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Old 05-31-2011, 10:58 AM
dragolyche dragolyche is offline

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Default System rotation target ?

Hi folks,

Some big guilds rule some boss in the game(naggy/vox/ cazic etc...). These guilds kill everytime a boss 15/20mn after it poped.

So, what do yu think about a system rotation target like on karana server.

Maybe, all raiding guilds could talking about that ?

On karana server, the rotation system worked well and everyone were coll and quiet. Average power guild could try some raiding target.

Old 05-31-2011, 11:00 AM
Tiggles Tiggles is offline

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totally posting in this thread.


So the 2 guilds that get every mob would get LESS mobs? so other guilds can kill mobs?

why would they do that?
Old 05-31-2011, 11:02 AM
Skope Skope is offline

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here we go again...

The only thing that doesn't make sense here is the variance on spawn pops -- something that no server on EQ live ever had. The variance is here to keep players from training/badmouthing/KSing each other and the GMs focusing on development and fixing bugs. Unfortunately, as a result raiding here on p99 is the furthest thing away from a "classic experience." It's essentially babysitting by taking the toys away so they don't hurt each other in the process of playing so the parents can focus on their work and not on the inevitable yelling kicking and screaming.
Last edited by Skope; 05-31-2011 at 11:15 AM..
Old 05-31-2011, 11:50 AM
Mcbard Mcbard is offline

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This sounds like a terrible idea imo. When it comes to playing and raiding at a high level in classic EQ (read: competing) I don't think any guild or group of players should have to be forced into giving something up so that the others, who are not as good as them, have a shot at the same mobs/loot. If they want to kill certain mobs/loot they should be given every opportunity to compete with the dominating guild(s) but there should not be an established rotation that hinders the dominant group of players from getting what they have worked for. If they wanted to make a rotation because they no longer wanted those mobs, or maybe another guild had locked down something that they now wanted access to and so a bi-spawn rotation or something was worked out between those guilds, then I would be all for it, but a forces rotation isn't really classic, and doesn't really reward the competitive atmosphere that so many know and love about EQ.
Old 05-31-2011, 01:45 PM
dragolyche dragolyche is offline

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Originally Posted by Mcbard [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This sounds like a terrible idea imo. When it comes to playing and raiding at a high level in classic EQ (read: competing) I don't think any guild or group of players should have to be forced into giving something up so that the others, who are not as good as them, have a shot at the same mobs/loot. If they want to kill certain mobs/loot they should be given every opportunity to compete with the dominating guild(s) but there should not be an established rotation that hinders the dominant group of players from getting what they have worked for. If they wanted to make a rotation because they no longer wanted those mobs, or maybe another guild had locked down something that they now wanted access to and so a bi-spawn rotation or something was worked out between those guilds, then I would be all for it, but a forces rotation isn't really classic, and doesn't really reward the competitive atmosphere that so many know and love about EQ.
Yes but some players don t like competition and aren't hardcore. Maybe we can play together : Hardcore and casual player.

And rotation existed on karana while Kurnak. So its "classic"
Old 06-01-2011, 01:44 AM
gnomishfirework gnomishfirework is offline
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Originally Posted by Mcbard
This sounds like a terrible idea imo. When it comes to playing and raiding at a high level in classic EQ (read: competing) I don't think any guild or group of players should have to be forced into giving something up so that the others, who are not as good as them, have a shot at the same mobs/loot. If they want to kill certain mobs/loot they should be given every opportunity to compete with the dominating guild(s) but there should not be an established rotation that hinders the dominant group of players from getting what they have worked for. If they wanted to make a rotation because they no longer wanted those mobs, or maybe another guild had locked down something that they now wanted access to and so a bi-spawn rotation or something was worked out between those guilds, then I would be all for it, but a forces rotation isn't really classic, and doesn't really reward the competitive atmosphere that so many know and love about EQ.

You should willingly do a rotation because it's the fair thing to do. Everquest doesn't reward you based on skill but on time you are able to devote to the game. A good rotation will have "free days" where anyone can kill. So you can plug your ass or fill your socks and feel superior to those guilds comprised of people who aren't willing or able to devote all their time to a decade old game.

It must be fun to have a PvP mentality on a pve server. Very safe of you.
Rephaite - Green99
Old 05-31-2011, 12:00 PM
Messianic Messianic is offline
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It's been tried.
Heat Wave - Wizard
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Originally Posted by Dumbledorf View Post
I'll look into getting it changed to The Secret Order of the Silver Rose of Truth and Dragons.
Old 05-31-2011, 12:43 PM
Duie Duie is offline

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if it was truelly a race to the mobs or even a real compition then fine , But the reality of the so called compition is camp at said mob, Mass text to log in form groups and kill it in under 5 min.

Then you have the Clusterfuck of 144+ people from all difrent guild training one another in Fear(intentionally or not) just to get CT. this one I think we can all agree could be done better. Like say First guild to zone in gets the mob and you got 3 hours to totally clear and kill CT ... FFA after 3 hours. If you can not clear it, you must forfit

My idea is more of a Tier system, progresion if you will. Tier one guilds agree to stay out of old world raiding areas till epics go live. Tier 2 guilds must complete Sky /Naggy/Vox before they can progress. Tier3 must be able to clear fear /hate and both gods .

Once epics goes in however Both tier Two and three must wait there turn. in return Tier one guilds could be called on to help the tier 2 or 3 guilds<see Divinity/Bregan> and as such you would be in somewhat of an alliance.... Yes tier 2 and 3 guilds would eventually loose people to tier one but however the comunity would be a lot stronger for this.

As far as tier goes. If tier one gulds wanna train each other fine. If tier 2 wants to rotate great. If tier 3 wants to poopsock so be it but for this to work you have to stay in line.

Before you shoot this down, how about really have a conversation about it.As it stands now ,we have basicly 1 guild that gets everything and im sure they are ok w/ that but what does that do to build a comunity.. you know , the thing that made classic the best game ever .
Old 05-31-2011, 12:54 PM
Maurk Maurk is offline

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Was sooo fun when Rogean made hate pvp that one time.
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Old 05-31-2011, 01:12 PM
Shiftin Shiftin is offline
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Originally Posted by Duie [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Before you shoot this down, how about really have a conversation about it.As it stands now ,we have basicly 1 guild that gets everything and im sure they are ok w/ that but what does that do to build a comunity.. you know , the thing that made classic the best game ever .
Here's where the great divide exists in ideology. This is not what made classic great for me or a ton of other people. The people that disagree with you formed the guilds getting the bosses specifically because we disagree with this stance.

Yes, on Tunare we had a very community oriented feel. We pugged naggy and vox even into early Kunark. I led these raids for the better part of 6 months so I know they can be fun.

However, what drew me back to this server were all the awesome memories I have of racing for mobs in Kunark and Velious. Many near misses and victories are still vivid in my mind.

Aside from this, those old world bosses still drop stuff that's amazing until well into velious:
-BCG is a best in slot item for all int and wis casters + priests + bards who have a CoF or CoP.
-Naggy and Vox still drop dragon haste, gaunlets of fiery might, tobrins eyepatches, red and white dragon scales that are useful for what they make and for epics.
-Innoruuk drops encylopedia that makes necro pets absurdly powerful.
-CT drops a sweet robe that doesn't really have a replacement until you kill phara dar.

Do you see where I'm going with this? All of these mobs you want the top guilds to ignore drop things which are legitimate upgrades for our members, especially the new members we have to take in to compensate for the relatively high turnover on an EMU server. We are not killing them just to say we did it, we are killing them because we need the loot as well to get stronger and stay competitive.
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