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Old 01-19-2025, 04:36 PM
Swish Swish is offline
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Is there a map addon for P99? I've always used the maps on the wiki here. Bump in case anyone uses one and can share [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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Old 01-21-2025, 04:06 AM
Nedala Nedala is offline
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I use Zilz Eqmap now. its third party but you can overlay and it works with /loc (it will show your position on the map). See:
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Old 01-21-2025, 04:24 AM
Nedala Nedala is offline
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Question about the red-wine quest: How is the iksar supposed to do the turn-ins if hes KOS in neriak?
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Old 01-21-2025, 08:31 AM
PatChapp PatChapp is offline
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Originally Posted by Nedala [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Question about the red-wine quest: How is the iksar supposed to do the turn-ins if hes KOS in neriak?
You won't be kos to the turn in guy,and can invis right to him
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Old 01-22-2025, 12:05 AM
Keebz Keebz is offline
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Another option is to knock out a few levels in runny eye / the gorge then live in RV. Doesn't take long at all. Just invis passed the cleric GM.
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Old 01-22-2025, 01:35 PM
cd288 cd288 is offline
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Originally Posted by Nedala [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
thanks for your answer. we would prefer not to play in kunark i think.

so if i understand you correct, the redwine thing, is a faction quest that the iksar would need to do in order to be able to enter neriak ?
Just have the enchanter illusion themselves to buy spells for the nec
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Old 01-23-2025, 05:51 AM
Nedala Nedala is offline
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Originally Posted by Keebz [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Another option is to knock out a few levels in runny eye / the gorge then live in RV. Doesn't take long at all. Just invis passed the cleric GM.
So killing in runnyeye will raise what faction? And is it a good leveling spot ?
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Old 01-23-2025, 01:59 PM
cd288 cd288 is offline
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Runnyeye can be a bit dangerous and tricky depending on where you're trying to level in the zone. Gorge is great EXP only annoyance is the mudmen can blind you which is a problem if youre blinded and have no idea youre now aggroing other wanderers.

Honestly my recommendation would be do the first like 5 levels on your own in your respective areas. Then meet in EC. Necro can either bring his level 8 spells that he'll need with him or otherwise you guys can get an evil player/Druid wolf form to buy them in WFP (or shit you could just create a level 1 evil alt, take the cash from the Necro and buy his level 8 spells for him). Once you hit level 12 you will have Dark Elf illusion on the Ench which should allow you to buy the Necros spells for him in the tunnels of WFP (they won't sell to Iksar). And he just pays you for them.

You can grind out those lower levels in EC...often times you can get solid buffs at the tunnel or POTG from Druids hanging out at the WC rings. With two of you, you can probably clear the orc camps in EC and WC and the Derv camp in WC while getting buffed periodically (the latter can honestly take you into the mid teens - I was able to solo break and clear the large majority of the derv camp on a lowbie Ench with POTG on). Another option could be the undead chessboard in Butcherblock which the Nec would probably be very useful at and you could prob stay at till mid-teens, just a bit annoying since you then have to trek to Felwithe for Ench spells and then trek to the Necro guild in Akanon for Necro spells.

From there the most convenient spot would be Oasis of Marr until like your low 20s. I say that because you can run back to FP for both Ench and Necro spells.

However, if you don't mind bringing your future spells with you or otherwise making a bit of a long run to Qeynos, you could go over and do Gorge and East Karana. Honestly, I think EK is one of the most underrated zones in the level range. There is a Druid ring to port into (make sure Nec is invised before as there are wandering Druid NPCs there) and also if you have the cash offer to tip Druids to port in and buff you, there's a Karana Bandit camp on the end that you can probably kill through the mid to late teens (and you can safely med on the north wall above it), there are lots of wandering mobs in the mid to late teens level range (obviously potential adds, but just pull them back toward the river where there aren't many wanderers), multiple vendors so the Ench can vendor for you guys, guards (obviously the ench would have to run the mobs to them), and zonelines right there for Gorge and NK if you need to zone aggro. Plus you can switch between Gorge and EK if you get bored. Once you hit like 20 IIRC you can do Crag Spiders till like 25 or 26 (put a couple points into tailoring and use their silk to make silk swatches which vendor for like 7.5pp a stack, helps a little with spell money).

Obviously there are a ton of other options, but those are usually the most efficient routes I like to use.
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Old 01-24-2025, 02:07 PM
Keebz Keebz is offline
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Originally Posted by Nedala [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
So killing in runnyeye will raise what faction? And is it a good leveling spot ?
The goblins and I think some of the other stuff raise merchants/guards of RV. The gorge is an excellent leveling spot. I've leveled my trolls and iksars there and they are now all non-kos in RV—can bank, vendor, etc—with the exception of the cleric GM on the path to kithicor. That one you have to invis/sneak by or specifically quest for. For your necro, you might want to do as well, or even start with that to get non-kos first.

Some useful links for faction questing:

For 2 casters, RV might not be the most useful faction, but it's pretty straight forward and the gorge is great exp for 10-25 or so.
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Old 01-26-2025, 02:04 PM
Nedala Nedala is offline
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So we are now lvl 13 and checked out the redwine quest: its to expensive for now.

Can the iksar do the bandage turn-in from the start? will he not be KOS to the quest giver?
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