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Old 11-08-2024, 11:32 PM
Snaggles Snaggles is offline
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Originally Posted by Jimjam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Okay, I felt like doing some dirty simple maths (i.e. way oversimplified to be realistic or applicable) to see when bob axe is better than SoB.

I'm going to assume the damage bonus tables according to Lucy are correct, since this is really just an academic exercise and I don't care if the answer is wrong or useless.

Below level 30 the dmg cap is 30, so the question is at what value of n does the following statement become true (30n+4)/44>(30n+1)/37.

Lets multiply both sides by the denominators (37 and 44)

(30n+4)*37 > (30n+1)*44

expands to

30n*37 + 4*37 > 30n*44 + 44
1110n + 148 > 1320n + 44

isolate n

148-44 > 1320n-1110n
104 > 210n

n< 104/210 ~~ 0.5

ergo below level 30, the multiplier to dmg must be about 0.5 or less for bob to out white damage SoB - if we assume multiplier can be from 0.1 to 2 x dmg (which holds true for str+offence < 201) this means your average hits would need to be very low (high AC / level targets?) for this situation to precipitate.

Level 30+ the statement becomes (33n+4)/44 > (31n+1)/37 as dmg for these weapons becomes uncapped. In this situation the modifier to dmg must be n<0.7 for bob to produce better white damage than sob.

Following throuhg to 60, where the damage bonus becomes +37 and +31 instead of +4 and +1 (again according to Lucy), bob would only outwhitedamage sob when n<0.03 (a situation which can't occur as the lowest possible dmg multiplier is 0.1, one tenth of dmg).

So yeah, my DSM confirms that at lower levels, especially at 30 BoB has better white damage than SoB against targets with strong mitigation, even before considering the extra 3 or 4 dps granted by it's proc.

I have no idea why I did this. Completely pointless.
I used a Staff of Battle as an example because it’s 500p where the Dojo is like 10k on blue. A Reaver is 6k.

If I had a Dojo and couldn’t sell it, id put it on an EC mule. BiS for that [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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Old 11-09-2024, 11:09 AM
PatChapp PatChapp is offline
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Since you have a winters fury,I would just use that. It's wildly superior damage output will work out to more damage than the one -2 procs per minute with the shitty vene axe
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Old 11-09-2024, 07:18 PM
Crede Crede is offline
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Originally Posted by Botten [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This is chance to talk about the fun I set out to accomplish on my warrior while leveling.

A warrior when leveling doesn't always hold the attention of the player like the other classes.

The exciting point in leveling when you get your next slow, charm, buff, teleport etc.. just isn't there as it is with the other classes.

So gearing can be where the fun is.

I set out to have a warrior with 255 dex at all times who had a number of procing weapons and let me tell you it has been a very fun journey.

This is the gear I accomplished from the start for my warrior that gave me 255 dex.[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]exTroll

(all gear was bought, however, some were very rare)

I have a lot of procing weapons and it help to find the ones you want to get from this list.

The best from level one, was the Doljonijiarnimorinar

It proced often and was a lot of fun to lay out the mobs very early on. I would almost consider it a powerleveling weapon.

For procing buffs -
Best fun was the Cat o' Nine Tails (swapped it in and out for the buff starting at level 20)

Next best fun was the Beetle Stinger (swapped it in and out for the buff starting at level 30)

Next best fun was the Luminary Two Handed Sword (a Cha buff ... But not needed)

For low level fun and mob control was the
Glaive of Marltek - (Procs a Snare at level 15)

And I am currently at level 53 with the Truncheon of Doom - (Procs a 50% slow at level 50)

Lastly for soloing I do use two Blood Point and they do proc often for life steal

For faction farming I use the Earthshaker or Sword of Skyfire - Earthshaker for fun

Last fun procing item is for those annoying debuffs; the Glowing Black Sword (You don't need it thou and you don't want to use it in group)

I don't have a the Paebala Warbone but I hear that is fun too
(Oh this reminds me, I need to verify whether there is some type of aggro that carries from putting the illusion debuff on the mob. I think there is.)

I want a Herbalist Spade to test aggro control

I have a no drop Wish List to test aggro generation and that is:

And I am working with the Bow of the Huntsman with A Weighted Axe (I don't think it affects procs and there are too few procs even with 255 dex. Something is borked.)

.. the Exquisite Velium Reinforced Bow is better

Either way having fun!
Pulled this from another thread, I think this guy figured out everything you need for a warrior dex build.
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