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Old 01-27-2016, 02:04 PM
Tongpow Tongpow is offline

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Default Eve Online

Citadel expansion is looking pretty dope gents.

good time to get involved returning player or new.

what i do now instead of waiting for dragons to spawn:
Old 01-27-2016, 02:58 PM
Filthy_Pagan Filthy_Pagan is offline

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My dad plays this game pretty obsessively. He's always telling me about how many billions of isk he made in his last venture, the latest drone upgrade or missile pod he added to his navy issue scorpion, or how he narrowly escaped being ambushed at a warp gate by space pirates.

I'd definitely try it out, but the idea of spending days to months training single skills, or having to mine ore for months before I can afford a decent ship sort of makes me shy away from it.
Old 01-27-2016, 04:24 PM
Daywolf Daywolf is offline
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Originally Posted by Filthy_Pagan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
the latest drone upgrade or missile pod he added to his navy issue scorpion
haz but pref CNR over navy scorp, at least for a mission boat. Hawk is the best though, but a bit screwed lately since power creep with t3 dessys. They really botched that bad imo. CCP has this balance problem, anything new is way OP making systems you trained months for... well trash. At least I didn't get into industry hehehe. If you like teh pew, and like EVE, get yourself X3:TC to start - when it goes on sale (or sooner), wont regret it.

Lately haz been getting my fix off of X series. You can even mod in EVE ships. They even fixed up rebirth with the many many updates it needed, not too bad. If you like teh pew, and EVE, get youtself X3:TC or X Rebirth, wont regret it.
Last edited by Daywolf; 01-27-2016 at 04:41 PM..
Old 01-29-2016, 04:59 PM
stormlord stormlord is offline
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Originally Posted by Daywolf [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
haz but pref CNR over navy scorp, at least for a mission boat. Hawk is the best though, but a bit screwed lately since power creep with t3 dessys. They really botched that bad imo. CCP has this balance problem, anything new is way OP making systems you trained months for... well trash. At least I didn't get into industry hehehe. If you like teh pew, and like EVE, get yourself X3:TC to start - when it goes on sale (or sooner), wont regret it.

Lately haz been getting my fix off of X series. You can even mod in EVE ships. They even fixed up rebirth with the many many updates it needed, not too bad. If you like teh pew, and EVE, get youtself X3:TC or X Rebirth, wont regret it.
Almost ALL MMO's have that problem. It's called mudflation. It's tied to the fact players are playing together and new content is always streaming in to feed the upper tiers. Also MMO's can't be chagned by players--a big one!

Single player games resolve a lot of it because you can mod it and you're playing alone. But they get old too. Just different. The way they get old is the codebase being too far behind. Usually graphics and interface.
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Last edited by stormlord; 01-29-2016 at 05:12 PM..
Old 01-29-2016, 08:56 PM
Daywolf Daywolf is offline
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Originally Posted by stormlord [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Almost ALL MMO's have that problem. It's called mudflation. It's tied to the fact players are playing together and new content is always streaming in to feed the upper tiers. Also MMO's can't be chagned by players--a big one!

Single player games resolve a lot of it because you can mod it and you're playing alone. But they get old too. Just different. The way they get old is the codebase being too far behind. Usually graphics and interface.
Yeah, almost all MMO's are progression themeparks. EVE isn't. EVE is a centric pvp mmo, a space simulator sandbox. Even for those that claim they only pve, as soon as they undock they are still participating in a pvp centric game where their actions are effected by pvp whether or not they seek to engage in pvp.

This requires some level of balance. If you spend a year profecting a specific ship, and then suddenly they release an OP ship (which only takes about a month to train for) that decimates your ship you trained for (for 6-12 months), there is something dramatically wrong there. They spend years rebalancing all the ships, making things like frigates relevant again, years revamping the game from the broken hull it had become, then suddenly throw that balance out of whack again, it's just not a WoW clone to do that. And they do it for the hype, that's all, so it's fun for a few to go around blapping things and promote to new players, until the next OP ship is released. That's fail.

Because that's exactly opposite of what they have been working on. Balance was the important thing in the game for years after so many complaints from players. A lot of dev time went into balance, huge amounts of time. Then they throw that out and start putting out OP ships and destroy that re-balancing work.

Really, so you'd have no problem spending like a year training a specific ship (that is balanced with others and not OP) just to have a brand new ship tossed into the game with little training required to make your training irrelevant? And that after the devs spent years trying to fix such problems in the first place (and really did a good job on it).

But as far as space mmo's go, it's the better choice of the lot. It has an old school mmo feel much like EQ here. No crap instancing like all the other space mmo's have. Unfortunately they are dumbing EVE down though, and reaching too hard for new players that they don't have while messing with the vet players. Peak time numbers are way down. More players there than here, but here is stable, there you know something is wrong as they shed lots of active players over time.
Old 01-30-2016, 03:25 AM
Tongpow Tongpow is offline

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Originally Posted by Daywolf [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
they are dumbing EVE down though, and reaching too hard for new players that they don't have while messing with the vet players. Peak time numbers are way down. More players there than here, but here is stable, there you know something is wrong as they shed lots of active players over time.

EVE is dying.(tm) I believe a neutral observer would say that EVE is becoming Space Ultima Online or Space Everquest. We have an entrenched game losing established players to competition that is simultaneously extremely intimidating for new players even outside of "the learning cliff." But both games survived for years with greatly diminished user bases and I suspect EVE could too.
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there is alot of factors in play from bans to ISBoxer input automation removing the need for 1 man to have a 20account personal bomber fleet or 30 mining characters running at once , RMT cartels, the jump fatigue patch that killed the need to have a MASSIVE cyno lighting alt network across the entire galaxy for groups such a PL, 30day account time item(plex) increasing in price something like 250% in the last 5years( i remember plex prices at like 300-400mil the first time i played eve its at 1.2billion each atm) people just moving the fuck on with their life..etc...etc...etc

the GAME itself hasn't been this fun in fucking years. Sub-capital class ship pvp is in a good place, the new ships maybe needing abit of a tweak (Svipul,Garmur..etc) its still way to early to tell but the changes to Sovereignty mechanics in nullsec seem to be for the best, with jump fatigue nerfing the old guard's power projection across the map making holding large amounts of space not worth it ( was it ever? minus a giant fucking renting empire). and a whole bunch of other shit my noob ass could never understand
Last edited by Tongpow; 01-30-2016 at 03:36 AM..
Old 01-27-2016, 05:33 PM
Tongpow Tongpow is offline

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Originally Posted by Filthy_Pagan [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I'd definitely try it out, but the idea of spending days to months training single skills, or having to mine ore for months before I can afford a decent ship sort of makes me shy away from it.
the skills thing, and mining rocks are basically fucking memes and stereotypes and have always been such. waiting for skills to finish training can be not fun there is generally this spot a couple months in when you go " oh fuck " when stuff starts to slow down abit but u can still have alot of fun

i only have 3 million skill points (you start the game with 500,000 skillpoints so im like 2.5months in or so on this new account) and i haven't had this much fun playing a video game in years you can fly a tackle frigate after like 4hours after you install the game and be having a fucking blast in a big fleet fight 50-200people in nullsec AND as a fucking newbie they let you loot the battlefield after the fight i make more fucking money in 5mins looting than a mental cripple in safe space makes mining rocks for hours

join one of the nullsec newbie groups Horde,Karmafleet..etc and leave hisec as fast as you can and ignore the fucking tutorial its garbage and you can do this shit on the trial account also without paying anything to see if u like it

*drops the mic*
Last edited by Tongpow; 01-27-2016 at 05:40 PM..
Old 01-27-2016, 10:26 PM
Daywolf Daywolf is offline
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Originally Posted by Tongpow [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
big fleet fight 50-200people in nullsec
Muh I botch edited my last post, edit was acting nuts, didn't mean to repeat. But anyway, bigger fights than that. More like thousand people or more going at it for hours and hours. Lag? oh yeah... well they use tidi now, which is time dilation, where everything slows down, even to a snails pace. Then there are other things to do w/o all the crazy drama from null alliances. hah reminds me... this is funny (warning: language... whining, tears)
Yup lol

I wouldn't suggest skipping the tutorial, not unless you have someone standing over your shoulder teaching you how to play. And the tutorial isn't even enough, then you best do the career agent missions. Still years into the game you will be trying to wrap you head around things. EVE is the most complicated game you will ever play, the most outdated game wiki you will ever find, it's no joke it's referred to as Spreadsheets Online.
Old 01-28-2016, 04:04 AM
Tongpow Tongpow is offline

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the old tutorial was better, there is a new one now its kinda weird it doesn't even tell you about career agents you gotta be told about it in the rookie chat, eve-uni wiki + youtube videos seems to be a good approach

just know there is a place where someone will stand over your shoulder in a way we get brand spanking new players down in Horde staging system that don't even know what a stargate is and get a 1 on 1 mentor thing going over mumble and fleets that are just newbies + 1 fc who will who teach them

many low member count, high skill point groups around us are learning first hand how utterly fucking terrifying a horde of organized newbros can be in fleet engagements while we take their r64,r32 money making moons and burning capital ship wrecks as scalps in our radius of destruction

it depends what role you enjoy in the giant machine that is the sandbox for me it's just being a line member pvp pilot a cog in the war machine that requires no spreadsheet.

other people mine the rocks, other people build my ships, other people theory craft how it should be equipped, other people fit them via doctrine standards i just live die live again madmax style while yelling allah akbar at our enemies

Originally Posted by Daywolf [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
hah reminds me... this is funny

keep...calm..and we'll win.......
eve lost a great man when Elo quit
Last edited by Tongpow; 01-28-2016 at 04:14 AM..
Old 01-28-2016, 04:53 AM
Daywolf Daywolf is offline
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Originally Posted by Tongpow [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
the old tutorial was better, there is a new one now its kinda weird it doesn't even tell you about career agents you gotta be told about it in the rookie chat, eve-uni wiki + youtube videos seems to be a good approach
eh no, too complicated, most can't just jump in and head out to all this action like you say, that not EVE at all. There is a most serious learning curve, even to sit there in your newbie ship for 30 minutes just trying to figure out how to move and turn.

Yes the old tutorial was better, but as CCP tends to do they take something good and make it suck, sometimes just suck really bad in fact. After the new tutorial, new players sticking around dropped significantly. So they started to make these phony video commercials recently, just like they did before with the "bounty hunter profession" that didn't even exist and still doesn't to this day (a lot of community backlash over that) except in some phony video. CCP LOVES hype, even when it's not remotely true of the game.

In fact each tutorial tends to get worse. Years ago, like 6 or 7 years ago (yeah been playing long time) the tutorial would actually talk to you, Aura, sexy British chick voice, and the tutorial worked really well. Now it's just some points of interest thing, hardly even a tutorial. So they give newbies cheap crap to make them feel like they are special and have a future in the game, bribe. And really, you learn the most early on by doing the career agent missions, which they haven't touched for a long time so still actually works. But yeah, like you said, new players don't even know about them, not since they removed the notification for them from the newbie tutorials.
Originally Posted by Tongpow [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
while yelling allah akbar at our enemies
Ohh... you're in karmafleet, aren't you? just started. Meh Goons. Figures...

No I don't recommend this game, not unless you already like space mmo's a whole lot. I started with EnB (at release), went to SWG (at release, had to wait for space), then after SWG:NGE was released (turned SWG into a literal ghost town which lead to it's shutdown) went to EVE as many did. I usually have a space mmo and some other mmo subscription (when there were subs anyways). You are better off playing this when you realize what I'm saying is true and you ragequit [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

edit: or this which isn't on that list. Don't be turned off by older reviews of this one, they did a lot of good work to make it quite enjoyable. Though gameplay wise, I'd go with X3:TC, if you like it a little more challenging and complicated. But X3:TC is the leading game considered to be an EVE clone, and it's just 5 stars imo, for the pew pewer anyway. But Rebirth is different from the X series, and more of a casual cockpit shooter... though a bit more deeper than that.
Last edited by Daywolf; 01-28-2016 at 05:09 AM..
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