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Old 09-06-2012, 05:59 PM
Sirken Sirken is offline
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Default ASOIAF / Game of Thrones (SPOILERS INSIDE)

*****Game of Thrones Spoilers inside. Do NOT Read unless you have read all 5 books, or do not care about surprises.*****

so been thinking lots of things, looking for others' opinions as well.

Azor Azai = Jon? he'll be reborn by Melisandre, and as such able to battle with the Boltons, now free of his oath.

Ramsays letter to Jon is clearly BS. and most probably sent by Mance Rayder.

How about those meat pies that Lord Manderly served to the Freys [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Rhaegar + Lyanna = Jon Snow (which is why Ned must lie to even Robert when asked and go with the Wylla story) Jon born in 283AL, Lyanna dies in 283AL. however Ashera Dayne and Howland Reed must know the truth. Ashera told Ned to go to the Tower of Joy. and we know Howland Reed was there as well. Ashera "kills" herself so that the baby can both go with Ned, and also, more importantly, Ashera will be said to be the mother so that if Jon has Targaryen features, they can be excused as Dayne features. But Jon looks a lot like Arya, and Arya looks a lot like Lyanna.... and of course.. "Promise me.. Ned.."

Septa Lemore = (i think) Ashera Dayne. which would make a lot more sense if YoungGriff/Aegon was actually her kid, that was secretly swapped with Elia Martells baby (assuming her baby was stillborn)

Lightbringer = the men of the nights watch (or Dawn?)

Strong Robert = Gregor with Robb Starks head (Stark = Strong in German)

jaqen h'ghar = the alchemist (kills pate) = Pate. but WHY does Jaqen H'Ghar want to be in oldtown? Sams Horn?

i was told Tyrion could be a Targaryen, need more info please. (i dont think this is a thing)

Brienne screamed a word.. that word was clearly "sword". which means when she lured Jaime to see the hound, that was probably garbage, and Brienne is probably taking him to see Lady Stoneheart.

Hound is the grave digger on that isle Brienne goes to. he doesnt say the hound is dead, he says the hound is "at rest". he claims he buried the armor and used the helm to mark the grave. the helm is stolen and the wearer reeks havoc, which is then blamed on the hound.

Bloodraven = Brynden Rivers

Bran will never leave that cave. ever. (Jojen needs a fucking blanket) (update: poor jojen)

dragon riders should be, Dany, Aegon, and Jon, as they would all be Targaryens

Rickon is probably in Skagos, we know Bran went worth, so it makes sense Rickon would go the other way.

there MUST ALWAYS be a stark in winterfell. maybe ghosts in winterfell. ie: i think one of the ghosts talks to Theon (or this could be bran using trees?)

Balon Greyjoy i think was murdered by a faceless man, who was probably hired by Euron when he was sailing out east (near Bravos, or Asshai) (maybe Euron also hired them to get him the ice horn so that Euron has both?)

Varys. we know by what he says to Kevan that Varys is going to support Aegons claim. however, we do not know if Aegon is actually a Targaryen, or if the babe was swapped with Ashera Daynes babe or Illyrio's son. i lean towards Aegon being a blackfyre, Illyrio's son by Serra, and Varys' nephew.

and i know lots of theories exist that say Ashera is Jons mother. but imo, thats garbage, as i said earlier, R+L=Jon Snow.

should stannis die, maybe Gendry becomes Lord of the Baratheon Family? (Stannis will be the 1000th commander of the nights watch)

Knight of the Laughing Tree? maybe Lyanna? or Authur Dayne? or Howland Reed? Meera was surprised Bran hadnt heard the story, so most likely it was a stark. (cant be Lyanna due to that booming voice)

Where the fuck is Howland Reed?

Coldhands = not the old night king, not benjen stark. who else is missing?

and then that brings us to Baelish. personally, i wouldnt be surprised if Baelish wins the whole game. Robyn Arryn will die soon. the only other Arryn (Harrold Hardyng) will be married to sansa to lock down Winterfell and the North as well as the Vale of Arryn and Eyrie. not sure how he plans to take the south, unless Jofferys wedding was not the only plans made by The queen of thorns and Baelish. maybe her family rules the south, while baelish rules the north.... at least until the dragons show up anyway. (nevermind, im convinced that Sansa will bring about the end of Baelish)


feel free to agree, disagree, flame, or add your own thoughts ideas [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Last edited by Sirken; 05-06-2015 at 05:25 AM..

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