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Old 07-25-2016, 02:28 PM
Spyder73 Spyder73 is offline

Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: 36th Chamber
Posts: 1,901

From my understanding of things, the reason for the long variance is basically a punishment for some of the older guilds (TMO) monopolizing content and bullying the entire server. There was a belief amongst the staff that these guilds would burn out and only people who really needed an item would track a specific mob and balance would find itself…but it just hasn’t played out like that unfortunately. The reality of P99 is there are enough people who are either unemployed, work from home, or are willing/able to log into the game within 20 seconds of a batphone/wake up channel call. The 2 big guilds have people who track every single dragon in Velious every single week for the full duration of each spawn.

I don’t believe P99 was meant to be played like this, the “point” of this raid gear is borderline meaningless at this stage of the game, but then again maybe my EQ goals are just different than some others – to each their own. I tried raiding hardcore and I just can’t justify it to myself, the raid attendance requirements do not mesh with someone who can only play after work and on the weekends… Sirken should make a law that we can only kill dragons between 6pm and 11pm CST and it would solve a lot of problems.