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Old 01-15-2025, 10:46 PM
Treefall Treefall is offline

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Default Ok, can anyone explain the experience table on the wiki?

I feel like it looks self explanatory.

But I don't know if I understand.

For example level 1:
Level: 1 multiplier; xp to complete 1,000; 75 xp per kill of this level monster, makes sense so ~14 whites, less yellows.

Where I am starting to get confused the more I look at it is the multipliers. I have a char at level 54 and a char at 55 currently. Some things I've read on the web say 54 and 59 are worse than 55-58 (individually) but it sure doesn't look like that on this chart, and I am not sure I felt that on my char after hitting 55.

So what exactly does the multiplier mean, and why would people say that 54 is harder than 55 when it takes 4 million less experience points? Or were they just wrong?

Multiplier at 54 is 1.9 versus 2.1 at 55.

With that said, when I know a mobs con this chart seems fairly accurate (at 54) with how many blues at a given level it takes to make 1%.
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Old 01-15-2025, 11:02 PM
Swish Swish is offline
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The table was pulled from EQ stratics (an old site from back in the day). Have they got that implemented exactly here? Maybe? Maybe its close but not exact.

I'm sure you know already but its worth typing out for anyone who doesn't...

Racial penalties/bonuses...

Halfling 5% bonus
Barbarian 5% penalty
Ogre 15% penalty
Troll/Iksar 20% penalty

That'll skew the numbers a little if you're one of those.

(Before the hybrid XP penalty removal which doesn't exist currently on P99... a fun piece of trivia is you can level two halfling warriors to 60 in the time it would take you to level one iksar or troll SK [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] )
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Old 01-15-2025, 11:40 PM
Treefall Treefall is offline

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Originally Posted by Swish [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The table was pulled from EQ stratics (an old site from back in the day). Have they got that implemented exactly here? Maybe? Maybe its close but not exact.

I'm sure you know already but its worth typing out for anyone who doesn't...

Racial penalties/bonuses...

Halfling 5% bonus
Barbarian 5% penalty
Ogre 15% penalty
Troll/Iksar 20% penalty

That'll skew the numbers a little if you're one of those.

(Before the hybrid XP penalty removal which doesn't exist currently on P99... a fun piece of trivia is you can level two halfling warriors to 60 in the time it would take you to level one iksar or troll SK [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] )
I appreciate that insight, and yeah I am aware of racial (and formerly) class penalties/bonuses. Also aware of ZEM (I was comparing 54 on my class with no bonus or penalty in a zone currently thought to be 100 ZEM).

I guess I am truly curious what the multiplier piece means, is it more xp per mob killed to offset the increase in xp per level, whereby 54 and 59 are leaps and bounds harder?

What exactly does the multiplier do/mean?
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Old 01-16-2025, 12:09 AM
Keebz Keebz is offline
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Originally Posted by Swish [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
a fun piece of trivia is you can level two halfling warriors to 60 in the time it would take you to level one iksar or troll SK
Only true if it was solo xp. In groups exp is divided equitably such that those with penalties get proportionally more exp. This is so everyone in the group levels at the same speed.
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Old 01-16-2025, 02:00 AM
Duik Duik is offline
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Originally Posted by Keebz [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Only true if it was solo xp. In groups exp is divided equitably such that those with penalties get proportionally more exp. This is so everyone in the group levels at the same speed.
That was not my understanding. That would mean everyone in the group was "paying" for the supposed racial/class advantages. That makes no sense to me. I have been known to be wrong though.

If true that would be why peeps hated grouping wiff shadow knigh trolls etc.

I thort it was mob xp was split according to lvls within the group. So 6 20 lvl chars all get 1/6th of the mobs exp.

Also heard it was based on the total xp of the various charcters. A lvl 20 troll/shd has something like 168% more total xp than a lvl 20 human warrior. Trl/shd gets that much more xp than the hum/war. Or something like that.
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Old 01-16-2025, 01:03 PM
Keebz Keebz is offline
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Originally Posted by Duik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Also heard it was based on the total xp of the various charcters. A lvl 20 troll/shd has something like 168% more total xp than a lvl 20 human warrior. Trl/shd gets that much more xp than the hum/war. Or something like that.
That's the mechanics of it more or less. The phrasing of the penalties and the way they work in practice is slightly mismatched.

At the end of the day a group with troll/sk only needs to be about 10% more efficient than the group with the human/war to make up for the penalty, which isn't far fetched given the on demand aggro, snares, regen and stats bonuses. Also keep in mind all casters, shamans, monks, and fatty warriors come with a (smaller) penalty as well, so the delta isn't as high.

Where the penalties really hurt is the non-tank hybrids, like ranger and bard. If the ranger is tanking the same math applies but if they are just taking a dps slot over a rogue and auto-attacking? Then you're taking a 7% hit. A poorly played bard can equally tax you. If they provide some critical function—rooting, mezzing, mana-regen—it can be worth it.

Tldr; if you need a replacement tank for your classic group, a hybrid tank is great. But try to avoid the group with 2 rangers and a bard.
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Old 01-16-2025, 01:23 PM
cd288 cd288 is offline
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Originally Posted by Duik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Also heard it was based on the total xp of the various charcters. A lvl 20 troll/shd has something like 168% more total xp than a lvl 20 human warrior. Trl/shd gets that much more xp than the hum/war. Or something like that.
Correct. So those with penalties get more XP and people within the group level at roughly the same speed.
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Old 01-16-2025, 01:57 PM
Vivitron Vivitron is offline

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Originally Posted by Duik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
That was not my understanding. That would mean everyone in the group was "paying" for the supposed racial/class advantages. That makes no sense to me. I have been known to be wrong though.

If true that would be why peeps hated grouping wiff shadow knigh trolls etc.

I thort it was mob xp was split according to lvls within the group. So 6 20 lvl chars all get 1/6th of the mobs exp.

Also heard it was based on the total xp of the various charcters. A lvl 20 troll/shd has something like 168% more total xp than a lvl 20 human warrior. Trl/shd gets that much more xp than the hum/war. Or something like that.
It changes on the Jan 2001 patch. Before that the troll/shd takes a larger share of group xp, afterwards it doesn't.
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Old 01-16-2025, 02:12 PM
Treefall Treefall is offline

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So does anyone have insight into what the multipliers mean?
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Old 01-16-2025, 05:18 PM
cd288 cd288 is offline
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Originally Posted by Treefall [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
So does anyone have insight into what the multipliers mean?
Not sure on the multipliers but IIRC a couple years back I was using an experience calculator I found online and from what I could tell it was pretty accurate (I think I just googled P99 Green Experience Calculator). Might be out of date now though, I feel like it was during the hybrid penalty era.
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