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Old 05-11-2021, 09:13 PM
Medris Medris is offline
Server GM

Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 7,251
Exclamation Recent Policy Confusion & Clarifications

P99 Red Community,
We’ve recently responded to a number of situations that have been the result of some truly toxic behavior. In light of that, we wanted to take a moment to provide clarification on some of the rules that seem to have “creative” interpretations from some of the players involved. Although none of these are new policies, we wanted to provide this clarification in writing.

We absolutely want PvP to reign supreme on P99 Red. However, “PvP” is NOT an excuse to break other rules that are defined in the Play Nice Policy.

Most notably, intentionally causing experience-loss to other players in the PvP environment is illegal in all cases. This INCLUDES:
  • Dispelling mobs that are currently attacking another player(s) - You are welcome to use dispells while engaging other players in PvP. However, the target of those dispells MUST be the other players. Dispelling the mobs that are currently engaged with the intent to remove debuffs is considered an attempt at intentionally causing experience loss.
  • Training other players - If you wish to PvP other players while they are engaging a mob, whether that is in a raid setting or a group setting, you must ensure that you are not bringing a train with you prior to entering the area of the other players. You are responsible for your own agro, and if you pass that agro off to others incorrectly, you are subject to violations as set forth in the Play Nice Policy for zone disruption as well as causing experience death.
We are hopeful that the above clarifications will help curb this behavior. Please be aware that until we see this issue reduced overall, the server staff has been asked to handle confirmed situations of the above more severely than we have in the past. Due to the number of accounts many players on P99 Red have access to, this toxic behavior will be handled at a blanket level, up to and including blanket bans.

The P99 Staff
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