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Old 01-02-2025, 08:01 PM
Goregasmic Goregasmic is offline

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Originally Posted by sajbert [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Splitting and FD is not what a wizard does, nor does a wizard ever need to head into Howling Stones. Apples and oranges. It's not what's being discussed.
Yeah they don't need to head to HS because they can't solo any dungeon greater than like... splitpaw and no one will take them into a group in a game designed around social interactions LOLOLOLOL.

Seriously though, they're the kings of burning single targets but it is mostly terrible outside raids so you're forced to quad from your first AE spell to 60, killing 4 mobs and having to med for 12 minutes. That's not what I call a smooth leveling experience. Especially considering you only have a handful of options past 44, most of them only big enough to support 1-2 players.

But yeah keep thinking monks have it worse, I'm not even sure all 3 wizards on the server agree with you.
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Old 01-05-2025, 06:12 PM
sajbert sajbert is offline
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Hey, having a twinked monk at 51 and a Wiz at 60 that's just my experience. By comparison I feel weaker solo than my Wiz did. Eventually things will shift in favor of the monk but that's compared to the weakest caster. It'll never catch up to the big boys.

That's not to say monks aren't strong as far as melee goes, but there's only so far they go.

And you can argue about pulling and their importance in raids and whatnot. Sure but even Wizards have TL and bane. Everyone has a role to play.
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Old 01-05-2025, 10:29 PM
Vivitron Vivitron is offline

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Dual wield is a large damage boost for npcs by those levels, so those guards are probably some of the most lopsided in favor of wizards over monks (shields give them dual wield). Both excellent raid classes imo, and I think you will find plenty of relevant non-raid content where a geared 60 monk is ideal.
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Old 01-08-2025, 08:21 AM
zelld52 zelld52 is offline
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monk can solo in any dungeon. wizard cannot. end of discussion. as someone else said theres like 2 options for wizards after level 44. so if theyre completely camped - sorry. groups dont want wizards.

the exp bonus in dungeons is better than outdoor zones. imagine trying to get to 60 on suits in wakening lands with a 85 ZEM.

or get to 60 in the hole with its 130 ZEM, or howling stones with 110 ZEM.
Last edited by zelld52; 01-08-2025 at 08:24 AM..
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Old 01-08-2025, 11:49 AM
sajbert sajbert is offline
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Originally Posted by zelld52 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
monk can solo in any dungeon. wizard cannot. end of discussion. as someone else said theres like 2 options for wizards after level 44. so if theyre completely camped - sorry. groups dont want wizards.

the exp bonus in dungeons is better than outdoor zones. imagine trying to get to 60 on suits in wakening lands with a 85 ZEM.

or get to 60 in the hole with its 130 ZEM, or howling stones with 110 ZEM.
Wizards can solo XP in dungeons, quadding is just better. You also underestimate the XP you get quadding, not to mention the AFK-time which translates to getting shit done at home or work.

None of this is what I'm talking about though. I'm saying that my experience of monk, despite heavily twinked, is not that it's some powerhouse. That seems to happen at 60 with an abundance of raid loot (most of which is 2-3 x the price of gear of other classes) and in which case an enchanter shaman or necro will still shit on you. Wizard is literally the weakest caster and by comparison I still feel weak as a monk.

You can disagree or agree, at this point I quite frankly don't care. For anyone else starting a monk my message is thus - it ain't all that but if you enjoy the mechanics of monk it's a fun class!
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Old 01-08-2025, 01:30 PM
sajbert sajbert is offline
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Originally Posted by Vivitron [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Dual wield is a large damage boost for npcs by those levels, so those guards are probably some of the most lopsided in favor of wizards over monks (shields give them dual wield).
At that level, what options are there though? Kunark and Velious mobs hit harder and/or have inflated HP pools. SolB mobs drop nothing of note. Kaladim guards have shields too, felwithe guards heal, Paineel guards are too low level, Freeport guards afaik green out too / and or dual wield, etc.

That's just what happens at 50 or so. Mobs start scaling more than players and that's why mages also struggle. Casters that can negate damage using CC and in particular classes that can charm can bypass this issue, mostly anyway.
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Old 01-08-2025, 04:07 PM
Vivitron Vivitron is offline

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Originally Posted by sajbert [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
At that level, what options are there though? Kunark and Velious mobs hit harder and/or have inflated HP pools. SolB mobs drop nothing of note. Kaladim guards have shields too, felwithe guards heal, Paineel guards are too low level, Freeport guards afaik green out too / and or dual wield, etc.

That's just what happens at 50 or so. Mobs start scaling more than players and that's why mages also struggle. Casters that can negate damage using CC and in particular classes that can charm can bypass this issue, mostly anyway.
TBH I'm not sure at that level range. Some of CoM might be pretty good. In my experience Kunark mobs mostly follow the default max hit/hp formulas from classic, and some of Velious do too although I agree many mobs have an increased max hit there -- the velious wiki max hit values seem to sometimes be notably higher and I've often heard your same comment made, so maybe it was worse when p99 first implemented the expansions.
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Old 01-08-2025, 09:42 PM
TrevarianX TrevarianX is offline

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I have a 51 monk fungi/t-staff going. Using RBB + eyepatch of plunder for haste. Just moved from Feer/Oasis specs to killing McMarin brothers in Everfrost. I can keep two brothers down pretty smooth. Also camped the hallway Ice Giant for a bit the night. I’d say that’s pretty unusual.
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