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Old 07-07-2018, 10:41 PM
syztem syztem is offline
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Default another warrior DPS + aggro which weapons to use thread

So these are the current weapons at my disposal:

Swift Blade of Zek
Wrapped Entropy blind whip

Just testing around today, I thought SBoZ/epic would be the most DPS but after parsing self buffed (59 iksar) eyepatch haste on the green giants outside kael wakening land. I was doing 40dps minimum upwards of 50 if lucky with an average of ~44 dps for nearly 50 kills of the same giant type.

I swapped to epic/epic and right away not only did I notice a bigger damage increase(maybe because primary bonus dmg to a 14dmg = higher hits?) and was pulling 52-55dps with ease and obviously a higher average dmg per hit. Add in procs and I could surpass 60dps with just 1-2 procs. This was over ~39 more giants of the same.

Now as far as aggro tanking goes, in previous exp groups seb etc I had very little issue pulling aggro using an item like swift blade/whip or swift/lammy using taunt for the most part. In some kael arena mini raid group I was using dual epics which worked well, but felt like I needed that extra proc chance from the WESS which came in handy when procs went off, not often enough to always hold aggro even though I think most of the melee were newbies and not evading/fd or watching aggro.

For pure aggro tanking/raid situation is epic/blind whip going to be my best or would frostbringer be better offhand then blind whip?

And another question. Is it worth it to still pursue a willsapper and infestation? Willsapper should be better mainhand then epic possibly? Long ago I saw some list of the optimal weapon setup for whats obtainable going from like sod/trident down to early vel noob aggro weapons frostbringer/wess etc and after seeing so many warriors using various combos now its just hard to tell if thats what they think is best or prefer or is best. Willsapper lacks stats that MH epic does, but ratio is better and proc if landed would be great for random things(obv resisted by velious raid bosses) but still aggro generator.
Old 07-07-2018, 10:53 PM
beargryllz beargryllz is offline

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Tank with epics most of the time

Use Red + frostbringer/WESS if you absolutely must have aggro and play with boosted apes that don't know how to evade aggro

Sell the swiftblade. Someone else will buy it, play with it for a little while, and then also try to sell it. I've seen it a million times.

End game tanking cannot neglect HP and cannot neglect clickies. If you're about to kill Vindi or Vulak or whatever you might as well blow a few pp on a root net recharge and just completely disregard the RNG that is weapon procs

Warriors aren't just a tanking class though. Warriors are catastrophic damage dealers, *especially* if you're stacking up damage shield, holding aggro, and swinging high-ratio weapons at everything that moves. That big DPS increase you parsed by using both epic weapons is an example of this phenomenon in action.
Last edited by beargryllz; 07-07-2018 at 10:59 PM..
Old 07-07-2018, 11:13 PM
syztem syztem is offline
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What about keeping the SBoZ for when im not tanking, or want non aggro weapons? or is it really just not worth it, Thinking back i mean most important fights our main tank will use 2-3 clicks of a midnight mallet. But thinking more on it once i hit 60 I might be ramp or even main tank on some smaller stuff like vindi. Not the best geared, have vindi bp/boots, BoBs, cof/rbb some crystal chitin, eyepatch all that. Been on red years n years and this is first warrior ive ever played im so used to being rogue dps, adjusting to the tank role is funky after 7+ years dps.

Thanks for the quick response though, Will wait to see a reply about 0 aggro weapons using sboz/epic but I think you may be right. As far as raiding goes, If i am NOT tanking on said warrior, Then I will most likely be on a primal rogue dpsing instead of a warrior.
Old 07-07-2018, 11:31 PM
beargryllz beargryllz is offline

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You can use SBoZ as a non-aggro dps weapon but I think it's probably better to use 2H. I don't have parses to support this, but I'm pretty confident here. I was initially disappointed because I thought the big selling point of a warrior was that you could swing two weapons, but whatever. Reavers and primal battle axes have done a lot to change my mind about warrior DPS. Something about 3 minutes of precision discipline, innate triple attack, and line after line of 200-300 dmg hits stacked in a nice row, separated only by the odd critical hit just looks really really good.

ramp tank = max dps, max hp. The only thing a ramp tank has to do is shoot 1 arrow at the mob before any idiot gets on the aggro list. If you're using proc weapons as an RT, you've likely made a mistake or are using sub-optimal gear.

I feel super useful being able to switch from MT to RT to mindless DPS. Warriors are just badass like that. You'll never really surpass a rogue in damage, but you'll do more damage than almost anyone else if you have gear, and warriors *love* good gear
Old 07-07-2018, 11:45 PM
syztem syztem is offline
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I didn't skill 2h up so im just now working on it, i dropped 100 points or so into it to get it bumped up faster. right now around 157 skill i was testing 2h on a 60 bard and him singing hp song with lute standing still clicking SS Bp heal(assuming i don't kick him to stop his heals, was mostly so i could keep attacking him to see hits) I noticed a lot of max 89 average hits, Felt like I was back on my epic 60 sk or pally, but hitting for 30 more damage a swing.

Sitting i was hitting 189s or something on him, on a 55 druid sitting it was around 229 max hit. but the one gripe I only have with 2h epic is due to delay speed when you get 2 or 3 misses in a row, then hit for 20, then like a 50/30 before getting a 100 something and second hit for 70 its still a let down. I gotta say tho the procs for 175dd were wrecking him more then anything. Probably mostly due to my level difference and 2hs skill and attacking a plate character. Haven't had many options to try it out in PVE yet, Going to hopefully skill it up higher or cap it within the next day then see how it goes. Had some crippling 300s+ on PVE even when my skill was in the 40s when I first got it. But im hoping the lack of skill, and the proc damage will make up for any low hits/frequent misses.

as far as warrior surpassing rogue i can def agree with that. I have gone head to head with some of the best geared primal warriors with all diff weapon combos. Some of them with Vog/CotP can easily pull 70dps frontal. I am lucky to pull 60dps frontal as a primal rogue, but let me get their back and ill be up 150dps NP. Got that 20/30 bow of huntsman im mostly using for tagging, but on red server warriors can be downright monsters with bows. Some can just kite some classes around and tear them to shreds hitting for 50s average, crits 100+. using fleeting quivers, especially those with primal/priceless bows the damage is nuts in PVP. I can run around 5k hp on my rogue and if a warrior has a few bags of arrows he can spam bow me, run in every few for a possible good 2h hit/kick stun, if kick lands thats another round of hit chunking anywhere from 100-400dmg minimum.. I dunno what its like on blue if you guys have bow warriors, might not really be a thing since all you can do is attack NPCs but in a /duel itd be very surprising.
Old 07-09-2018, 05:38 AM
syztem syztem is offline
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oh! damn i completely forgot about triple attack. now am i even more anxious. especially on a 1hander that must be awesome. People dont really use nets on red, i think they may also have a cast time on them here, unsure. I will look into it though.

Do aura of battle items stack properly yet? I remember some of our rogues who had 2 + same buffs avatar/cotp none of us could go past 1490 even if one had 1 Aura of Battle and the other had 2 AoB items. only way to go higher was a bard atk song/epic proc. I think the hp regen stacked. this was over a year or two ago.
Old 07-09-2018, 12:43 PM
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Red epic mainhand, WESS offhand for when you must gain aggro on raids.

White dmg aggro is simply dmg/dly of the weapon per swing, and even a miss is the same aggro as a hit. The actual damage done (if any) is irrelevant.
Old 07-18-2018, 02:47 AM
Arkanjil Arkanjil is offline
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Blue blade is what is making your dos jump. It provides a TON on attack, so pairing that with swiftblade makes sense.

I personally use Willsapper MH primarily over the epic. It’s super practical to use with the slow proc and I’ve had quite a few cases where I’ve slowed raid dragons before the shamans land theirs. That happens quite a bit in places like HOT. I’ve parsed more aggro overall on the willsapper. The only downside is missing the 15hp and 5 sv all on the red blade, so I’ll still use that when the occasion calls for it.
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