am one, but I can't promise you that since I don't know what one is. I can't be reassured that you are not one either actually. Could you kindly define the word to give me an idea?
I can tell you since 1999 I have never been accused of being destructive to a guild or to its reputation. I read your request for members, hadn't played on Red, and wrote to you. I was hoping it was going to be a fun experience with some PvP, allow me to meet some new players, etc... I still would happily join you if it is that way. If I am violating some code of behavior during gameplay you can certainly kick me out, but that has never happened before and I doubt you would be the first. If you were behaving badly as a guild leader I would remove myself for the same reason. Just as you have expectations of your members, they have expectations of you. So when you write that you just want to make sure you support the right players, and that you do go after the players that break the rules and the players that grieve other players and have earned your attention, it sounds like it could be a lot of fun. But it also sounds like you could have a vendetta against certain other players and you're trying to recruit a team to enact your revenge on them. If you are going to start a guild you should start by describing what you will be doing to serve your members, not what you expect your members to be doing for you. Now of course I don't know you, and I could have a very distorted perspective on this, and I am willing to discuss it with you. But it is also possible you are already growing impatient with me and do not want me in your guild. Kindly let me know either way. In either case I wish you all the best in your new guild endeavor.
Old 12-23-2021, 04:36 PM
Old_PVP Old_PVP is offline

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Originally Posted by fuckshit22 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It was cool until you said that.

You only gave 1 out of 3 guilds listed a pvp description, the other 2 are mostly warm body pve guilds that raid mostly uncontested, and you have a problem with player killing? Are you trying to rally a guild to get revenge on people that pk'd you? Good luck, maybe youre on the wrong server man. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Not everyone is just another random cool d00d PK. Anti-PKs existed even on Rallos Zek and contributed greatly to the unique dynamic environment of that server. It is something that Red is sorely lacking.
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Old 12-25-2021, 12:33 PM
reebz reebz is offline

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y'all ever think about how yr backstory isn't tragic enough to ever become a superhero? ya i think bout that a lot.
Old 12-28-2021, 02:18 PM
dartcron dartcron is offline

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Originally Posted by Valik1016
have no desire to wear a headset for hours on end, and I usually have the TV or stereo on while I play, or other people in the room with me that don't want to experience it with me. Therefore, I don't want to be on discord while I play. I can still type, and I bothered to learn English well enough to use grammar, vocabulary and punctuation correctly and communicate effectively in the game, like I always did on Live. That's why I asked why you need me to be on discord. You can get to know me perfectly well by chatting with me either here on the forum or in the game, in written form.
Talking to you made me reconsider making discord mandatory and I am just planning on making a list of players in the guild regardless. Really the name Twisted Fate implies that we have all types of players in the guild ranging from misfits, to drunks to hardcore players. I personally would like players to play nice and seek vengeance against those that deserve it, but that is not my place to say nor it is being true to what Twisted Fate is truely about.

That being said if you smell like a troll, and you look like a troll and you sound like a troll then more then likely I will boot you from the guild. Despite what others may think of my self destructive behavior, reputation is important to me and so is the survival of our guild. I plan on helping this guild grow over time.
Old 12-28-2021, 03:09 PM
TheConsortium TheConsortium is offline

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i have a 51 iksar necro, 40 ranger, 41 bard still on red but im never playing here again ... waiting for next TLP and then remake the entire game myself
Old 12-28-2021, 10:17 PM
dartcron dartcron is offline

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the GM declined my offer for Twisted Fate to be a guild, because the name was taken on the blue server "Twisted Fates" so, i decided the next best option was to try Twisted Intentions which got approved! if you guys want to join the guild, perhaps i can help yall get some levels sometimes and jump start you into red just /tell Zasper on project 1999 red and join the guild!
Old 01-12-2022, 04:54 AM
dartcron dartcron is offline

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I decided to change the name from Twisted Intentions to Twisted Destiny as Destiny is a synonym for Fate and I felt it conveyed the message that i wanted a guild for leveling players on the red server.
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